blob: e6aa5a80a9f43b3cb61f72c22d35b969a2df80fb [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Optional;
import org.opengis.util.GenericName;
import org.opengis.util.FactoryException;
import org.opengis.metadata.Metadata;
import org.opengis.referencing.operation.TransformException;
import org.apache.sis.coverage.SampleDimension;
import org.apache.sis.coverage.grid.GridCoverage;
import org.apache.sis.coverage.grid.GridGeometry;
import org.apache.sis.coverage.grid.GridDerivation;
import org.apache.sis.coverage.grid.GridRoundingMode;
import org.apache.sis.coverage.grid.GridClippingMode;
import org.apache.sis.coverage.grid.DimensionalityReduction;
import org.apache.sis.coverage.grid.DisjointExtentException;
import org.apache.sis.coverage.privy.RangeArgument;
import org.apache.sis.referencing.privy.DirectPositionView;
import org.apache.sis.util.privy.UnmodifiableArrayList;
import org.apache.sis.pending.jdk.JDK16;
* The result of {@link CoverageQuery#execute(GridCoverageResource)}.
* This implementation merges the domain and range specified by the query with
* arguments of {@link GridCoverageResource#read(GridGeometry, int...)} method.
* @author Martin Desruisseaux (Geomatys)
final class CoverageSubset extends AbstractGridCoverageResource {
* Name for this coverage subset, or {@code null} if none.
private final GenericName name;
* The coverage resource instance which provides the data.
private final GridCoverageResource source;
* The domain of this resource, computed when first requested.
* Sometime but not always the same as {@link #areaOfInterest}.
* If {@link #reduction} is non-null, then this is the reduced grid geometry.
* @see #getGridGeometry()
private GridGeometry gridGeometry;
* The domain specified in the query, potentially with dimensions added for a slice.
* The number of dimensions should be the same as {@linkplain #source} grid geometry.
* May be {@code null} if no area of interest has been specified.
private final GridGeometry areaOfInterest;
* The dimensionality reduction to apply on the coverages, or {@code null} if none.
private final DimensionalityReduction reduction;
* Number of additional cells to read on each border of the source grid coverage.
private final int sourceDomainExpansion;
* 0-based indices of sample dimensions to read, or {@code null} for reading them all.
private final int[] selectedRange;
* Creates a new coverage resource by filtering the given coverage using the given query.
* @param name name for this coverage subset, or {@code null} if none.
* @param source the coverage resource instances which provides the data.
* @param query the domain and range to read from the {@code source} coverage.
* @throws DataStoreException if an error occurred while reading from the source resource.
CoverageSubset(final GenericName name, final GridCoverageResource source, final CoverageQuery query) throws DataStoreException {
super(source); = name;
this.source = source;
reduction = query.getAxisSelection(source);
GridGeometry selection = query.getSelection();
if (selection != null && reduction != null && reduction.isReduced(selection)) {
selection = reduction.reverse(selection);
areaOfInterest = selection;
selectedRange = query.getProjection(source);
sourceDomainExpansion = query.getSourceDomainExpansion();
* Returns the name for this resource if specified.
public Optional<GenericName> getIdentifier() {
return Optional.ofNullable(name);
* Creates metadata about this subset.
* It includes information about the complete feature set.
protected Metadata createMetadata() throws DataStoreException {
final MetadataBuilder builder = new MetadataBuilder();
builder.addDefaultMetadata(this, listeners);
builder.addProcessDescription(Resources.formatInternational(Resources.Keys.SubsetQuery_1, StoreUtilities.getLabel(source)));
* Returns the preferred resolutions (in units of CRS axes) for read operations in this data store.
* In absence of dimensionality reduction, this is the same resolution as the source resource.
* @return preferred resolutions for read operations in this data store, or an empty array if none.
* @throws DataStoreException if an error occurred while reading definitions from the underlying data store.
public List<double[]> getResolutions() throws DataStoreException {
List<double[]> resolutions = source.getResolutions();
if (reduction != null) {
.map((resolution) -> reduction.apply(new DirectPositionView.Double(resolution)).getCoordinates()));
return resolutions;
* Returns the valid extent of grid coordinates clipped to the area specified in the query.
* It should be the geometry of the coverage that we get when invoking {@link #read read(…)}
* with {@code null} arguments, but this is not guaranteed.
* The returned grid geometry may be approximate.
* @return extent of grid coordinates clipped to the query.
* @throws DataStoreException if an error occurred while reading definitions from the underlying data store,
* or if the grid geometry cannot be clipped to the query area.
public synchronized GridGeometry getGridGeometry() throws DataStoreException {
GridGeometry domain = gridGeometry;
if (domain == null) {
* The grid should be fully contained in the resource specified at construction time,
* including margin expansion (if any), because data may not exist outside that area.
* This requirement is specified by `GridClippingMode.STRICT`.
domain = clip(source.getGridGeometry(), GridRoundingMode.NEAREST, GridClippingMode.STRICT);
if (reduction != null) {
domain = reduction.apply(domain);
gridGeometry = domain; // Set only on success.
return domain;
* Clips the given domain to the area of interest specified by the query. If any grid geometry is null,
* the other one is returned. The {@code domain} argument should have the number of dimensions expected
* by the {@linkplain #source}, using {@link #reduction} if necessary for changing the dimensionality.
* @param domain the domain requested in a read operation, or {@code null}.
* @param rounding whether to clip to nearest box or an enclosing box.
* @param clipping whether to clip the resulting extent to the specified {@code domain} extent.
* @return intersection of the given grid geometry with the query domain.
* @throws DataStoreException if the intersection cannot be computed.
private GridGeometry clip(final GridGeometry domain, final GridRoundingMode rounding, final GridClippingMode clipping)
throws DataStoreException
if (domain == null) return areaOfInterest;
if (areaOfInterest == null) return domain;
try {
final GridDerivation derivation = domain.derive().rounding(rounding).clipping(clipping);
if (sourceDomainExpansion != 0) {
final int[] margins = new int[domain.getDimension()];
Arrays.fill(margins, sourceDomainExpansion);
return derivation.subgrid(areaOfInterest).build();
} catch (IllegalArgumentException | IllegalStateException e) {
final String msg = Resources.forLocale(listeners.getLocale())
.getString(Resources.Keys.CanNotIntersectDataWithQuery_1, listeners.getSourceName());
final Throwable cause = e.getCause();
if (cause instanceof FactoryException || cause instanceof TransformException) {
throw new DataStoreReferencingException(msg, cause);
} else if (e instanceof DisjointExtentException) {
throw new NoSuchDataException(msg, e);
} else {
throw new DataStoreException(msg, e);
* Returns the ranges of sample values together with the conversion from samples to real values.
* The returned list should never be empty.
* @return ranges of sample values together with their mapping to "real values".
* @throws DataStoreException if an error occurred while reading definitions from the underlying data store.
public List<SampleDimension> getSampleDimensions() throws DataStoreException {
final List<SampleDimension> dimensions = source.getSampleDimensions();
if (selectedRange == null) {
return dimensions;
final SampleDimension[] subset = new SampleDimension[selectedRange.length];
for (int i=0; i < selectedRange.length; i++) {
final int j = selectedRange[i];
try {
subset[i] = dimensions.get(j);
} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
throw new DataStoreException(e);
return UnmodifiableArrayList.wrap(subset);
* Returns an indication about when the "physical" loading of raster data will happen.
* This information is fetched from the wrapped resource doing the actual real operations.
public RasterLoadingStrategy getLoadingStrategy() throws DataStoreException {
return source.getLoadingStrategy();
* Sets the preferred strategy about when to do the "physical" loading of raster data.
* This information is forwarded to the wrapped resource doing the actual real operations.
public boolean setLoadingStrategy(final RasterLoadingStrategy strategy) throws DataStoreException {
return source.setLoadingStrategy(strategy);
* Loads a subset of the grid coverage represented by this resource.
* The domain to be read by the resource is computed as below:
* <ul>
* <li>If the query specifies a {@linkplain CoverageQuery#getAxisSelection() dimensionality reduction},
* the given domain is inflated to the number of dimensions of the source.</li>
* <li>If the query specifies an {@linkplain CoverageQuery#getSelection() area of interest},
* the given domain is intersected with the query selection.</li>
* <li>If the query specifies a {@linkplain CoverageQuery#getSourceDomainExpansion() domain expansion},
* the given domain is expanded by the amount specified in the query.</li>
* </ul>
* @param domain desired grid extent and resolution, or {@code null} for reading the whole domain.
* @param ranges 0-based indices of sample dimensions to read, or {@code null} or an empty sequence for reading them all.
* @return the grid coverage for the specified domain and ranges.
* @throws DataStoreException if an error occurred while reading the grid coverage data.
public GridCoverage read(GridGeometry domain, int... ranges) throws DataStoreException {
* Need to convert to the full number of dimensions first, even if the domain is null,
* because this operation may return a domain with slice coordinates.
if (reduction != null) {
domain = reduction.reverse(domain);
if (domain == null) {
domain = source.getGridGeometry();
* Relax the clipping mode because we would need to clip not inside the
* specified `domain` but inside the source domain, which may be larger.
domain = clip(domain, GridRoundingMode.ENCLOSING, GridClippingMode.BORDER_EXPANSION);
if (selectedRange != null) {
final var validation = RangeArgument.validate(selectedRange.length, ranges, listeners);
ranges = new int[validation.getNumBands()];
for (int i=0; i<ranges.length; i++) {
ranges[validation.getTargetIndex(i)] = selectedRange[validation.getSourceIndex(i)];
* Read the coverage will all dimensions, then provide a view
* with a reduced number of dimensions if that was requested.
GridCoverage coverage =, ranges);
if (reduction != null) {
coverage = reduction.apply(coverage);
return coverage;