blob: 46884616bd65069224b87c476bfb45282b2cbd42 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
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* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
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* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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package org.apache.sis.math;
import org.apache.sis.util.Numbers;
import org.apache.sis.util.collection.IntegerList;
import org.apache.sis.util.resources.Errors;
* A vector of integer values backed by an {@link IntegerList}.
* This offers a compressed storage using only the minimal amount of bits per value.
* @author Martin Desruisseaux (Geomatys)
* @version 0.8
* @since 0.8
* @module
final class PackedVector extends ArrayVector<Long> {
* For cross-version compatibility.
private static final long serialVersionUID = 5097586732924434042L;
* Minimal length for creating a packed vector.
* This is an arbitrary value that may change in any future version.
static final int MINIMAL_SIZE = 8;
* The compressed list of integer values. This list can store values from 0 to {@code delta} inclusive.
private final IntegerList data;
* The value by which to multiply the {@linkplain #data} before to add the {@linkplain #offset}.
private final long increment;
* The offset to add to the {@link #data} in order to get the values to return.
private final long offset;
* Creates a new compressed vector initialized to a copy of the data provided by the given vector.
* @param source the vector to copy.
* @param increment the common divisor of all (sample minus offset) values.
* @param offset the minimal value in the source vector.
* @param delta the maximal value in the source vector minus {@code offset} divided by {@code increment}.
private PackedVector(final Vector source, final long increment, final long offset, final int delta) {
this.increment = increment;
this.offset = offset;
final int length = source.size();
data = new IntegerList(length, delta, true);
for (int i=0; i<length; i++) {
data.setInt(i, Math.toIntExact((source.longValue(i) - offset) / increment));
* Creates a new compressed vector initialized to a copy of the data provided by the given vector.
* All values in the given vector shall be assignable to the {@code long} type (this is not verified).
* @param source the vector to copy.
* @param min the minimal value in the given vector, inclusive.
* @param max the maximal value in the given vector, inclusive.
* @return the compressed vector, or {@code null} if the vector can not or should not be compressed.
static PackedVector compress(final Vector source, final long min, final long max) {
long delta = max - min;
if (delta > 0) { // Negative if (max - min) overflow.
long inc = delta;
final int length = source.size();
if (length >= MINIMAL_SIZE) {
for (int i=0; i<length; i++) {
long t = source.longValue(i) - min;
if (t < 0) return null; // May happen if the given 'min' value is wrong.
if ((t % inc) != 0) {
do {
final long r = (inc % t); // Search for greatest common divisor with Euclid's algorithm.
inc = t;
t = r;
} while (t != 0);
if (inc == 1) {
* If we reach this point, the increment is of no use for compressing data.
* If in addition the minimal number of bits required for storing all values:
* numBits = Long.SIZE - Long.numberOfLeadingZeros(delta);
* is equal to the number of bits of a primitive type (byte, short, int or long)
* and all values are in the range of that primitive type, then there is nothing
* to win compared to an array of that primitive type.
final long high = Long.highestOneBit(delta);
if ((high & ((1L << (Byte .SIZE - 1)) |
(1L << (Short .SIZE - 1)) |
(1L << (Integer.SIZE - 1)) |
(1L << (Long .SIZE - 1)))) != 0)
long limit = high - 1; // Maximal value of signed integers.
if (min >= 0) {
limit |= high; // Maximal value of unsigned integers.
if (limit < 0) return null; // Overflow the 'long' primitve type.
if (max <= limit && min >= ~limit) { // Really tild (~), not minus (-).
return null; // All values in range of primitive type.
break; // No need to check other values.
delta /= inc;
if (delta > Integer.MAX_VALUE) return null;
return new PackedVector(source, inc, min, (int) delta);
return null;
* Type of elements fixed to {@code Long} even if the actual storage used by this class is more compact.
* The reason for the {@code Long} type is that this class can return any value in the {@code Long} range,
* because of the {@link #offset}.
public Class<Long> getElementType() {
return Long.class;
* Returns the number of elements in this vector.
public int size() {
return data.size();
* Returns the value at the given index as a {@code double} primitive type.
public double doubleValue(final int index) {
return longValue(index);
* Returns the value at the given index as a {@code float} primitive type.
public float floatValue(final int index) {
return longValue(index);
* Returns the value at the given index as a {@code long} primitive type.
public long longValue(final int index) {
return data.getInt(index) * increment + offset;
* Returns the string representation of the value at the given index.
public String stringValue(final int index) {
return Long.toString(longValue(index));
* Returns the value at the given index wrapped in a {@link Long} instance.
public Number get(final int index) {
return longValue(index);
* Sets the value at the given index at returns the previous value.
public Number set(final int index, final Number value) {
verifyType(value, Numbers.LONG);
long v = value.longValue();
if (v >= offset) {
v -= offset;
if ((v % increment) == 0) {
v /= increment;
if (v <= data.maximalValue()) {
final Number old = get(index);
data.setInt(index, (int) v);
return old;
throw new IllegalArgumentException(Errors.format(Errors.Keys.CanNotStoreInVector_1, value));