blob: 32e24be164a23ec9c36a19379c583378499af994 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.sis.referencing.operation.builder;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Queue;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Objects;
import java.text.NumberFormat;
import org.opengis.referencing.operation.MathTransform;
import org.opengis.referencing.operation.TransformException;
import org.apache.sis.util.ArraysExt;
import org.apache.sis.util.Exceptions;
import org.apache.sis.util.resources.Errors;
import org.apache.sis.referencing.operation.matrix.Matrices;
import org.apache.sis.referencing.operation.matrix.MatrixSIS;
import org.apache.sis.referencing.operation.transform.MathTransforms;
// Specific to the main and geoapi-3.1 branches:
import org.opengis.geometry.MismatchedDimensionException;
* Information about an attempt to transform coordinates to some projection before to compute a linear approximation.
* This class contains only the projection to be attempted and a summary of the result. We do not keep new coordinates
* in order to avoid consuming too much memory when many attempts are made; {@link LinearTransformBuilder} needs only
* to keep the best attempt.
* <h2>Purpose</h2>
* <p>Localization grids in netCDF files contain (<var>longitude</var>, <var>latitude</var>) values for all pixels.
* {@link LocalizationGridBuilder} first computes a linear (affine) approximation of a localization grid, then stores the residuals.
* This approach works well when the residuals are small. However if the localization grid is non-linear, then the affine transform
* is a poor approximation of that grid and the residuals are high. High residuals make inverse transforms hard to compute, which
* sometimes cause a {@link TransformException} with <q>no convergence</q> error message.</p>
* <p>In practice, localization grids in netCDF files are often used for storing the results of a map projection, e.g. Mercator.
* This class allows {@link LocalizationGridBuilder} to try to transform the grid using a given list of map projections and see
* if one of those projections results in a grid closer to an affine transform. In other words, we use this class for trying to
* guess what the projection may be. It is okay if the guess is not a perfect match; if the residuals become smalls enough,
* it will resolve the "no convergence" errors.</p>
* <h2>Note</h2>
* {@link #compareTo(ProjectedTransformTry)} is inconsistent with {@link #equals(Object)}.
* The fact that {@link ProjectedTransformTry} instances are comparable should not be visible in public API.
* @author Martin Desruisseaux (Geomatys)
final class ProjectedTransformTry implements Comparable<ProjectedTransformTry>, Map.Entry<String,MathTransform> {
* Number of points in the temporary buffer used for transforming data.
* The buffer length will be this capacity multiplied by the number of dimensions.
* @see org.apache.sis.referencing.operation.transform.AbstractMathTransform#MAXIMUM_BUFFER_SIZE
private static final int BUFFER_CAPACITY = 512;
* A name by witch this projection attempt is identified.
* @see #getKey()
private final String name;
* A conversion from a non-linear grid (typically with longitude and latitude values) to
* something that may be more linear (typically, but not necessarily, a map projection).
* @see #getValue()
final MathTransform projection;
* Maps {@link #projection} dimensions to {@link LinearTransformBuilder} target dimensions.
* For example if this array is {@code {2,1}}, then dimensions 0 and 1 of {@link #projection}
* (both source and target dimensions) will map dimensions 2 and 1 of {@link LinearTransformBuilder#targets}.
* The length of this array shall be equal to the number of {@link #projection} source dimensions.
private final int[] projToGrid;
* Whether the inverse of {@link #projection} shall be concatenated to the
* final {@linkplain LocalizationGridBuilder#create interpolated transform}.
* If {@code true}, the {@code projection} effect will be cancelled in the final result,
* i.e. the target coordinates will be approximately the same as if no projection were applied.
* In such case, the advantage of applying a projection is to improve numerical stability with
* a better linear approximation in the first step of the coordinate transformation process.
final boolean reverseAfterLinearization;
* A global correlation factor, stored for information purpose only.
float correlation;
* If an error occurred during coordinate operations, the error. Otherwise {@code null}.
* @see #getError(List)
private TransformException error;
* Creates a new instance initialized to a copy of the given instance but without result.
* This is used by copy constructors.
* @see LocalizationGridBuilder#LocalizationGridBuilder(LinearTransformBuilder)
ProjectedTransformTry(final ProjectedTransformTry other) {
name =;
projection = other.projection;
projToGrid = other.projToGrid;
reverseAfterLinearization = other.reverseAfterLinearization;
* Prepares a new attempt to project a localization grid.
* All arguments are stored as-is (arrays are not cloned).
* @param name a name by witch this projection attempt is identified.
* @param projection conversion from non-linear grid to something that may be more linear.
* @param projToGrid maps {@code projection} dimensions to {@link LinearTransformBuilder} target dimensions.
* @param expectedDimension number of {@link LinearTransformBuilder} target dimensions.
* @throws MismatchedDimensionException if the projection does not have the expected number of dimensions.
ProjectedTransformTry(final String name, final MathTransform projection, final int[] projToGrid, int expectedDimension,
final boolean reverseAfterLinearization)
{ = Objects.requireNonNull(name);
this.projection = Objects.requireNonNull(projection);
this.projToGrid = projToGrid;
this.reverseAfterLinearization = reverseAfterLinearization;
int side = 0; // 0 = problem with source dimensions, 1 = problem with target dimensions.
int actual = projection.getSourceDimensions();
if (actual <= expectedDimension) {
expectedDimension = projToGrid.length;
if (actual == expectedDimension) {
actual = projection.getTargetDimensions();
if (actual == expectedDimension) {
side = 1;
throw new MismatchedDimensionException(Errors.format(
Errors.Keys.MismatchedTransformDimension_4, name, side, expectedDimension, actual));
* Returns the name by witch this projection attempt is identified.
public String getKey() {
return name;
* Returns the projection, taking in account axis swapping if {@link #projToGrid} is not an arithmetic progression.
* @todo We needs a pass-through transform if the number of grid dimensions
* is greater than the number of projection dimensions.
public MathTransform getValue() {
MathTransform mt = MathTransforms.linear(Matrices.createDimensionSelect(projToGrid.length, projToGrid));
return MathTransforms.concatenate(mt, projection);
* Do not allow modification of this entry.
public MathTransform setValue(MathTransform value) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
* Transforms target coordinates of a localization grid. The {@code coordinates} argument is the value
* of {@link LinearTransformBuilder#targets}, without clone (this method will only read those arrays).
* Only arrays at indices given by {@link #projToGrid} will be read; the other arrays will be ignored.
* The coordinate operation result will be stored in arrays of size {@code [numDimensions][numPoints]}
* where {@code numDimensions} is the length of the {@link #projToGrid} array. Indices are as below,
* with 0 ≤ <var>d</var> ≤ {@code numDimensions}:
* <ol>
* <li>{@code results[d]} contains the coordinates in dimension <var>d</var>.</li>
* <li>{@code results[d][i]} is a coordinate of the point at index <var>i</var>.</li>
* </ol>
* The returned target shall be given to {@link #replaceTransformed(double[][], double[][])} before
* final storage in {@link LinearTransformBuilder}.
* <h4>Pool of arrays</h4>
* The {@code pool} queue is initially empty. Arrays created by this method and later discarded will be added to
* that queue, for recycling if this method is invoked again for another {@code ProjectedTransformTry} instance.
* @param coordinates the {@link LinearTransformBuilder#targets} arrays of coordinates to transform.
* @param numPoints number of points to transform: {@code numPoints} ≤ {@code coordinates[i].length}.
* @param pool pre-allocated arrays of length {@code numPoints} that can be recycled.
* @return results of coordinate operations (see method javadoc), or {@code null} if an error occurred.
final double[][] transform(final double[][] coordinates, final int numPoints, final Queue<double[]> pool) {
final int numDimensions = projToGrid.length;
final double[][] results = new double[numDimensions][];
for (int i=0; i<numDimensions; i++) {
if ((results[i] = pool.poll()) == null) {
results[i] = new double[numPoints];
* Allocate the destination arrays for coordinates to transform as (x₀,y₀), (x₁,y₁), (x₂,y₂)… tuples.
* In the particular case of one-dimensional transforms (not necessarily one-dimensional coordinates)
* we can transform arrays directly without the need for a temporary buffer.
try {
if (numDimensions == 1) {
projection.transform(coordinates[projToGrid[0]], 0, results[0], 0, numPoints);
} else {
final int bufferCapacity = Math.min(numPoints, BUFFER_CAPACITY); // In number of points.
final double[] buffer = new double[bufferCapacity * numDimensions];
int dataOffset = 0;
while (dataOffset < numPoints) {
final int start = dataOffset;
final int stop = Math.min(start + bufferCapacity, numPoints);
* Copies coordinates in a single interleaved array before to transform them.
* Coordinates start at index 0 and the number of valid points is stop - start.
for (int d=0; d<numDimensions; d++) {
final double[] data = coordinates[projToGrid[d]];
dataOffset = start;
int dst = d;
do {
buffer[dst] = data[dataOffset];
dst += numDimensions;
} while (++dataOffset < stop);
* Transform coordinates and save the result. If any coordinate result is NaN,
* we cannot use that projection (LinearTransformBuilder requires all points).
projection.transform(buffer, 0, buffer, 0, stop - start);
for (int d=0; d<numDimensions; d++) {
final double[] data = results[d];
dataOffset = start;
int dst = d;
do {
if (!Double.isFinite(data[dataOffset] = buffer[dst])) {
recycle(results, pool); // Make arrays available for other transforms.
return null;
dst += numDimensions;
} while (++dataOffset < stop);
} catch (TransformException e) {
error = e;
recycle(results, pool); // Make arrays available for other transforms.
return null;
return results;
* Makes the given arrays available for reuse by other transforms.
static void recycle(final double[][] arrays, final Queue<double[]> pool) {
if (arrays != null) {
Collections.addAll(pool, arrays);
* Returns {@code true} if {@code projToGrid[i] == i} for all <var>i</var>.
private boolean useSameDimensions() {
return ArraysExt.isRange(0, projToGrid);
* Replaces old target arrays by new values in the dimensions where a projection has been applied.
* The {@code targets} array is copied if necessary, then values are replaced in the copied array.
* May return {@code newValues} directly if suitable.
* @param targets the original targets values. This array will not be modified.
* @param newValues targets computed by {@link #transform transform(…)} for the dimensions specified at construction time.
* @return a copy of the given {@code targets} array with new values overwriting the old values.
final double[][] replaceTransformed(double[][] targets, final double[][] newValues) {
if (newValues.length == targets.length && useSameDimensions()) {
return newValues;
targets = targets.clone();
for (int j=0; j<projToGrid.length; j++) {
targets[projToGrid[j]] = newValues[j];
return targets;
* Replaces old correlation values by new values in the dimensions where a projection has been applied.
* The {@code correlations} array is copied if necessary, then values are replaced in the copied array.
* May return {@code newValues} directly if suitable.
* @param correlations the original correlation values. This array will not be modified.
* @param newValues correlations computed by {@link LinearTransformBuilder} for the dimensions specified at construction time.
* @return a copy of the given {@code correlation} array with new values overwriting the old values.
final double[] replaceTransformed(double[] correlations, final double[] newValues) {
if (newValues.length == correlations.length && useSameDimensions()) {
return newValues;
correlations = correlations.clone();
for (int j=0; j<projToGrid.length; j++) {
correlations[projToGrid[j]] = newValues[j];
return correlations;
* Replaces old transform coefficients by new values in the dimensions where a projection has been applied.
* The {@code transform} matrix is copied if necessary, then values are replaced in the copied matrix.
* May return {@code newValues} directly if suitable.
* @param transform the original affine transform. This matrix will not be modified.
* @param newValues coefficients computed by {@link LinearTransformBuilder} for the dimensions specified at construction time.
* @return a copy of the given {@code transform} matrix with new coefficients overwriting the old values.
final MatrixSIS replaceTransformed(MatrixSIS transform, final MatrixSIS newValues) {
* The two matrices shall have the same number of columns because they were computed with
* LinearTransformBuilder instances having the same sources. However, the two matrices may
* have a different number of rows since the number of target dimensions may differ.
assert newValues.getNumCol() == transform.getNumCol();
if (newValues.getNumRow() == transform.getNumRow() && useSameDimensions()) {
return newValues;
transform = transform.clone();
for (int j=0; j<projToGrid.length; j++) {
final int d = projToGrid[j];
for (int i=transform.getNumCol(); --i >= 0;) {
transform.setNumber(d, i, newValues.getNumber(j, i));
return transform;
* Returns the first error in the given list of linearizers. Errors after the first one are added
* as suppressed exceptions. If no error are found, this method returns {@code null}.
static TransformException getError(final List<ProjectedTransformTry> linearizers) {
TransformException error = null;
for (final ProjectedTransformTry alt : linearizers) {
final TransformException e = alt.error;
if (e != null) {
if (error == null) {
error = e;
} else {
return error;
* Orders by the inverse of correlation coefficients. Highest coefficients (best correlations)
* are first, lower coefficients are next, {@link Float#NaN} values are last.
* <p><b>Note:</b> this comparison is inconsistent with {@link #equals(Object)}.
* The fact that {@link ProjectedTransformTry} instances are comparable should
* not be visible in public API.</p>
public int compareTo(final ProjectedTransformTry other) {
return, -other.correlation);
* Implements the {@link Map.Entry#equals(Object)} contract.
public boolean equals(final Object obj) {
if (obj instanceof Map.Entry<?,?>) {
final Map.Entry<?,?> other = (Map.Entry<?,?>) obj;
return name.equals(other.getKey()) && projection.equals(other.getValue());
return false;
* Implements the {@link Map.Entry#hashCode()} contract.
public int hashCode() {
return name.hashCode() ^ projection.hashCode();
* Formats a summary of this projection attempt. This method formats the following columns:
* <ol>
* <li>The projection name.</li>
* <li>The corelation coefficient, or the error message if an error occurred.</li>
* </ol>
* @param table the table where to write a row.
* @param nf format to use for writing coefficients, or {@code null} if not yet created.
* @param locale the locale to use for messages or if a number format must be created.
* @return format used for writing coefficients, or {@code null}.
final NumberFormat summarize(final TableAppender table, NumberFormat nf, final Locale locale) {
String message = "";
if (error != null) {
message = Exceptions.getLocalizedMessage(error, locale);
if (message == null) {
message = error.getClass().getSimpleName();
} else if (correlation > 0) {
if (nf == null) {
nf = (locale != null) ? NumberFormat.getInstance(locale) : NumberFormat.getInstance();
nf.setMinimumFractionDigits(6); // Math.ulp(1f) ≈ 1.2E-7
message = nf.format(correlation);
return nf;
* Returns a string representation of this projection attempt for debugging purpose.
public String toString() {
final TableAppender buffer = new TableAppender(" ");
summarize(buffer, null, null);
return buffer.toString();