blob: 8adf66ec51dd5ecdb321f2f310c23d3448e4c129 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.sis.internal.processing.image;
import java.awt.Rectangle;
import java.awt.image.RenderedImage;
import java.util.concurrent.Future;
import java.util.concurrent.Callable;
import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantLock;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger;
import org.apache.sis.internal.system.CommonExecutor;
import org.apache.sis.internal.util.Numerics;
import org.apache.sis.internal.jdk9.JDK9;
import org.apache.sis.image.PixelIterator;
import org.apache.sis.util.ArgumentChecks;
* Calculation in a two-dimensional space that can be subdivided in smaller calculations in sub-regions.
* This class manages a kind of fork-join task but differs from {@link java.util.concurrent.ForkJoinPool}
* in the following aspects:
* <ul class="verbose">
* <li>The fork and join processes are presumed relatively costly (i.e. they may need to reconstruct
* geometries splitted in two consecutive tiles). So instead of having many medium tasks waiting
* for a thread to take them, it may be more efficient to have fewer tasks processing larger areas.
* {@code TiledProcess} tries to create a number of sub-tasks close to the number of processors.
* This is a different approach than "work stealing" algorithm applied by JDK {@code ForkJoinPool},
* which is designed for smaller (and more easily separable) non-blocking tasks.</li>
* <li>The main task is splitted in sub-tasks with a single fork step, with two division factors along
* <var>x</var> and <var>y</var> axes which can be any integer (not necessarily powers of 2). This
* is a different approach than JDK {@code ForkJoinPool} where tasks are forked recursively in two
* sub-tasks at each step.</li>
* <li>The join operation tries to operate on tiles that are neighbors in the two dimensional space.
* It allows the join operation to merge geometries that are splited between two tiles.</li>
* <li>Tasks may block on I/O operations. We want to avoid blocking the JDK common fork/join pool,
* so we use a separated pool.</li>
* </ul>
* The tiling applied by {@code TiledProcess} is independent of {@link RenderedImage} tiling.
* This class assumes that the objects to be calculated are geometries or other non-raster data.
* Consequently tile size will be determined by other considerations such as the number of processors.
* @author Martin Desruisseaux (Geomatys)
* @version 1.1
* @param <R> the type of value computed as a result of this process.
* @since 1.1
* @module
abstract class TiledProcess<R> {
* Minimal "tile" size for sub-tasks computation. That size should not be too small because the
* fork/join processes have some extra cost compared to processing the whole image as one single tile.
private static final int MIN_TILE_SIZE = 1000;
* Number of threads that are running. This is used for knowing when a thread is the last one.
private final AtomicInteger runningThreads;
* All tasks executed in parallel threads. The array length should be less than the number of processors.
* All read and write accesses to array elements must be done inside a {@code synchronized(tasks)} block.
* <p>This array initially contains only {@code null} elements. Non-null elements are assigned after
* {@link Task#execute()} completion but before {@link Task#merge(Task)}.</p>
private final Task[] tasks;
* Number of tiles (or tasks) on the <var>x</var> axis. Used for computing (x,y) coordinates of elements
* in the {@link #tasks} array, considering that the array is a matrix encoded in row-major fashion.
* This is the increment to apply on array index for incrementing the <var>y</var> coordinate by one.
private final int yStride;
* Index of this {@code TiledProcess} instance in the {@link #tasks} array.
* This is a temporary variable for {@link Task#index} initialization only.
private int taskIndex;
* Iterator over the pixel for each element in the {@link #tasks} array.
* This is a temporary variable for {@link Task#iterator} initialization only.
private PixelIterator[] iterators;
* Prepares {@link TiledProcess} for execution of a task splitted in different regions.
* This constructor splits the given image in sub-regions ("tiles" but not in the sense
* of {@link RenderedImage} tiles), then creates a pixel iterator for each sub-region.
* Iterators are created with the given {@link org.apache.sis.image.PixelIterator.Builder},
* which should be configured by the caller in all desired aspects (e.g. iteration order) except the
* {@linkplain org.apache.sis.image.PixelIterator.Builder#setRegionOfInterest(Rectangle) region of interest},
* which will be overwritten by this method.
* <p>Usage example:</p>
* {@preformat java
* TiledProcess process = new TiledProcess<MyResultType>(image, 0, 0,
* new PixelIterator.Builder().setIteratorOrder(SequenceType.LINEAR))
* {
* &#64;Override
* protected Task createSubTask() {
* return new SubTask();
* }
* private final class SubTask extends Task {
* private MyResultType result;
* &#64;Override protected void execute() {result = ...} // Do calculation in background thread.
* &#64;Override protected void merge(Task neighbor) {...} // Merge this.result with neighbor.result().
* &#64;Override protected MyResultType result() {return result;}
* }
* };
* process.execute();
* }
* @param data the image on which to iterate over the pixels.
* @param overlapX the number of overlapping pixels between tiles on the <var>x</var> axis.
* @param overlapY the number of overlapping pixels between tiles on the <var>y</var> axis.
* @param iteratorFactory a pre-configured (except for sub-region aspect) supplier of pixel iterators.
* @throws ArithmeticException if the image size is too large.
@SuppressWarnings({"rawtypes", "unchecked"}) // Generic array creation.
protected TiledProcess(final RenderedImage data, final int overlapX, final int overlapY,
final PixelIterator.Builder iteratorFactory)
ArgumentChecks.ensurePositive("overlapX", overlapX);
ArgumentChecks.ensurePositive("overlapY", overlapY);
* Get a first estimation of the number of tiles. If the total number is greater than `PARALLELISM`
* (number of processors - 1), scale the number of tiles for having a total less than `PARALLELISM`.
final int width = data.getWidth();
final int height = data.getHeight();
int numTileX = Math.max(width / MIN_TILE_SIZE, 1);
int numTileY = Math.max(height / MIN_TILE_SIZE, 1);
long numTiles = JDK9.multiplyFull(numTileX, numTileY);
if (numTiles > CommonExecutor.PARALLELISM) {
final double r = Math.sqrt(CommonExecutor.PARALLELISM / (double) numTiles); // Always < 1.
if (numTileX >= numTileY) {
numTileX = Math.max((int) Math.round(numTileX * r), 1);
numTileY = Math.max(Math.min(CommonExecutor.PARALLELISM / numTileX, numTileY), 1);
} else {
numTileY = Math.max((int) Math.round(numTileY * r), 1);
numTileX = Math.max(Math.min(CommonExecutor.PARALLELISM / numTileY, numTileX), 1);
yStride = numTileX;
tasks = new TiledProcess.Task[numTileX * numTileY]; // length ≤ CommonExecutor.PARALLELISM.
runningThreads = new AtomicInteger(tasks.length);
* Prepare the pixel iterators for all sub-tasks, without starting those sub-tasks yet.
* The sub-tasks will be created and started by `execute()` after everything is ready.
final int xmin = data.getMinX();
final int ymin = data.getMinY();
final int xmax = Math.addExact(xmin, width);
final int ymax = Math.addExact(ymin, height);
final int xinc = Numerics.ceilDiv(width, numTileX);
final int yinc = Numerics.ceilDiv(height, numTileY);
final Rectangle subArea = new Rectangle(Math.addExact(xinc, overlapX),
Math.addExact(yinc, overlapY));
int count = 0;
iterators = new PixelIterator[tasks.length];
for (subArea.y = ymin; subArea.y < ymax; subArea.y += yinc) {
for (subArea.x = xmin; subArea.x < xmax; subArea.x += xinc) {
iterators[count++] = iteratorFactory.setRegionOfInterest(subArea).create(data);
assert count == tasks.length;
* Starts execution of each sub-task in its own thread.
* @return a {@code Future} representing pending completion of the task.
public final Future<R> execute() {
@SuppressWarnings({"rawtypes", "unchecked"})
final Future<R>[] components = new Future[tasks.length];
while (taskIndex < components.length) {
final Task task = createSubTask();
components[taskIndex++] = CommonExecutor.instance().submit(task);
iterators = null; // Clear only after all tasks have been created.
return CompoundFuture.create(components);
* Creates a sub-task doing the computation on a sub-region of the image.
* This method is invoked by {@link #execute()} for each "tile" where the
* sub-task will be executed. Each sub-tasks will have its
* {@linkplain Task#iterator own pixel iterator}.
* @return a sub-task over a sub-region of the image to process.
protected abstract Task createSubTask();
* A task to be executed in {@link TiledProcess} for a sub-region of the image to process.
* <p>This class implements {@link Callable} for {@code TiledProcess} convenience.
* This implementation details should be ignored; it may change in any future version.</p>
abstract class Task implements Callable<R> {
* Index of this {@code Task} instance in the {@link TiledProcess#tasks} array.
private final int index;
* Iterator over the pixels in the sub-region explored by this task.
protected final PixelIterator iterator;
* Synchronization lock during the merge phase. Created only before merge attempts.
* This reference shall be considered final after initialization.
private ReentrantLock merging;
* Creates a new sub-task to be executed in a sub-area of a two-dimensional plane.
protected Task() {
index = taskIndex;
iterator = iterators[index];
* Executes this sub-task. This method is invoked by {@link TiledProcess#execute()}
* in a background thread. Implementation should store the result in this {@code Task}
* instance for future {@linkplain #merge(Task) merge}.
* @throws Exception if an error occurred during sub-task execution.
protected abstract void execute() throws Exception;
* Merges the result of given sub-task into this one. The given {@code Task} will be a neighbor tile
* (located on top, left, right or bottom of this tile) on a <em>best-effort</em> basis (no guarantee).
* After this method call, all data should be in {@code this} and the {@code neighbor} sub-task will be
* discarded.
* @param neighbor the other sub-task to merge with this one.
* @throws Exception if an error occurred during merge operation.
protected abstract void merge(Task neighbor) throws Exception;
* Returns the computation result. This method is invoked by {@link TiledProcess} only once,
* on the last {@code Task} instance after all other instances have been {@linkplain #merge
* merged} on {@code this}.
* @return the computation result.
* @throws Exception if final result can not be computed.
protected abstract R result() throws Exception;
* Executes this sub-task, then tries to merge it with all neighbor sub-tasks that are completed.
* This method is public as an implementation side-effect and should not be invoked directly;
* it will typically be invoked by {@link java.util.concurrent.Executor} instead.
* @return value computed by this sub-task, or {@code null} if this is not the last task.
* @throws Exception if an error occurred during sub-task execution or merge operation.
* @see java.util.concurrent.Executor#execute(Runnable)
public final R call() throws Exception {
final Task[] tasks = TiledProcess.this.tasks;
final int yStride = TiledProcess.this.yStride;
final int rowStart = index - (index % yStride);
* No lock can exist for this `Task` before this line because they were no reference to
* `this` in the `tasks` array. This reference will be added (potentially many times)
* after the lock for making sure that no other thread uses it before we finished.
assert merging == null;
merging = new ReentrantLock();
try {
synchronized (tasks) {
assert tasks[index] == null;
tasks[index] = this;
* We will check the 4 neighbors (top, left, right, bottom) for another `Task` instance
* that we can merge with `this`. We may recheck those 4 neighbors many times depending
* how many we found in previous iteration:
* - If `count == 4` we are done and the loop is stopped.
* - If `count == 0` we found no neighbor and abandon. Note that neighbors may appear later
* if they were still under computation at the time this method is invoked. A final check
* for late additions will be done sequentially in the last thread.
* - For all other counts, we merged some but not all neighbors. Maybe new neighbors became
* available during the time we did the merge, so the 4 neighbors will be checked again.
int count = 0;
retry: for (int side=0;; side++) { // Break condition is inside the loop.
final boolean valid; // Whether `i` index is inside bounds.
final int i; // Neighbor index in the `tasks` array.
switch (side) {
default: {
if ((count & 3) == 0) break retry; // `count` == 0 or 4.
count = 0;
side = 0; // Continue (fallthrough) with case 0.
case 0: i = index - yStride; valid = (i >= 0); break; // Neighbor on top.
case 1: i = index - 1; valid = (i >= rowStart); break; // Neighbor on left.
case 2: i = index + 1; valid = (i < rowStart + yStride); break; // Neighbor on right.
case 3: i = index + yStride; valid = (i < tasks.length); break; // Neighbor on bottom.
if (valid) {
* Index was computed without synchronization, but access to `tasks` elements
* need to be synchronized. If we find a neighbor that we can merge, replace
* immediately all instances by `this` so that no other thread will merge it.
* The `this` instance will be ignored by other threads until this method exits
* because we hold the `this.merging` lock.
final Task neighbor;
synchronized (tasks) {
neighbor = tasks[i];
if (neighbor == null || neighbor == this || !neighbor.merging.tryLock()) {
continue; // Ignore (for now) this neighbor, check next neighbor.
for (int j=0; j<tasks.length; j++) {
if (tasks[j] == neighbor) {
tasks[j] = this;
* Do the actual merge between sub-tasks while we hold the lock on the two
* `Task` instances. The `neighbor` reference is discarded after this block.
try {
} finally {
} finally {
* If this thread is the last one, check if there is any unmerged `Task` instances.
* There is no more synchronization at this point because no other thread is using
* those objects; this final check is monothread and sequential.
if (runningThreads.decrementAndGet() != 0) {
return null;
for (int i=0; i<tasks.length; i++) {
final Task other = tasks[i];
if (other != null && other != this) {
assert !other.merging.isLocked();
for (int j=i; j<tasks.length; j++) {
if (tasks[j] == other) {
tasks[j] = this;
return result();