blob: ddd4ca6e366060d6cfe5775e1a293da1cceeaf91 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.IdentityHashMap;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import java.util.logging.LogRecord;
import java.text.DateFormat;
import java.text.NumberFormat;
import java.text.ParsePosition;
import java.text.ParseException;
import static java.util.Collections.singletonMap;
import javax.measure.Unit;
import javax.measure.Quantity;
import javax.measure.IncommensurableException;
import javax.measure.quantity.Angle;
import javax.measure.quantity.Length;
import javax.measure.quantity.Time;
import javax.measure.format.MeasurementParseException;
import org.opengis.metadata.Identifier;
import org.opengis.parameter.ParameterValueGroup;
import org.opengis.referencing.IdentifiedObject;
import org.opengis.referencing.ObjectFactory;
import org.opengis.util.FactoryException;
import org.opengis.referencing.cs.*;
import org.opengis.referencing.datum.*;
import org.opengis.referencing.operation.*;
import org.apache.sis.measure.Units;
import org.apache.sis.measure.UnitFormat;
import org.apache.sis.referencing.CommonCRS;
import org.apache.sis.referencing.IdentifiedObjects;
import org.apache.sis.referencing.ImmutableIdentifier;
import org.apache.sis.referencing.cs.AbstractCS;
import org.apache.sis.referencing.cs.CoordinateSystems;
import org.apache.sis.referencing.datum.BursaWolfParameters;
import org.apache.sis.referencing.operation.DefaultCoordinateOperationFactory;
import org.apache.sis.referencing.privy.CoordinateOperations;
import org.apache.sis.referencing.privy.ReferencingFactoryContainer;
import org.apache.sis.referencing.privy.EllipsoidalHeightCombiner;
import org.apache.sis.referencing.privy.AxisDirections;
import org.apache.sis.referencing.privy.WKTUtilities;
import org.apache.sis.referencing.privy.WKTKeywords;
import org.apache.sis.referencing.internal.Legacy;
import org.apache.sis.referencing.internal.VerticalDatumTypes;
import org.apache.sis.metadata.iso.citation.Citations;
import org.apache.sis.metadata.iso.extent.DefaultExtent;
import org.apache.sis.metadata.iso.extent.DefaultGeographicBoundingBox;
import org.apache.sis.metadata.iso.extent.DefaultGeographicDescription;
import org.apache.sis.metadata.iso.extent.DefaultVerticalExtent;
import org.apache.sis.metadata.iso.extent.DefaultTemporalExtent;
import org.apache.sis.metadata.privy.AxisNames;
import org.apache.sis.metadata.privy.TransformationAccuracy;
import org.apache.sis.referencing.operation.provider.AbstractProvider;
import org.apache.sis.util.ArraysExt;
import org.apache.sis.util.privy.Constants;
import org.apache.sis.util.privy.Numerics;
import org.apache.sis.util.privy.Strings;
import org.apache.sis.util.resources.Errors;
import org.apache.sis.util.iso.Types;
// Specific to the main and geoapi-3.1 branches:
import org.opengis.referencing.ReferenceIdentifier;
// Specific to the main branch:
import org.opengis.referencing.ReferenceSystem;
import org.apache.sis.referencing.internal.ServicesForMetadata;
import org.apache.sis.referencing.factory.GeodeticObjectFactory;
* Well Known Text (WKT) parser for referencing objects. This include, but is not limited too,
* {@linkplain Coordinate Reference System} and
* {@linkplain org.apache.sis.referencing.operation.transform.AbstractMathTransform Math Transform} objects.
* Note that math transforms are part of the WKT 1 {@code "FITTED_CS"} element.
* @author Rémi Eve (IRD)
* @author Martin Desruisseaux (IRD, Geomatys)
* @author Johann Sorel (Geomatys)
@SuppressWarnings("LocalVariableHidesMemberVariable") // We hide with the same value made final.
class GeodeticObjectParser extends MathTransformParser implements Comparator<CoordinateSystemAxis> {
* Force class initialization of `AxisDirections` in order to have
* its constants added to the list of know `AxisDirection` values.
static {
* The names of the 7 parameters in a {@code TOWGS84[…]} element.
* Those names are derived from the <cite>Well Known Text</cite> (WKT) version 1 specification.
* They are not the same as the {@link org.apache.sis.referencing.datum.BursaWolfParameters}
* field names, which are derived from the EPSG database.
private static final String[] ToWGS84 = {"dx", "dy", "dz", "ex", "ey", "ez", "ppm"};
* During WKT 1 parsing, {@code true} means that {@code PRIMEM} and {@code PARAMETER} angular units
* need to be forced to {@code Units.DEGREE} instead of inferred from the context.
* Note that this rule does not apply to {@code AXIS} elements
* <p>This flag is ignored during WKT 2 parsing.</p>
* @see Convention#WKT1_COMMON_UNITS
private final boolean usesCommonUnits;
* During WKT 1 parsing, {@code true} means that axes should be parsed only for verifying the syntax,
* but otherwise parsing should behave as if axes were not declared.
* <p>This flag is ignored during WKT 2 parsing.</p>
* @see Convention#WKT1_IGNORE_AXES
private final boolean ignoreAxes;
* The object to use for replacing WKT axis names and abbreviations by ISO 19111 names and abbreviations.
private final Transliterator transliterator;
* A map of properties to be given to the factory constructor methods.
* This map will be recycled for each object to be parsed.
private final Map<String,Object> properties = new HashMap<>(4);
* Order of coordinate system axes. Used only if {@code AXIS[…]} elements contain {@code ORDER[…]} sub-element.
private final Map<CoordinateSystemAxis,Integer> axisOrder = new IdentityHashMap<>(4);
* The last vertical CRS found during the parsing, or {@code null} if none.
* This information is needed for creating {@link DefaultVerticalExtent} instances.
* <p>ISO 19162 said that we should have at most one vertical CRS per WKT. Apache SIS does
* not enforce this constraint, but if a WKT contains more than one vertical CRS then the
* instance used for completing the {@link DefaultVerticalExtent} instances is unspecified.</p>
private transient VerticalCRS verticalCRS;
* A chained list of temporary information needed for completing the construction of {@link DefaultVerticalExtent}
* instances. In particular, stores the unit of measurement until the {@link VerticalCRS} instance to associate to
* the extents become known.
private transient VerticalInfo verticalElements;
* Constructs a parser for the specified set of symbols using the specified set of factories.
* This constructor is for internal usage by Apache SIS only — <b>do not use!</b>
* <p><b>Maintenance note:</b> this constructor is invoked through reflection by
* {@link org.apache.sis.referencing.factory.GeodeticObjectFactory#createFromWKT(String)}.
* Do not change the method signature even if it doesn't break the compilation, unless the
* reflection code is also updated.</p>
* @param defaultProperties default properties to give to the objects to create.
* @param factories an object implementing {@link DatumFactory}, {@link CSFactory} and {@link CRSFactory}.
* @param mtFactory the factory to use to create {@link MathTransform} objects.
public GeodeticObjectParser(final Map<String,?> defaultProperties,
final ObjectFactory factories, final MathTransformFactory mtFactory)
super(null, Collections.emptyMap(), Symbols.getDefault(), null, null, null,
new ReferencingFactoryContainer(defaultProperties,
(CRSFactory) factories,
(CSFactory) factories,
(DatumFactory) factories,
null, mtFactory),
(Locale) defaultProperties.get(Errors.LOCALE_KEY));
transliterator = Transliterator.DEFAULT;
usesCommonUnits = false;
ignoreAxes = false;
* Constructs a parser for the specified set of symbols using the specified set of factories.
* This constructor is for {@link WKTFormat} usage only.
* @param sourceFile URI to declare as the source of the WKT definitions, or {@code null} if unknown.
* @param fragments reference to the {@link WKTFormat#fragments} map, or an empty map if none.
* @param symbols the set of symbols to use. Cannot be null.
* @param numberFormat the number format provided by {@link WKTFormat}, or {@code null} for a default format.
* @param dateFormat the date format provided by {@link WKTFormat}, or {@code null} for a default format.
* @param unitFormat the unit format provided by {@link WKTFormat}, or {@code null} for a default format.
* @param convention the WKT convention to use.
* @param errorLocale the locale for error messages (not for parsing), or {@code null} for the system default.
* @param factories on input, the factories to use. On output, the factories used. Can be null.
GeodeticObjectParser(final URI sourceFile, final Map<String,StoredTree> fragments, final Symbols symbols,
final NumberFormat numberFormat, final DateFormat dateFormat, final UnitFormat unitFormat,
final Convention convention, final Transliterator transliterator, final Locale errorLocale,
final ReferencingFactoryContainer factories)
super(sourceFile, fragments, symbols, numberFormat, dateFormat, unitFormat, factories, errorLocale);
this.transliterator = transliterator;
usesCommonUnits = convention.usesCommonUnits;
ignoreAxes = convention == Convention.WKT1_IGNORE_AXES;
* Returns the name of the class providing the publicly-accessible {@code createFromWKT(String)} method.
* This information is used for logging purpose only.
String getPublicFacade() {
return "org.apache.sis.referencing.factory.GeodeticObjectFactory";
* Completes or edits properties of the root {@link IdentifiedObject}. This method is invoked
* before a {@code Factory.createFoo(Map, …)} method is invoked for creating the root object.
* The {@code properties} map is filled with all information that this parser found in the WKT elements.
* Subclasses can override this method for adding additional information if desired.
* <p>The most typical use case is to add a default {@link Identifier} when the WKT does not contain
* an explicit {@code ID[…]} or {@code AUTHORITY[…]} element.</p>
* @param properties the properties to be given in a call to a {@code createFoo(Map, …)} method.
* @see org.apache.sis.referencing.factory.GeodeticObjectFactory#complete(Map)
void completeRoot(Map<String,Object> properties) {
* Parses a <i>Well-Know Text</i> from specified position as a geodetic object.
* Caller should invoke {@link #getAndClearWarnings(Object)} in a {@code finally} block
* after this method.
* @param text the Well-Known Text (WKT) to parse.
* @param position index of the first character to parse (on input) or after last parsed character (on output).
* @return the parsed object.
* @throws ParseException if the string cannot be parsed.
final Object createFromWKT(final String text, final ParsePosition position) throws ParseException {
final Object object;
try {
object = super.createFromWKT(text, position);
* After parsing the object, we may have been unable to set the VerticalCRS of VerticalExtent instances.
* First, try to set a default VerticalCRS for Mean Sea Level Height in metres. In the majority of cases
* that should be enough. If not (typically because the vertical extent uses other unit than metre), try
* to create a new CRS using the unit declared in the WKT.
if (verticalElements != null) {
Exception ex = null;
try {
verticalElements = verticalElements.resolve(; // Optional operation.
} catch (UnsupportedOperationException e) {
ex = e;
if (verticalElements != null) try {
verticalElements = verticalElements.complete(factories.getCRSFactory(), factories.getCSFactory());
} catch (FactoryException e) {
if (ex == null) ex = e;
else ex.addSuppressed(e);
if (verticalElements != null) {
warning(null, (String) null, Errors.formatInternational(Errors.Keys.CanNotAssignUnitToDimension_2,
WKTKeywords.VerticalExtent, verticalElements.unit), ex);
} finally {
verticalElements = null;
verticalCRS = null;
properties.clear(); // for letting the garbage collector do its work.
return object;
* Parses the next element in the specified <i>Well Know Text</i> (WKT) tree.
* @param element the element to be parsed.
* @return the parsed object.
* @throws ParseException if the element cannot be parsed.
final Object buildFromTree(final Element element) throws ParseException {
Object value = parseCoordinateReferenceSystem(element, false);
if (value != null) {
return value;
value = parseMathTransform(element, false);
if (value != null) {
return value;
Object object;
if ((object = parseAxis (FIRST, element, null, Units.METRE )) == null &&
(object = parsePrimeMeridian (FIRST, element, false, Units.DEGREE)) == null &&
(object = parseDatum (FIRST, element, null )) == null &&
(object = parseEllipsoid (FIRST, element )) == null &&
(object = parseToWGS84 (FIRST, element )) == null &&
(object = parseVerticalDatum (FIRST, element, false)) == null &&
(object = parseTimeDatum (FIRST, element )) == null &&
(object = parseParametricDatum (FIRST, element )) == null &&
(object = parseEngineeringDatum (FIRST, element, false)) == null &&
(object = parseImageDatum (FIRST, element )) == null &&
(object = parseOperation (FIRST, element)) == null &&
(object = parseGeogTranslation (FIRST, element)) == null)
throw element.missingOrUnknownComponent(WKTKeywords.GeodeticCRS);
return object;
* Parses a coordinate reference system element.
* @param element the parent element.
* @param mandatory {@code true} if a CRS must be present, or {@code false} if optional.
* @return the next element as a {@code CoordinateReferenceSystem} object.
* @throws ParseException if the next element cannot be parsed.
private CoordinateReferenceSystem parseCoordinateReferenceSystem(final Element element, final boolean mandatory)
throws ParseException
CoordinateReferenceSystem crs;
if ((crs = parseGeodeticCRS (FIRST, element, 2, null)) == null &&
(crs = parseProjectedCRS (FIRST, element, false)) == null &&
(crs = parseVerticalCRS (FIRST, element, false)) == null &&
(crs = parseTimeCRS (FIRST, element, false)) == null &&
(crs = parseParametricCRS (FIRST, element, false)) == null &&
(crs = parseEngineeringCRS (FIRST, element, false)) == null &&
(crs = parseImageCRS (FIRST, element)) == null &&
(crs = parseCompoundCRS (FIRST, element)) == null &&
(crs = parseFittedCS (FIRST, element)) == null)
if (mandatory) {
throw element.missingOrUnknownComponent(WKTKeywords.GeodeticCRS);
return crs;
* Parses a coordinate reference system wrapped in an element of the given name.
* @param parent the parent element containing the CRS to parse.
* @param mode {@link #FIRST}, {@link #OPTIONAL} or {@link #MANDATORY}.
* @param keyword "SourceCRS", "TargetCRS" or "InterpolationCRS".
* @return the coordinate reference system, or {@code null} if none.
* @throws ParseException if the CRS cannot be parsed.
private CoordinateReferenceSystem parseCoordinateReferenceSystem(final Element parent, final int mode,
final String keyword) throws ParseException
final Element element = parent.pullElement(mode, keyword);
if (element == null) {
return null;
final CoordinateReferenceSystem crs = parseCoordinateReferenceSystem(element, true);
return crs;
* Returns the value associated to {@link IdentifiedObject#IDENTIFIERS_KEY} as an {@code Identifier} object.
* This method shall accept all value types that {@link #parseMetadataAndClose(Element, String, IdentifiedObject)}
* may store.
* @param identifier the {@link #properties} value, or {@code null}.
* @return the identifier, or {@code null} if the given value was null.
private static Identifier toIdentifier(final Object identifier) {
return (identifier instanceof Identifier[]) ? ((Identifier[]) identifier)[0] : (Identifier) identifier;
* Parses an <strong>optional</strong> metadata elements and close.
* This includes elements like {@code "SCOPE"}, {@code "ID"} (WKT 2) or {@code "AUTHORITY"} (WKT 1).
* This WKT 1 element has the following pattern:
* {@snippet lang="wkt" :
* AUTHORITY["<name>", "<code>"]
* }
* <h4>Fallback</h4>
* The name is a mandatory property, but some invalid WKT with an empty string exist. In such case,
* we will use the name of the enclosed datum. Indeed, it is not uncommon to have the same name for
* a geographic CRS and its geodetic reference frame.
* @param parent the parent element.
* @param name the name of the parent object being parsed.
* @param fallback the fallback to use if {@code name} is empty.
* @return a properties map with the parent name and the optional authority code.
* @throws ParseException if an element cannot be parsed.
* @see #parseParametersAndClose(Element, String, OperationMethod)
private Map<String,Object> parseMetadataAndClose(final Element parent, final String name,
final IdentifiedObject fallback) throws ParseException
properties.put(IdentifiedObject.NAME_KEY, (name.isEmpty() && fallback != null) ? fallback.getName() : name);
Element element;
while ((element = parent.pullElement(OPTIONAL, ID_KEYWORDS)) != null) {
final String codeSpace = element.pullString("codeSpace");
final String code = element.pullObject("code").toString(); // Accepts Integer as well as String.
final Object version = element.pullOptional(Object.class); // Accepts Number as well as String.
final Element citation = element.pullElement(OPTIONAL, WKTKeywords.Citation);
final String authority;
if (citation != null) {
authority = citation.pullString("authority");
} else {
authority = codeSpace;
final Element uri = element.pullElement(OPTIONAL, WKTKeywords.URI);
if (uri != null) {
uri.pullString("URI"); // TODO: not yet stored, since often redundant with other information.
* Note: we could be tempted to assign the authority to the name as well, like below:
* if (name instanceof String) {
* name = new NamedIdentifier(authority, (String) name);
* }
* properties.put(IdentifiedObject.NAME_KEY, name);
* However, experience shows that it is often wrong in practice, because peoples often
* declare EPSG codes but still use WKT names much shorter than the EPSG names
* (for example "WGS84" for the datum instead of "World Geodetic System 1984"),
* so the name in WKT is often not compliant with the name actually defined by the authority.
final var id = new ImmutableIdentifier(Citations.fromName(authority),
codeSpace, code, (version != null) ? version.toString() : null, null);
properties.merge(IdentifiedObject.IDENTIFIERS_KEY, id, (previous, toAdd) -> {
final var more = (ReferenceIdentifier) toAdd;
if (previous instanceof ReferenceIdentifier) {
return new ReferenceIdentifier[] {(ReferenceIdentifier) previous, more};
} else {
return ArraysExt.append((ReferenceIdentifier[]) previous, more);
// REMINDER: values associated to IDENTIFIERS_KEY shall be recognized by `toIdentifier(Object)`.
* Other metadata (SCOPE, AREA, etc.). ISO 19162 said that at most one of each type shall be present,
* but our parser accepts an arbitrary number of some kinds of metadata. They can be recognized by the
* `while` loop.
* Most WKT do not contain any of those metadata, so we perform an `isEmpty()` check as an optimization
* for those common cases.
if (!parent.isEmpty()) {
* Example: SCOPE["Large scale topographic mapping and cadastre."]
element = parent.pullElement(OPTIONAL, WKTKeywords.Scope);
if (element != null) {
properties.put(ReferenceSystem.SCOPE_KEY, element.pullString("scope")); // Other types like Datum use the same key.
* Example: AREA["Netherlands offshore."]
DefaultExtent extent = null;
while ((element = parent.pullElement(OPTIONAL, WKTKeywords.Area)) != null) {
final String area = element.pullString("area");
if (extent == null) {
extent = new DefaultExtent(area, null, null, null);
} else {
extent.getGeographicElements().add(new DefaultGeographicDescription(area));
* Example: BBOX[51.43, 2.54, 55.77, 6.40]
while ((element = parent.pullElement(OPTIONAL, WKTKeywords.BBox)) != null) {
final double southBoundLatitude = element.pullDouble("southBoundLatitude");
final double westBoundLongitude = element.pullDouble("westBoundLongitude");
final double northBoundLatitude = element.pullDouble("northBoundLatitude");
final double eastBoundLongitude = element.pullDouble("eastBoundLongitude");
if (extent == null) extent = new DefaultExtent();
extent.getGeographicElements().add(new DefaultGeographicBoundingBox(
westBoundLongitude, eastBoundLongitude, southBoundLatitude, northBoundLatitude));
* Example: VERTICALEXTENT[-1000, 0, LENGTHUNIT[“metre”, 1]]
* Units are optional, default to metres (no "contextual units" here).
while ((element = parent.pullElement(OPTIONAL, WKTKeywords.VerticalExtent)) != null) {
final double minimum = element.pullDouble("minimum");
final double maximum = element.pullDouble("maximum");
Unit<Length> unit = parseScaledUnit(element, WKTKeywords.LengthUnit, Units.METRE);
if (unit == null) unit = Units.METRE;
if (extent == null) extent = new DefaultExtent();
verticalElements = new VerticalInfo(verticalElements, extent, minimum, maximum, unit).resolve(verticalCRS);
* Example: TIMEEXTENT[2013-01-01, 2013-12-31]
* TODO: syntax like TIMEEXTENT[“Jurassic”, “Quaternary”] is not yet supported.
* See
while ((element = parent.pullElement(OPTIONAL, WKTKeywords.TimeExtent)) != null) {
if (element.peekValue() instanceof String) {
warning(parent, element, Errors.formatInternational(Errors.Keys.UnsupportedType_1, "TimeExtent[String,String]"), null);
} else {
final Date startTime = element.pullDate("startTime");
final Date endTime = element.pullDate("endTime");
final DefaultTemporalExtent t = new DefaultTemporalExtent();
t.setBounds(startTime, endTime);
if (extent == null) extent = new DefaultExtent();
if (extent != null) {
properties.put(ReferenceSystem.DOMAIN_OF_VALIDITY_KEY, extent);
* Example: REMARK["Замечание на русском языке"]
element = parent.pullElement(OPTIONAL, WKTKeywords.Remark);
if (element != null) {
properties.put(IdentifiedObject.REMARKS_KEY, element.pullString("remarks"));
if (parent.isRoot) {
return properties;
* Parses the datum {@code ANCHOR[]} element and pass the values to the {@link #parseMetadataAndClose(Element,
* String, IdentifiedObject)} method. If an anchor has been found, its value is stored in the returned map.
private Map<String,Object> parseAnchorAndClose(final Element element, final String name) throws ParseException {
final Element anchor = element.pullElement(OPTIONAL, WKTKeywords.Anchor);
final Map<String,Object> properties = parseMetadataAndClose(element, name, null);
if (anchor != null) {
properties.put(Datum.ANCHOR_POINT_KEY, anchor.pullString("anchorDefinition"));
return properties;
* Parses an optional {@code "UNIT"} element of a known dimension.
* This element has the following pattern:
* {@snippet lang="wkt" :
* UNIT["<name>", <conversion factor> {,<authority>}]
* }
* Unit was a mandatory element in WKT 1, but became optional in WKT 2 because the unit may be specified
* in each {@code AXIS[…]} element instead of for the whole coordinate system.
* @param parent the parent element.
* @param keyword the unit keyword (e.g. {@code "LengthUnit"} or {@code "AngleUnit"}).
* @param baseUnit the base unit, usually {@code Units.METRE} or {@code Units.RADIAN}.
* @return the {@code "UNIT"} element as an {@link Unit} object, or {@code null} if none.
* @throws ParseException if the {@code "UNIT"} cannot be parsed.
* @see #parseUnit(Element)
* @todo Authority code is currently discarded after parsing. We may consider to create a subclass of
* {@link Unit} which implements {@link IdentifiedObject} in a future version.
private <Q extends Quantity<Q>> Unit<Q> parseScaledUnit(final Element parent,
final String keyword, final Unit<Q> baseUnit) throws ParseException
final Element element = parent.pullElement(OPTIONAL, keyword, WKTKeywords.Unit);
if (element == null) {
return null;
final String name = element.pullString("name");
final double factor = element.pullDouble("factor");
Unit<Q> unit = baseUnit.multiply(completeUnitFactor(baseUnit, factor));
Unit<?> verify = parseUnitID(element);
* Consider the following element: UNIT[“kilometre”, 1000, ID[“EPSG”, “9036”]]
* - if the authority code (“9036”) refers to a unit incompatible with `baseUnit` (“metre”), log a warning.
* - otherwise: 1) unconditionally replace the parsed unit (“km”) by the unit referenced by the authority code.
* 2) if the new unit is not equivalent to the old one (i.e. different scale factor), log a warning.
if (verify != null) {
if (!baseUnit.getSystemUnit().equals(verify.getSystemUnit())) {
warning(parent, element, Errors.formatInternational(Errors.Keys.InconsistentUnitsForCS_1, verify), null);
} else if (Math.abs(unit.getConverterTo(unit = (Unit<Q>) verify).convert(1) - 1) > Numerics.COMPARISON_THRESHOLD) {
warning(parent, element, Errors.formatInternational(Errors.Keys.UnexpectedScaleFactorForUnit_2, verify, factor), null);
} else {
verify = null; // Means to perform additional verifications.
* Above block verified the ID[“EPSG”, “9036”] authority code. Now verify the unit parsed from the “km” symbol.
* This is only a verification; we will not replace the unit by the parsed one (i.e. authority code or scale
* factor have precedence over the unit symbol).
if (verify == null) {
try {
verify = parseUnit(name);
} catch (MeasurementParseException e) {
log(new LogRecord(Level.FINE, e.toString()));
if (verify != null) try {
if (Math.abs(verify.getConverterToAny(unit).convert(1) - 1) > Numerics.COMPARISON_THRESHOLD) {
warning(parent, element, Errors.formatInternational(Errors.Keys.UnexpectedScaleFactorForUnit_2, verify, factor), null);
} catch (IncommensurableException e) {
throw new UnparsableObjectException(errorLocale, Errors.Keys.InconsistentUnitsForCS_1,
new Object[] {verify}, element.offset).initCause(e);
return unit;
* Parses a {@code "CS"} element followed by all {@code "AXIS"} elements.
* This element has the following pattern (simplified):
* {@snippet lang="wkt" :
* CS["<type>", dimension],
* AXIS["<name>", NORTH | SOUTH | EAST | WEST | UP | DOWN | OTHER],
* UNIT["<name>", <conversion factor>],
* etc.
* }
* This element is different from all other elements parsed by {@code GeodeticObjectParser}
* in that its components are sibling elements rather than child elements of the CS element.
* <p>The optional {@code "UNIT[…]"} element shall be parsed by the caller. That element may appear after the
* {@code "CS[…]"} element (not inside). The unit may be forced to some dimension (e.g. {@code "LengthUnit"})
* or be any kind of unit, depending on the context in which this {@code parseCoordinateSystem(…)} method is
* invoked.</p>
* <h4>Variants of Cartesian type</h4>
* The {@link WKTKeywords#Cartesian} type may be used for projected, geocentric or other kinds of CRS.
* However, while all those variants are of the same CS type, their axis names and directions differ.
* Current implementation uses the following rules:
* <ul>
* <li>If the datum is not geodetic, then the axes of the Cartesian CS are unknown.</li>
* <li>Otherwise if {@code dimension is 2}, then the CS is assumed to be for a projected CRS.</li>
* <li>Otherwise if {@code dimension is 3}, then the CS is assumed to be for a geocentric CRS.</li>
* </ul>
* @param parent the parent element.
* @param type the expected type (Cartesian | ellipsoidal | vertical | etc…), or null if unknown.
* @param dimension the minimal number of dimensions. Can be 1 if unknown.
* @param isWKT1 {@code true} if the parent element is an element from the WKT 1 standard.
* @param defaultUnit the contextual unit (usually {@code Units.METRE} or {@code Units.RADIAN}), or {@code null} if unknown.
* @param datum the datum of the enclosing CRS, or {@code null} if unknown.
* @return the {@code "CS"}, {@code "UNIT"} and/or {@code "AXIS"} elements as a Coordinate System, or {@code null}.
* @throws ParseException if an element cannot be parsed.
* @throws FactoryException if the factory cannot create the coordinate system.
private CoordinateSystem parseCoordinateSystem(final Element parent, String type, int dimension,
final boolean isWKT1, final Unit<?> defaultUnit, final Datum datum) throws ParseException, FactoryException
final boolean is3D = (dimension >= 3);
Map<String,Object> csProperties = null;
* Parse the CS[<type>, <dimension>] element. This is specific to the WKT 2 format.
* In principle the CS element is mandatory, but the Apache SIS parser is lenient on
* this aspect: if the CS element is not present, we will compute the same defaults
* than what we do for WKT 1.
if (!isWKT1) {
final Element element = parent.pullElement(OPTIONAL, WKTKeywords.CS);
if (element != null) {
final String expected = type;
type = element.pullVoidElement("type").keyword;
dimension = element.pullInteger("dimension");
csProperties = new HashMap<>(parseMetadataAndClose(element, "CS", null));
if (expected != null) {
if (!expected.equalsIgnoreCase(type)) {
throw new UnparsableObjectException(errorLocale, Errors.Keys.UnexpectedValueInElement_2,
new String[] {WKTKeywords.CS, type}, element.offset);
if (dimension <= 0 || dimension >= Numerics.MAXIMUM_MATRIX_SIZE) {
final short key;
final Object[] args;
if (dimension <= 0) {
key = Errors.Keys.ValueNotGreaterThanZero_2;
args = new Object[] {"dimension", dimension};
} else {
key = Errors.Keys.ExcessiveNumberOfDimensions_1;
args = new Object[] {dimension};
throw new UnparsableObjectException(errorLocale, key, args, element.offset);
type = type.equalsIgnoreCase(WKTKeywords.Cartesian) ?
WKTKeywords.Cartesian : type.toLowerCase(symbols.getLocale());
* AXIS[…] elements are optional, but if we find one we will request that there is as many axes
* as the number of dimensions. If there is more axes than expected, we may emit an error later
* depending on the CS type.
* AXIS[…] elements will be parsed for verifying the syntax, but otherwise ignored if the parsing
* convention is WKT1_IGNORE_AXES. This is for compatibility with the way some other libraries
* parse WKT 1.
CoordinateSystemAxis[] axes = null;
CoordinateSystemAxis axis = parseAxis(type == null ? MANDATORY : OPTIONAL, parent, type, defaultUnit);
if (axis != null) {
final List<CoordinateSystemAxis> list = new ArrayList<>(dimension + 2);
do {
axis = parseAxis(list.size() < dimension ? MANDATORY : OPTIONAL, parent, type, defaultUnit);
} while (axis != null);
if (!isWKT1 || !ignoreAxes) {
axes = list.toArray(CoordinateSystemAxis[]::new);
Arrays.sort(axes, this); // Take ORDER[n] elements in account.
* If there are no explicit AXIS[…] elements, or if the user asked to ignore them,
* then we need to create default axes. This is possible only if we know the type
* of the CS to create, and only for some of those CS types.
final CSFactory csFactory = factories.getCSFactory();
if (axes == null) {
if (type == null) {
throw parent.missingComponent(WKTKeywords.Axis);
String nx = null, x = null; // Easting or Longitude axis name and abbreviation.
String ny = null, y = null; // Northing or latitude axis name and abbreviation.
String nz = null, z = null; // Depth, height or time axis name and abbreviation.
AxisDirection dx = AxisDirection.EAST;
AxisDirection dy = AxisDirection.NORTH;
AxisDirection direction = null; // Depth, height or time axis direction.
Unit<?> unit = defaultUnit; // Depth, height or time axis unit.
switch (type) {
* Cartesian — we can create axes only if the datum is geodetic, in which case the axes
* are for two- or three-dimensional Projected or three-dimensional Geocentric CRS.
case WKTKeywords.Cartesian: {
if (datum != null && !(datum instanceof GeodeticDatum)) {
throw parent.missingComponent(WKTKeywords.Axis);
if (defaultUnit == null) {
throw parent.missingComponent(WKTKeywords.LengthUnit);
if (is3D) { // If dimension cannot be 2, then CRS cannot be Projected.
return Legacy.standard(defaultUnit);
nx = AxisNames.EASTING; x = "E";
ny = AxisNames.NORTHING; y = "N";
if (dimension >= 3) { // Non-standard but SIS is tolerant to this case.
z = "h";
unit = Units.METRE;
* Ellipsoidal — can be two- or three- dimensional, in which case the height can
* only be ellipsoidal height. The default axis order depends on the WKT version:
* - WKT 1 said explicitly that the default order is (longitude, latitude).
* - WKT 2 has no default, and allows only (latitude, longitude) order.
case WKTKeywords.ellipsoidal: {
if (defaultUnit == null) {
throw parent.missingComponent(WKTKeywords.AngleUnit);
if (isWKT1) {
nx = AxisNames.GEODETIC_LONGITUDE; x = "λ";
ny = AxisNames.GEODETIC_LATITUDE; y = "φ";
} else {
nx = AxisNames.GEODETIC_LATITUDE; x = "φ"; dx = AxisDirection.NORTH;
ny = AxisNames.GEODETIC_LONGITUDE; y = "λ"; dy = AxisDirection.EAST;
if (dimension >= 3) {
direction = AxisDirection.UP;
z = "h";
unit = Units.METRE;
* Vertical — the default name and symbol depends on whether this is depth,
* geoidal height, ellipsoidal height (non-standard) or other kind of heights.
case WKTKeywords.vertical: {
if (defaultUnit == null) {
throw parent.missingComponent(WKTKeywords.Unit);
z = "h";
nz = "Height";
direction = AxisDirection.UP;
if (datum instanceof VerticalDatum) {
final VerticalDatumType vt = ((VerticalDatum) datum).getVerticalDatumType();
if (vt == VerticalDatumType.GEOIDAL) {
z = "H";
} else if (vt == VerticalDatumType.DEPTH) {
direction = AxisDirection.DOWN;
nz = AxisNames.DEPTH;
z = "D";
} else if (VerticalDatumTypes.ellipsoidal(vt)) {
// Not allowed by ISO 19111 as a standalone axis, but SIS is
// tolerant to this case since it is sometimes hard to avoid.
* Temporal — axis name and abbreviation not yet specified by ISO 19111.
case WKTKeywords.temporal: {
if (defaultUnit == null) {
throw parent.missingComponent(WKTKeywords.TimeUnit);
direction = AxisDirection.FUTURE;
nz = "Time";
z = "t";
* Parametric — axis name and abbreviation not yet specified by ISO 19111_2.
case WKTKeywords.parametric: {
if (defaultUnit == null) {
throw parent.missingComponent(WKTKeywords.ParametricUnit);
direction = AxisDirections.UNSPECIFIED;
nz = "Parametric";
z = "p";
* Unknown CS type — we cannot guess which axes to create.
default: {
throw parent.missingComponent(WKTKeywords.Axis);
int i = 0;
axes = new CoordinateSystemAxis[dimension];
if (x != null && i < dimension) axes[i++] = csFactory.createCoordinateSystemAxis(singletonMap(CoordinateSystemAxis.NAME_KEY, nx), x, dx, defaultUnit);
if (y != null && i < dimension) axes[i++] = csFactory.createCoordinateSystemAxis(singletonMap(CoordinateSystemAxis.NAME_KEY, ny), y, dy, defaultUnit);
if (z != null && i < dimension) axes[i++] = csFactory.createCoordinateSystemAxis(singletonMap(CoordinateSystemAxis.NAME_KEY, nz), z, direction, unit);
// Not a problem if the array does not have the expected length for the CS type. This will be verified below in this method.
* Infer a CS name will be inferred from the axes if possible.
* Example: "Compound CS: East (km), North (km), Up (m)."
final String name;
{ // For keeping the `buffer` variable local to this block.
final StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder();
if (type != null && !type.isEmpty()) {
final int c = type.codePointAt(0);
.append(type, Character.charCount(c), type.length()).append(' ');
name = AxisDirections.appendTo(buffer.append("CS"), axes);
if (csProperties == null) {
csProperties = singletonMap(CoordinateSystem.NAME_KEY, name);
} else {
csProperties.put(CoordinateSystem.NAME_KEY, name);
if (type == null) {
* Creates a coordinate system of unknown type. This block is executed during parsing of WKT version 1,
* since that legacy format did not specified any information about the coordinate system in use.
* This block should not be executed during parsing of WKT version 2.
return new AbstractCS(csProperties, axes);
* Finally, delegate to the factory method corresponding to the CS type and the number of axes.
switch (type) {
case WKTKeywords.ellipsoidal: {
switch (axes.length) {
case 2: return csFactory.createEllipsoidalCS(csProperties, axes[0], axes[1]);
case 3: return csFactory.createEllipsoidalCS(csProperties, axes[0], axes[1], axes[2]);
dimension = (axes.length < 2) ? 2 : 3; // For error message.
case WKTKeywords.spherical: {
switch (axes.length) {
case 2: if (csFactory instanceof GeodeticObjectFactory) {
return ((GeodeticObjectFactory) csFactory).createSphericalCS(csProperties, axes[0], axes[1]);
case 3: return csFactory.createSphericalCS(csProperties, axes[0], axes[1], axes[2]);
dimension = (axes.length < 2) ? 2 : 3; // For error message.
case WKTKeywords.Cartesian: {
switch (axes.length) {
case 2: return csFactory.createCartesianCS(csProperties, axes[0], axes[1]);
case 3: return csFactory.createCartesianCS(csProperties, axes[0], axes[1], axes[2]);
dimension = (axes.length < 2) ? 2 : 3; // For error message.
case WKTKeywords.affine: {
switch (axes.length) {
case 2: return csFactory.createAffineCS(csProperties, axes[0], axes[1]);
case 3: return csFactory.createAffineCS(csProperties, axes[0], axes[1], axes[2]);
dimension = (axes.length < 2) ? 2 : 3; // For error message.
case WKTKeywords.vertical: {
if (axes.length != (dimension = 1)) break;
return csFactory.createVerticalCS(csProperties, axes[0]);
case WKTKeywords.temporal: {
if (axes.length != (dimension = 1)) break;
return csFactory.createTimeCS(csProperties, axes[0]);
case WKTKeywords.linear: {
if (axes.length != (dimension = 1)) break;
return csFactory.createLinearCS(csProperties, axes[0]);
case WKTKeywords.polar: {
if (axes.length != (dimension = 2)) break;
return csFactory.createPolarCS(csProperties, axes[0], axes[1]);
case WKTKeywords.cylindrical: {
if (axes.length != (dimension = 3)) break;
return csFactory.createCylindricalCS(csProperties, axes[0], axes[1], axes[2]);
case WKTKeywords.parametric: {
if (axes.length != (dimension = 1)) break;
return ServicesForMetadata.createParametricCS(csProperties, axes[0], csFactory);
default: {
warning(parent, WKTKeywords.CS, Errors.formatInternational(Errors.Keys.UnknownType_1, type), null);
return new AbstractCS(csProperties, axes);
throw new UnparsableObjectException(errorLocale, (axes.length > dimension)
? Errors.Keys.TooManyOccurrences_2 : Errors.Keys.TooFewOccurrences_2,
new Object[] {dimension, WKTKeywords.Axis}, parent.offset);
* Parses an {@code "AXIS"} element.
* This element has the following pattern (simplified):
* {@snippet lang="wkt" :
* AXIS["<name (abbr.)>", NORTH | SOUTH | EAST | WEST | UP | DOWN | OTHER, ORDER[n], UNIT[…], ID[…]]
* }
* Abbreviation may be specified between parenthesis. Nested parenthesis are possible, as for example:
* {@snippet lang="wkt" :
* AXIS["Easting (E(X))", EAST]
* }
* @param mode {@link #FIRST}, {@link #OPTIONAL} or {@link #MANDATORY}.
* @param parent the parent element.
* @param csType the coordinate system type (Cartesian | ellipsoidal | vertical | etc…), or null if unknown.
* @param defaultUnit the contextual unit (usually {@code Units.METRE} or {@code Units.RADIAN}), or {@code null} if unknown.
* @return the {@code "AXIS"} element as a {@link CoordinateSystemAxis} object,
* or {@code null} if the axis was not required and there are no axis objects.
* @throws ParseException if the {@code "AXIS"} element cannot be parsed.
private CoordinateSystemAxis parseAxis(final int mode, final Element parent, final String csType,
final Unit<?> defaultUnit) throws ParseException
final Element element = parent.pullElement(mode, WKTKeywords.Axis);
if (element == null) {
return null;
* Name, orientation (usually NORTH, SOUTH, EAST or WEST) and units are the main components of AXIS[…].
* The name may contain an abbreviation, which will be handle later in this method. In the special case
* of coordinate system over a pole, the orientation may be of the form “South along 90°W”, which is
* expressed by a syntax like AXIS[“South along 90°W”, SOUTH, MERIDIAN[-90, UNIT["deg"]]]. Note that
* the meridian is relative to the prime meridian of the enclosing geodetic CRS.
String name = element.pullString("name");
final Element orientation = element.pullVoidElement("orientation");
Unit<?> unit = parseUnit(element);
if (unit == null) {
if (defaultUnit == null) {
throw element.missingComponent(WKTKeywords.Unit);
unit = defaultUnit;
AxisDirection direction = Types.forCodeName(AxisDirection.class, orientation.keyword, AxisDirection::valueOf);
final Element meridian = element.pullElement(OPTIONAL, WKTKeywords.Meridian);
if (meridian != null) {
double angle = meridian.pullDouble("meridian");
final Unit<Angle> m = parseScaledUnit(meridian, WKTKeywords.AngleUnit, Units.RADIAN);
if (m != null) {
angle = m.getConverterTo(Units.DEGREE).convert(angle);
direction = CoordinateSystems.directionAlongMeridian(direction, angle);
* According ISO 19162, the abbreviation should be inserted between parenthesis in the name.
* Example: "Easting (E)", "Longitude (L)". If we do not find an abbreviation, then we will
* have to guess one since abbreviation is a mandatory part of axis.
String abbreviation;
int start, end = name.length() - 1;
if (end > 1 && name.charAt(end) == ')' && (start = name.lastIndexOf('(', end-1)) >= 0) {
// Abbreviation may have nested parenthesis (e.g. "Easting (E(X))").
for (int np = end; (--np >= 0) && name.charAt(np) == ')';) {
final int c = name.lastIndexOf('(', start - 1);
if (c < 0) {
warning(parent, element, Errors.formatInternational(
Errors.Keys.NonEquilibratedParenthesis_2, '(', name), null);
start = c;
abbreviation = name.substring(start + 1, end).strip();
name = name.substring(0, start).strip();
if (name.isEmpty()) {
name = abbreviation;
} else {
abbreviation = AxisDirections.suggestAbbreviation(name, direction, unit);
* The longitude and latitude axis names are explicitly fixed by ISO 19111:2007 to "Geodetic longitude"
* and "Geodetic latitude". But ISO 19162:2015 §7.5.3(ii) said that the "Geodetic" part in those names
* shall be omitted at WKT formatting time. SIS's DefaultCoordinateSystemAxis.formatTo(Formatter)
* method performs this removal, so we apply the reverse operation here.
name = transliterator.toLongAxisName (csType, direction, name);
abbreviation = transliterator.toUnicodeAbbreviation(csType, direction, abbreviation);
* At this point we are done and ready to create the CoordinateSystemAxis. But there is one last element
* specified by ISO 19162 but not in Apache SIS representation of axis: ORDER[n], which specify the axis
* ordering. If present we will store that value for processing by the `parseCoordinateSystem(…)` method.
final Element order = element.pullElement(OPTIONAL, WKTKeywords.Order);
Integer n = null;
if (order != null) {
n = order.pullInteger("order");
final CoordinateSystemAxis axis;
final CSFactory csFactory = factories.getCSFactory();
try {
axis = csFactory.createCoordinateSystemAxis(parseMetadataAndClose(element, name, null), abbreviation, direction, unit);
} catch (FactoryException exception) {
throw element.parseFailed(exception);
if (axisOrder.put(axis, n) != null) { // Opportunist check, effective for instances created by SIS factory.
throw new UnparsableObjectException(errorLocale, Errors.Keys.DuplicatedElement_1,
new Object[] {Strings.bracket(WKTKeywords.Axis, name)}, element.offset);
return axis;
* Compares axes for order. This method is used for ordering axes according their {@code ORDER} element,
* if present. If no {@code ORDER} element were present, then the axis order is left unchanged. If only
* some axes have an {@code ORDER} element (which is illegal according ISO 19162), then those axes will
* be sorted before the axes without {@code ORDER} element.
* @param o1 the first axis to compare.
* @param o2 the second axis to compare.
* @return -1 if {@code o1} should be before {@code o2},
* +1 if {@code o2} should be before {@code o1}, or
* 0 if undetermined (no axis order change).
public final int compare(final CoordinateSystemAxis o1, final CoordinateSystemAxis o2) {
final Integer n1 = axisOrder.get(o1);
final Integer n2 = axisOrder.get(o2);
if (n1 != null) {
if (n2 != null) {
return n1 - n2;
return -1; // Axis 1 before Axis 2 since the latter has no `ORDER` element.
} else if (n2 != null) {
return +1; // Axis 2 before Axis 1 since the latter has no `ORDER` element.
return 0;
* Parses a {@code "PrimeMeridian"} element. The syntax is given by
* <a href="">WKT 2 specification §8.2.2</a>.
* The legacy WKT 1 pattern was:
* {@snippet lang="wkt" :
* PRIMEM["<name>", <longitude> {,<authority>}]
* }
* @param mode {@link #FIRST}, {@link #OPTIONAL} or {@link #MANDATORY}.
* @param parent the parent element.
* @param isWKT1 {@code true} if this method is invoked while parsing a WKT 1 element.
* @param angularUnit the contextual unit.
* @return the {@code "PrimeMeridian"} element as a {@link PrimeMeridian} object.
* @throws ParseException if the {@code "PrimeMeridian"} element cannot be parsed.
* @see org.apache.sis.referencing.datum.DefaultPrimeMeridian#formatTo(Formatter)
private PrimeMeridian parsePrimeMeridian(final int mode, final Element parent, final boolean isWKT1, Unit<Angle> angularUnit)
throws ParseException
if (isWKT1 && usesCommonUnits) {
angularUnit = Units.DEGREE;
final Element element = parent.pullElement(mode, WKTKeywords.PrimeMeridian, WKTKeywords.PrimeM);
if (element == null) {
return null;
final String name = element.pullString("name");
final double longitude = element.pullDouble("longitude");
final Unit<Angle> unit = parseScaledUnit(element, WKTKeywords.AngleUnit, Units.RADIAN);
if (unit != null) {
angularUnit = unit;
} else if (angularUnit == null) {
throw parent.missingComponent(WKTKeywords.AngleUnit);
final DatumFactory datumFactory = factories.getDatumFactory();
try {
return datumFactory.createPrimeMeridian(parseMetadataAndClose(element, name, null), longitude, angularUnit);
} catch (FactoryException exception) {
throw element.parseFailed(exception);
* Parses an <strong>optional</strong> {@code "TOWGS84"} element.
* This element is specific to WKT 1 and has the following pattern:
* {@snippet lang="wkt" :
* TOWGS84[<dx>, <dy>, <dz>, <ex>, <ey>, <ez>, <ppm>]
* }
* @param mode {@link #FIRST}, {@link #OPTIONAL} or {@link #MANDATORY}.
* @param parent the parent element.
* @return the {@code "TOWGS84"} element as a {@link org.apache.sis.referencing.datum.BursaWolfParameters} object,
* or {@code null} if no {@code "TOWGS84"} has been found.
* @throws ParseException if the {@code "TOWGS84"} cannot be parsed.
private Object parseToWGS84(final int mode, final Element parent) throws ParseException {
final Element element = parent.pullElement(mode, WKTKeywords.ToWGS84);
if (element == null) {
return null;
final double[] values = new double[ToWGS84.length];
for (int i=0; i<values.length;) {
values[i] = element.pullDouble(ToWGS84[i]);
if ((++i % 3) == 0 && element.isEmpty()) {
break; // It is legal to have only 3 or 6 elements.
final BursaWolfParameters info = new BursaWolfParameters(CommonCRS.WGS84.datum(), null);
return info;
* Parses an {@code "Ellipsoid"} element. The syntax is given by
* <a href="">WKT 2 specification §8.2.1</a>.
* The legacy WKT 1 pattern was:
* {@snippet lang="wkt" :
* SPHEROID["<name>", <semi-major axis>, <inverse flattening> {,<authority>}]
* }
* @param mode {@link #FIRST}, {@link #OPTIONAL} or {@link #MANDATORY}.
* @param parent the parent element.
* @return the {@code "Ellipsoid"} element as an {@link Ellipsoid} object.
* @throws ParseException if the {@code "Ellipsoid"} element cannot be parsed.
* @see org.apache.sis.referencing.datum.DefaultEllipsoid#formatTo(Formatter)
private Ellipsoid parseEllipsoid(final int mode, final Element parent) throws ParseException {
final Element element = parent.pullElement(mode, WKTKeywords.Ellipsoid, WKTKeywords.Spheroid);
if (element == null) {
return null;
final String name = element.pullString("name");
final double semiMajorAxis = element.pullDouble("semiMajorAxis");
double inverseFlattening = element.pullDouble("inverseFlattening");
Unit<Length> unit = parseScaledUnit(element, WKTKeywords.LengthUnit, Units.METRE);
if (unit == null) {
unit = Units.METRE;
final Map<String,?> properties = parseMetadataAndClose(element, name, null);
final DatumFactory datumFactory = factories.getDatumFactory();
try {
if (inverseFlattening == 0) { // OGC convention for a sphere.
return datumFactory.createEllipsoid(properties, semiMajorAxis, semiMajorAxis, unit);
} else {
return datumFactory.createFlattenedSphere(properties, semiMajorAxis, inverseFlattening, unit);
} catch (FactoryException exception) {
throw element.parseFailed(exception);
* Parses a {@code "GeodeticCRS"} (WKT 2) element where the number of dimensions and coordinate system type
* are derived from the operation method. This is used for parsing the base CRS component of derived CRS.
* @param mode {@link #OPTIONAL} or {@link #MANDATORY}.
* @param parent the parent element.
* @param method the operation method, or {@code null} if unknown.
* @throws ParseException if the {@code "GeodeticCRS"} element cannot be parsed.
private SingleCRS parseBaseCRS(final int mode, final Element parent, final OperationMethod method)
throws ParseException
int dimension = 2;
String csType = WKTKeywords.ellipsoidal;
if (method instanceof AbstractProvider) {
var p = (AbstractProvider) method;
dimension = p.minSourceDimension;
csType = WKTUtilities.toType(CoordinateSystem.class, p.sourceCSType);
if (csType == null) csType = WKTKeywords.ellipsoidal;
return parseGeodeticCRS(mode, parent, dimension, csType);
* Parses a {@code "Method"} (WKT 2) element, without the parameters.
* @param parent the parent element.
* @param keywords the element keywords.
* @return the operation method.
* @throws ParseException if the {@code "Method"} element cannot be parsed.
private OperationMethod parseMethod(final Element parent, final String... keywords) throws ParseException {
final Element element = parent.pullElement(MANDATORY, keywords);
final String name = element.pullString("method");
Map<String,?> properties = parseMetadataAndClose(element, name, null);
final Identifier id = toIdentifier(properties.remove(IdentifiedObject.IDENTIFIERS_KEY)); // See NOTE 2 in parseDerivingConversion.
* The map projection method may be specified by an EPSG identifier (or any other authority),
* which is preferred to the method name since the latter is potentially ambiguous. However, not
* all CoordinateOperationFactory may accept identifier as an argument to `getOperationMethod(…)`.
* So if an identifier is present, we will try to use it but fallback on the name if we can
* not use the identifier.
FactoryException suppressed = null;
final CoordinateOperationFactory opFactory = factories.getCoordinateOperationFactory();
final MathTransformFactory mtFactory = factories.getMathTransformFactory();
if (id instanceof ReferenceIdentifier) try {
// CodeSpace is a mandatory attribute in ID[…] elements, so we do not test for null values.
return ServicesForMetadata.getOperationMethod(opFactory, mtFactory,
((ReferenceIdentifier) id).getCodeSpace() + Constants.DEFAULT_SEPARATOR + id.getCode());
} catch (FactoryException e) {
suppressed = e;
try {
return ServicesForMetadata.getOperationMethod(opFactory, mtFactory, name);
} catch (FactoryException e) {
if (suppressed != null) {
throw element.parseFailed(e);
* Parses a {@code "Method"} (WKT 2) element, followed by parameter values. The syntax is given by
* <a href="">WKT 2 specification §9.3</a>.
* The legacy WKT 1 specification was:
* {@snippet lang="wkt" :
* PROJECTION["<name>" {,<authority>}]
* }
* Note that in WKT 2, this element is wrapped inside a {@code Conversion} or {@code DerivingConversion}
* element which is itself inside the {@code ProjectedCRS} element. This is different than WKT 1, which
* puts this element right into the {@code ProjectedCRS} element without {@code Conversion} wrapper.
* @param mode {@link #FIRST}, {@link #OPTIONAL} or {@link #MANDATORY}.
* @param parent the parent element.
* @param wrapper "Conversion" or "DerivingConversion" wrapper name, or null if parsing a WKT 1.
* @param defaultUnit the unit (usually linear) of the parent element, or {@code null}.
* @param defaultAngularUnit the angular unit of the sibling {@code GeographicCRS} element, or {@code null}.
* @return the {@code "Method"} element and its parameters as a defining conversion.
* @throws ParseException if the {@code "Method"} element cannot be parsed.
private Conversion parseDerivingConversion(final int mode, Element parent, final String wrapper,
final Unit<?> defaultUnit, final Unit<Angle> defaultAngularUnit) throws ParseException
final String name;
if (wrapper == null) {
name = null; // Will actually be ignored. WKT 1 does not provide name for Conversion objects.
} else {
* If we are parsing WKT 2, then there is an additional "Conversion" element between
* the parent (usually a ProjectedCRS) and the other elements parsed by this method.
parent = parent.pullElement(mode, wrapper);
if (parent == null) {
return null;
name = parent.pullString("name");
final OperationMethod method = parseMethod(parent, WKTKeywords.Method, WKTKeywords.Projection);
Map<String,?> properties =; // Same properties then OperationMethod, with ID removed.
* Set the list of parameters.
* NOTE 1: Parameters are defined in the parent element (usually a "ProjectedCRS" element
* in WKT 1 or a "Conversion" element in WKT 2), not in this "Method" element.
* NOTE 2: We may inherit the OperationMethod name if there is no Conversion wrapper with its own name,
* but we shall not inherit the OperationMethod identifier. This is the reason why we invoked
* properties.remove(IdentifiedObject.IDENTIFIERS_KEY)) above.
final ParameterValueGroup parameters = method.getParameters().createValue();
parseParameters(parent, parameters, defaultUnit, defaultAngularUnit);
if (wrapper != null) {
properties = parseMetadataAndClose(parent, name, method);
* DEPARTURE FROM ISO 19162: the specification in §9.3.2 said:
* "If an identifier is provided as an attribute within the <map projection conversion> object,
* because it is expected to describe a complete collection of zone name, method, parameters and
* parameter values, it shall override any identifiers given within the map projection method and
* map projection parameter objects."
* However, this would require this GeodeticObjectParser to hold a CoordinateOperationAuthorityFactory,
* which we do not yet implement. See
final CoordinateOperationFactory opFactory = factories.getCoordinateOperationFactory();
try {
return opFactory.createDefiningConversion(properties, method, parameters);
} catch (FactoryException exception) {
throw parent.parseFailed(exception);
* Parses a {@code "Datum"} (WKT 2) element. The syntax is given by
* <a href="">WKT 2 specification §8.2.4</a>.
* The legacy WKT 1 pattern was:
* {@snippet lang="wkt" :
* DATUM["<name>", <spheroid> {,<to wgs84>} {,<authority>}]
* }
* @param mode {@link #FIRST}, {@link #OPTIONAL} or {@link #MANDATORY}.
* @param parent the parent element.
* @param meridian the prime meridian, or {@code null} for Greenwich.
* @return the {@code "Datum"} element as a {@link GeodeticDatum} object.
* @throws ParseException if the {@code "Datum"} element cannot be parsed.
* @see org.apache.sis.referencing.datum.DefaultGeodeticDatum#formatTo(Formatter)
private GeodeticDatum parseDatum(final int mode, final Element parent, PrimeMeridian meridian) throws ParseException {
final Element element = parent.pullElement(mode, WKTKeywords.Datum, WKTKeywords.GeodeticDatum);
if (element == null) {
return null;
final String name = element.pullString("name");
final Ellipsoid ellipsoid = parseEllipsoid(MANDATORY, element);
final Object toWGS84 = parseToWGS84(OPTIONAL, element);
final Map<String,Object> properties = parseAnchorAndClose(element, name);
if (meridian == null) {
meridian = CommonCRS.WGS84.primeMeridian();
if (toWGS84 != null) {
properties.put(CoordinateOperations.BURSA_WOLF_KEY, toWGS84);
final DatumFactory datumFactory = factories.getDatumFactory();
try {
return datumFactory.createGeodeticDatum(properties, ellipsoid, meridian);
} catch (FactoryException exception) {
throw element.parseFailed(exception);
* Parses a {@code "VerticalDatum"} (WKT 2) element. The syntax is given by
* <a href="">WKT 2 specification §10.2</a>.
* The legacy WKT 1 pattern was:
* {@snippet lang="wkt" :
* VERT_DATUM["<name>", <datum type> {,<authority>}]
* }
* @param mode {@link #FIRST}, {@link #OPTIONAL} or {@link #MANDATORY}.
* @param parent the parent element.
* @param isWKT1 {@code true} if the parent is a WKT 1 element.
* @return the {@code "VerticalDatum"} element as a {@link VerticalDatum} object.
* @throws ParseException if the {@code "VerticalDatum"} element cannot be parsed.
private VerticalDatum parseVerticalDatum(final int mode, final Element parent, final boolean isWKT1)
throws ParseException
final Element element = parent.pullElement(mode,
if (element == null) {
return null;
final String name = element.pullString("name");
VerticalDatumType method = null;
if (isWKT1) {
method = VerticalDatumTypes.fromLegacy(element.pullInteger("datum"));
if (method == null) {
method = VerticalDatumTypes.guess(name, null, null);
final DatumFactory datumFactory = factories.getDatumFactory();
try {
return datumFactory.createVerticalDatum(parseAnchorAndClose(element, name), method);
} catch (FactoryException exception) {
throw element.parseFailed(exception);
* Parses a {@code "TimeDatum"} element. This element has the following pattern:
* {@snippet lang="wkt" :
* TimeDatum["<name>", TimeOrigin[<time origin>] {,<authority>}]
* }
* @param mode {@link #FIRST}, {@link #OPTIONAL} or {@link #MANDATORY}.
* @param parent the parent element.
* @return the {@code "TimeDatum"} element as a {@link TemporalDatum} object.
* @throws ParseException if the {@code "TimeDatum"} element cannot be parsed.
private TemporalDatum parseTimeDatum(final int mode, final Element parent) throws ParseException {
final Element element = parent.pullElement(mode, WKTKeywords.TimeDatum, WKTKeywords.TDatum);
if (element == null) {
return null;
final String name = element.pullString ("name");
final Element origin = element.pullElement(MANDATORY, WKTKeywords.TimeOrigin);
final Date epoch = origin .pullDate("origin");
final DatumFactory datumFactory = factories.getDatumFactory();
try {
return datumFactory.createTemporalDatum(parseAnchorAndClose(element, name), epoch);
} catch (FactoryException exception) {
throw element.parseFailed(exception);
* Parses a {@code "ParametricDatum"} element. This element has the following pattern:
* {@snippet lang="wkt" :
* ParametricDatum["<name>", Anchor[...] {,<authority>}]
* }
* @param mode {@link #FIRST}, {@link #OPTIONAL} or {@link #MANDATORY}.
* @param parent the parent element.
* @return the {@code "ParametricDatum"} element as a {@code ParametricDatum} object.
* @throws ParseException if the {@code "ParametricDatum"} element cannot be parsed.
private Datum parseParametricDatum(final int mode, final Element parent) throws ParseException {
final Element element = parent.pullElement(mode, WKTKeywords.ParametricDatum, WKTKeywords.PDatum);
if (element == null) {
return null;
final String name = element.pullString("name");
final DatumFactory datumFactory = factories.getDatumFactory();
try {
return ServicesForMetadata.createParametricDatum(parseAnchorAndClose(element, name), datumFactory);
} catch (FactoryException exception) {
throw element.parseFailed(exception);
* Parses a {@code "EngineeringDatum"} (WKT 2) element. The syntax is given by
* <a href="">WKT 2 specification §11.2</a>.
* The legacy WKT 1 pattern was:
* {@snippet lang="wkt" :
* LOCAL_DATUM["<name>", <datum type> {,<authority>}]
* }
* The datum type (WKT 1 only) is currently ignored.
* @param mode {@link #FIRST}, {@link #OPTIONAL} or {@link #MANDATORY}.
* @param parent the parent element.
* @param isWKT1 {@code true} if the parent is a WKT 1 element.
* @return the {@code "EngineeringDatum"} element as an {@link EngineeringDatum} object.
* @throws ParseException if the {@code "EngineeringDatum"} element cannot be parsed.
private EngineeringDatum parseEngineeringDatum(final int mode, final Element parent, final boolean isWKT1) throws ParseException {
final Element element = parent.pullElement(mode,
if (element == null) {
return null;
final String name = element.pullString("name");
if (isWKT1) {
element.pullInteger("datum"); // Ignored for now.
final DatumFactory datumFactory = factories.getDatumFactory();
try {
return datumFactory.createEngineeringDatum(parseAnchorAndClose(element, name));
} catch (FactoryException exception) {
throw element.parseFailed(exception);
* Parses an {@code "ImageDatum"} (WKT 2) element. The syntax is given by
* <a href="">WKT 2 specification §12.2</a>.
* @param mode {@link #FIRST}, {@link #OPTIONAL} or {@link #MANDATORY}.
* @param parent the parent element.
* @return the {@code "ImageDatum"} element.
* @throws ParseException if the {@code "ImageDatum"} element cannot be parsed.
private ImageDatum parseImageDatum(final int mode, final Element parent) throws ParseException {
final Element element = parent.pullElement(mode, WKTKeywords.ImageDatum, WKTKeywords.IDatum);
if (element == null) {
return null;
final String name = element.pullString("name");
final PixelInCell pixelInCell = Types.forCodeName(PixelInCell.class,
element.pullVoidElement("pixelInCell").keyword, PixelInCell::valueOf);
final DatumFactory datumFactory = factories.getDatumFactory();
try {
return datumFactory.createImageDatum(parseAnchorAndClose(element, name), pixelInCell);
} catch (FactoryException exception) {
throw element.parseFailed(exception);
* Parses a {@code "EngineeringCRS"} (WKT 2) element. The syntax is given by
* <a href="">WKT 2 specification §11</a>.
* The legacy WKT 1 pattern was:
* {@snippet lang="wkt" :
* LOCAL_CS["<name>", <local datum>, <unit>, <axis>, {,<axis>}* {,<authority>}]
* }
* @param mode {@link #FIRST}, {@link #OPTIONAL} or {@link #MANDATORY}.
* @param parent the parent element.
* @param isBaseCRS {@code true} if parsing the CRS inside a {@code DerivedCRS}.
* @return the {@code "EngineeringCRS"} element as an {@link EngineeringCRS} object.
* @throws ParseException if the {@code "EngineeringCRS"} element cannot be parsed.
private SingleCRS parseEngineeringCRS(final int mode, final Element parent, final boolean isBaseCRS)
throws ParseException
final Element element = parent.pullElement(mode,
isBaseCRS ? new String[] {WKTKeywords.BaseEngCRS} // WKT 2 in DerivedCRS
: new String[] {WKTKeywords.EngineeringCRS, // [0] WKT 2
WKTKeywords.EngCRS, // [1] WKT 2
WKTKeywords.Local_CS}); // [2] WKT 1
if (element == null) {
return null;
final boolean isWKT1 = element.getKeywordIndex() == 2; // Index of "Local_CS" above.
final String name = element.pullString("name");
final Unit<?> unit = parseUnit(element);
* An EngineeringCRS can be either a "normal" one (with a non-null datum), or a DerivedCRS.
* In the latter case, the datum is null and we have instead DerivingConversion element from a base CRS.
EngineeringDatum datum = null;
SingleCRS baseCRS = null;
Conversion fromBase = null;
if (!isWKT1 && !isBaseCRS) {
* UNIT[…] in DerivedCRS parameters are mandatory according ISO 19162 and the specification does not said
* what to do if they are missing. In this code, we default to the contextual units in the same way as
* what we do for ProjectedCRS parameters, in the hope to be consistent.
* An alternative would be to specify null units, in which case MathTransformParser.parseParameters(…)
* defaults to the units specified in the parameter descriptor. But this would make the CRS parser more
* implementation-dependent, because the parameter descriptors are provided by the MathTransformFactory
* instead of inferred from the WKT.
fromBase = parseDerivingConversion(OPTIONAL, element, WKTKeywords.DerivingConversion, unit, null);
if (fromBase != null) {
* The order of base types below is arbitrary. But no matter their type,
* they must be optional except the last one which should be mandatory.
* The last one determines the error message to be reported if we find none.
baseCRS = parseEngineeringCRS(OPTIONAL, element, true);
if (baseCRS == null) {
baseCRS = parseBaseCRS(OPTIONAL, element, fromBase.getMethod());
if (baseCRS == null) {
baseCRS = parseProjectedCRS(MANDATORY, element, true);
if (baseCRS == null) { // The most usual case.
datum = parseEngineeringDatum(MANDATORY, element, isWKT1);
final CRSFactory crsFactory = factories.getCRSFactory();
try {
final CoordinateSystem cs = parseCoordinateSystem(element, null, 1, isWKT1, unit, datum);
final Map<String,Object> properties = parseMetadataAndClose(element, name, datum);
if (baseCRS != null) {
properties.put(Legacy.DERIVED_TYPE_KEY, EngineeringCRS.class);
return crsFactory.createDerivedCRS(properties, baseCRS, fromBase, cs);
return crsFactory.createEngineeringCRS(properties, datum, cs);
} catch (FactoryException exception) {
throw element.parseFailed(exception);
* Parses an {@code "ImageCRS"} (WKT 2) element. The syntax is given by
* <a href="">WKT 2 specification §12</a>.
* @param mode {@link #FIRST}, {@link #OPTIONAL} or {@link #MANDATORY}.
* @param parent the parent element.
* @return the {@code "ImageCRS"} element as an {@link ImageCRS} object.
* @throws ParseException if the {@code "ImageCRS"} element cannot be parsed.
private ImageCRS parseImageCRS(final int mode, final Element parent) throws ParseException {
final Element element = parent.pullElement(mode, WKTKeywords.ImageCRS);
if (element == null) {
return null;
final String name = element.pullString("name");
final var datum = parseImageDatum(MANDATORY, element);
final Unit<?> unit = parseUnit(element);
final CoordinateSystem cs;
try {
cs = parseCoordinateSystem(element, WKTKeywords.Cartesian, 2, false, unit, datum);
final Map<String,?> properties = parseMetadataAndClose(element, name, datum);
if (cs instanceof AffineCS) {
return factories.getCRSFactory().createImageCRS(properties, datum, (AffineCS) cs);
} catch (FactoryException exception) {
throw element.parseFailed(exception);
throw element.illegalCS(cs);
* Parses a {@code "GeodeticCRS"} (WKT 2) element. The syntax is given by
* <a href="">WKT 2 specification §8</a>.
* The legacy WKT 1 specification had two elements for this:
* {@snippet lang="wkt" :
* GEOGCS["<name>", <datum>, <prime meridian>, <angular unit> {,<twin axes>} {,<authority>}]
* }
* and
* {@snippet lang="wkt" :
* GEOCCS["<name>", <datum>, <prime meridian>, <linear unit> {,<axis> ,<axis> ,<axis>} {,<authority>}]
* }
* @param mode {@link #FIRST}, {@link #OPTIONAL} or {@link #MANDATORY}.
* @param parent the parent element.
* @param dimension the minimal number of dimensions (usually 2).
* @param csType the default coordinate system type, or {@code null} if unknown.
* Should be non-null only when parsing a {@link DerivedCRS#getBaseCRS()} component.
* @return the {@code "GeodeticCRS"} element as a {@link GeographicCRS} or {@link GeocentricCRS} object.
* @throws ParseException if the {@code "GeodeticCRS"} element cannot be parsed.
* @see
* @see
private SingleCRS parseGeodeticCRS(final int mode, final Element parent, int dimension, String csType)
throws ParseException
final Element element = parent.pullElement(mode,
(csType != null) ? new String[] {WKTKeywords.BaseGeodCRS, // [0] WKT 2 in ProjectedCRS or DerivedCRS
WKTKeywords.GeogCS} // [1] WKT 1 in ProjectedCRS
: new String[] {WKTKeywords.GeodeticCRS, // [0] WKT 2
WKTKeywords.GeogCS, // [1] WKT 1
WKTKeywords.GeodCRS, // [2] WKT 2
WKTKeywords.GeocCS}); // [3] WKT 1
if (element == null) {
return null;
final boolean isWKT1;
Unit<?> csUnit;
final Unit<Angle> angularUnit;
switch (element.getKeywordIndex()) {
default: {
* WKT 2 "GeodeticCRS" element.
* The specification in §8.2.2 (ii) said:
* "If the subtype of the geodetic CRS to which the prime meridian is an attribute
* is geographic, the prime meridian’s <irm longitude> value shall be given in the
* same angular units as those for the horizontal axes of the geographic CRS;
* if the geodetic CRS subtype is geocentric the prime meridian’s <irm longitude>
* value shall be given in degrees."
* An apparent ambiguity exists for Geocentric CRS using a Spherical CS instead of the more
* usual Cartesian CS: despite using angular units, we should not use the result of parseUnit
* for those CRS. However, this ambiguity should not happen in practice because such Spherical
* CS have a third axis in metre. Since the unit is not the same for all axes, csUnit should
* be null if the WKT is well-formed.
isWKT1 = false;
csUnit = parseUnit(element);
if (Units.isAngular(csUnit)) {
angularUnit = csUnit.asType(Angle.class);
} else {
angularUnit = Units.DEGREE;
if (csUnit == null && csType != null) {
* A UNIT[…] is mandatory either in the CoordinateSystem as a whole (csUnit != null),
* or inside each AXIS[…] component (csUnit == null). An exception to this rule is when
* parsing a BaseGeodCRS inside a ProjectedCRS or DerivedCRS, in which case axes are omitted.
* We recognize those cases by a non-null `csType` given in argument to this method.
switch (csType) {
case WKTKeywords.ellipsoidal: csUnit = Units.DEGREE; break; // For BaseGeodCRS in ProjectedCRS.
case WKTKeywords.Cartesian: csUnit = Units.METRE; break;
case 1: {
* WKT 1 "GeogCS" (Geographic) element.
isWKT1 = true;
csType = WKTKeywords.ellipsoidal;
angularUnit = parseScaledUnit(element, WKTKeywords.AngleUnit, Units.RADIAN);
csUnit = angularUnit;
dimension = 2;
case 3: {
* WKT 1 "GeocCS" (Geocentric) element.
isWKT1 = true;
csType = WKTKeywords.Cartesian;
angularUnit = Units.DEGREE;
csUnit = parseScaledUnit(element, WKTKeywords.LengthUnit, Units.METRE);
dimension = 3;
final String name = element.pullString("name");
* A GeodeticCRS can be either a "normal" one (with a non-null datum), or a DerivedCRS of kind GeodeticCRS.
* In the latter case, the datum is null and we have instead DerivingConversion element from a BaseGeodCRS.
SingleCRS baseCRS = null;
Conversion fromBase = null;
if (!isWKT1 && csType == null) {
* UNIT[…] in DerivedCRS parameters are mandatory according ISO 19162 and the specification does not said
* what to do if they are missing. In this code, we default to the contextual units in the same way as
* what we do for ProjectedCRS parameters, in the hope to be consistent.
* An alternative would be to specify null units, in which case MathTransformParser.parseParameters(…)
* defaults to the units specified in the parameter descriptor. But this would make the CRS parser more
* implementation-dependent, because the parameter descriptors are provided by the MathTransformFactory
* instead of inferred from the WKT.
fromBase = parseDerivingConversion(OPTIONAL, element, WKTKeywords.DerivingConversion, csUnit, angularUnit);
if (fromBase != null) {
baseCRS = parseBaseCRS(MANDATORY, element, fromBase.getMethod());
* At this point, we have either a non-null `datum` or non-null `baseCRS` + `fromBase`.
* The coordinate system is parsed in the same way for both cases, but the CRS is created differently.
final CRSFactory crsFactory = factories.getCRSFactory();
final CoordinateSystem cs;
try {
cs = parseCoordinateSystem(element, csType, dimension, isWKT1, csUnit, null);
if (baseCRS != null) {
final Map<String,?> properties = parseMetadataAndClose(element, name, null);
return crsFactory.createDerivedCRS(properties, baseCRS, fromBase, cs);
* The specification in §8.2.2 (ii) said:
* "(snip) the prime meridian’s <irm longitude> value shall be given in the
* same angular units as those for the horizontal axes of the geographic CRS."
* This is a little bit different than using the `angularUnit` variable directly,
* since the WKT could have overwritten the unit directly in the AXIS[…] element.
* So we re-fetch the angular unit. Normally, we will get the same value (unless
* the previous value was null).
final Unit<Angle> longitudeUnit = AxisDirections.getAngularUnit(cs, angularUnit);
if (angularUnit != null && !angularUnit.equals(longitudeUnit)) {
warning(element, WKTKeywords.AngleUnit, Errors.formatInternational(
Errors.Keys.InconsistentUnitsForCS_1, angularUnit), null);
final PrimeMeridian meridian = parsePrimeMeridian(OPTIONAL, element, isWKT1, longitudeUnit);
final GeodeticDatum datum = parseDatum(MANDATORY, element, meridian);
final Map<String,?> properties = parseMetadataAndClose(element, name, datum);
if (cs instanceof EllipsoidalCS) { // By far the most frequent case.
return crsFactory.createGeographicCRS(properties, datum, (EllipsoidalCS) cs);
if (cs instanceof CartesianCS) { // The second most frequent case.
return crsFactory.createGeocentricCRS(properties, datum,
Legacy.forGeocentricCRS((CartesianCS) cs, false));
if (cs instanceof SphericalCS) { // Not very common case.
return crsFactory.createGeocentricCRS(properties, datum, (SphericalCS) cs);
} catch (FactoryException exception) {
throw element.parseFailed(exception);
throw element.illegalCS(cs);
* Parses a {@code "VerticalCRS"} (WKT 2) element. The syntax is given by
* <a href="">WKT 2 specification §10</a>.
* The legacy WKT 1 pattern was:
* {@snippet lang="wkt" :
* VERT_CS["<name>", <vert datum>, <linear unit>, {<axis>,} {,<authority>}]
* }
* @param mode {@link #FIRST}, {@link #OPTIONAL} or {@link #MANDATORY}.
* @param parent the parent element.
* @param isBaseCRS {@code true} if parsing the CRS inside a {@code DerivedCRS}.
* @return the {@code "VerticalCRS"} element as a {@link VerticalCRS} object.
* @throws ParseException if the {@code "VerticalCRS"} element cannot be parsed.
private SingleCRS parseVerticalCRS(final int mode, final Element parent, final boolean isBaseCRS)
throws ParseException
final Element element = parent.pullElement(mode,
isBaseCRS ? new String[] {WKTKeywords.BaseVertCRS} // WKT 2 in DerivedCRS
: new String[] {WKTKeywords.VerticalCRS, // [0] WKT 2
WKTKeywords.VertCRS, // [1] WKT 2
WKTKeywords.Vert_CS}); // [2] WKT 1
if (element == null) {
return null;
final boolean isWKT1 = element.getKeywordIndex() == 2; // Index of "Vert_CS" above.
final String name = element.pullString("name");
final Unit<?> unit = parseUnit(element);
* A VerticalCRS can be either a "normal" one (with a non-null datum), or a DerivedCRS of kind VerticalCRS.
* In the latter case, the datum is null and we have instead DerivingConversion element from a BaseVertCRS.
VerticalDatum datum = null;
SingleCRS baseCRS = null;
Conversion fromBase = null;
if (!isWKT1 && !isBaseCRS) {
* UNIT[…] in DerivedCRS parameters are mandatory according ISO 19162 and the specification does not said
* what to do if they are missing. In this code, we default to the contextual units in the same way as
* what we do for ProjectedCRS parameters, in the hope to be consistent.
* An alternative would be to specify null units, in which case MathTransformParser.parseParameters(…)
* defaults to the units specified in the parameter descriptor. But this would make the CRS parser more
* implementation-dependent, because the parameter descriptors are provided by the MathTransformFactory
* instead of inferred from the WKT.
fromBase = parseDerivingConversion(OPTIONAL, element, WKTKeywords.DerivingConversion, unit, null);
if (fromBase != null) {
baseCRS = parseVerticalCRS(MANDATORY, element, true);
if (baseCRS == null) { // The most usual case.
datum = parseVerticalDatum(MANDATORY, element, isWKT1);
final CoordinateSystem cs;
try {
cs = parseCoordinateSystem(element, WKTKeywords.vertical, 1, isWKT1, unit, datum);
final Map<String,?> properties = parseMetadataAndClose(element, name, datum);
if (cs instanceof VerticalCS) {
final CRSFactory crsFactory = factories.getCRSFactory();
if (baseCRS != null) {
return crsFactory.createDerivedCRS(properties, baseCRS, fromBase, cs);
* The `parseVerticalDatum(…)` method may have been unable to resolve the realization method.
* But sometimes the axis (which was not available when we created the datum) provides
* more information. Verify if we can have a better type now, and if so rebuild the datum.
if (datum.getVerticalDatumType() == VerticalDatumType.OTHER_SURFACE) {
var type = VerticalDatumTypes.guess(datum.getName().getCode(), datum.getAlias(), cs.getAxis(0));
if (type != VerticalDatumType.OTHER_SURFACE) {
final DatumFactory datumFactory = factories.getDatumFactory();
datum = datumFactory.createVerticalDatum(IdentifiedObjects.getProperties(datum), type);
verticalCRS = crsFactory.createVerticalCRS(properties, datum, (VerticalCS) cs);
* Some DefaultVerticalExtent objects may be waiting for the VerticalCRS before to complete
* their construction. If this is the case, try to complete them now.
if (verticalElements != null) {
verticalElements = verticalElements.resolve(verticalCRS);
return verticalCRS;
} catch (FactoryException exception) {
throw element.parseFailed(exception);
throw element.illegalCS(cs);
* Parses {@code "TimeCRS"} element.
* @param mode {@link #FIRST}, {@link #OPTIONAL} or {@link #MANDATORY}.
* @param parent the parent element.
* @param isBaseCRS {@code true} if parsing the CRS inside a {@code DerivedCRS}.
* @return the {@code "TimeCRS"} element as a {@link TemporalCRS} object.
* @throws ParseException if the {@code "TimeCRS"} element cannot be parsed.
private SingleCRS parseTimeCRS(final int mode, final Element parent, final boolean isBaseCRS)
throws ParseException
final Element element = parent.pullElement(mode, isBaseCRS ? WKTKeywords.BaseTimeCRS : WKTKeywords.TimeCRS);
if (element == null) {
return null;
final String name = element.pullString("name");
final Unit<Time> unit = parseScaledUnit(element, WKTKeywords.TimeUnit, Units.SECOND);
* A TemporalCRS can be either a "normal" one (with a non-null datum), or a DerivedCRS of kind TemporalCRS.
* In the latter case, the datum is null and we have instead DerivingConversion element from a BaseTimeCRS.
TemporalDatum datum = null;
SingleCRS baseCRS = null;
Conversion fromBase = null;
if (!isBaseCRS) {
* UNIT[…] in DerivedCRS parameters are mandatory according ISO 19162 and the specification does not said
* what to do if they are missing. In this code, we default to the contextual units in the same way as
* what we do for ProjectedCRS parameters, in the hope to be consistent.
* An alternative would be to specify null units, in which case MathTransformParser.parseParameters(…)
* defaults to the units specified in the parameter descriptor. But this would make the CRS parser more
* implementation-dependent, because the parameter descriptors are provided by the MathTransformFactory
* instead of inferred from the WKT.
fromBase = parseDerivingConversion(OPTIONAL, element, WKTKeywords.DerivingConversion, unit, null);
if (fromBase != null) {
baseCRS = parseTimeCRS(MANDATORY, element, true);
if (baseCRS == null) { // The most usual case.
datum = parseTimeDatum(MANDATORY, element);
final CoordinateSystem cs;
try {
cs = parseCoordinateSystem(element, WKTKeywords.temporal, 1, false, unit, datum);
final Map<String,?> properties = parseMetadataAndClose(element, name, datum);
if (cs instanceof TimeCS) {
final CRSFactory crsFactory = factories.getCRSFactory();
if (baseCRS != null) {
return crsFactory.createDerivedCRS(properties, baseCRS, fromBase, cs);
return crsFactory.createTemporalCRS(properties, datum, (TimeCS) cs);
} catch (FactoryException exception) {
throw element.parseFailed(exception);
throw element.illegalCS(cs);
* Parses {@code "ParametricCRS"} element.
* @param mode {@link #FIRST}, {@link #OPTIONAL} or {@link #MANDATORY}.
* @param parent the parent element.
* @param isBaseCRS {@code true} if parsing the CRS inside a {@code DerivedCRS}.
* @return the {@code "ParametricCRS"} object.
* @throws ParseException if the {@code "ParametricCRS"} element cannot be parsed.
private SingleCRS parseParametricCRS(final int mode, final Element parent, final boolean isBaseCRS)
throws ParseException
final Element element = parent.pullElement(mode, isBaseCRS ? WKTKeywords.BaseParamCRS : WKTKeywords.ParametricCRS);
if (element == null) {
return null;
final String name = element.pullString("name");
final Unit<?> unit = parseUnit(element);
* A ParametricCRS can be either a "normal" one (with a non-null datum), or a DerivedCRS of kind ParametricCRS.
* In the latter case, the datum is null and we have instead DerivingConversion element from a BaseParametricCRS.
Datum datum = null;
SingleCRS baseCRS = null;
Conversion fromBase = null;
if (!isBaseCRS) {
* UNIT[…] in DerivedCRS parameters are mandatory according ISO 19162 and the specification does not said
* what to do if they are missing. In this code, we default to the contextual units in the same way as
* what we do for ProjectedCRS parameters, in the hope to be consistent.
* An alternative would be to specify null units, in which case MathTransformParser.parseParameters(…)
* defaults to the units specified in the parameter descriptor. But this would make the CRS parser more
* implementation-dependent, because the parameter descriptors are provided by the MathTransformFactory
* instead of inferred from the WKT.
fromBase = parseDerivingConversion(OPTIONAL, element, WKTKeywords.DerivingConversion, unit, null);
if (fromBase != null) {
baseCRS = parseParametricCRS(MANDATORY, element, true);
if (baseCRS == null) { // The most usual case.
datum = parseParametricDatum(MANDATORY, element);
final CoordinateSystem cs;
try {
cs = parseCoordinateSystem(element, WKTKeywords.parametric, 1, false, unit, datum);
final Map<String,?> properties = parseMetadataAndClose(element, name, datum);
if (cs != null) {
final CRSFactory crsFactory = factories.getCRSFactory();
if (baseCRS != null) {
return crsFactory.createDerivedCRS(properties, baseCRS, fromBase, cs);
return ServicesForMetadata.createParametricCRS(properties, datum, cs, crsFactory);
} catch (FactoryException exception) {
throw element.parseFailed(exception);
throw element.illegalCS(cs);
* Parses a {@code "ProjectedCRS"} (WKT 2) element. The syntax is given by
* <a href="">WKT 2 specification §9</a>.
* The legacy WKT 1 specification was:
* {@snippet lang="wkt" :
* PROJCS["<name>", <geographic cs>, <projection>, {<parameter>,}*,
* <linear unit> {,<twin axes>}{,<authority>}]
* }
* @param mode {@link #FIRST}, {@link #OPTIONAL} or {@link #MANDATORY}.
* @param parent the parent element.
* @param isBaseCRS {@code true} if parsing the CRS inside a {@code DerivedCRS}.
* @return the {@code "ProjectedCRS"} element as a {@link ProjectedCRS} object.
* @throws ParseException if the {@code "ProjectedCRS"} element cannot be parsed.
private ProjectedCRS parseProjectedCRS(final int mode, final Element parent, final boolean isBaseCRS)
throws ParseException
final Element element = parent.pullElement(mode,
isBaseCRS ? new String[] {WKTKeywords.BaseProjCRS} // WKT 2 in DerivedCRS
: new String[] {WKTKeywords.ProjectedCRS, // [0] WKT 2
WKTKeywords.ProjCRS, // [1] WKT 2
WKTKeywords.ProjCS}); // [2] WKT 1
if (element == null) {
return null;
final boolean isWKT1 = element.getKeywordIndex() == 2; // Index of "ProjCS" above.
final String name = element.pullString("name");
final SingleCRS geoCRS = parseGeodeticCRS(MANDATORY, element, 2, WKTKeywords.ellipsoidal);
if (!(geoCRS instanceof GeographicCRS)) {
throw new UnparsableObjectException(errorLocale, Errors.Keys.IllegalCRSType_1,
new Object[] {geoCRS.getClass()}, element.offset);
* Parse the projection parameters. If a default linear unit is specified, it will apply to
* all parameters that do not specify explicitly a LengthUnit. If no such crs-wide unit was
* specified, then the default will be degrees.
* More specifically §9.3.4 in the specification said about the default units:
* - lengths shall be given in the unit for the projected CRS axes.
* - angles shall be given in the unit for the base geographic CRS of the projected CRS.
Unit<Length> csUnit = parseScaledUnit(element, WKTKeywords.LengthUnit, Units.METRE);
final Unit<Length> linearUnit;
final Unit<Angle> angularUnit;
if (isWKT1 && usesCommonUnits) {
linearUnit = Units.METRE;
angularUnit = Units.DEGREE;
} else {
linearUnit = csUnit;
angularUnit = AxisDirections.getAngularUnit(geoCRS.getCoordinateSystem(), Units.DEGREE);
final Conversion conversion = parseDerivingConversion(MANDATORY, element,
isWKT1 ? null : WKTKeywords.Conversion, linearUnit, angularUnit);
* Parse the coordinate system. The linear unit must be specified somewhere, either explicitly in each axis
* or for the whole CRS with the above `csUnit` value. If `csUnit` is null, then an exception will be thrown
* with a message like "A LengthUnit component is missing in ProjectedCRS".
* However, we make an exception if we are parsing a BaseProjCRS, since the coordinate system is unspecified
* in the WKT of base CRS. In this case only, we will default to metre.
if (csUnit == null && isBaseCRS) {
csUnit = Units.METRE;
final CoordinateSystem cs;
try {
cs = parseCoordinateSystem(element, WKTKeywords.Cartesian, 2, isWKT1, csUnit, geoCRS.getDatum());
final Map<String,?> properties = parseMetadataAndClose(element, name, conversion);
if (cs instanceof CartesianCS) {
final CRSFactory crsFactory = factories.getCRSFactory();
return crsFactory.createProjectedCRS(properties, (GeographicCRS) geoCRS, conversion, (CartesianCS) cs);
} catch (FactoryException exception) {
throw element.parseFailed(exception);
throw element.illegalCS(cs);
* Parses a {@code "CompoundCRS"} element. The syntax is given by
* <a href="">WKT 2 specification §16</a>.
* The legacy WKT 1 specification was:
* {@snippet lang="wkt" :
* COMPD_CS["<name>", <head cs>, <tail cs> {,<authority>}]
* }
* In the particular case where there is a geographic CRS and an ellipsoidal height,
* this method rather build a three-dimensional geographic CRS.
* @param mode {@link #FIRST}, {@link #OPTIONAL} or {@link #MANDATORY}.
* @param parent the parent element.
* @return the {@code "CompoundCRS"} element as a {@link CompoundCRS} object.
* @throws ParseException if the {@code "CompoundCRS"} element cannot be parsed.
private CoordinateReferenceSystem parseCompoundCRS(final int mode, final Element parent) throws ParseException {
final Element element = parent.pullElement(mode, WKTKeywords.CompoundCRS, WKTKeywords.Compd_CS);
if (element == null) {
return null;
final String name = element.pullString("name");
CoordinateReferenceSystem crs;
final List<CoordinateReferenceSystem> components = new ArrayList<>(4);
while ((crs = parseCoordinateReferenceSystem(element, components.size() < 2)) != null) {
try {
return new EllipsoidalHeightCombiner(factories).createCompoundCRS(
parseMetadataAndClose(element, name, null),
} catch (FactoryException exception) {
throw element.parseFailed(exception);
* Parses a {@code "FITTED_CS"} element.
* This element has the following pattern:
* {@snippet lang="wkt" :
* FITTED_CS["<name>", <to base>, <base cs>]
* }
* @param mode {@link #FIRST}, {@link #OPTIONAL} or {@link #MANDATORY}.
* @param parent the parent element.
* @return the {@code "FITTED_CS"} element as a {@link CompoundCRS} object.
* @throws ParseException if the {@code "COMPD_CS"} element cannot be parsed.
private DerivedCRS parseFittedCS(final int mode, final Element parent) throws ParseException {
final Element element = parent.pullElement(mode, WKTKeywords.Fitted_CS);
if (element == null) {
return null;
final String name = element.pullString("name");
final MathTransform toBase = parseMathTransform(element, true);
final OperationMethod method = getOperationMethod();
final CoordinateReferenceSystem baseCRS = parseCoordinateReferenceSystem(element, true);
if (!(baseCRS instanceof SingleCRS)) {
throw new UnparsableObjectException(errorLocale, Errors.Keys.UnexpectedValueInElement_2,
new Object[] {WKTKeywords.Fitted_CS, baseCRS.getClass()}, element.offset);
* WKT 1 provides no information about the underlying CS of a derived CRS.
* We have to guess some reasonable one with arbitrary units. We try to construct the one which
* contains as few information as possible, in order to avoid providing wrong information.
final CoordinateSystemAxis[] axes = new CoordinateSystemAxis[toBase.getSourceDimensions()];
final StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder(name).append(" axis ");
final int start = buffer.length();
final CSFactory csFactory = factories.getCSFactory();
try {
for (int i=0; i<axes.length; i++) {
final String number = String.valueOf(i);
axes[i] = csFactory.createCoordinateSystemAxis(
singletonMap(CoordinateSystemAxis.NAME_KEY, buffer.toString()),
number, AxisDirections.UNSPECIFIED, Units.UNITY);
final Map<String,Object> properties = parseMetadataAndClose(element, name, baseCRS);
final Map<String,Object> axisName = singletonMap(CoordinateSystem.NAME_KEY, AxisDirections.appendTo(new StringBuilder("CS"), axes));
final CoordinateSystem derivedCS = new AbstractCS(axisName, axes);
* Creates a derived CRS from the information found in a WKT 1 {@code FITTED_CS} element.
* This coordinate system cannot be easily constructed from the information provided by
* the WKT 1 format, which block us from using the standard Coordinate System factory.
* Note that we do not know which name to give to the conversion method; for now we use the CRS name.
properties.put("", name);
return DefaultDerivedCRS.create(properties, (SingleCRS) baseCRS, null, method, toBase.inverse(), derivedCS);
} catch (FactoryException | NoninvertibleTransformException exception) {
throw element.parseFailed(exception);
* Parses a {@code "GeogTran"} element. This is specific to ESRI.
* @param mode {@link #FIRST}, {@link #OPTIONAL} or {@link #MANDATORY}.
* @param parent the parent element.
* @return the {@code "GeogTran"} element as a {@link CoordinateOperation} object.
* @throws ParseException if the {@code "GeogTran"} element cannot be parsed.
private CoordinateOperation parseGeogTranslation(final int mode, final Element parent) throws ParseException {
final Element element = parent.pullElement(mode, WKTKeywords.GeogTran);
if (element == null) {
return null;
final String name = element.pullString("name");
final CoordinateReferenceSystem sourceCRS = parseGeodeticCRS(MANDATORY, element, 2, null);
final CoordinateReferenceSystem targetCRS = parseGeodeticCRS(MANDATORY, element, 2, null);
final OperationMethod method = parseMethod(element, WKTKeywords.Method);
final Map<String,Object> properties = parseParametersAndClose(element, name, method);
try {
final DefaultCoordinateOperationFactory df = getOperationFactory();
return df.createSingleOperation(properties, sourceCRS, targetCRS, null, method, null);
} catch (FactoryException e) {
throw element.parseFailed(e);
* Parses a {@code "CoordinateOperation"} element. The syntax is given by
* <a href="">WKT 2 specification §17</a>.
* @param mode {@link #FIRST}, {@link #OPTIONAL} or {@link #MANDATORY}.
* @param parent the parent element.
* @return the {@code "CoordinateOperation"} element as a {@link CoordinateOperation} object.
* @throws ParseException if the {@code "CoordinateOperation"} element cannot be parsed.
private CoordinateOperation parseOperation(final int mode, final Element parent) throws ParseException {
final Element element = parent.pullElement(mode, WKTKeywords.CoordinateOperation);
if (element == null) {
return null;
final String name = element.pullString("name");
final CoordinateReferenceSystem sourceCRS = parseCoordinateReferenceSystem(element, MANDATORY, WKTKeywords.SourceCRS);
final CoordinateReferenceSystem targetCRS = parseCoordinateReferenceSystem(element, MANDATORY, WKTKeywords.TargetCRS);
final CoordinateReferenceSystem interpolationCRS = parseCoordinateReferenceSystem(element, OPTIONAL, WKTKeywords.InterpolationCRS);
final OperationMethod method = parseMethod(element, WKTKeywords.Method);
final Element accuracy = element.pullElement(OPTIONAL, WKTKeywords.OperationAccuracy);
final Map<String,Object> properties = parseParametersAndClose(element, name, method);
if (accuracy != null) {
try {
final DefaultCoordinateOperationFactory df = getOperationFactory();
return df.createSingleOperation(properties, sourceCRS, targetCRS, interpolationCRS, method, null);
} catch (FactoryException e) {
throw element.parseFailed(e);
* Parses a sequence of {@code "PARAMETER"} elements, then parses optional metadata elements and close.
* @param parent the parent element.
* @param name the name of the parent object being parsed.
* @param method the operation method, also the fallback to use if {@code name} is empty.
* @return a properties map with the parent name, the optional authority code and the parameters.
* @throws ParseException if an element cannot be parsed.
* @see #parseMetadataAndClose(Element, String, IdentifiedObject)
private Map<String,Object> parseParametersAndClose(final Element parent, final String name,
final OperationMethod method) throws ParseException
final ParameterValueGroup parameters = method.getParameters().createValue();
parseParameters(parent, parameters, null, null);
final Map<String,Object> properties = parseMetadataAndClose(parent, name, method);
properties.put(CoordinateOperations.PARAMETERS_KEY, parameters);
return properties;
* Returns the factory to use for creating coordinate operation.
private DefaultCoordinateOperationFactory getOperationFactory() {
final CoordinateOperationFactory opFactory = factories.getCoordinateOperationFactory();
if (opFactory instanceof DefaultCoordinateOperationFactory) {
return (DefaultCoordinateOperationFactory) opFactory;
} else {
return DefaultCoordinateOperationFactory.provider();