blob: 4c40b207ef597007fc725cd2e8ce568de8d4d8ca [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.sis.metadata.iso;
import java.util.AbstractSet;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Iterator;
import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlType;
import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlElement;
import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlRootElement;
import org.opengis.annotation.Obligation;
import org.opengis.metadata.Datatype;
import org.opengis.metadata.citation.Responsibility;
import org.opengis.metadata.ExtendedElementInformation;
import org.opengis.util.InternationalString;
import org.apache.sis.metadata.TitleProperty;
import org.apache.sis.measure.ValueRange;
import org.apache.sis.util.iso.Types;
import org.apache.sis.xml.Namespaces;
import org.apache.sis.xml.NilReason;
import org.apache.sis.internal.jaxb.Context;
import org.apache.sis.internal.jaxb.FilterByVersion;
import org.apache.sis.internal.xml.LegacyNamespaces;
import org.apache.sis.internal.metadata.Dependencies;
import org.apache.sis.internal.metadata.legacy.LegacyPropertyAdapter;
import org.apache.sis.internal.util.CollectionsExt;
import static org.apache.sis.internal.metadata.MetadataUtilities.ensurePositive;
* New metadata element, not found in ISO 19115, which is required to describe geographic data.
* Metadata elements are contained in a {@linkplain DefaultMetadataExtensionInformation metadata extension information}.
* The following properties are mandatory or conditional (i.e. mandatory under some circumstances)
* in a well-formed metadata according ISO 19115:
* <div class="preformat">{@code MD_ExtendedElementInformation}
* {@code   ├─name………………………………………………………} Name of the extended metadata element.
* {@code   ├─definition………………………………………} Definition of the extended element.
* {@code   ├─obligation………………………………………} Obligation of the extended element.
* {@code   ├─condition…………………………………………} Condition under which the extended element is mandatory.
* {@code   ├─dataType……………………………………………} Code which identifies the kind of value provided in the extended element.
* {@code   ├─maximumOccurrence……………………} Maximum occurrence of the extended element.
* {@code   ├─domainValue……………………………………} Valid values that can be assigned to the extended element.
* {@code   ├─parentEntity…………………………………} Name of the metadata entity(s) under which this extended metadata element may appear.
* {@code   ├─rule………………………………………………………} Specifies how the extended element relates to other existing elements and entities.
* {@code   └─source…………………………………………………} Name of the person or organisation creating the extended element.
* {@code       ├─party…………………………………………} Information about the parties.
* {@code       │   └─name…………………………………} Name of the party.
* {@code       └─role……………………………………………} Function performed by the responsible party.</div>
* <p><b>Limitations:</b></p>
* <ul>
* <li>Instances of this class are not synchronized for multi-threading.
* Synchronization, if needed, is caller's responsibility.</li>
* <li>Serialized objects of this class are not guaranteed to be compatible with future Apache SIS releases.
* Serialization support is appropriate for short term storage or RMI between applications running the
* same version of Apache SIS. For long term storage, use {@link org.apache.sis.xml.XML} instead.</li>
* </ul>
* @author Martin Desruisseaux (IRD, Geomatys)
* @author Touraïvane (IRD)
* @author Cédric Briançon (Geomatys)
* @author Cullen Rombach (Image Matters)
* @version 1.0
* @since 0.3
* @module
@TitleProperty(name = "name")
@XmlType(name = "MD_ExtendedElementInformation_Type", namespace = Namespaces.MEX, propOrder = {
@XmlRootElement(name = "MD_ExtendedElementInformation", namespace = Namespaces.MEX)
public class DefaultExtendedElementInformation extends ISOMetadata implements ExtendedElementInformation {
* Serial number for inter-operability with different versions.
private static final long serialVersionUID = 489138542195499530L;
* Name of the extended metadata element.
private String name;
* Short form suitable for use in an implementation method such as XML or SGML.
private String shortName;
* Three digit code assigned to the extended element.
* Non-null only if the {@linkplain #getDataType() data type}
* is {@linkplain Datatype#CODE_LIST_ELEMENT code list element}.
private Integer domainCode;
* Definition of the extended element.
private InternationalString definition;
* Obligation of the extended element.
private Obligation obligation;
* Condition under which the extended element is mandatory.
* Non-null value only if the {@linkplain #getObligation() obligation}
* is {@linkplain Obligation#CONDITIONAL conditional}.
private InternationalString condition;
* Code which identifies the kind of value provided in the extended element.
private Datatype dataType;
* Maximum occurrence of the extended element.
* Returns {@code null} if it doesn't apply, for example if the
* {@linkplain #getDataType data type} is {@linkplain Datatype#ENUMERATION enumeration},
* {@linkplain Datatype#CODE_LIST code list} or {@linkplain Datatype#CODE_LIST_ELEMENT
* code list element}.
private Integer maximumOccurrence;
* Valid values that can be assigned to the extended element.
* Returns {@code null} if it doesn't apply, for example if the
* {@linkplain #getDataType data type} is {@linkplain Datatype#ENUMERATION enumeration},
* {@linkplain Datatype#CODE_LIST code list} or {@linkplain Datatype#CODE_LIST_ELEMENT
* code list element}.
private InternationalString domainValue;
* Name of the metadata entity(s) under which this extended metadata element may appear.
* The name(s) may be standard metadata element(s) or other extended metadata element(s).
private Collection<String> parentEntity;
* Specifies how the extended element relates to other existing elements and entities.
private InternationalString rule;
* Reason for creating the extended element.
private InternationalString rationale;
* Name of the person or organization creating the extended element.
private Collection<Responsibility> sources;
* Construct an initially empty extended element information.
public DefaultExtendedElementInformation() {
* Create an extended element information initialized to the given values.
* @param name the name of the extended metadata element.
* @param definition the definition of the extended element.
* @param condition the condition under which the extended element is mandatory.
* @param dataType the code which identifies the kind of value provided in the extended element.
* @param parentEntity the name of the metadata entity(s) under which this extended metadata element may appear.
* @param rule how the extended element relates to other existing elements and entities.
* @param source the name of the person or organization creating the extended element.
public DefaultExtendedElementInformation(final String name,
final CharSequence definition,
final CharSequence condition,
final Datatype dataType,
final String parentEntity,
final CharSequence rule,
final Responsibility source)
{ = name;
this.definition = Types.toInternationalString(definition);
this.condition = Types.toInternationalString(condition);
this.dataType = dataType;
this.parentEntity = singleton(parentEntity, String.class);
this.rule = Types.toInternationalString(rule);
this.sources = singleton(source, Responsibility.class);
* Constructs a new instance initialized with the values from the specified metadata object.
* This is a <cite>shallow</cite> copy constructor, since the other metadata contained in the
* given object are not recursively copied.
* <div class="note"><b>Note on properties validation:</b>
* This constructor does not verify the property values of the given metadata (e.g. whether it contains
* unexpected negative values). This is because invalid metadata exist in practice, and verifying their
* validity in this copy constructor is often too late. Note that this is not the only hole, as invalid
* metadata instances can also be obtained by unmarshalling an invalid XML document.
* </div>
* @param object the metadata to copy values from, or {@code null} if none.
* @see #castOrCopy(ExtendedElementInformation)
public DefaultExtendedElementInformation(final ExtendedElementInformation object) {
if (object != null) {
name = object.getName();
shortName = object.getShortName();
domainCode = object.getDomainCode();
definition = object.getDefinition();
obligation = object.getObligation();
condition = object.getCondition();
dataType = object.getDataType();
maximumOccurrence = object.getMaximumOccurrence();
domainValue = object.getDomainValue();
parentEntity = copyCollection(object.getParentEntity(), String.class);
rule = object.getRule();
rationale = object.getRationale();
sources = copyCollection(object.getSources(), Responsibility.class);
* Returns a SIS metadata implementation with the values of the given arbitrary implementation.
* This method performs the first applicable action in the following choices:
* <ul>
* <li>If the given object is {@code null}, then this method returns {@code null}.</li>
* <li>Otherwise if the given object is already an instance of
* {@code DefaultExtendedElementInformation}, then it is returned unchanged.</li>
* <li>Otherwise a new {@code DefaultExtendedElementInformation} instance is created using the
* {@linkplain #DefaultExtendedElementInformation(ExtendedElementInformation) copy constructor}
* and returned. Note that this is a <cite>shallow</cite> copy operation, since the other
* metadata contained in the given object are not recursively copied.</li>
* </ul>
* @param object the object to get as a SIS implementation, or {@code null} if none.
* @return a SIS implementation containing the values of the given object (may be the
* given object itself), or {@code null} if the argument was null.
public static DefaultExtendedElementInformation castOrCopy(final ExtendedElementInformation object) {
if (object == null || object instanceof DefaultExtendedElementInformation) {
return (DefaultExtendedElementInformation) object;
return new DefaultExtendedElementInformation(object);
* Name of the extended metadata element.
* @return name of the extended metadata element, or {@code null}.
@XmlElement(name = "name", required = true)
public String getName() {
return name;
* Sets the name of the extended metadata element.
* @param newValue the new name.
public void setName(final String newValue) {
name = newValue;
* Short form suitable for use in an implementation method such as XML or SGML.
* @return short form suitable for use in an implementation method such as XML or SGML, or {@code null}.
* @deprecated Removed as of ISO 19115:2014.
@XmlElement(name = "shortName", namespace = LegacyNamespaces.GMD)
public String getShortName() {
return FilterByVersion.LEGACY_METADATA.accept() ? shortName : null;
* Sets a short form suitable for use in an implementation method such as XML or SGML.
* @param newValue the new short name.
* @deprecated Removed as of ISO 19115:2014.
public void setShortName(final String newValue) {
shortName = newValue;
* Three digit code assigned to the extended element.
* Returns a non-null value only if the {@linkplain #getDataType() data type}
* is {@linkplain Datatype#CODE_LIST_ELEMENT code list element}.
* @return three digit code assigned to the extended element, or {@code null}.
* @deprecated Removed as of ISO 19115:2014.
@XmlElement(name = "domainCode", namespace = LegacyNamespaces.GMD)
public Integer getDomainCode() {
return FilterByVersion.LEGACY_METADATA.accept() ? domainCode : null;
* Sets a three digit code assigned to the extended element.
* @param newValue the new domain code.
* @deprecated Removed as of ISO 19115:2014.
public void setDomainCode(final Integer newValue) {
domainCode = newValue;
* Definition of the extended element.
* @return definition of the extended element, or {@code null}.
@XmlElement(name = "definition", required = true)
public InternationalString getDefinition() {
return definition;
* Sets the definition of the extended element.
* @param newValue the new definition.
public void setDefinition(final InternationalString newValue) {
definition = newValue;
* Obligation of the extended element.
* @return obligation of the extended element, or {@code null}.
@XmlElement(name = "obligation")
public Obligation getObligation() {
return obligation;
* Sets the obligation of the extended element.
* @param newValue the new obligation.
public void setObligation(final Obligation newValue) {
obligation = newValue;
* Condition under which the extended element is mandatory.
* Returns a non-null value only if the {@linkplain #getObligation() obligation}
* is {@linkplain Obligation#CONDITIONAL conditional}.
* @return the condition under which the extended element is mandatory, or {@code null}.
@XmlElement(name = "condition")
public InternationalString getCondition() {
return condition;
* Sets the condition under which the extended element is mandatory.
* @param newValue the new condition.
public void setCondition(final InternationalString newValue) {
condition = newValue;
* Code which identifies the kind of value provided in the extended element.
* @return the kind of value provided in the extended element, or {@code null}.
@XmlElement(name = "dataType", required = true)
public Datatype getDataType() {
return dataType;
* Sets the code which identifies the kind of value provided in the extended element.
* @param newValue the new data type.
public void setDataType(final Datatype newValue) {
dataType = newValue;
* Maximum occurrence of the extended element.
* Returns {@code null} if it does not apply, for example if the
* {@linkplain #getDataType() data type} is {@linkplain Datatype#ENUMERATION enumeration},
* {@linkplain Datatype#CODE_LIST code list} or {@linkplain Datatype#CODE_LIST_ELEMENT
* code list element}.
* @return maximum occurrence of the extended element, or {@code null}.
@ValueRange(minimum = 0)
public Integer getMaximumOccurrence() {
return maximumOccurrence;
* Sets the maximum occurrence of the extended element.
* @param newValue the new maximum occurrence, or {@code null}.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the given value is negative.
public void setMaximumOccurrence(final Integer newValue) {
if (ensurePositive(DefaultExtendedElementInformation.class, "maximumOccurrence", false, newValue)) {
maximumOccurrence = newValue;
* Valid values that can be assigned to the extended element.
* Returns {@code null} if it doesn't apply, for example if the
* {@linkplain #getDataType() data type} is {@linkplain Datatype#ENUMERATION enumeration},
* {@linkplain Datatype#CODE_LIST code list} or {@linkplain Datatype#CODE_LIST_ELEMENT
* code list element}.
* @return valid values that can be assigned to the extended element, or {@code null}.
@XmlElement(name = "domainValue")
public InternationalString getDomainValue() {
return domainValue;
* Sets the valid values that can be assigned to the extended element.
* @param newValue the new domain value.
public void setDomainValue(final InternationalString newValue) {
domainValue = newValue;
* Name of the metadata entity(s) under which this extended metadata element may appear.
* The name(s) may be standard metadata element(s) or other extended metadata element(s).
* @return name of the metadata entity(s) under which this extended metadata element may appear.
@XmlElement(name = "parentEntity", required = true)
public Collection<String> getParentEntity() {
return parentEntity = nonNullCollection(parentEntity, String.class);
* Sets the name of the metadata entity(s) under which this extended metadata element may appear.
* @param newValues the new parent entity.
public void setParentEntity(final Collection<? extends String> newValues) {
parentEntity = writeCollection(newValues, parentEntity, String.class);
* Specifies how the extended element relates to other existing elements and entities.
* @return how the extended element relates to other existing elements and entities, or {@code null}.
@XmlElement(name = "rule", required = true)
public InternationalString getRule() {
return rule;
* Sets how the extended element relates to other existing elements and entities.
* @param newValue the new rule.
public void setRule(final InternationalString newValue) {
rule = newValue;
* Returns the reason for creating the extended element.
* @return reason for creating the extended element, or {@code null}.
* @since 0.5
@XmlElement(name = "rationale")
public InternationalString getRationale() {
return rationale;
* Sets the reason for creating the extended element.
* @param newValue the new rationale.
* @since 0.5
public void setRationale(final InternationalString newValue) {
rationale = newValue;
* @deprecated As of ISO 19115:2014, replaced by {@link #getRationale()}.
* @return reason for creating the extended element.
public Collection<InternationalString> getRationales() {
return new AbstractSet<InternationalString>() {
/** Returns 0 if empty, or 1 if a density has been specified. */
@Override public int size() {
return getRationale() != null ? 1 : 0;
/** Returns an iterator over 0 or 1 element. Current iterator implementation is unmodifiable. */
@Override public Iterator<InternationalString> iterator() {
return CollectionsExt.singletonOrEmpty(getRationale()).iterator();
/** Adds an element only if the set is empty. This method is invoked by JAXB at unmarshalling time. */
@Override public boolean add(final InternationalString newValue) {
if (isEmpty()) {
return true;
} else {
DefaultExtendedElementInformation.class, "setRationales");
return false;
* @deprecated As of ISO 19115:2014, replaced by {@link #setRationale(InternationalString)}.
* @param newValues the new rationales.
public void setRationales(final Collection<? extends InternationalString> newValues) {
setRationale(LegacyPropertyAdapter.getSingleton(newValues, InternationalString.class,
null, DefaultExtendedElementInformation.class, "setRationales"));
* Name of the person or organization creating the extended element.
* @return name of the person or organization creating the extended element.
@XmlElement(name = "source", required = true)
public Collection<Responsibility> getSources() {
return sources = nonNullCollection(sources, Responsibility.class);
* Sets the name of the person or organization creating the extended element.
* @param newValues the new sources.
public void setSources(final Collection<? extends Responsibility> newValues) {
sources = writeCollection(newValues, sources, Responsibility.class);
//////// ////////
//////// XML support with JAXB ////////
//////// ////////
//////// The following methods are invoked by JAXB using reflection (even if ////////
//////// they are private) or are helpers for other methods invoked by JAXB. ////////
//////// Those methods can be safely removed if Geographic Markup Language ////////
//////// (GML) support is not needed. ////////
//////// ////////
* Returns the maximum occurrence as a string, since it is the way that ISO 19115 represents
* this information. This method is invoked by JAXB at marshalling time.
@XmlElement(name = "maximumOccurrence")
private String getMaxOccurs() {
final Integer value = getMaximumOccurrence();
if (value == null) {
return null;
final NilReason nil = NilReason.forObject(value);
if (nil != null) {
return nil.createNilObject(String.class);
return value.toString();
* Sets the maximum occurrence from a string.
* This method is invoked by JAXB at unmarshalling time.
private void setMaxOccurs(final String value) {
if (value != null) {
final Integer n;
final NilReason nil = NilReason.forObject(value);
if (nil != null) {
n = nil.createNilObject(Integer.class);
} else try {
n = Integer.valueOf(value);
} catch (NumberFormatException e) {
Context.warningOccured(Context.current(), DefaultExtendedElementInformation.class, "setMaximumOccurrence", e, true);