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* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
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* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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package org.apache.sis.metadata;
import org.opengis.metadata.ExtendedElementInformation;
import org.opengis.metadata.extent.GeographicBoundingBox;
import org.apache.sis.measure.Latitude;
import org.apache.sis.measure.Longitude;
import org.apache.sis.measure.NumberRange;
import org.apache.sis.metadata.iso.extent.DefaultGeographicBoundingBox;
// Test dependencies
import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test;
import static org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.*;
import org.apache.sis.test.TestCase;
import org.apache.sis.metadata.iso.citation.HardCodedCitations;
* Test the {@link SpecialCases} class.
* @author Martin Desruisseaux (Geomatys)
public final class SpecialCasesTest extends TestCase {
* The accessor instance to be tested.
private final PropertyAccessor accessor;
* An arbitrary bounding box to be used for testing purpose.
private DefaultGeographicBoundingBox box;
* Creates a new test case.
public SpecialCasesTest() {
accessor = new SpecialCases(GeographicBoundingBox.class, DefaultGeographicBoundingBox.class, DefaultGeographicBoundingBox.class);
* Initializes the {@link #box} field.
* Invoked only by the tests that need an actual metadata instance.
private void createBox() {
box = new DefaultGeographicBoundingBox(-20, 30, -10, 40);
* Invokes {@link SpecialCases#type(int, TypeValuePolicy)}
* and ensures that the result is equal to the expected value.
private void assertTypeEquals(final String name, final Class<?> expected) {
assertEquals(expected, accessor.type(accessor.indexOf(name, true), TypeValuePolicy.ELEMENT_TYPE), name);
* Invokes {@link SpecialCases#get(int, Object)} and ensures that the result is equal to the expected value.
private void assertPropertyEquals(final String name, final Object expected) {
assertEquals(expected, accessor.get(accessor.indexOf(name, true), box), name);
* Invokes {@link SpecialCases#set(int, Object, Object, int)} in {@code RETURN_PREVIOUS} mode with the given
* {@code newValue}, and ensures that the return value is equal to the given {@code oldValue}.
private void assertPreviousEquals(final String name, final Object oldValue, final Object newValue) {
final Object value = accessor.set(accessor.indexOf(name, true), box, newValue, PropertyAccessor.RETURN_PREVIOUS);
assertEquals(oldValue, value, name);
* Invokes {@link SpecialCases#set(int, Object, Object, int)} in {@code APPEND} mode with the given
* {@code newValue}, and ensures that the return value is equal to the given {@code changed}.
private void assertAppendResultEquals(final String name, final Boolean changed, final Object newValue) {
final Object value = accessor.set(accessor.indexOf(name, true), box, newValue, PropertyAccessor.APPEND);
assertEquals(changed, value, name);
* Tests {@link SpecialCases#type(int, TypeValuePolicy)}.
public void testType() {
assertTypeEquals("westBoundLongitude", Longitude.class);
assertTypeEquals("eastBoundLongitude", Longitude.class);
assertTypeEquals("southBoundLatitude", Latitude.class);
assertTypeEquals("northBoundLatitude", Latitude.class);
assertTypeEquals("extentTypeCode", Boolean.class);
* Tests {@link SpecialCases#get(int, Object)}.
public void testGet() {
assertPropertyEquals("westBoundLongitude", new Longitude(-20));
assertPropertyEquals("eastBoundLongitude", new Longitude( 30));
assertPropertyEquals("southBoundLatitude", new Latitude (-10));
assertPropertyEquals("northBoundLatitude", new Latitude ( 40));
assertPropertyEquals("extentTypeCode", Boolean.TRUE );
* Tests {@link SpecialCases#set(int, Object, Object, int)} in {@code RETURN_PREVIOUS} mode.
public void testSet() {
assertPreviousEquals("westBoundLongitude", new Longitude(-20), new Longitude(-15));
assertPreviousEquals("eastBoundLongitude", new Longitude( 30), new Longitude( 25));
assertPreviousEquals("southBoundLatitude", new Latitude (-10), new Latitude ( -5));
assertPreviousEquals("northBoundLatitude", new Latitude ( 40), new Latitude ( 35));
assertPreviousEquals("extentTypeCode", Boolean.TRUE, Boolean.FALSE);
assertEquals(-15, box.getWestBoundLongitude(), "westBoundLongitude");
assertEquals( 25, box.getEastBoundLongitude(), "eastBoundLongitude");
assertEquals( -5, box.getSouthBoundLatitude(), "southBoundLatitude");
assertEquals( 35, box.getNorthBoundLatitude(), "northBoundLatitude");
assertEquals(Boolean.FALSE, box.getInclusion());
* Tests {@link SpecialCases#set(int, Object, Object, int)} in {@code RETURN_PREVIOUS} mode
* with {@link Double} values instead of {@link Longitude} or {@link Latitude}.
public void testSetAsPrimitive() {
assertPreviousEquals("westBoundLongitude", new Longitude(-20), -14.0);
assertPreviousEquals("eastBoundLongitude", new Longitude( 30), 26 );
assertPreviousEquals("southBoundLatitude", new Latitude (-10), -7f );
assertPreviousEquals("northBoundLatitude", new Latitude ( 40), (short) 33);
assertEquals(-14, box.getWestBoundLongitude(), "westBoundLongitude");
assertEquals( 26, box.getEastBoundLongitude(), "eastBoundLongitude");
assertEquals( -7, box.getSouthBoundLatitude(), "southBoundLatitude");
assertEquals( 33, box.getNorthBoundLatitude(), "northBoundLatitude");
assertEquals(Boolean.TRUE, box.getInclusion());
* Tests {@link SpecialCases#set(int, Object, Object, int)} in {@code APPEND} mode.
public void testAppend() {
assertAppendResultEquals("westBoundLongitude", null, new Longitude(-20));
assertAppendResultEquals("eastBoundLongitude", null, new Longitude( 24));
assertAppendResultEquals("southBoundLatitude", null, new Latitude ( -6));
assertAppendResultEquals("northBoundLatitude", null, 40.0);
assertAppendResultEquals("extentTypeCode", false, Boolean.TRUE);
assertEquals(-20, box.getWestBoundLongitude(), "westBoundLongitude");
assertEquals( 30, box.getEastBoundLongitude(), "eastBoundLongitude");
assertEquals(-10, box.getSouthBoundLatitude(), "southBoundLatitude");
assertEquals( 40, box.getNorthBoundLatitude(), "northBoundLatitude");
assertEquals(Boolean.TRUE, box.getInclusion());
* Tests {@link SpecialCases#information(Citation, int)}.
public void testPropertyInformation() {
final ExtendedElementInformation info = accessor.information(
HardCodedCitations.ISO_19115, accessor.indexOf("westBoundLongitude", true));
final NumberRange<?> range = assertInstanceOf(NumberRange.class, info.getDomainValue());
assertEquals(-180, range.getMinDouble());
assertEquals(+180, range.getMaxDouble());