blob: c274dbcf1a734d5965cbb051ebfd18c596b8d5f6 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.sis.util.iso;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.ListIterator;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.Objects;
import org.apache.sis.internal.util.Constants;
import org.opengis.util.NameSpace;
import org.opengis.util.LocalName;
import org.opengis.util.ScopedName;
import org.opengis.util.GenericName;
import org.opengis.util.InternationalString;
import org.apache.sis.util.collection.WeakValueHashMap;
import org.apache.sis.internal.util.UnmodifiableArrayList;
import static org.apache.sis.util.ArgumentChecks.ensureNonNull;
* A domain in which {@linkplain AbstractName names} given by character strings are defined.
* This implementation does not support localization in order to avoid ambiguity when testing
* two namespaces for {@linkplain #equals(Object) equality}.
* <p>{@code DefaultNameSpace} can be instantiated by any of the following methods:</p>
* <ul>
* <li>{@link DefaultNameFactory#createNameSpace(GenericName, Map)}</li>
* </ul>
* <div class="section">Immutability and thread safety</div>
* This class is immutable and thus inherently thread-safe if the {@link NameSpace} and {@link CharSequence}
* arguments given to the constructor are also immutable. Subclasses shall make sure that any overridden methods
* remain safe to call from multiple threads and do not change any public {@code NameSpace} state.
* @author Martin Desruisseaux (IRD, Geomatys)
* @version 0.8
* @see DefaultScopedName
* @see DefaultLocalName
* @see DefaultTypeName
* @see DefaultMemberName
* @see DefaultNameFactory
* @since 0.3
* @module
public class DefaultNameSpace implements NameSpace, Serializable {
* For cross-version compatibility.
private static final long serialVersionUID = 8272640747799127007L;
* The default separator, which is {@code ':'}. The separator is inserted between
* the namespace and any {@linkplain GenericName generic name} in that namespace.
public static final char DEFAULT_SEPARATOR = Constants.DEFAULT_SEPARATOR;
* {@link #DEFAULT_SEPARATOR} as a {@link String}.
static final String DEFAULT_SEPARATOR_STRING = ":";
* The parent namespace, or {@code null} if the parent is the unique {@code GLOBAL} instance.
* We don't use direct reference to {@code GLOBAL} because {@code null} is used as a sentinel
* value for stopping iterative searches (using GLOBAL would have higher risk of never-ending
* loops in case of bug), and in order to reduce the stream size during serialization.
* @see #parent()
private final DefaultNameSpace parent;
* The name of this namespace, usually as a {@link String} or an {@link InternationalString}.
private final CharSequence name;
* The separator to insert between the namespace and the {@linkplain AbstractName#head() head}
* of any name in that namespace.
final String headSeparator;
* The separator to insert between the {@linkplain AbstractName#getParsedNames() parsed names}
* of any name in that namespace.
final String separator;
* The fully qualified name for this namespace.
* Will be created when first needed.
private transient AbstractName path;
* The children created in this namespace. The values are restricted to the following types:
* <ul>
* <li>{@link DefaultNameSpace}</li>
* <li>{@link DefaultLocalName}</li>
* </ul>
* No other type should be allowed. The main purpose of this map is to hold child namespaces.
* However we can (in an opportunist way) handles local names as well. In case of conflict,
* the namespace will have precedence.
* <p>This field is initialized by {@link #init()} soon after {@code DefaultNameSpace} creation
* and shall be treated like a final field from that point.</p>
private transient WeakValueHashMap<String,Object> childs;
* Creates the global namespace. This constructor can be invoked by {@link GlobalNameSpace} only.
DefaultNameSpace() {
this.parent = null; = "global";
this.headSeparator = DEFAULT_SEPARATOR_STRING;
* Creates a new namespace with the given separator.
* @param parent
* the parent namespace, or {@code null} if none.
* @param name
* the name of the new namespace, usually as a {@link String}
* or an {@link InternationalString}.
* @param headSeparator
* the separator to insert between the namespace and the
* {@linkplain AbstractName#head() head} of any name in that namespace.
* @param separator
* the separator to insert between the {@linkplain AbstractName#getParsedNames()
* parsed names} of any name in that namespace.
protected DefaultNameSpace(final DefaultNameSpace parent, final CharSequence name,
final String headSeparator, final String separator)
this.parent = (parent != GlobalNameSpace.GLOBAL) ? parent : null;
ensureNonNull("name", name);
ensureNonNull("headSeparator", headSeparator);
ensureNonNull("separator", separator); = simplify(name);
this.headSeparator = headSeparator;
this.separator = separator;
* Converts the given name to its {@link String} representation if that name is not an {@link InternationalString}
* instance from which this {@code DefaultNameSpace} implementation can extract useful information. For example if
* the given name is a {@link SimpleInternationalString}, that international string does not give more information
* than the {@code String} that it wraps. Using the {@code String} as the canonical value increase the chances that
* {@link #equals(Object)} detect that two {@code GenericName} instances are equal.
private static CharSequence simplify(CharSequence name) {
if (!(name instanceof InternationalString) || name.getClass() == SimpleInternationalString.class) {
name = name.toString();
return name;
* Initializes the transient fields.
private void init() {
childs = new WeakValueHashMap<>(String.class);
* Wraps the given namespace in a {@code DefaultNameSpace} implementation.
* This method returns an existing instance when possible.
* @param ns the namespace to wrap, or {@code null} for the global one.
* @return the given namespace as a {@code DefaultNameSpace} implementation.
static DefaultNameSpace castOrCopy(final NameSpace ns) {
if (ns == null) {
return GlobalNameSpace.GLOBAL;
if (ns instanceof DefaultNameSpace) {
return (DefaultNameSpace) ns;
* Returns a namespace having the given name and separators.
* This method returns an existing instance when possible.
* @param name
* the name for the namespace to obtain, or {@code null}.
* @param headSeparator
* the separator to insert between the namespace and the
* {@linkplain AbstractName#head() head} of any name in that namespace.
* @param separator
* the separator to insert between the {@linkplain AbstractName#getParsedNames()
* parsed names} of any name in that namespace.
* @return a namespace having the given name, or {@code null} if name was null.
static DefaultNameSpace forName(final GenericName name, final String headSeparator, final String separator) {
if (name == null) {
return null;
final List<? extends LocalName> parsedNames = name.getParsedNames();
final ListIterator<? extends LocalName> it = parsedNames.listIterator(parsedNames.size());
NameSpace scope;
* Searches for the last parsed name having a DefaultNameSpace implementation as its
* scope. It should be the tip in most cases. If we don't find any, we will recreate
* the whole chain starting with the global scope.
do {
if (!it.hasPrevious()) {
scope = GlobalNameSpace.GLOBAL;
scope = it.previous().scope();
} while (!(scope instanceof DefaultNameSpace));
* We have found a scope. Adds to it the supplemental names.
* In most cases we should have only the tip to add.
DefaultNameSpace ns = (DefaultNameSpace) scope;
while (it.hasNext()) {
final LocalName tip =;
ns = ns.child(tip.toString(), tip.toInternationalString(), headSeparator, separator);
return ns;
* Indicates whether this namespace is a "top level" namespace. Global, or top-level
* namespaces are not contained within another namespace. The global namespace has no
* parent.
* @return {@code true} if this namespace is the global namespace.
public boolean isGlobal() {
return false; // To be overridden by GlobalNameSpace.
* Returns the parent namespace, replacing null parent by {@link GlobalNameSpace#GLOBAL}.
final DefaultNameSpace parent() {
return (parent != null) ? parent : GlobalNameSpace.GLOBAL;
* Returns the depth of the given namespace.
* @param ns the namespace for which to get the depth, or {@code null}.
* @return the depth of the given namespace.
private static int depth(DefaultNameSpace ns) {
int depth = 0;
if (ns != null) do {
ns = ns.parent;
} while (ns != null && !ns.isGlobal());
return depth;
* Represents the identifier of this namespace. Namespace identifiers shall be
* {@linkplain AbstractName#toFullyQualifiedName() fully-qualified names} where
* the following condition holds:
* {@preformat java
* assert name.scope().isGlobal() == true;
* }
* @return the identifier of this namespace.
public GenericName name() {
final int depth;
synchronized (this) {
if (path != null) {
return path;
depth = depth(this);
final DefaultLocalName[] names = new DefaultLocalName[depth];
DefaultNameSpace scan = this;
for (int i=depth; --i>=0;) {
names[i] = new DefaultLocalName(scan.parent,;
scan = scan.parent;
assert depth(scan) == 0 || scan.isGlobal();
path = DefaultScopedName.create(UnmodifiableArrayList.wrap(names));
GenericName truncated = path;
for (int i=depth; --i>=0;) {
names[i].fullyQualified = truncated;
truncated = (truncated instanceof ScopedName) ? ((ScopedName) truncated).path() : null;
* At this point the name is created and ready to be returned. As an optimization,
* defines the name of parents now in order to share subarea of the array we just
* created. The goal is to have less objects in memory.
AbstractName truncated = path;
DefaultNameSpace scan = parent;
while (scan != null && !scan.isGlobal()) {
* If we have a parent, then depth >= 2 and consequently the name is a ScopedName.
* Actually it should be an instance of DefaultScopedName - we known that since we
* created it ourself with the DefaultScopedName.create(...) method call - and we
* know that its tail() implementation creates instance of AbstractName. Given all
* the above, none of the casts on the line below should ever fails, unless there
* is bug in this package.
truncated = (AbstractName) ((ScopedName) truncated).path();
synchronized (scan) {
if (scan.path == null || scan.path.arraySize() < depth) {
scan.path = truncated;
scan = scan.parent;
return path;
* Returns a child namespace of the given name. The returned namespace will
* have this namespace as its parent, and will use the same separator.
* <p>The {@link #headSeparator} is not inherited by the children on intent, because this
* method is used only by {@link DefaultScopedName} constructors in order to create a
* sequence of parsed local names. For example in {@code ""}
* the head separator is {@code "://"} for {@code "www"} (which is having this namespace),
* but it is {@code "."} for all children ({@code "opengeospatial"} and {@code "org"}).</p>
* @param name the name of the child namespace.
* @param sep the separator to use (typically {@link #separator}).
* @return the child namespace. It may be an existing instance.
final DefaultNameSpace child(final CharSequence name, final String sep) {
return child(key(name), name, sep, sep);
* Returns a key to be used in the {@linkplain #childs} pool from the given name.
* The key must be the unlocalized version of the given string.
* @param name the name.
* @return a key from the given name.
private static String key(final CharSequence name) {
return (name instanceof InternationalString) ?
((InternationalString) name).toString(Locale.ROOT) : name.toString();
* Returns a child namespace of the given name and separator.
* The returned namespace will have this namespace as its parent.
* @param key
* the unlocalized name of the child namespace, to be used as a key in the cache.
* @param name
* the name of the child namespace, or {@code null} if same than key.
* @param headSeparator
* the separator to insert between the namespace and the
* {@linkplain AbstractName#head() head} of any name in that namespace.
* @param separator
* the separator to insert between the {@linkplain AbstractName#getParsedNames()
* parsed names} of any name in that namespace.
* @return the child namespace. It may be an existing instance.
private DefaultNameSpace child(final String key, CharSequence name,
final String headSeparator, final String separator)
ensureNonNull("key", key);
if (name == null) {
name = key;
} else {
name = simplify(name);
final WeakValueHashMap<String,Object> childs = this.childs; // Paranoiac protection against accidental changes.
DefaultNameSpace child;
synchronized (childs) {
final Object existing = childs.get(key);
if (existing instanceof DefaultNameSpace) {
child = (DefaultNameSpace) existing;
if (!child.separator .equals(separator) ||
!child.headSeparator.equals(headSeparator) ||
! .equals(name)) // Same test than equalsIgnoreParent.
child = new DefaultNameSpace(this, name, headSeparator, separator);
* Do not cache that instance. Actually we can't guess if that instance
* would be more appropriate for caching purpose than the old one. We
* just assume that keeping the oldest one is more conservative.
} else {
child = new DefaultNameSpace(this, name, headSeparator, separator);
if (childs.put(key, child) != existing) {
throw new AssertionError(); // Paranoiac check.
assert child.parent() == this;
return child;
* Returns a name which is local in this namespace. The returned name will have this
* namespace as its {@linkplain DefaultLocalName#scope() scope}. This method may returns
* an existing instance on a "best effort" basis, but this is not guaranteed.
* @param name the name of the instance to create.
* @param candidate the instance to cache if no instance was found for the given name, or {@code null} if none.
* @return a name which is local in this namespace.
final DefaultLocalName local(final CharSequence name, final DefaultLocalName candidate) {
ensureNonNull("name", name);
final String key = name.toString();
final WeakValueHashMap<String,Object> childs = this.childs; // Paranoiac protection against accidental changes.
DefaultLocalName child;
synchronized (childs) {
final Object existing = childs.get(key);
if (existing instanceof DefaultLocalName) {
child = (DefaultLocalName) existing;
if (simplify(name).equals( {
assert (child.scope != null ? child.scope : GlobalNameSpace.GLOBAL) == this;
return child;
if (candidate != null) {
child = candidate;
} else {
child = new DefaultLocalName(this, name);
// Cache only if the slot is not already occupied by a NameSpace.
if (!(existing instanceof DefaultNameSpace)) {
if (childs.put(key, child) != existing) {
throw new AssertionError(); // Paranoiac check.
return child;
* Returns a JCR-like lexical form representation of this namespace.
* Following the <cite>Java Content Repository</cite> (JCR) convention,
* this method returns the string representation of {@linkplain #name()} between curly brackets.
* <div class="note"><b>Example:</b> if the name of this namespace is “<code>org.apache.sis</code>”,
* then this method returns “<code>{org.apache.sis}</code>”.</div>
* <div class="section">Usage</div>
* With this convention, it would be possible to create an <cite>expanded form</cite> of a generic name
* (except for escaping of illegal characters) with a simple concatenation as in the following code example:
* {@preformat java
* GenericName name = ...; // A name
* println("Expanded form = " + name.scope() + name);
* }
* However the convention followed by this {@code DefaultNameSpace} implementation is not specified in the
* {@link NameSpace} contract. This implementation follows the JCR convention for debugging convenience,
* but applications needing better guarantees should use {@link Names#toExpandedString(GenericName)} instead.
* @return a JCR-like lexical form of this namespace.
* @see Names#toExpandedString(GenericName)
public String toString() {
return new StringBuilder(name.length() + 2).append('{').append(name).append('}').toString();
* Returns {@code true} if this namespace is equal to the given object.
* @param object the object to compare with this namespace.
* @return {@code true} if the given object is equal to this namespace.
public boolean equals(final Object object) {
if (object != null && object.getClass() == getClass()) {
final DefaultNameSpace that = (DefaultNameSpace) object;
return equalsIgnoreParent(that) && Objects.equals(this.parent, that.parent);
return false;
* Returns {@code true} if the namespace is equal to the given one, ignoring the parent.
* @param that the namespace to compare with this one.
* @return {@code true} if both namespaces are equal, ignoring the parent.
private boolean equalsIgnoreParent(final DefaultNameSpace that) {
return Objects.equals(this.headSeparator, that.headSeparator) &&
Objects.equals(this.separator, that.separator) &&
Objects.equals(,; // Most expensive test last.
* Returns a hash code value for this namespace.
public int hashCode() {
return Objects.hash(parent, name, separator);
* If an instance already exists for the deserialized namespace, returns that instance.
* Otherwise completes the initialization of the deserialized instance.
* <p>Because of its package-private access, this method is <strong>not</strong> invoked if
* the deserialized class is a subclass defined in an other package. This is the intended
* behavior since we don't want to replace an instance of a user-defined class.</p>
* @return the unique instance.
* @throws ObjectStreamException required by specification but should never be thrown.
Object readResolve() throws ObjectStreamException {
final DefaultNameSpace p = parent();
final String key = key(name);
final WeakValueHashMap<String,Object> pool = p.childs;
synchronized (pool) {
final Object existing = pool.get(key);
if (existing instanceof DefaultNameSpace) {
if (equalsIgnoreParent((DefaultNameSpace) existing)) {
return existing;
} else {
// Exit from the synchronized block.
} else {
if (pool.put(key, this) != existing) {
throw new AssertionError(); // Paranoiac check.
return this;
return this;