blob: ebc74eeceb71b399aea32f33d389d4ed8c1001b8 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.sis.internal.referencing.provider;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.lang.reflect.Array;
import java.nio.file.Path;
import javax.measure.Unit;
import javax.measure.Quantity;
import org.opengis.parameter.ParameterDescriptor;
import org.opengis.parameter.ParameterDescriptorGroup;
import org.opengis.parameter.GeneralParameterDescriptor;
import org.opengis.referencing.operation.NoninvertibleTransformException;
import org.apache.sis.math.DecimalFunctions;
import org.apache.sis.util.collection.Cache;
import org.apache.sis.parameter.Parameters;
import org.apache.sis.referencing.datum.DatumShiftGrid;
import org.apache.sis.internal.referencing.j2d.AffineTransform2D;
* A datum shift grid loaded from a file.
* The filename is usually a parameter defined in the EPSG database.
* This class should not be in public API because it requires implementation to expose internal mechanic:
* Subclasses need to give an access to their internal data (not a copy) through the {@link #getData()}
* and {@link #setData(Object[])} methods. We use that for managing the cache, reducing memory usage by
* sharing data and for {@link #equals(Object)} and {@link #hashCode()} implementations.
* @author Martin Desruisseaux (Geomatys)
* @version 1.0
* @param <C> dimension of the coordinate unit (usually {@link javax.measure.quantity.Angle}).
* @param <T> dimension of the translation unit (usually {@link javax.measure.quantity.Angle}
* or {@link javax.measure.quantity.Length}).
* @see org.apache.sis.referencing.operation.transform.InterpolatedTransform
* @since 0.7
* @module
abstract class DatumShiftGridFile<C extends Quantity<C>, T extends Quantity<T>> extends DatumShiftGrid<C,T> {
* Serial number for inter-operability with different versions.
private static final long serialVersionUID = -4471670781277328193L;
* Cache of grids loaded so far. Those grids will be stored by soft references until the amount of
* data exceed 32768 (about 128 kilobytes if the values use the {@code float} type). in which case
* the oldest grids will be replaced by weak references.
static final Cache<Object, DatumShiftGridFile<?,?>> CACHE = new Cache<Object, DatumShiftGridFile<?,?>>(4, 32*1024, true) {
@Override protected int cost(final DatumShiftGridFile<?,?> grid) {
int p = 1;
for (final Object array : grid.getData()) {
p *= Array.getLength(array);
return p;
* The parameter descriptor of the provider that created this grid.
private final ParameterDescriptorGroup descriptor;
* The files from which the grid has been loaded. This is not used directly by this class
* (except for {@link #equals(Object)} and {@link #hashCode()}), but can be used by math
* transform for setting the parameter values. Shall never be null and never empty.
private final Path[] files;
* Number of grid cells along the <var>x</var> axis.
* This is <code>{@linkplain #getGridSize()}[0]</code> as a field for performance reasons.
protected final int nx;
* The best translation accuracy that we can expect from this file.
* The unit of measurement depends on {@link #isCellValueRatio()}.
* <p>This field is initialized to {@link Double#NaN}. It is loader responsibility
* to assign a value to this field after {@code DatumShiftGridFile} construction.</p>
* @see #getCellPrecision()
double accuracy;
* Creates a new datum shift grid for the given grid geometry.
* The actual offset values need to be provided by subclasses.
* @param coordinateUnit the unit of measurement of input values, before conversion to grid indices by {@code coordinateToGrid}.
* @param translationUnit the unit of measurement of output values.
* @param isCellValueRatio {@code true} if results of {@link #interpolateInCell interpolateInCell(…)} are divided by grid cell size.
* @param x0 longitude in degrees of the center of the cell at grid index (0,0).
* @param y0 latitude in degrees of the center of the cell at grid index (0,0).
* @param Δx increment in <var>x</var> value between cells at index <var>gridX</var> and <var>gridX</var> + 1.
* @param Δy increment in <var>y</var> value between cells at index <var>gridY</var> and <var>gridY</var> + 1.
* @param nx number of cells along the <var>x</var> axis in the grid.
* @param ny number of cells along the <var>y</var> axis in the grid.
* @param descriptor the parameter descriptor of the provider that created this grid.
* @param files the file(s) from which the grid has been loaded. This array is not cloned.
DatumShiftGridFile(final Unit<C> coordinateUnit,
final Unit<T> translationUnit,
final boolean isCellValueRatio,
final double x0, final double y0,
final double Δx, final double Δy,
final int nx, final int ny,
final ParameterDescriptorGroup descriptor,
final Path... files) throws NoninvertibleTransformException
super(coordinateUnit, new AffineTransform2Dx, 0, 0, Δy, x0, y0).inverse(),
new int[] {nx, ny}, isCellValueRatio, translationUnit);
this.descriptor = descriptor;
this.files = files;
this.nx = nx;
this.accuracy = Double.NaN;
* Creates a new datum shift grid with the same grid geometry than the given grid.
* @param other the other datum shift grid from which to copy the grid geometry.
protected DatumShiftGridFile(final DatumShiftGridFile<C,T> other) {
descriptor = other.descriptor;
files = other.files;
nx = other.nx;
accuracy = other.accuracy;
* Returns {@code this} casted to the given type, after verification that those types are valid.
* This method is invoked after {@link NADCON}, {@link NTv2} or other providers got an existing
* {@code DatumShiftGridFile} instance from the {@link #CACHE}.
final <NC extends Quantity<NC>, NT extends Quantity<NT>> DatumShiftGridFile<NC,NT> castTo(
final Class<NC> coordinateType, final Class<NT> translationType)
super.getCoordinateUnit() .asType(coordinateType);
return (DatumShiftGridFile<NC,NT>) this;
* If a grid exists in the cache for the same data, returns a new grid sharing the same data arrays.
* Otherwise returns {@code this}.
* @return a grid using the same data than this grid, or {@code this}.
* @see #getData()
* @see #setData(Object[])
protected final DatumShiftGridFile<C,T> useSharedData() {
final Object[] data = getData();
for (final DatumShiftGridFile<?,?> grid : CACHE.values()) {
final Object[] other = grid.getData();
if (Arrays.deepEquals(data, other)) {
return setData(other);
return this;
* Returns a new grid with the same geometry than this grid but different data arrays.
* This method is invoked by {@link #useSharedData()} when it detected that a newly created grid uses
* the same data than an existing grid. The typical use case is when a filename is different but still
* reference the same grid (e.g. symbolic link, lower case versus upper case in a case-insensitive file
* system).
* @param other data from another {@code DatumShiftGridFile} that we can share.
* @return a new {@code DatumShiftGridFile} using the given data reference.
protected abstract DatumShiftGridFile<C,T> setData(Object[] other);
* Returns the data for each shift dimensions. This method is for cache management, {@link #equals(Object)}
* and {@link #hashCode()} implementations only and should not be invoked in other context.
* @return a direct (not cloned) reference to the internal data array.
protected abstract Object[] getData();
* Suggests a precision for the translation values in this grid.
* This information is used for deciding when to stop iterations in inverse transformations.
* The default implementation returns the {@linkplain #accuracy} divided by an arbitrary value.
* @return a precision for the translation values in this grid.
public double getCellPrecision() {
return accuracy / 10; // Division by 10 is arbitrary.
* Returns the descriptor specified at construction time.
* @return a description of the values in this grid.
public final ParameterDescriptorGroup getParameterDescriptors() {
return descriptor;
* Sets all parameters for a value of type {@link Path} to the values given to the constructor.
* Subclasses may override for defining other kinds of parameters too.
* @param parameters the parameter group where to set the values.
public final void getParameterValues(final Parameters parameters) {
int i = 0;
for (final GeneralParameterDescriptor gd : descriptor.descriptors()) {
if (gd instanceof ParameterDescriptor<?>) {
final ParameterDescriptor<?> d = (ParameterDescriptor<?>) gd;
if (Path.class.isAssignableFrom(d.getValueClass())) {
if (i >= files.length) break; // Safety in case of invalid parameters.
* Returns {@code true} if the given object is a grid containing the same data than this grid.
* @param other the other object to compare with this datum shift grid.
* @return {@code true} if the given object is non-null, of the same class than this {@code DatumShiftGrid}
* and contains the same data.
public boolean equals(final Object other) {
if (other == this) { // Optimization for a common case.
return true;
if (super.equals(other)) {
final DatumShiftGridFile<?,?> that = (DatumShiftGridFile<?,?>) other;
return Arrays.equals(files, that.files) && Arrays.deepEquals(getData(), that.getData());
return false;
* Returns a hash code value for this datum shift grid.
* @return {@inheritDoc}
public int hashCode() {
return super.hashCode() + Arrays.hashCode(files);
* An implementation of {@link DatumShiftGridFile} which stores the offset values in {@code float[]} arrays.
* This class is in internal package (not public API) because it makes the following assumptions:
* <ul>
* <li>Values <var>x₀</var>, <var>y₀</var>, <var>Δx</var> and <var>Δy</var>
* given to the constructor are in degrees and needs to be converted to radians.</li>
* <li>Single floating-point precision ({@code float)} is sufficient.</li>
* <li>Values were defined in base 10, usually in ASCII files. This assumption has an impact on conversions
* from {@code float} to {@code double} performed by the {@link #getCellValue(int, int, int)} method.</li>
* </ul>
* @author Martin Desruisseaux (Geomatys)
* @version 0.7
* @since 0.7
* @module
static final class Float<C extends Quantity<C>, T extends Quantity<T>> extends DatumShiftGridFile<C,T> {
* Serial number for inter-operability with different versions.
private static final long serialVersionUID = -9221609983475286496L;
* The translation values. {@code offsets.length} is the number of dimensions, and {@code offsets[dim].length}
* shall be the same for all {@code dim} value. Component {@code dim} of the translation vector at coordinate
* {@code gridX}, {@code gridY} is {@code offsets[dim][gridX + gridY*nx]}.
final float[][] offsets;
* Creates a new datum shift grid with the given grid geometry, filename and number of shift dimensions.
* All {@code double} values given to this constructor will be converted from degrees to radians.
Float(final int dim,
final Unit<C> coordinateUnit,
final Unit<T> translationUnit,
final boolean isCellValueRatio,
final double x0, final double y0,
final double Δx, final double Δy,
final int nx, final int ny,
final ParameterDescriptorGroup descriptor,
final Path... files) throws NoninvertibleTransformException
super(coordinateUnit, translationUnit, isCellValueRatio, x0, y0, Δx, Δy, nx, ny, descriptor, files);
offsets = new float[dim][];
final int size = Math.multiplyExact(nx, ny);
for (int i=0; i<dim; i++) {
Arrays.fill(offsets[i] = new float[size], java.lang.Float.NaN);
* Creates a new grid of the same geometry than the given grid but using a different data array.
private Float(final DatumShiftGridFile<C,T> grid, final float[][] offsets) {
this.offsets = offsets;
* Returns a new grid with the same geometry than this grid but different data arrays.
protected final DatumShiftGridFile<C,T> setData(final Object[] other) {
return new Float<>(this, (float[][]) other);
* Returns direct references (not cloned) to the data arrays. This method is for cache management,
* {@link #equals(Object)} and {@link #hashCode()} implementations only and should not be invoked
* in other context.
protected final Object[] getData() {
return offsets;
* Returns the number of shift dimensions.
public final int getTranslationDimensions() {
return offsets.length;
* Returns the cell value at the given dimension and grid index.
* This method casts the {@code float} values to {@code double} by setting the extra <em>decimal</em> digits
* (not the <em>binary</em> digits) to 0. This is on the assumption that the {@code float} values were parsed
* from an ASCII file, or any other medium that format numbers in base 10.
* @param dim the dimension for which to get an average value.
* @param gridX the grid index along the <var>x</var> axis, from 0 inclusive to {@link #nx} exclusive.
* @param gridY the grid index along the <var>y</var> axis, from 0 inclusive to {@code ny} exclusive.
* @return the offset at the given dimension in the grid cell at the given index.
public final double getCellValue(final int dim, final int gridX, final int gridY) {
return DecimalFunctions.floatToDouble(offsets[dim][gridX + gridY*nx]);