blob: ffc67ffc6e689a19230f2e13429cf91c7a3ed2eb [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.sis.referencing.factory;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Queue;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentLinkedQueue;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
import java.util.function.Supplier;
import java.lang.reflect.Field;
import org.opengis.util.FactoryException;
import static org.apache.sis.util.privy.StandardDateFormat.NANOS_PER_MILLISECOND;
// Test dependencies
import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test;
import static org.junit.jupiter.api.Assumptions.assumeTrue;
import static org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.*;
import org.apache.sis.test.TestCase;
* Tests {@link ConcurrentAuthorityFactory}.
* @author Martin Desruisseaux (Geomatys)
public final class ConcurrentAuthorityFactoryTest extends TestCase {
* The timeout used for this test, in nanoseconds.
private static final long TIMEOUT = ConcurrentAuthorityFactory.TIMEOUT_RESOLUTION * 4;
* Creates a new test case.
public ConcurrentAuthorityFactoryTest() {
* Verifies the value of {@code ConcurrentAuthorityFactory.Finder.DOMAIN_COUNT}.
* This method uses reflection because the verified class is private.
* @throws ReflectiveOperationException if the class name or field name are not as expected.
public void verifyDomainCount() throws ReflectiveOperationException {
final Class<?> c = Class.forName(ConcurrentAuthorityFactory.class.getName() + "$Finder");
final Field f = c.getDeclaredField("DOMAIN_COUNT");
assertEquals(IdentifiedObjectFinder.Domain.values().length, f.getInt(null));
* A concurrent factory which creates new instances of {@link AuthorityFactoryMock}.
private static final class Mock extends ConcurrentAuthorityFactory<AuthorityFactoryMock> {
/** All factories created by this mock, including any factories having been disposed. */
private final Queue<AuthorityFactoryMock> allDAOs = new ConcurrentLinkedQueue<>();
/** Creates a new concurrent authority factory. */
Mock() {
setTimeout(TIMEOUT, TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS);
/** Invoked when a new factory needs to be created. */
@Override protected AuthorityFactoryMock newDataAccess() {
assertFalse(Thread.holdsLock(this), "Should be invoked outside synchronized block.");
final AuthorityFactoryMock factory = new AuthorityFactoryMock("Mock", null);
return factory;
/** Returns a copy of the factories queue. */
final synchronized List<AuthorityFactoryMock> createdDAOs() {
return new ArrayList<>(allDAOs);
* Tests the disposal of Data Access Objects (DAO) after the timeout.
* @throws FactoryException should never happen.
* @throws InterruptedException if the test has been interrupted.
public void testTimeout() throws FactoryException, InterruptedException {
final Mock factory = new Mock();
* Ask for one element, wait for the timeout and check that the DAO is disposed.
long workTime = System.nanoTime();
assertTrue (factory.createdDAOs().isEmpty(), "Should have initially no DAO.");
assertEquals(0, factory.countAvailableDataAccess(), "Should have initially no DAO.");
List<AuthorityFactoryMock> createdDAOs = factory.createdDAOs();
assertEquals(1, createdDAOs.size(), "Expected a new DAO.");
assertEquals(1, factory.countAvailableDataAccess(), "Expected one valid DAO.");
assertFalse (createdDAOs.get(0).isClosed(), "Should not be disposed yet.");
sleepWithoutExceedingTimeout(workTime, 2 * ConcurrentAuthorityFactory.TIMEOUT_RESOLUTION);
assertEquals(createdDAOs, factory.createdDAOs(), "Expected no new DAO.");
assertEquals(1, factory.countAvailableDataAccess(), "Expected one valid DAO.");
assertFalse (createdDAOs.get(0).isClosed(), "Should not be disposed yet.");
boolean expired;
expired = sleepUntilAfterTimeout(3 * ConcurrentAuthorityFactory.TIMEOUT_RESOLUTION, factory);
assertEquals(createdDAOs, factory.createdDAOs(), unexpectedDAO("Expected no new DAO.", expired));
assertEquals(0, factory.countAvailableDataAccess(), unexpectedDAO("Worker should be disposed.", expired));
assertTrue (createdDAOs.get(0).isClosed(), unexpectedDAO("Worker should be disposed.", expired));
* Ask again for the same object and check that no new DAO
* were created because the value was taken from the cache.
assertEquals(createdDAOs, factory.createdDAOs(), "Expected no new DAO.");
assertEquals(0, factory.countAvailableDataAccess(), "Worker should be disposed.");
* Ask for one element and check that a new DAO is created.
workTime = System.nanoTime();
createdDAOs = factory.createdDAOs();
assertEquals(2, createdDAOs.size(), "Expected a new DAO.");
assertEquals(1, factory.countAvailableDataAccess(), "Expected one valid DAO.");
assertFalse (createdDAOs.get(1).isClosed(), "Should not be disposed yet.");
sleepWithoutExceedingTimeout(workTime, 2 * ConcurrentAuthorityFactory.TIMEOUT_RESOLUTION);
assertEquals(createdDAOs, factory.createdDAOs(), "Expected no new DAO.");
assertEquals(1, factory.countAvailableDataAccess(), "Expected one valid DAO.");
assertFalse (createdDAOs.get(1).isClosed(), "Should not be disposed yet.");
* Ask again for a new element before the timeout is elapsed and check
* that the disposal of the Data Access Objects has been reported.
workTime = System.nanoTime();
sleepWithoutExceedingTimeout(workTime, ConcurrentAuthorityFactory.TIMEOUT_RESOLUTION);
sleepWithoutExceedingTimeout(workTime, 2 * ConcurrentAuthorityFactory.TIMEOUT_RESOLUTION);
assertEquals(1, factory.countAvailableDataAccess(), "Expected one valid DAO.");
assertFalse (createdDAOs.get(1).isClosed(), "Should not be disposed yet.");
assertEquals(createdDAOs, factory.createdDAOs(), "Expected no new DAO.");
expired = sleepUntilAfterTimeout(3 * ConcurrentAuthorityFactory.TIMEOUT_RESOLUTION, factory);
assertEquals(createdDAOs, factory.createdDAOs(), unexpectedDAO("Expected no new DAO.", expired));
assertEquals(0, factory.countAvailableDataAccess(), unexpectedDAO("Worker should be disposed.", expired));
assertTrue (createdDAOs.get(1).isClosed(), unexpectedDAO("Worker should be disposed.", expired));
assertTrue (createdDAOs.get(0).isClosed(), unexpectedDAO("Worker should be disposed.", expired));
* Sleeps and ensures that the sleep time did not exceeded the timeout. The sleep time could be greater if the test
* machine is under heavy load (for example a Jenkins server), in which case we will cancel the test without failure.
* All times are in nanoseconds.
private static void sleepWithoutExceedingTimeout(final long previousTime, final long waitTime) throws InterruptedException {
assumeTrue(System.nanoTime() - previousTime < TIMEOUT);
* Sleeps a time long enough so that we exceed the timeout time. After this method call, the
* DAOs should be disposed. However if they are not, then we will wait a little bit more.
* <p>The workers should be disposed right after the sleep time. However, the workers disposal is performed
* by a shared (SIS-library wide) daemon thread. Because the latter is invoked in a background thread,
* it is subject to the hazard of thread scheduling.</p>
* @param waitTime the time to wait, in nanoseconds.
* @return whether there is more pending factories to dispose.
private static boolean sleepUntilAfterTimeout(final long waitTime, final ConcurrentAuthorityFactory<?> factory)
throws InterruptedException
int n = 3;
while (factory.isCleanScheduled()) {
if (--n == 0) {
return true;
return false;
* Returns the supplier of the error message to report if a timeout-dependent test fails.
* @param message the message.
* @param expired the result of the call to {@link #sleepUntilAfterTimeout(long, ConcurrentAuthorityFactory)}.
* @return the supplied to give to a JUnit {@code assert} method.
private static Supplier<String> unexpectedDAO(final String message, final boolean expired) {
return () -> expired ? message + " Note: the execution of ConcurrentAuthorityFactory.disposeExpired() has been delayed." : message;