blob: dcfccfdb3379e8da5335f935a81f226f84018f18 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.sis.filter;
import java.math.BigDecimal;
import java.math.BigInteger;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.Calendar;
import java.time.Instant;
import java.time.LocalTime;
import java.time.OffsetTime;
import java.time.LocalDateTime;
import java.time.OffsetDateTime;
import java.time.ZonedDateTime;
import java.time.ZoneId;
import java.time.chrono.ChronoLocalDate;
import java.time.chrono.ChronoLocalDateTime;
import java.time.chrono.ChronoZonedDateTime;
import java.time.temporal.ChronoField;
import java.time.temporal.Temporal;
import org.apache.sis.math.Fraction;
import org.apache.sis.util.ArgumentChecks;
// Branch-dependent imports
import org.opengis.filter.MatchAction;
import org.opengis.filter.expression.Expression;
import org.opengis.filter.BinaryComparisonOperator;
import org.opengis.filter.FilterVisitor;
* Comparison operators between two values. Values are converted to the same before comparison, using a widening conversion
* (for example from {@link Integer} to {@link Double}). If values can not be compared because they can not be converted to
* a common type, or because a value is null or NaN, then the comparison result if {@code false}. A consequence of this rule
* is that the two conditions {@literal A < B} and {@literal A ≧ B} may be false in same time.
* <p>If one operand is a collection, all collection elements may be compared to the other value.
* Null elements in the collection (not to be confused with null operands) are ignored.
* If both operands are collections, current implementation returns {@code false}.</p>
* <p>Comparisons between temporal objects are done with {@code isBefore(…)} or {@code isAfter(…)} methods when they
* have a different semantic than the {@code compareTo(…)} methods. If the two temporal objects are not of the same
* type, only the fields that are common two both types are compared. For example comparison between {@code LocalDate}
* and {@code LocalDateTime} ignores the time fields.</p>
* <p>Comparisons of numerical types shall be done by overriding one of the {@code applyAs…} methods and
* returning 0 if {@code false} or 1 if {@code true}. Comparisons of other types is done by overriding
* the {@code compare(…)} methods.</p>
* @author Johann Sorel (Geomatys)
* @author Martin Desruisseaux (Geomatys)
* @version 1.0
* @since 1.0
* @module
abstract class ComparisonFunction extends BinaryFunction implements BinaryComparisonOperator {
* For cross-version compatibility.
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1228683039737814926L;
* Specifies whether comparisons are case sensitive.
private final boolean isMatchingCase;
* Specifies how the comparisons shall be evaluated for a collection of values.
* Values can be ALL, ANY or ONE.
private final MatchAction matchAction;
* Creates a new comparator.
* @param expression1 the first of the two expressions to be used by this comparator.
* @param expression2 the second of the two expressions to be used by this comparator.
* @param isMatchingCase specifies whether comparisons are case sensitive.
* @param matchAction specifies how the comparisons shall be evaluated for a collection of values.
ComparisonFunction(final Expression expression1, final Expression expression2, final boolean isMatchingCase, final MatchAction matchAction) {
super(expression1, expression2);
this.isMatchingCase = isMatchingCase;
this.matchAction = matchAction;
ArgumentChecks.ensureNonNull("matchAction", matchAction);
* Returns whether comparisons are case sensitive.
public final boolean isMatchingCase() {
return isMatchingCase;
* Returns how the comparisons are evaluated for a collection of values.
public final MatchAction getMatchAction() {
return matchAction;
* Takes in account the additional properties in hash code calculation.
public final int hashCode() {
return super.hashCode() + Boolean.hashCode(isMatchingCase) + 61 * matchAction.hashCode();
* Takes in account the additional properties in object comparison.
public final boolean equals(final Object obj) {
if (super.equals(obj)) {
final ComparisonFunction other = (ComparisonFunction) obj;
return other.isMatchingCase == isMatchingCase && matchAction.equals(other.matchAction);
return false;
* Determines if the test(s) represented by this filter passes with the given operands.
* Values of {@link #expression1} and {@link #expression2} can be two single values,
* or at most one expression can produce a collection.
public final boolean evaluate(final Object candidate) {
final Object left = expression1.evaluate(candidate);
if (left != null) {
final Object right = expression2.evaluate(candidate);
if (right != null) {
final Iterable<?> collection;
final boolean collectionFirst = (left instanceof Iterable<?>);
if (collectionFirst) {
if (right instanceof Iterable<?>) {
// Current implementation does not support collection on both sides. See class javadoc.
return false;
collection = (Iterable<?>) left;
} else if (right instanceof Iterable<?>) {
collection = (Iterable<?>) right;
} else {
return evaluate(left, right);
* At this point, exactly one of the operands is a collection. It may be the left or right one.
* All values in the collection may be compared to the other value until match condition is met.
* Null elements in the collection are ignored.
boolean found = false;
boolean hasOne = false;
for (final Object element : collection) {
if (element != null) {
found = true;
final boolean pass;
if (collectionFirst) {
pass = evaluate(element, right);
} else {
pass = evaluate(left, element);
switch (matchAction) {
default: return false; // Unknown enumeration.
case ALL: if (!pass) return false; else break;
case ANY: if ( pass) return true; else break;
case ONE: {
if (pass) {
if (hasOne) return false;
hasOne = true;
return found;
return false;
* Compares the given objects. If both values are numerical, then this method delegates to an {@code applyAs…} method.
* For other kind of objects, this method delegates to a {@code compare(…)} method. If the two objects are not of the
* same type, then the less accurate one is converted to the most accurate type if possible.
* @param left the first object to compare. Must be non-null.
* @param right the second object to compare. Must be non-null.
private boolean evaluate(Object left, Object right) {
* For numbers, the apply(…) method inherited from parent class will delegate to specialized methods like
* applyAsDouble(…). All implementations of those specialized methods in ComparisonFunction return integer,
* so call to intValue() will not cause information lost.
if (left instanceof Number && right instanceof Number) {
final Number r = apply((Number) left, (Number) right);
if (r != null) return r.intValue() != 0;
* For legacy java.util.Date, the compareTo(…) method is consistent only for dates of the same class.
* Otherwise A.compareTo(B) and B.compareTo(A) are inconsistent if one object is a java.util.Date and
* the other object is a java.sql.Timestamp. In such case, we compare the dates as java.time objects.
if (left instanceof Date && right instanceof Date) {
if (left.getClass() == right.getClass()) {
return fromCompareTo(((Date) left).compareTo((Date) right));
left = fromLegacy((Date) left);
right = fromLegacy((Date) right);
* Temporal objects have complex conversion rules. We take Instant as the most accurate and unambiguous type.
* So if at least one value is an Instant, try to unconditionally promote the other value to an Instant too.
* This conversion will fail if the other object has some undefined fields; for example java.sql.Date has no
* time fields (we do not assume that the values of those fields are zero).
* OffsetTime and OffsetDateTime are final classes that do not implement a java.time.chrono interface.
* Note that OffsetDateTime is convertible into OffsetTime by dropping the date fields, but we do not
* (for now) perform comparaisons that would ignore the date fields of an operand.
if (left instanceof Temporal || right instanceof Temporal) { // Use || because an operand may be Date.
if (left instanceof Instant) {
final Instant t = toInstant(right);
if (t != null) return fromCompareTo(((Instant) left).compareTo(t));
} else if (right instanceof Instant) {
final Instant t = toInstant(left);
if (t != null) return fromCompareTo(t.compareTo((Instant) right));
} else if (left instanceof OffsetDateTime) {
final OffsetDateTime t = toOffsetDateTime(right);
if (t != null) return compare((OffsetDateTime) left, t);
} else if (right instanceof OffsetDateTime) {
final OffsetDateTime t = toOffsetDateTime(left);
if (t != null) return compare(t, (OffsetDateTime) right);
} else if (left instanceof OffsetTime && right instanceof OffsetTime) {
return compare((OffsetTime) left, (OffsetTime) right);
* Comparisons of temporal objects implementing java.time.chrono interfaces. We need to check the most
* complete types first. If the type are different, we reduce to the type of the less smallest operand.
* For example if an operand is a date+time and the other operand is only a date, then the time fields
* will be ignored and a warning will be reported.
if (left instanceof ChronoLocalDateTime<?>) {
final ChronoLocalDateTime<?> t = toLocalDateTime(right);
if (t != null) return compare((ChronoLocalDateTime<?>) left, t);
} else if (right instanceof ChronoLocalDateTime<?>) {
final ChronoLocalDateTime<?> t = toLocalDateTime(left);
if (t != null) return compare(t, (ChronoLocalDateTime<?>) right);
if (left instanceof ChronoLocalDate) {
final ChronoLocalDate t = toLocalDate(right);
if (t != null) return compare((ChronoLocalDate) left, t);
} else if (right instanceof ChronoLocalDate) {
final ChronoLocalDate t = toLocalDate(left);
if (t != null) return compare(t, (ChronoLocalDate) right);
if (left instanceof LocalTime) {
final LocalTime t = toLocalTime(right);
if (t != null) return fromCompareTo(((LocalTime) left).compareTo(t));
} else if (right instanceof LocalTime) {
final LocalTime t = toLocalTime(left);
if (t != null) return fromCompareTo(t.compareTo((LocalTime) right));
* Test character strings only after all specialized types have been tested. The intent is that if an
* object implements both CharSequence and a specialized interface, they have been compared as value
* objects before to be compared as strings.
if (left instanceof CharSequence || right instanceof CharSequence) { // Really ||, not &&.
final String s1 = left.toString();
final String s2 = right.toString();
final int result;
if (isMatchingCase) {
result = s1.compareTo(s2);
} else {
result = s1.compareToIgnoreCase(s2); // TODO: use Collator for taking locale in account.
return fromCompareTo(result);
* Comparison using `compareTo` method should be last because it does not take in account
* the `isMatchingCase` flag and because the semantic is different than < or > comparator
* for numbers and dates.
if (left.getClass() == right.getClass() && (left instanceof Comparable<?>)) {
final int result = ((Comparable) left).compareTo(right);
return fromCompareTo(result);
// TODO: report a warning for non-comparable objects.
return false;
* Converts a legacy {@code Date} object to an object from the {@link java.time} package.
* We performs this conversion before to compare to {@code Date} instances that are not of
* the same class, because the {@link Date#compareTo(Date)} method in such case is not well
* defined.
private static Temporal fromLegacy(final Date value) {
if (value instanceof java.sql.Timestamp) {
return ((java.sql.Timestamp) value).toLocalDateTime();
} else if (value instanceof java.sql.Date) {
return ((java.sql.Date) value).toLocalDate();
} else if (value instanceof java.sql.Time) {
return ((java.sql.Time) value).toLocalTime();
} else {
// Implementation of above toFoo() methods use system default time zone.
return LocalDateTime.ofInstant(value.toInstant(), ZoneId.systemDefault());
* Converts the given object to an {@link Instant}, or returns {@code null} if unconvertible.
* This method handles a few types from the {@link java.time} package and legacy types like
* {@link Date} (with a special case for SQL dates) and {@link Calendar}.
static Instant toInstant(final Object value) {
if (value instanceof Instant) {
return (Instant) value;
} else if (value instanceof OffsetDateTime) {
return ((OffsetDateTime) value).toInstant();
} else if (value instanceof ChronoZonedDateTime) {
return ((ChronoZonedDateTime) value).toInstant();
} else if (value instanceof Date) {
try {
return ((Date) value).toInstant();
} catch (UnsupportedOperationException e) {
* java.sql.Date and java.sql.Time can not be converted to Instant because a part
* of their coordinates on the timeline is undefined. For example in the case of
* java.sql.Date the hours, minutes and seconds are unspecified (which is not the
* same thing than assuming that those values are zero).
} else if (value instanceof Calendar) {
return ((Calendar) value).toInstant();
return null;
* Converts the given object to an {@link OffsetDateTime}, or returns {@code null} if unconvertible.
private static OffsetDateTime toOffsetDateTime(final Object value) {
if (value instanceof OffsetDateTime) {
return (OffsetDateTime) value;
} else if (value instanceof ZonedDateTime) {
return ((ZonedDateTime) value).toOffsetDateTime();
} else {
return null;
* Converts the given object to a {@link ChronoLocalDateTime}, or returns {@code null} if unconvertible.
* This method handles the case of legacy SQL {@link java.sql.Timestamp} objects.
* Conversion may lost timezone information.
private static ChronoLocalDateTime<?> toLocalDateTime(final Object value) {
if (value instanceof ChronoLocalDateTime<?>) {
return (ChronoLocalDateTime<?>) value;
} else if (value instanceof ChronoZonedDateTime) {
return ((ChronoZonedDateTime) value).toLocalDateTime();
} else if (value instanceof OffsetDateTime) {
return ((OffsetDateTime) value).toLocalDateTime();
} else if (value instanceof java.sql.Timestamp) {
return ((java.sql.Timestamp) value).toLocalDateTime();
} else {
return null;
* Converts the given object to a {@link ChronoLocalDate}, or returns {@code null} if unconvertible.
* This method handles the case of legacy SQL {@link java.sql.Date} objects.
* Conversion may lost timezone information and time fields.
private static ChronoLocalDate toLocalDate(final Object value) {
if (value instanceof ChronoLocalDate) {
return (ChronoLocalDate) value;
} else if (value instanceof ChronoLocalDateTime) {
return ((ChronoLocalDateTime) value).toLocalDate();
} else if (value instanceof ChronoZonedDateTime) {
return ((ChronoZonedDateTime) value).toLocalDate();
} else if (value instanceof OffsetDateTime) {
return ((OffsetDateTime) value).toLocalDate();
} else if (value instanceof java.sql.Date) {
return ((java.sql.Date) value).toLocalDate();
} else {
return null;
* Converts the given object to a {@link LocalTime}, or returns {@code null} if unconvertible.
* This method handles the case of legacy SQL {@link java.sql.Time} objects.
* Conversion may lost timezone information.
private static LocalTime toLocalTime(final Object value) {
if (value instanceof LocalTime) {
return (LocalTime) value;
} else if (value instanceof OffsetTime) {
return ((OffsetTime) value).toLocalTime();
} else if (value instanceof java.sql.Time) {
return ((java.sql.Time) value).toLocalTime();
} else {
return null;
* Invoked when a conversion cause a field to be ignored. For example if a "date+time" object is compared
* with a "date" object, the "time" field is ignored. Expected values are:
* <ul>
* <li>{@link ChronoField#OFFSET_SECONDS}: time zone is ignored.</li>
* <li>{@link ChronoField#SECOND_OF_DAY}: time of dat and time zone are ignored.</li>
* </ul>
* @param field the field which is ignored.
* @see <a href="">SIS-460</a>
private static void ignoringField(final ChronoField field) {
* Converts the boolean result as an integer for use as a return value of the {@code applyAs…} methods.
* This is a helper class for subclasses.
private static Number number(final boolean result) {
return result ? 1 : 0;
* Converts the result of {@link Comparable#compareTo(Object)}.
protected abstract boolean fromCompareTo(int result);
* Compares two times with time-zone information. Implementations shall not use {@code compareTo(…)} because
* that method compares more information than desired in order to ensure consistency with {@code equals(…)}.
protected abstract boolean compare(OffsetTime left, OffsetTime right);
* Compares two dates with time-zone information. Implementations shall not use {@code compareTo(…)} because
* that method compares more information than desired in order to ensure consistency with {@code equals(…)}.
protected abstract boolean compare(OffsetDateTime left, OffsetDateTime right);
* Compares two dates without time-of-day and time-zone information. Implementations shall not use
* {@code compareTo(…)} because that method also compares chronology, which is not desired for the
* purpose of "is before" or "is after" comparison functions.
protected abstract boolean compare(ChronoLocalDate left, ChronoLocalDate right);
* Compares two dates without time-zone information. Implementations shall not use {@code compareTo(…)}
* because that method also compares chronology, which is not desired for the purpose of "is before" or
* "is after" comparison functions.
protected abstract boolean compare(ChronoLocalDateTime<?> left, ChronoLocalDateTime<?> right);
* Compares two dates with time-zone information. Implementations shall not use {@code compareTo(…)}
* because that method also compares chronology, which is not desired for the purpose of "is before"
* or "is after" comparison functions.
protected abstract boolean compare(ChronoZonedDateTime<?> left, ChronoZonedDateTime<?> right);
/** Delegates to {@link BigDecimal#compareTo(BigDecimal)} and interprets the result with {@link #fromCompareTo(int)}. */
@Override protected final Number applyAsDecimal (BigDecimal left, BigDecimal right) {return number(fromCompareTo(left.compareTo(right)));}
@Override protected final Number applyAsInteger (BigInteger left, BigInteger right) {return number(fromCompareTo(left.compareTo(right)));}
@Override protected final Number applyAsFraction(Fraction left, Fraction right) {return number(fromCompareTo(left.compareTo(right)));}
* The {@value #NAME} {@literal (<)} filter.
static final class LessThan extends ComparisonFunction implements org.opengis.filter.PropertyIsLessThan {
/** For cross-version compatibility during (de)serialization. */
private static final long serialVersionUID = 6126039112844823196L;
/** Creates a new filter for the {@value #NAME} operation. */
LessThan(Expression expression1, Expression expression2, boolean isMatchingCase, MatchAction matchAction) {
super(expression1, expression2, isMatchingCase, matchAction);
/** Identification of this operation. */
@Override protected String getName() {return NAME;}
@Override protected char symbol() {return '<';}
/** Converts {@link Comparable#compareTo(Object)} result to this filter result. */
@Override protected boolean fromCompareTo(final int result) {return result < 0;}
/** Performs the comparison and returns the result as 0 (false) or 1 (true). */
@Override protected Number applyAsDouble(double left, double right) {return number(left < right);}
@Override protected Number applyAsLong (long left, long right) {return number(left < right);}
@Override protected boolean compare (OffsetTime left, OffsetTime right) {return left.isBefore(right);}
@Override protected boolean compare (OffsetDateTime left, OffsetDateTime right) {return left.isBefore(right);}
@Override protected boolean compare (ChronoLocalDate left, ChronoLocalDate right) {return left.isBefore(right);}
@Override protected boolean compare (ChronoLocalDateTime<?> left, ChronoLocalDateTime<?> right) {return left.isBefore(right);}
@Override protected boolean compare (ChronoZonedDateTime<?> left, ChronoZonedDateTime<?> right) {return left.isBefore(right);}
/** Implementation of the visitor pattern (not used by Apache SIS). */
@Override public Object accept(FilterVisitor visitor, Object extraData) {
return visitor.visit(this, extraData);
* The {@value #NAME} (≤) filter.
static final class LessThanOrEqualTo extends ComparisonFunction implements org.opengis.filter.PropertyIsLessThanOrEqualTo {
/** For cross-version compatibility during (de)serialization. */
private static final long serialVersionUID = 6357459227911760871L;
/** Creates a new filter for the {@value #NAME} operation. */
LessThanOrEqualTo(Expression expression1, Expression expression2, boolean isMatchingCase, MatchAction matchAction) {
super(expression1, expression2, isMatchingCase, matchAction);
/** Identification of this operation. */
@Override protected String getName() {return NAME;}
@Override protected char symbol() {return '≤';}
/** Converts {@link Comparable#compareTo(Object)} result to this filter result. */
@Override protected boolean fromCompareTo(final int result) {return result <= 0;}
/** Performs the comparison and returns the result as 0 (false) or 1 (true). */
@Override protected Number applyAsDouble(double left, double right) {return number(left <= right);}
@Override protected Number applyAsLong (long left, long right) {return number(left <= right);}
@Override protected boolean compare (OffsetTime left, OffsetTime right) {return !left.isAfter(right);}
@Override protected boolean compare (OffsetDateTime left, OffsetDateTime right) {return !left.isAfter(right);}
@Override protected boolean compare (ChronoLocalDate left, ChronoLocalDate right) {return !left.isAfter(right);}
@Override protected boolean compare (ChronoLocalDateTime<?> left, ChronoLocalDateTime<?> right) {return !left.isAfter(right);}
@Override protected boolean compare (ChronoZonedDateTime<?> left, ChronoZonedDateTime<?> right) {return !left.isAfter(right);}
/** Implementation of the visitor pattern (not used by Apache SIS). */
@Override public Object accept(FilterVisitor visitor, Object extraData) {
return visitor.visit(this, extraData);
* The {@value #NAME} {@literal (>)} filter.
static final class GreaterThan extends ComparisonFunction implements org.opengis.filter.PropertyIsGreaterThan {
/** For cross-version compatibility during (de)serialization. */
private static final long serialVersionUID = 8605517892232632586L;
/** Creates a new filter for the {@value #NAME} operation. */
GreaterThan(Expression expression1, Expression expression2, boolean isMatchingCase, MatchAction matchAction) {
super(expression1, expression2, isMatchingCase, matchAction);
/** Identification of this operation. */
@Override protected String getName() {return NAME;}
@Override protected char symbol() {return '>';}
/** Converts {@link Comparable#compareTo(Object)} result to this filter result. */
@Override protected boolean fromCompareTo(final int result) {return result > 0;}
/** Performs the comparison and returns the result as 0 (false) or 1 (true). */
@Override protected Number applyAsDouble(double left, double right) {return number(left > right);}
@Override protected Number applyAsLong (long left, long right) {return number(left > right);}
@Override protected boolean compare (OffsetTime left, OffsetTime right) {return left.isAfter(right);}
@Override protected boolean compare (OffsetDateTime left, OffsetDateTime right) {return left.isAfter(right);}
@Override protected boolean compare (ChronoLocalDate left, ChronoLocalDate right) {return left.isAfter(right);}
@Override protected boolean compare (ChronoLocalDateTime<?> left, ChronoLocalDateTime<?> right) {return left.isAfter(right);}
@Override protected boolean compare (ChronoZonedDateTime<?> left, ChronoZonedDateTime<?> right) {return left.isAfter(right);}
/** Implementation of the visitor pattern (not used by Apache SIS). */
@Override public Object accept(FilterVisitor visitor, Object extraData) {
return visitor.visit(this, extraData);
* The {@value #NAME} (≥) filter.
static final class GreaterThanOrEqualTo extends ComparisonFunction implements org.opengis.filter.PropertyIsGreaterThanOrEqualTo {
/** For cross-version compatibility during (de)serialization. */
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1514185657159141882L;
/** Creates a new filter for the {@value #NAME} operation. */
GreaterThanOrEqualTo(Expression expression1, Expression expression2, boolean isMatchingCase, MatchAction matchAction) {
super(expression1, expression2, isMatchingCase, matchAction);
/** Identification of this operation. */
@Override protected String getName() {return NAME;}
@Override protected char symbol() {return '≥';}
/** Converts {@link Comparable#compareTo(Object)} result to this filter result. */
@Override protected boolean fromCompareTo(final int result) {return result >= 0;}
/** Performs the comparison and returns the result as 0 (false) or 1 (true). */
@Override protected Number applyAsDouble(double left, double right) {return number(left >= right);}
@Override protected Number applyAsLong (long left, long right) {return number(left >= right);}
@Override protected boolean compare (OffsetTime left, OffsetTime right) {return !left.isBefore(right);}
@Override protected boolean compare (OffsetDateTime left, OffsetDateTime right) {return !left.isBefore(right);}
@Override protected boolean compare (ChronoLocalDate left, ChronoLocalDate right) {return !left.isBefore(right);}
@Override protected boolean compare (ChronoLocalDateTime<?> left, ChronoLocalDateTime<?> right) {return !left.isBefore(right);}
@Override protected boolean compare (ChronoZonedDateTime<?> left, ChronoZonedDateTime<?> right) {return !left.isBefore(right);}
/** Implementation of the visitor pattern (not used by Apache SIS). */
@Override public Object accept(FilterVisitor visitor, Object extraData) {
return visitor.visit(this, extraData);
* The {@value #NAME} (=) filter.
static final class EqualTo extends ComparisonFunction implements org.opengis.filter.PropertyIsEqualTo {
/** For cross-version compatibility during (de)serialization. */
private static final long serialVersionUID = 8502612221498749667L;
/** Creates a new filter for the {@value #NAME} operation. */
EqualTo(Expression expression1, Expression expression2, boolean isMatchingCase, MatchAction matchAction) {
super(expression1, expression2, isMatchingCase, matchAction);
/** Identification of this operation. */
@Override protected String getName() {return NAME;}
@Override protected char symbol() {return '=';}
/** Converts {@link Comparable#compareTo(Object)} result to this filter result. */
@Override protected boolean fromCompareTo(final int result) {return result == 0;}
/** Performs the comparison and returns the result as 0 (false) or 1 (true). */
@Override protected Number applyAsDouble(double left, double right) {return number(left == right);}
@Override protected Number applyAsLong (long left, long right) {return number(left == right);}
@Override protected boolean compare (OffsetTime left, OffsetTime right) {return left.isEqual(right);}
@Override protected boolean compare (OffsetDateTime left, OffsetDateTime right) {return left.isEqual(right);}
@Override protected boolean compare (ChronoLocalDate left, ChronoLocalDate right) {return left.isEqual(right);}
@Override protected boolean compare (ChronoLocalDateTime<?> left, ChronoLocalDateTime<?> right) {return left.isEqual(right);}
@Override protected boolean compare (ChronoZonedDateTime<?> left, ChronoZonedDateTime<?> right) {return left.isEqual(right);}
/** Implementation of the visitor pattern (not used by Apache SIS). */
@Override public Object accept(FilterVisitor visitor, Object extraData) {
return visitor.visit(this, extraData);
* The {@value #NAME} (≠) filter.
static final class NotEqualTo extends ComparisonFunction implements org.opengis.filter.PropertyIsNotEqualTo {
/** For cross-version compatibility during (de)serialization. */
private static final long serialVersionUID = -3295957142249035362L;
/** Creates a new filter for the {@value #NAME} operation. */
NotEqualTo(Expression expression1, Expression expression2, boolean isMatchingCase, MatchAction matchAction) {
super(expression1, expression2, isMatchingCase, matchAction);
/** Identification of this operation. */
@Override protected String getName() {return NAME;}
@Override protected char symbol() {return '≠';}
/** Converts {@link Comparable#compareTo(Object)} result to this filter result. */
@Override protected boolean fromCompareTo(final int result) {return result != 0;}
/** Performs the comparison and returns the result as 0 (false) or 1 (true). */
@Override protected Number applyAsDouble(double left, double right) {return number(left != right);}
@Override protected Number applyAsLong (long left, long right) {return number(left != right);}
@Override protected boolean compare (OffsetTime left, OffsetTime right) {return !left.isEqual(right);}
@Override protected boolean compare (OffsetDateTime left, OffsetDateTime right) {return !left.isEqual(right);}
@Override protected boolean compare (ChronoLocalDate left, ChronoLocalDate right) {return !left.isEqual(right);}
@Override protected boolean compare (ChronoLocalDateTime<?> left, ChronoLocalDateTime<?> right) {return !left.isEqual(right);}
@Override protected boolean compare (ChronoZonedDateTime<?> left, ChronoZonedDateTime<?> right) {return !left.isEqual(right);}
/** Implementation of the visitor pattern (not used by Apache SIS). */
@Override public Object accept(FilterVisitor visitor, Object extraData) {
return visitor.visit(this, extraData);