blob: e3684de28afc65ed90376fcf1a58822a5e693bc7 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.sis.util.privy;
import java.text.Format;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.TimeZone;
import java.util.ServiceLoader;
import java.util.function.Supplier;
import javax.sql.DataSource;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import org.opengis.metadata.citation.Citation;
import org.apache.sis.system.Modules;
import org.apache.sis.system.OptionalDependency;
import org.apache.sis.util.CharSequences;
// Specific to the geoapi-3.1 and geoapi-4.0 branches:
import java.util.MissingResourceException;
import org.opengis.annotation.UML;
import org.opengis.annotation.ResourceBundles;
import org.opengis.util.ControlledVocabulary;
* Provides access to services defined in the {@code org.apache.sis.metadata} module.
* @author Martin Desruisseaux (Geomatys)
public class MetadataServices extends OptionalDependency {
* A pseudo-authority name used by {@link org.apache.sis.setup.InstallationResources} for identifying
* the embedded data resources. The actual data are provided by the metadata module.
public static final String EMBEDDED = "Embedded";
* The services, fetched when first needed.
* Guaranteed non-null after the search was done, even if the service implementation was not found.
* @see #getInstance()
private static volatile MetadataServices instance;
* For subclass only. This constructor registers this instance as a
* {@link org.apache.sis.system.SystemListener} in order to
* force a new {@code MetadataServices} lookup if the module path changes.
protected MetadataServices() {
super(Modules.UTILITIES, Modules.METADATA);
* Invoked when the module path changed. Resets the {@link #instance} to {@code null} in order
* to force the next call to {@link #getInstance()} to fetch a new one, which may be different.
protected final void classpathChanged() {
synchronized (MetadataServices.class) {
instance = null;
* Returns the singleton instance.
* @return the singleton instance.
public static MetadataServices getInstance() {
MetadataServices c = instance;
if (c == null) {
synchronized (MetadataServices.class) {
c = instance;
if (c == null) {
* Double-checked locking: okay since Java 5 provided that the `instance` field is volatile.
* In the particular case of this class, the intent is to ensure that SystemListener.add(…)
* is invoked only once.
c = getInstance(MetadataServices.class, ServiceLoader.load(MetadataServices.class), Modules.METADATA);
if (c == null) {
c = new MetadataServices();
instance = c;
return c;
* {@code true} if this thread is in the process of reading a XML document with JAXB.
* @return if XML unmarshalling is in progress in current thread.
public boolean isUnmarshalling() {
return false;
* Returns the title of the given enumeration or code list value.
* @param code the code for which to get the title.
* @param locale desired locale for the title.
* @return the title.
* @see org.apache.sis.util.iso.Types#getCodeTitle(ControlledVocabulary)
public String getCodeTitle(final ControlledVocabulary code, final Locale locale) {
* Following code reproduces the work done by `org.apache.sis.util.iso.Types.getCodeList(…)` with
* less handling of special cases. It is executed only if the `org.apache.sis.metadata` module is
* not on the module path, otherwise the `org.apache.sis.metadata` implementation will be used.
final UML uml = code.getClass().getAnnotation(UML.class);
if (uml != null) try {
return ResourceBundles.codeLists(locale).getString(uml.identifier() + '.' + code.identifier());
} catch (MissingResourceException e) {
* Ignore. The reason for not finding the resource may because of above code not covering enough cases.
* Usually the `org.apache.sis.metadata` module will be present on the module path, in which case this
* implementation will not be used. We need just enough code for allowing `org.apache.sis.util` tests
* to pass.
return CharSequences.camelCaseToSentence(code.identifier()).toString();
* Infers an identifier from the given citation, or returns {@code null} if no identifier has been found.
* This method returns a non-null value only if the identifier is a valid Unicode identifier.
* @param citation the citation for which to get the identifier, or {@code null}.
* @return a non-empty identifier without leading or trailing whitespaces, or {@code null}.
public String getUnicodeIdentifier(Citation citation) {
return null;
* Returns information about the Apache SIS configuration to be reported in {@link org.apache.sis.setup.About}.
* This method is invoked only for aspects that depends on other modules than {@code org.apache.sis.util}.
* <p>Current keys are:</p>
* <ul>
* <li>{@code "EPSG"}: version of EPSG database.</li>
* <li>{@code "DataSource"}: URL to the data source, or error message.</li>
* </ul>
* @param key a key identifying the information to return.
* @param locale language to use if possible.
* @return the information, or {@code null} if none.
public String getInformation(String key, Locale locale) {
return null;
* Creates a format for {@link org.opengis.geometry.DirectPosition} instances.
* @param locale the locale for the new {@code Format}, or {@code null} for {@code Locale.ROOT}.
* @param timezone the timezone, or {@code null} for UTC.
* @return a {@link org.apache.sis.geometry.CoordinateFormat}.
public Format createCoordinateFormat(final Locale locale, final TimeZone timezone) {
throw moduleNotFound();
* Returns the data source for the SIS-wide "SpatialMetadata" database.
* @return the data source for the {@code $SIS_DATA/Databases/SpatialMetadata} or equivalent database, or {@code null} if none.
* @throws SQLException if an error occurred while fetching the database source.
public DataSource getDataSource() throws SQLException {
throw moduleNotFound();
* Specifies the data source to use if there is no JNDI environment or if no data source is binded
* to {@code jdbc/SpatialMetadata}.
* @param ds supplier of data source to set, or {@code null} for removing previous supplier.
* This supplier may return {@code null}, in which case it will be ignored.
* @throws IllegalStateException if {@link DataSource} has already be obtained before this method call.
public void setDataSource(final Supplier<DataSource> ds) {
throw moduleNotFound();