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* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.function.Supplier;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger;
import org.apache.sis.filter.DefaultFilterFactory;
import org.apache.sis.feature.privy.AttributeConvention;
// Test dependencies
import static org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.*;
import org.apache.sis.test.TestUtilities;
import org.apache.sis.metadata.sql.TestDatabase;
import static org.apache.sis.test.Assertions.assertSetEquals;
// Specific to the geoapi-3.1 and geoapi-4.0 branches:
import org.opengis.feature.Feature;
import org.opengis.feature.FeatureType;
import org.opengis.feature.PropertyType;
import org.opengis.feature.AttributeType;
import org.opengis.feature.FeatureAssociationRole;
import org.opengis.filter.FilterFactory;
import org.opengis.filter.SortOrder;
* Tests {@link SQLStore}.
* @author Martin Desruisseaux (Geomatys)
* @author Alexis Manin (Geomatys)
public final class SQLStoreTest extends TestOnAllDatabases {
* Data used in the {@code Features.sql} test file.
public enum City {
/** Tokyo (Japan). */ TOKYO ("Tōkyō", "JPN", "日本", 13622267, "Yoyogi-kōen", "Shinjuku Gyoen"),
/** Paris (France). */ PARIS ("Paris", "FRA", "France", 2206488, "Tuileries Garden", "Luxembourg Garden"),
/** Montréal (Canada). */ MONTREAL("Montreal", "CAN", "Canada", 1704694, "Mount Royal"),
/** Québec (Canada). */ QUEBEC ("Quebec", "CAN", "Canada", 531902);
/** City name in Latin characters. */ public final String englishName;
/** Country ISO code (3 letters). */ public final String country;
/** Country name in native language. */ public final String countryName;
/** The population in 2016 or 2017. */ public final int population;
/** Some parks in the city. */ final String[] parks;
/** Creates a new enumeration value. */
private City(String englishName, String country, String countryName, int population, String... parks) {
this.englishName = englishName; = country;
this.countryName = countryName;
this.population = population;
this.parks = parks;
* Whether dependencies are allowed to have an association to their dependent feature.
* @see SchemaModifier#isCyclicAssociationAllowed(TableReference)
private boolean isCyclicAssociationAllowed;
* The {@code Country} value for Canada, or {@code null} if not yet visited.
* This feature should appear twice, and all those occurrences should use the exact same instance.
* We use that for verifying the {@code Table.instanceForPrimaryKeys} caching.
private Feature canada;
* Factory to use for creating filter objects.
private final FilterFactory<Feature,Object,Object> FF;
* Creates a new test.
public SQLStoreTest() {
FF = DefaultFilterFactory.forFeatures();
* Provides a stream for a resource in the same package as this class.
* The implementation invokes {@code getResourceAsStream(filename)}.
* This invocation must be done in this module because the invoked
* method is caller-sensitive.
private static Supplier<InputStream> resource(final String filename) {
return new Supplier<>() {
@Override public String toString() {return filename;}
@Override public InputStream get() {return SQLStoreTest.class.getResourceAsStream(filename);}
* Runs all tests on a single database software. A temporary schema is created at the beginning of this method
* and deleted after all tests finished. The schema is created and populated by the {@code Features.sql} script.
* @param noschema whether the test database is in memory. If {@code true}, then the schema will be created
* and will be the only schema to exist (ignoring system schema); i.e. we assume that there
* is no ambiguity if we do not specify the schema in {@link SQLStore} constructor.
protected void test(final TestDatabase database, final boolean noschema) throws Exception {
final var scripts = new ArrayList<>(2);
if (noschema) {
scripts.add("CREATE SCHEMA " + SCHEMA + ';');
// Omit the "CREATE SCHEMA" statement if the schema already exists.
final StorageConnector connector = new StorageConnector(database.source);
final ResourceDefinition table = ResourceDefinition.table(null, noschema ? null : SCHEMA, "Cities");
testTableQuery(connector, table);
* Verify using SQL statements instead of tables.
* Test on the table again, but with cyclic associations enabled.
connector.setOption(SchemaModifier.OPTION, new SchemaModifier() {
@Override public boolean isCyclicAssociationAllowed(TableReference dependency) {
return true;
isCyclicAssociationAllowed = true;
testTableQuery(connector, table);
* Creates a {@link SQLStore} instance with the specified table as a resource, then tests some queries.
private void testTableQuery(final StorageConnector connector, final ResourceDefinition table) throws Exception {
try (SQLStore store = new SQLStore(new SQLStoreProvider(), connector, table)) {
final Map<String,Integer> countryCount = new HashMap<>();
try (Stream<Feature> features = store.findResource("Cities").features(false)) {
features.forEach((f) -> verifyContent(f, countryCount));
assertEquals(Integer.valueOf(2), countryCount.remove("CAN"));
assertEquals(Integer.valueOf(1), countryCount.remove("FRA"));
assertEquals(Integer.valueOf(1), countryCount.remove("JPN"));
* Verify overloaded stream operations (sorting, etc.).
canada = null;
* Verifies the feature types of the "Cities" resource and its dependencies.
* Feature properties should be in same order as columns in the database table, except for
* the generated identifier. Note that the country is an association to another feature.
* @param isCyclicAssociationAllowed whether dependencies are allowed to have an association
* to their dependent feature, which create a cyclic dependency.
private void verifyFeatureTypes(final SQLStore store) throws DataStoreException {
new String[] {"sis:identifier", "pk:country", "country", "native_name", "english_name", "population", "parks"},
new Object[] {null, String.class, "Countries", String.class, String.class, Integer.class, "Parks"});
new String[] {"sis:identifier", "code", "native_name"},
new Object[] {null, String.class, String.class});
* If cyclic dependencies are allowed, an additional properties "FK_City" is present
* compared to the case where cyclic dependencies are avoided.
final String[] expectedNames;
final Object[] expectedTypes;
if (isCyclicAssociationAllowed) {
expectedNames = new String[] {"sis:identifier", "pk:country", "FK_City", "city", "native_name", "english_name"};
expectedTypes = new Object[] {null, String.class, "Cities", String.class, String.class, String.class};
} else {
expectedNames = new String[] {"sis:identifier", "country", "city", "native_name", "english_name"};
expectedTypes = new Object[] {null, String.class, String.class, String.class, String.class};
verifyFeatureType(store.findResource("Parks").getType(), expectedNames, expectedTypes);
* Verifies the result of analyzing the structure of the {@code "Cities"} table.
private static void verifyFeatureType(final FeatureType type, final String[] expectedNames, final Object[] expectedTypes) {
int i = 0;
for (PropertyType pt : type.getProperties(false)) {
if (i >= expectedNames.length) {
fail("Returned feature-type contains more properties than expected. Example: " + pt.getName());
assertEquals(expectedNames[i], pt.getName().toString(), "name");
final Object expectedType = expectedTypes[i];
if (expectedType != null) {
final String label;
final Object value;
if (expectedType instanceof Class<?>) {
label = "attribute type";
value = ((AttributeType<?>) pt).getValueClass();
} else {
label = "association type";
value = ((FeatureAssociationRole) pt).getValueType().getName().toString();
assertEquals(expectedType, value, label);
assertEquals(expectedNames.length, i);
* Verifies the content of the {@code Cities} table.
* The features are in no particular order.
* @param feature a feature returned by the stream.
* @param countryCount number of time that the each country has been seen while iterating over the cities.
private void verifyContent(final Feature feature, final Map<String,Integer> countryCount) {
final String city = feature.getPropertyValue("native_name").toString();
final City c;
boolean isCanada = false;
switch (city) {
case "東京": c = City.TOKYO; break;
case "Paris": c = City.PARIS; break;
case "Montréal": c = City.MONTREAL; isCanada = true; break;
case "Québec": c = City.QUEBEC; isCanada = true; break;
default: fail("Unexpected feature: " + city); return;
* Verify attributes. They are the easiest properties to read.
assertEquals(, feature.getPropertyValue("pk:country"));
assertEquals( + ':' + city, feature.getPropertyValue("sis:identifier"));
assertEquals(c.englishName, feature.getPropertyValue("english_name"));
assertEquals(c.population, feature.getPropertyValue("population"));
* Associations using Relation.Direction.IMPORT.
* Those associations should be cached; we verify with "Canada" case.
assertEquals(c.countryName, getIndirectPropertyValue(feature, "country", "native_name"));
if (isCanada) {
final Feature f = (Feature) feature.getPropertyValue("country");
if (canada == null) {
canada = f;
} else {
assertSame(canada, f); // Want exact same feature instance, not just equal.
countryCount.merge(, 1, (o, n) -> n+1);
* Associations using Relation.Direction.EXPORT.
* Contrarily to the IMPORT case, those associations can contain many values.
final Collection<?> actualParks = (Collection<?>) feature.getPropertyValue("parks");
assertEquals(c.parks.length, actualParks.size());
final Collection<String> expectedParks = new HashSet<>(Arrays.asList(c.parks));
for (final Object park : actualParks) {
final Feature pf = (Feature) park;
final String npn = (String) pf.getPropertyValue("native_name");
final String epn = (String) pf.getPropertyValue("english_name");
assertNotNull(npn, "park.native_name");
assertNotNull(epn, "park.english_name");
assertNotEquals(npn, epn, "park.names");
assertTrue(expectedParks.remove(epn), "park.english_name");
* Verify the reverse association form Parks to Cities.
* This create a cyclic graph, but SQLStore is capable to handle it.
if (isCyclicAssociationAllowed) {
assertSame(feature, pf.getPropertyValue("FK_City"), "City → Park → City");
* Follows an association in the given feature.
private static Object getIndirectPropertyValue(final Feature feature, final String p1, final String p2) {
final Object dependency = feature.getPropertyValue(p1);
assertNotNull(dependency, p1);
return assertInstanceOf(Feature.class, dependency, p1).getPropertyValue(p2);
* Requests a new set of features sorted by country code and park names,
* and verifies that values are sorted as expected.
* @param dataset the store on which to query the features.
* @throws DataStoreException if an error occurred during query execution.
private void verifySimpleQuerySorting(final SQLStore dataset) throws DataStoreException {
* Property that we are going to request and expected result.
* Note that "english_name" below is a property of the "Park" feature,
* not to be confused with the property of same name in "City" feature.
final String desiredProperty = "english_name";
final String[] expectedValues = {
"Shinjuku Gyoen", "Yoyogi-kōen", "Luxembourg Garden", "Tuileries Garden", "Mount Royal"
* Build the query and get a new set of features.
final FeatureSet parks = dataset.findResource("Parks");
final FeatureQuery query = new FeatureQuery();
query.setSortBy(FF.sort("country"), SortOrder.DESCENDING),
FF.sort(, SortOrder.ASCENDING));
final FeatureSet subset = parks.subset(query);
* Verify that all features have the expected property, then verify the sorted values.
final Object[] values;
try (Stream<Feature> features = subset.features(false)) {
values = -> {
final PropertyType p = TestUtilities.getSingleton(f.getType().getProperties(true));
assertEquals(desiredProperty, p.getName().toString(), "Feature has wrong property.");
return f.getPropertyValue(desiredProperty);
assertArrayEquals(expectedValues, values, "Values are not sorted as expected.");
* Requests features with a limit on the number of items.
* @param dataset the store on which to query the features.
* @throws DataStoreException if an error occurred during query execution.
private void verifySimpleQueryWithLimit(final SQLStore dataset) throws DataStoreException {
final FeatureSet parks = dataset.findResource("Parks");
final FeatureQuery query = new FeatureQuery();
final FeatureSet subset = parks.subset(query);
assertEquals(2, subset.features(false).count());
* Requests a new set of features filtered by an arbitrary condition,
* and verifies that we get only the expected values.
* @param dataset the store on which to query the features.
* @throws DataStoreException if an error occurred during query execution.
private void verifySimpleWhere(SQLStore dataset) throws Exception {
* Property that we are going to request and expected result.
final String desiredProperty = "native_name";
final String[] expectedValues = {
"Montréal", "Québec"
* Build the query and get a new set of features. The values returned by the database can be in any order,
* so we use `assertSetEquals(…)` for making the test insensitive to feature order. An alternative would be
* to add a `query.setSortBy(…)` call, but we avoid that for making this test only about the `WHERE` clause.
final FeatureSet cities = dataset.findResource("Cities");
final FeatureQuery query = new FeatureQuery();
query.setSelection(FF.equal("country"), FF.literal("CAN")));
final Object[] names;
try (Stream<Feature> features = cities.subset(query).features(false)) {
names = -> f.getPropertyValue(desiredProperty)).toArray();
assertSetEquals(Arrays.asList(expectedValues), Arrays.asList(names));
* Requests a new set of features filtered by a condition on the "sis:identifier" property.
* The optimizer should replace that link by a condition on the actual column.
* @param dataset the store on which to query the features.
* @throws DataStoreException if an error occurred during query execution.
private void verifyWhereOnLink(SQLStore dataset) throws Exception {
final String desiredProperty = "native_name";
final String[] expectedValues = {"Canada"};
final FeatureSet countries = dataset.findResource("Countries");
final FeatureQuery query = new FeatureQuery();
query.setSelection(FF.equal("sis:identifier"), FF.literal("CAN")));
final String executionMode;
final Object[] names;
try (Stream<Feature> features = countries.subset(query).features(false)) {
executionMode = features.toString();
names = -> f.getPropertyValue(desiredProperty)).toArray();
assertArrayEquals(expectedValues, names);
* Verify that the query is executed with a SQL statement, not with Java code.
* The use of SQL is made possible by the replacement of "sis:identifier" link
* by a reference to "code" column. If that replacement is not properly done,
* then the "predicates" value would be "Java" instead of "SQL".
assertEquals("FeatureStream[table=“Countries”, predicates=“SQL”]", executionMode);
* Checks that operations stacked on feature stream are well executed.
* This test focuses on mapping and peeking actions overloaded by SQL streams.
* Operations used here are meaningless; we just want to ensure that the pipeline does not skip any operation.
* @param cities a feature set containing all cities defined for the test class.
private void verifyStreamOperations(final FeatureSet cities) throws DataStoreException {
try (Stream<Feature> features = cities.features(false)) {
final AtomicInteger peekCount = new AtomicInteger();
final AtomicInteger mapCount = new AtomicInteger();
final long actualPopulations = features.peek(f -> peekCount.incrementAndGet())
.peek(f -> peekCount.incrementAndGet())
.map (f -> {mapCount.incrementAndGet(); return f;})
.peek(f -> peekCount.incrementAndGet())
.map (f -> {mapCount.incrementAndGet(); return f;})
.map (f -> f.getPropertyValue("population"))
.mapToDouble(obj -> ((Number) obj).doubleValue())
.peek(f -> peekCount.incrementAndGet())
.peek(f -> peekCount.incrementAndGet())
.mapToDouble(d -> {mapCount.incrementAndGet(); return d;})
.mapToObj (d -> {mapCount.incrementAndGet(); return d;})
.mapToDouble(d -> {mapCount.incrementAndGet(); return d;})
.map (d -> {mapCount.incrementAndGet(); return d;})
.mapToLong (d -> (long) d)
long expectedPopulations = 0;
for (City city : City.values()) expectedPopulations += city.population;
assertEquals(expectedPopulations, actualPopulations, "Overall population count via Stream pipeline");
assertEquals(24, mapCount.get(), "Number of mapping (by element in the stream)");
assertEquals(20, peekCount.get(), "Number of peeking (by element in the stream)");
* Tests fetching the content of the Cities table, but using a user supplied SQL query.
private void verifyFetchCityTableAsQuery(final StorageConnector connector) throws Exception {
try (SQLStore store = new SQLStore(null, connector, ResourceDefinition.query("LargeCities",
"SELECT * FROM " + SCHEMA + ".\"Cities\" WHERE \"population\" >= 1000000")))
final FeatureSet cities = store.findResource("LargeCities");
final Map<String,Integer> countryCount = new HashMap<>();
try (Stream<Feature> features = cities.features(false)) {
features.forEach((f) -> verifyContent(f, countryCount));
assertEquals(Integer.valueOf(1), countryCount.remove("CAN"));
assertEquals(Integer.valueOf(1), countryCount.remove("FRA"));
assertEquals(Integer.valueOf(1), countryCount.remove("JPN"));
canada = null;
* Tests a user supplied query followed by another query built from filters.
private void verifyNestedSQLQuery(final StorageConnector connector) throws Exception {
try (SQLStore store = new SQLStore(null, connector, ResourceDefinition.query("MyParks",
"SELECT * FROM " + SCHEMA + ".\"Parks\"")))
final FeatureSet parks = store.findResource("MyParks");
* Add a filter for parks in France.
final FeatureQuery query = new FeatureQuery();
query.setSortBy(FF.sort("native_name"), SortOrder.DESCENDING));
query.setSelection(FF.equal("country"), FF.literal("FRA")));
final FeatureSet frenchParks = parks.subset(query);
* Verify the feature type.
final PropertyType property = TestUtilities.getSingleton(frenchParks.getType().getProperties(true));
assertEquals("native_name", property.getName().toString());
assertEquals(String.class, ((AttributeType<?>) property).getValueClass());
* Verify the values.
final Object[] result;
try (Stream<Feature> fs = frenchParks.features(false)) {
result = -> f.getPropertyValue("native_name")).toArray();
assertArrayEquals(new String[] {"Jardin du Luxembourg", "Jardin des Tuileries"}, result);
* Tests a query having limit, offset, filtering of columns and label usage.
* When user provides an offset, stream {@linkplain Stream#skip(long) skip operator} should not override it,
* but stack on it (i.e. the feature set provide user defined result, and the stream navigate through it).
private void verifyLimitOffsetAndColumnSelectionFromQuery(final StorageConnector connector) throws Exception {
try (SQLStore store = new SQLStore(null, connector, ResourceDefinition.query("MyQuery",
"SELECT \"english_name\" AS \"title\" " +
"FROM " + SCHEMA + ".\"Parks\"\n" + // Test that multiline text is accepted.
"ORDER BY \"english_name\" ASC " +
final FeatureSet parks = store.findResource("MyQuery");
final FeatureType type = parks.getType();
final AttributeType<?> property = (AttributeType<?>) TestUtilities.getSingleton(type.getProperties(true));
assertEquals("title", property.getName().toString(), "Property name should be label defined in query");
assertEquals(String.class, property.getValueClass(), "Attribute should be a string");
assertEquals(0, property.getMinimumOccurs(), "Column should be nullable.");
final Integer precision = AttributeConvention.getMaximalLengthCharacteristic(type, property);
assertEquals(Integer.valueOf(20), precision, "Column length constraint should be visible from attribute type.");
* Get third row in the table, as query starts on second one, and we want to skip one entry from there.
* Tries to increase limit. The test will ensure it's not possible.
assertArrayEquals(new String[] {"Tuileries Garden", "Yoyogi-kōen"}, getTitles(parks, 1, 4),
"Should get fourth and fifth park names from ascending order");
* Get first row only.
assertArrayEquals(new String[] {"Shinjuku Gyoen"}, getTitles(parks, 0, 1),
"Only second third name should be returned");
* Applies an offset and limit on the given feature set,
* then returns the values of the "title" property of all features.
private static String[] getTitles(final FeatureSet parks, final long skip, final long limit) throws DataStoreException {
try (Stream<Feature> in = parks.features(false).skip(skip).limit(limit)) {
return -> f.getPropertyValue("title").toString()).toArray(String[]::new);
* Tests a query with a call to {@link Stream#distinct()} on the stream.
private void verifyDistinctQuery(final StorageConnector connector) throws Exception {
final Object[] expected;
try (SQLStore store = new SQLStore(null, connector, ResourceDefinition.query("Countries",
"SELECT \"country\" FROM " + SCHEMA + ".\"Parks\" ORDER BY \"country\"")))
final FeatureSet countries = store.findResource("Countries");
try (Stream<Feature> features = countries.features(false).distinct()) {
expected = -> f.getPropertyValue("country")).toArray();
assertArrayEquals(new String[] {"CAN", "FRA", "JPN"}, expected,
"Distinct country names, sorted in ascending order");