blob: b8e6d277b22e4dbce20ca811d8019b319271e085 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.sis.measure;
import javax.measure.Unit;
import javax.measure.quantity.Angle;
import javax.measure.UnitConverter;
import org.apache.sis.util.resources.Errors;
import org.apache.sis.util.resources.Vocabulary;
import org.apache.sis.internal.util.Numerics;
import org.apache.sis.math.MathFunctions;
import static org.apache.sis.math.MathFunctions.truncate;
* A converter from decimal degrees to sexagesimal degrees. Sexagesimal degrees are pseudo-unit
* in the <cite>sign - degrees - decimal point - minutes (two digits) - integer seconds (two digits) -
* fraction of seconds (any precision)</cite> format.
* <p>When possible, Apache SIS always handles angles in radians, decimal degrees or any other proportional units.
* Sexagesimal angles are considered a string representation issue (handled by {@link AngleFormat}) rather than a
* unit issue. Unfortunately, this pseudo-unit is extensively used in the EPSG database, so we have to support it.</p>
* <h2>Immutability and thread safety</h2>
* This class and all inner classes are immutable, and thus inherently thread-safe.
* @author Martin Desruisseaux (IRD, Geomatys)
* @version 1.0
* @since 0.3
* @module
class SexagesimalConverter extends AbstractConverter {
* Serial number for compatibility with different versions.
private static final long serialVersionUID = -2119974989555436361L;
* Small tolerance factor when comparing numbers close to 1.
* For comparing numbers other than 1, multiply by the number magnitude.
static final double EPS = 1E-10;
* Pseudo-unit for sexagesimal degree. Numbers in this pseudo-unit have the following format:
* <cite>sign - degrees - decimal point - minutes (two digits) - fraction of minutes (any precision)</cite>.
* Using this unit is loosely equivalent to formatting decimal degrees with the
* {@code "D.MMm"} {@link AngleFormat} pattern.
* <p>This unit is non-linear and not practical for computation. Consequently, it should be
* avoided as much as possible. This pseudo-unit is defined only because used in the EPSG
* database (code 9111).</p>
static final ConventionalUnit<Angle> DM;
* Pseudo-unit for sexagesimal degree. Numbers in this pseudo-unit have the following format:
* <cite>sign - degrees - decimal point - minutes (two digits) - integer seconds (two digits) -
* fraction of seconds (any precision)</cite>.
* Using this unit is loosely equivalent to formatting decimal degrees with the
* {@code "D.MMSSs"} {@link AngleFormat} pattern.
* <p>This unit is non-linear and not practical for computation. Consequently, it should be
* avoided as much as possible. This pseudo-unit is defined only because extensively used in
* the EPSG database (code 9110).</p>
static final Unit<Angle> DMS;
* Pseudo-unit for degree - minute - second.
* Numbers in this pseudo-unit have the following format:
* <cite>signed degrees (integer) - arc-minutes (integer) - arc-seconds
* (real, any precision)</cite>.
* Using this unit is loosely equivalent to formatting decimal degrees with the
* {@code "DMMSS.s"} {@link AngleFormat} pattern.
* <p>This unit is non-linear and not practical for computation. Consequently, it should be
* avoided as much as possible. This pseudo-unit is defined only because extensively used in
* EPSG database (code 9107).</p>
static final Unit<Angle> DMS_SCALED;
static {
final SystemUnit<Angle> rad = (SystemUnit<Angle>) Units.RADIAN;
final UnitConverter toRadian = Units.DEGREE.getConverterTo(rad);
DM = new ConventionalUnit<>(rad, new ConcatenatedConverter(
new SexagesimalConverter(false, 100).inverse(), toRadian), "D.M", UnitRegistry.OTHER, (short) 9111);
DMS = new ConventionalUnit<>(rad, new ConcatenatedConverter(
new SexagesimalConverter(true, 10000).inverse(), toRadian), "D.MS", UnitRegistry.OTHER, (short) 9110);
DMS_SCALED = new ConventionalUnit<>(rad, new ConcatenatedConverter(
new SexagesimalConverter(true, 1).inverse(), toRadian), "DMS", UnitRegistry.OTHER, (short) 9107);
* {@code true} if the seconds field is present.
final boolean hasSeconds;
* The value to divide DMS unit by.
* For "degree minute second" (EPSG code 9107), this is 1.
* For "sexagesimal degree" (EPSG code 9110), this is 10000.
final double divider;
* The inverse of this converter.
private final UnitConverter inverse;
* Constructs a converter for sexagesimal units.
* @param hasSeconds {@code true} if the seconds field is present.
* @param divider the value to divide DMS unit by.
* For "degree minute second" (EPSG code 9107), this is 1.
* For "sexagesimal degree" (EPSG code 9110), this is 10000.
private SexagesimalConverter(final boolean hasSeconds, final double divider) {
this.hasSeconds = hasSeconds;
this.divider = divider;
this.inverse = new Inverse(this);
* Constructs a converter for sexagesimal units.
* This constructor is for {@link Inverse} usage only.
private SexagesimalConverter(final SexagesimalConverter inverse) {
this.hasSeconds = inverse.hasSeconds;
this.divider = inverse.divider;
this.inverse = inverse;
* Returns the inverse of this converter.
public final UnitConverter inverse() {
return inverse;
* Performs a conversion from fractional degrees to sexagesimal degrees.
public double convert(double angle) {
final double deg = truncate(angle);
angle = (angle - deg) * 60;
if (hasSeconds) {
final double min = truncate(angle);
angle = (angle - min) * 60; // Secondes
angle += (deg*100 + min)*100;
} else {
angle += deg * 100;
return angle / divider;
* Considers this converter as non-derivable. Actually it would be possible to provide a derivative value
* for input values other than the discontinuities points, but for now we presume that it is less dangerous
* to return NaN every time, so the user can not miss that this function is not derivable everywhere.
public final double derivative(double value) {
return Double.NaN;
* Compares this converter with the specified object.
public final boolean equals(final Object object) {
return object != null && object.getClass() == getClass() &&
((SexagesimalConverter) object).divider == divider;
* Returns a hash value for this converter.
public final int hashCode() {
return ((int) divider) ^ getClass().hashCode();
* The inverse of {@link SexagesimalConverter}, i.e. the converter from sexagesimal degrees to decimal degrees.
private static final class Inverse extends SexagesimalConverter {
* Serial number for compatibility with different versions.
private static final long serialVersionUID = -1928146841653975281L;
* Constructs a converter.
public Inverse(final SexagesimalConverter inverse) {
* After calculation of the remaining seconds or minutes, trims the rounding errors presumably
* caused by rounding errors in floating point arithmetic. This is required for avoiding the
* following conversion issue:
* <ol>
* <li>Sexagesimal value: 46.570866 (from 46°57'8.66"N in EPSG:2056 projected CRS)</li>
* <li>value * 10000 = 465708.66000000003</li>
* <li>deg = 46, min = 57, deg = 8.660000000032596</li>
* </ol>
* We perform a rounding based on the representation in base 10 because extractions of degrees and
* minutes fields from the sexagesimal value themselves use arithmetic in base 10. This conversion
* is used in contexts where the sexagesimal value, as shown in a number in base 10, is definitive.
* @param remainder the value to fix, after other fields (degrees and/or minutes) have been subtracted.
* @param magnitude value of {@code remainder} before the degrees and/or minutes were subtracted.
private static double fixRoundingError(double remainder, final double magnitude) {
* We use 1 ULP because the double value parsed from a string representation was at 0.5 ULP
* from the real value, and the multiplication by 'divider' add another 0.5 ULP rounding error.
* Removal of degrees and/or minutes fields as integers do not add rounding errors.
int p = Math.getExponent(Math.ulp(magnitude)); // Power of 2 (negative for fractional value).
if (p < 0 && p >= -Numerics.SIGNIFICAND_SIZE) { // Precision is a fraction digit >= Math.ulp(1).
p = Numerics.toExp10(-p); // Positive power of 10, rounded to lower value.
final double scale = MathFunctions.pow10(p);
remainder = Math.rint(remainder * scale) / scale;
return remainder;
* Performs a conversion from sexagesimal degrees to fractional degrees.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException If the given angle can not be converted.
public double convert(final double angle) throws IllegalArgumentException {
double deg,min,sec,mgn;
if (hasSeconds) {
sec = mgn = angle * divider;
deg = truncate(sec/10000); sec -= 10000*deg;
min = truncate(sec/ 100); sec -= 100*min;
sec = fixRoundingError(sec, mgn);
} else {
sec = 0;
min = mgn = angle * divider;
deg = truncate(min / 100);
min -= deg * 100;
min = fixRoundingError(min, mgn);
if (min <= -60 || min >= 60) { // Do not enter for NaN
if (Math.abs(Math.abs(min) - 100) <= (EPS * 100)) {
if (min >= 0) deg++; else deg--;
min = 0;
} else {
throw illegalField(angle, min, Vocabulary.Keys.AngularMinutes);
if (sec <= -60 || sec >= 60) { // Do not enter for NaN
if (Math.abs(Math.abs(sec) - 100) <= (EPS * 100)) {
if (sec >= 0) min++; else min--;
sec = 0;
} else {
throw illegalField(angle, sec, Vocabulary.Keys.AngularSeconds);
return (sec/60 + min)/60 + deg;
* Creates an exception for an illegal field.
* @param value the user-supplied angle value.
* @param field the value of the illegal field.
* @param unit the vocabulary key for the field (minutes or seconds).
* @return the exception to throw.
private static IllegalArgumentException illegalField(final double value, final double field, final short unit) {
return new IllegalArgumentException(Errors.format(Errors.Keys.IllegalArgumentField_4,
"angle", value, Vocabulary.format(unit), field));