blob: f59400c987391bb64c142df2a6bd3f945757cb06 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.TimeZone;
import java.util.Optional;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;
import java.nio.charset.Charset;
import java.nio.file.Path;
import java.nio.file.Files;
import java.nio.file.DirectoryStream;
import java.nio.file.DirectoryIteratorException;
import java.nio.file.StandardOpenOption;
import org.opengis.util.GenericName;
import org.opengis.util.NameFactory;
import org.opengis.util.NameSpace;
import org.opengis.metadata.Metadata;
import org.opengis.metadata.maintenance.ScopeCode;
import org.opengis.parameter.ParameterValueGroup;
import org.apache.sis.setup.OptionKey;
import org.apache.sis.util.collection.BackingStoreException;
import org.apache.sis.util.privy.UnmodifiableArrayList;
import org.apache.sis.util.iso.DefaultNameFactory;
* A folder store acts as an aggregate of multiple files in a single store.
* Only visible files are considered; all hidden files are excluded.
* Each visible file will be tested and eventually opened by another store.
* This approach allows to discover the content of a folder or archive without
* testing each file one by one.
* <h2>Limitations</h2>
* <ul>
* <li>Current version is read-only.</li>
* <li>Current version does not watch for external modifications in directory content.</li>
* <li>Current version open all files in the directory and keep those files open.
* If the directory is large, it will be a problem.</li>
* <li>We could open data stores concurrently. This is not yet done.</li>
* </ul>
* @author Johann Sorel (Geomatys)
* @author Martin Desruisseaux (Geomatys)
class Store extends DataStore implements StoreResource, UnstructuredAggregate, DirectoryStream.Filter<Path> {
* The data store for the root directory specified by the user.
* May be {@code this} if this store instance is for the root directory.
private final Store originator;
* The {@link StoreProvider#LOCATION} parameter value.
protected final Path location;
* An identifier for this folder, or {@code null} if not yet created. Only the root folder specified by
* user has an initially null identifier. All sub-folders shall have a non-null identifier determined
* at construction time.
* @see #identifier(NameFactory)
private GenericName identifier;
* The user-specified connector of the root directory.
* Used for inheriting options when creating connector for components.
protected final StorageConnector configuration;
* All data stores (including sub-folders) found in the directory structure, including the root directory.
* This is used for avoiding never-ending loop with symbolic links.
final Map<Path,DataStore> children;
* Information about the data store as a whole, created when first needed.
* @see #getMetadata()
private transient Metadata metadata;
* Resources in the folder given at construction time, created when first needed.
* @see #components()
transient Collection<Resource> components;
* The provider to use for probing the directory content, opening files and creating new files.
* The provider is determined by the format name specified at construction time.
* This field is {@code null} if that format name is null.
protected final DataStoreProvider componentProvider;
* {@code true} if {@link #sharedRepository(Path)} has already been invoked for {@link #location} path.
* This is used for avoiding to report the same message many times.
private transient boolean sharedRepositoryReported;
* A structured view of this aggregate, or {@code null} if not net computed.
* May be {@code this} if {@link CoverageAggregator} cannot do better than current resource.
* @see #getStructuredView()
private transient Resource structuredView;
* Creates a new folder store from the given file, path or URI.
* The folder store will attempt to open only the files of the given format, if non-null.
* If a null format is specified, then the folder store will attempt to open any file
* found in the directory (this may produce confusing results).
* @param provider the factory that created this {@code DataStore} instance, or {@code null} if unspecified.
* @param connector information about the storage (URL, stream, <i>etc</i>).
* @param path the value of {@code connector.getStorageAs(Path.class)}.
* @param format format to use for reading or writing the directory content, or {@code null}.
* @throws UnsupportedStorageException if the given format name is unknown.
* @throws DataStoreException if an error occurred while fetching the directory {@link Path}.
* @throws IOException if an error occurred while using the directory {@code Path}.
Store(final DataStoreProvider provider, final StorageConnector connector, final Path path, final DataStoreProvider format)
throws DataStoreException, IOException
super(provider, connector);
configuration = connector;
originator = this;
location = path;
children = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
children.put(path.toRealPath(), this);
componentProvider = format;
* Creates a new sub-folder store as a child of the given folder store.
* @param parent the parent folder store.
* @param connector information about the storage (URL, stream, <i>etc</i>).
* @throws DataStoreException if an error occurred while opening the stream.
private Store(final Store parent, final StorageConnector connector, final NameFactory nameFactory) throws DataStoreException {
super(parent, parent.getProvider(), connector, false);
configuration = parent.configuration;
originator = parent;
location = connector.commit(Path.class, StoreProvider.NAME);
children = parent.children;
componentProvider = parent.componentProvider;
identifier = nameFactory.createLocalName(parent.identifier(nameFactory).scope(), super.getDisplayName());
* Returns the data store for the root directory specified by the user.
public DataStore getOriginator() {
return originator;
* Returns the parameters used to open this data store.
public Optional<ParameterValueGroup> getOpenParameters() {
final String format = StoreUtilities.getFormatName(componentProvider);
final ParameterValueGroup pg = (provider != null ? provider.getOpenParameters() : StoreProvider.PARAMETERS).createValue();
Locale locale = configuration.getOption(OptionKey.LOCALE);
TimeZone timezone = configuration.getOption(OptionKey.TIMEZONE);
Charset encoding = configuration.getOption(OptionKey.ENCODING);
if (locale != null) pg.parameter("locale" ).setValue(locale );
if (timezone != null) pg.parameter("timezone").setValue(timezone);
if (encoding != null) pg.parameter("encoding").setValue(encoding);
if (format != null) pg.parameter("format" ).setValue(format);
return Optional.of(pg);
* Invoked during iteration for omitting hidden files.
public boolean accept(final Path entry) throws IOException {
return !Files.isHidden(entry);
* Returns the name of this folder.
public Optional<GenericName> getIdentifier() {
return Optional.of(identifier(null));
* Returns the name of this folder, creating it if needed.
* Only the root folder may have its creation delayed.
* @param nameFactory the factory to use for creating the root folder, or {@code null} for the default.
private synchronized GenericName identifier(NameFactory nameFactory) {
if (identifier == null) {
if (nameFactory == null) {
nameFactory = DefaultNameFactory.provider();
GenericName name = nameFactory.createLocalName(null, super.getDisplayName());
NameSpace ns = nameFactory.createNameSpace(name, Map.of("separator", "/"));
identifier = nameFactory.createLocalName(ns, ".");
return identifier;
* Returns information about the data store as a whole.
* Those metadata contains the directory name in the resource title.
* @return information about resources in the data store.
public synchronized Metadata getMetadata() {
if (metadata == null) {
final MetadataBuilder mb = new MetadataBuilder();
mb.addResourceScope(ScopeCode.COLLECTION, Resources.formatInternational(Resources.Keys.DirectoryContent_1, getDisplayName()));
final GenericName identifier = identifier(null);
String name = null;
if (identifier != null) {
name = identifier.toString();
if (".".equals(name)) name = null;
if (name == null) {
name = super.getDisplayName(); // User-specified folder (root of this resource).
mb.addTitleOrIdentifier(name, MetadataBuilder.Scope.RESOURCE);
metadata = mb.buildAndFreeze();
return metadata;
* Returns all resources found in the folder given at construction time.
* Only the resources recognized by a {@link DataStore} will be included.
* Sub-folders are represented by other folder {@code Store} instances;
* their resources are available by invoking {@link Aggregate#components()}
* on them (this method does not traverse sub-folders recursively by itself).
* Resources are in no particular order.
public synchronized Collection<Resource> components() throws DataStoreException {
if (components == null) {
final List<DataStore> resources = new ArrayList<>();
final NameFactory nameFactory = DefaultNameFactory.provider();
try (DirectoryStream<Path> stream = Files.newDirectoryStream(location, this)) {
for (final Path candidate : stream) {
* The candidate path may be a symbolic link to a file that we have previously read.
* In such case, use the existing data store. A use case is a directory containing
* hundred of GeoTIFF files all accompanied by ".prj" files having identical content.
* (Note: those ".prj" files should be invisible since they should be identified as
* GeoTIFF auxiliary files, but current Store implementation does not know that).
final Path real = candidate.toRealPath();
DataStore next = children.get(real);
if (next instanceof Store) {
((Store) next).sharedRepository(real); // Warn about directories only.
if (next == null) {
* The candidate file has never been read before. Try to read it now.
* If the file format is unknown (UnsupportedStorageException), we will
* check if we can open it as a child folder store before to skip it.
final StorageConnector connector = new StorageConnector(configuration, candidate);
connector.setOption(DataOptionKey.PARENT_LISTENERS, listeners);
connector.setOption(OptionKey.OPEN_OPTIONS, new StandardOpenOption[] {
StandardOpenOption.READ // Restrict to read-only mode.
try {
if (componentProvider == null) {
next =; // May throw UnsupportedStorageException.
} else if (componentProvider.probeContent(connector).isSupported()) {
next =; // Open a file of specified format.
} else if (Files.isDirectory(candidate)) {
next = new Store(this, connector, nameFactory); // Open a sub-directory.
} else {
connector.closeAllExcept(null); // Not the format specified at construction time.
} catch (UnsupportedStorageException ex) {
if (!Files.isDirectory(candidate)) {
listeners.warning(Level.FINE, null, ex);
next = new Store(this, connector, nameFactory);
} catch (DataStoreException ex) {
try {
} catch (DataStoreException s) {
throw ex;
* At this point we got the data store. It could happen that a store for
* the same file has been added concurrently, so we need to check again.
final DataStore existing = children.putIfAbsent(real, next);
if (existing != null) {
next = existing;
if (next instanceof Store) {
((Store) next).sharedRepository(real); // Warn about directories only.
} catch (DirectoryIteratorException | UncheckedIOException ex) {
// The cause is an IOException (no other type allowed).
throw new DataStoreException(canNotRead(), ex.getCause());
} catch (IOException ex) {
throw new DataStoreException(canNotRead(), ex);
} catch (BackingStoreException ex) {
throw ex.unwrapOrRethrow(DataStoreException.class);
components = UnmodifiableArrayList.wrap(resources.toArray(Resource[]::new));
return components; // Safe because unmodifiable list.
* Builds an error message for an error occurring while reading files in the directory.
private String canNotRead() {
return message(Resources.Keys.CanNotReadDirectory_1, getDisplayName());
* Logs a warning about a file that could be read, but happen to be a directory that we have read previously.
* We could add the existing {@link Aggregate} instance in the parent {@code Aggregate} that we are building,
* but doing so may create a cycle. Current version logs a warning instead because users may not be prepared
* to handle cycles. Note that we have no guarantee that a cycle really exists at this stage, only that it may
* exist.
private void sharedRepository(final Path candidate) {
if (!sharedRepositoryReported) {
sharedRepositoryReported = true;
listeners.warning(message(Resources.Keys.SharedDirectory_1, candidate));
* Returns a more structured (if possible) view of this resource.
* @return structured view. May be {@code this} if this method cannot do better than current resource.
* @throws DataStoreException if an error occurred during the attempt to create a structured view.
public synchronized Resource getStructuredView() throws DataStoreException {
if (structuredView == null) {
final CoverageAggregator aggregator = new CoverageAggregator(listeners);
structuredView =;
return structuredView;
* Returns the resource bundle to use for error message in exceptions.
final Resources messages() {
return Resources.forLocale(getLocale());
* Returns a localized string for the given key and value.
* @param key one of the {@link Resources.Keys} constants ending with {@code _1} suffix.
final String message(final short key, final Object value) {
return messages().getString(key, value);
* Closes all children resources.
* This method can be invoked asynchronously for interrupting a long reading process
* if the children stores also support asynchronous close operations.
public void close() throws DataStoreException {
listeners.close(); // Should never fail.
final Collection<Resource> resources;
synchronized (this) {
resources = components;
components = List.of();
identifier = null;
metadata = null;
structuredView = null;
if (resources != null && !resources.isEmpty()) {