blob: d145427240e957279db8449accd19bc465f60890 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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package org.apache.sis.metadata;
// Test dependencies
import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test;
import static org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.*;
import org.apache.sis.test.TestCase;
import static org.apache.sis.test.TestUtilities.toTreeStructure;
* Tests the {@link AbstractMetadata} class.
* @author Martin Desruisseaux (Geomatys)
public final class AbstractMetadataTest extends TestCase {
* Creates a new test case.
public AbstractMetadataTest() {
* Tests the {@link AbstractMetadata#hashCode()} method on an object having cyclic associations.
* This is the same test as {@link MetadataStandardTest#testHashCodeOnCyclicMetadata()}, with
* only a different entry point.
* @see MetadataStandardTest#testHashCodeOnCyclicMetadata()
public void testHashCodeOnCyclicMetadata() {
final int code = MetadataStandardTest.createCyclicMetadata().hashCode();
assertEquals(code, MetadataStandardTest.createCyclicMetadata().hashCode());
* Tests the {@link AbstractMetadata#toString()} method on an object having cyclic associations.
* In absence of safety guard against infinite recursivity, this test would produce either a
* {@link StackOverflowError} or an {@link OutOfMemoryError} (after quite a long time).
* <p>The tree formatted by this test is:</p>
* <pre class="text">
* Acquisition information
*   └─Platform
*       ├─Description………………………………… A platform.
*       └─Instrument
*           ├─Type………………………………………… An instrument type.
*           └─Mounted on
*               ├─Description…………… A platform.
*               └─Instrument
*                     (omitted cycle)</pre>
* Note that the cycle detection apparently happens too late since "A platform" has been repeated.
* This is because that same Platform instance appears in two different metadata property. We do
* not stop the formatting on the same metadata instance - we also require that it appears in the
* same property - for allowing the complete formatting of objects that implement more than one
* metadata interface.
public void testToStringOnCyclicMetadata() {
final String text = MetadataStandardTest.createCyclicMetadata().toString();
* We cannot perform a full comparison of the string since it is locale-dependent.
* Compare only the tree structure. The full tree in English is shown in javadoc.
assertTrue(text.startsWith("Acquisition information"), text);
assertArrayEquals(new String[] {
"", // Acquisition information
"  └─", // Platform
"      ├─", // Description
"      └─", // Instrument
"          ├─", // Type
"          └─", // Mounted on
"              ├─", // Description
"              └─", // Instrument
"                    (", // Omitted cycle
""}, toTreeStructure(text));