blob: 0f3c9acafb448b6bac2278b8089752e4ca31df39 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import java.util.List;
import java.time.Instant;
import com.esri.core.geometry.Point;
import org.apache.sis.setup.GeometryLibrary;
import org.apache.sis.setup.OptionKey;
// Test dependencies
import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test;
import static org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.*;
import org.apache.sis.test.TestUtilities;
import org.apache.sis.test.TestCase;
import static org.apache.sis.metadata.Assertions.assertXmlEquals;
// Specific to the geoapi-3.1 and geoapi-4.0 branches:
import org.opengis.feature.Feature;
* Tests (indirectly) the {@link Writer} class.
* This class creates a {@link WritableStore} instance and uses it in write mode.
* The {@link Reader} is used for verifying the content.
* @author Johann Sorel (Geomatys)
* @author Martin Desruisseaux (Geomatys)
public final class WriterTest extends TestCase {
* The provider shared by all data stores created in this test class.
private final StoreProvider provider;
* Where to write the GPX file.
private final ByteArrayOutputStream output;
* Creates a new test case.
public WriterTest() {
provider = StoreProvider.provider();
output = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
* Creates a new GPX data store which will read and write in memory.
private WritableStore create() throws DataStoreException {
final StorageConnector connector = new StorageConnector(output);
connector.setOption(OptionKey.GEOMETRY_LIBRARY, GeometryLibrary.ESRI);
return new WritableStore(provider, connector);
* Returns a string representation of the XML data written by the test case.
* This is a helper method for debugging purpose only.
* @return the XML document written by the test case.
public String toString() {
try {
return output.toString("UTF-8");
} catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
throw new UncheckedIOException(e);
* Test writing GPX 1.0 metadata. This test creates programmatically the same metadata as the ones
* found in {@code 1.0/metadata.xml} file, then compares the written XML file with the expected file.
* @throws Exception if an error occurred while writing the XML data.
public void testMetadata100() throws Exception {
* Test writing GPX 1.1 metadata. This test creates programmatically the same metadata as the ones
* found in {@code 1.1/metadata.xml} file, then compares the written XML file with the expected file.
* @throws Exception if an error occurred while writing the XML data.
public void testMetadata110() throws Exception {
* Implementations of {@link #testMetadata100()} and {@link #testMetadata110()}.
* @param version either {@link StoreProvider#V1_0} or {@link StoreProvider#V1_1}.
* @param expected name of a test file containing the expected XML result.
private void testMetadata(final TestData data) throws Exception {
final Metadata metadata = MetadataTest.create();
try (WritableStore store = create()) {
store.write(metadata, null);
assertXmlEquals(data.openStream(TestData.METADATA), toString(), STRICT,
new String[] {Tags.NAMESPACE_V11 + ":extensions"},
new String[] {"xmlns:xsi", "xsi:schemaLocation", "xsi:type"});
* Tests writing various GPX 1.0 way points. This test creates programmatically the same features as
* the ones found in {@code 1.0/waypoint.xml}, then compares the written XML file with the expected file.
* @throws Exception if an error occurred while writing the XML data.
public void testWayPoints100() throws Exception {
testFeatures(TestData.V1_0, Type.WAY_POINT, TestData.WAYPOINT);
* Tests writing various GPX 1.1 way points. This test creates programmatically the same features as
* the ones found in {@code 1.1/waypoint.xml}, then compares the written XML file with the expected file.
* @throws Exception if an error occurred while writing the XML data.
public void testWayPoints110() throws Exception {
testFeatures(TestData.V1_1, Type.WAY_POINT, TestData.WAYPOINT);
* Tests writing various GPX 1.0 routes. This test creates programmatically the same features as
* the ones found in {@code 1.0/route.xml}, then compares the written XML file with the expected file.
* @throws Exception if an error occurred while writing the XML data.
public void testRoutes100() throws Exception {
testFeatures(TestData.V1_0, Type.ROUTE, TestData.ROUTE);
* Tests writing various GPX 1.1 routes. This test creates programmatically the same features as
* the ones found in {@code 1.1/route.xml}, then compares the written XML file with the expected file.
* @throws Exception if an error occurred while writing the XML data.
public void testRoutes110() throws Exception {
testFeatures(TestData.V1_1, Type.ROUTE, TestData.ROUTE);
* Tests writing various GPX 1.0 tracks. This test creates programmatically the same features as
* the ones found in {@code 1.0/track.xml}, then compares the written XML file with the expected file.
* @throws Exception if an error occurred while writing the XML data.
public void testTracks100() throws Exception {
testFeatures(TestData.V1_0, Type.TRACK, TestData.TRACK);
* Tests writing various GPX 1.1 tracks. This test creates programmatically the same features as
* the ones found in {@code 1.1/track.xml}, then compares the written XML file with the expected file.
* @throws Exception if an error occurred while writing the XML data.
public void testTracks110() throws Exception {
testFeatures(TestData.V1_1, Type.TRACK, TestData.TRACK);
* The kind of feature to write.
private enum Type {
* Implementation of way points, routes and tracks test methods.
* @param version either {@link TestData#V1_0} or {@link TestData#V1_1}.
* @param type the kind of feature to test: way point, route or track.
* @param expected name of a test file containing the expected XML result.
private void testFeatures(final TestData version, final Type type, final String expected) throws Exception {
try (WritableStore store = create()) {
store.version = version.schemaVersion;
testFeatures(store, type);
assertXmlEquals(version.openStream(expected), toString(),
"xmlns:xsi", "xsi:schemaLocation", "xsi:type");
* Writes way points, routes or tracks in the given store.
* @param store the store where to write.
* @param type the kind of feature to write: way point, route or track.
private void testFeatures(final WritableStore store, final Type type) throws Exception {
final Types types = store.types;
* Way Points as defined in "waypoint.xml" test file.
* Appear also in "route.xml" and "track.xml" files.
final Feature point1 = types.wayPoint.newInstance();
point1.setPropertyValue("sis:geometry", new Point(15, 10));
point1.setPropertyValue("time", Instant.parse("2010-01-10T00:00:00Z"));
point1.setPropertyValue("name", "first point");
point1.setPropertyValue("cmt", "first comment");
point1.setPropertyValue("desc", "first description");
point1.setPropertyValue("src", "first source");
point1.setPropertyValue("sym", "first symbol");
point1.setPropertyValue("type", "first type");
point1.setPropertyValue("ele", 140.0);
point1.setPropertyValue("magvar", 35.0);
point1.setPropertyValue("geoidheight", 112.32);
point1.setPropertyValue("sat", 11);
point1.setPropertyValue("hdop", 15.15);
point1.setPropertyValue("vdop", 14.14);
point1.setPropertyValue("pdop", 13.13);
point1.setPropertyValue("ageofdgpsdata", 55.55);
point1.setPropertyValue("dgpsid", 256);
point1.setPropertyValue("fix", Fix.NONE);
point1.setPropertyValue("link", List.of(new Link(new URI("")),
new Link(new URI("")),
new Link(new URI(""))));
final Feature point3 = types.wayPoint.newInstance();
point3.setPropertyValue("sis:geometry", new Point(35, 30));
point3.setPropertyValue("time", Instant.parse("2010-01-30T00:00:00Z"));
point3.setPropertyValue("name", "third point");
point3.setPropertyValue("cmt", "third comment");
point3.setPropertyValue("desc", "third description");
point3.setPropertyValue("src", "third source");
point3.setPropertyValue("sym", "third symbol");
point3.setPropertyValue("type", "third type");
point3.setPropertyValue("ele", 150.0);
point3.setPropertyValue("magvar", 25.0);
point3.setPropertyValue("geoidheight", 142.32);
point3.setPropertyValue("sat", 35);
point3.setPropertyValue("hdop", 35.15);
point3.setPropertyValue("vdop", 34.14);
point3.setPropertyValue("pdop", 33.13);
point3.setPropertyValue("ageofdgpsdata", 85.55);
point3.setPropertyValue("dgpsid", 456);
point3.setPropertyValue("fix", Fix.THREE_DIMENSIONAL);
point3.setPropertyValue("link", List.of(new Link(new URI("")),
new Link(new URI(""))));
final Feature point2 = types.wayPoint.newInstance();
point2.setPropertyValue("sis:geometry", new Point(25, 20));
final List<Feature> wayPoints = List.of(point1, point2, point3);
final List<Feature> features;
switch (type) {
case WAY_POINT: {
features = wayPoints;
case ROUTE: {
final Feature route1 = types.route.newInstance();
route1.setPropertyValue("name", "Route name");
route1.setPropertyValue("cmt", "Route comment");
route1.setPropertyValue("desc", "Route description");
route1.setPropertyValue("src", "Route source");
route1.setPropertyValue("type", "Route type");
route1.setPropertyValue("number", 7);
route1.setPropertyValue("rtept", wayPoints);
route1.setPropertyValue("link", List.of(new Link(new URI("")),
new Link(new URI("")),
new Link(new URI(""))));
final Feature route2 = types.route.newInstance();
features = List.of(route1, route2);
case TRACK: {
final Feature seg1 = types.trackSegment.newInstance();
final Feature seg2 = types.trackSegment.newInstance();
seg1.setPropertyValue("trkpt", wayPoints);
final Feature track1 = types.track.newInstance();
track1.setPropertyValue("name", "Track name");
track1.setPropertyValue("cmt", "Track comment");
track1.setPropertyValue("desc", "Track description");
track1.setPropertyValue("src", "Track source");
track1.setPropertyValue("type", "Track type");
track1.setPropertyValue("number", 7);
track1.setPropertyValue("trkseg", List.of(seg1, seg2));
track1.setPropertyValue("link", List.of(new Link(new URI("")),
new Link(new URI("")),
new Link(new URI(""))));
final Feature track2 = types.track.newInstance();
features = List.of(track1, track2);
default: throw new AssertionError(type);
* Add minimalist metadata and marshal.
final Bounds bounds = new Bounds();
bounds.westBoundLongitude = -20;
bounds.eastBoundLongitude = 30;
bounds.southBoundLatitude = 10;
bounds.northBoundLatitude = 40;
final Metadata metadata = new Metadata();
metadata.bounds = bounds;
metadata.creator = "DataProducer";
* Tests coexistence of read and write operations by first reading part of a file,
* then switching in write mode.
* @throws Exception if an error occurred while creating the temporary test file,
* the test data or performing data store operation.
public void testInputReplacement() throws Exception {
final StorageConnector connector = new StorageConnector(
TestUtilities.createTemporaryFile(TestData.V1_1.openStream(TestData.METADATA), ".xml"));
connector.setOption(OptionKey.GEOMETRY_LIBRARY, GeometryLibrary.ESRI);
try (WritableStore store = new WritableStore(provider, connector)) {
* Read part of the file. We verify its content as a matter of principle,
* but the main purpose of following code is to advance in the stream.
ReaderTest.verifyMetadata((Metadata) store.getMetadata(), 3);
assertEquals(StoreProvider.V1_1, store.getVersion());
* Replace the metadata content by route content. The data store should rewind
* to the begining of the file and replace the input stream by an output stream.
testFeatures(store, Type.ROUTE);
* Following should revert the output stream back to an input stream and rewind again.