blob: a3365a06160be0037d34d6bb47a2a9b145b51de3 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Spliterator;
import java.util.function.Consumer;
import org.opengis.util.GenericName;
import org.apache.sis.feature.FeatureOperations;
import org.apache.sis.feature.DefaultFeatureType;
import org.apache.sis.feature.DefaultAssociationRole;
import org.apache.sis.internal.feature.AttributeConvention;
import org.apache.sis.util.ArraysExt;
import org.apache.sis.util.collection.BackingStoreException;
import org.apache.sis.util.collection.Containers;
// Branch-dependent imports
import org.opengis.feature.Feature;
import org.opengis.feature.FeatureType;
import org.opengis.feature.Operation;
import org.opengis.feature.PropertyType;
import org.opengis.filter.Filter;
import org.opengis.filter.FilterFactory;
import org.opengis.filter.PropertyIsEqualTo;
import org.opengis.filter.expression.Expression;
import org.apache.sis.filter.DefaultFilterFactory;
* Features containing association to features from two different sources, joined by a SQL-like {@code JOIN} condition.
* Each feature in this {@code FeatureSet} contains two or three properties:
* <ul>
* <li>An optional identifier created from the identifiers of the left and right features.</li>
* <li>Zero or one association to a "left" feature.</li>
* <li>Zero or one association to a "right" feature.</li>
* </ul>
* The left and right features appear together in an {@code JoinFeatureSet} instance when a value from
* {@code leftProperty} in the first feature is equal to a value from {@code rightProperty} in the second feature.
* <h2>Implementation note</h2>
* If iterations in one feature set is cheaper than iterations in the other feature set, then the "costly" or larger
* {@code FeatureSet} should be on the left side and the "cheap" {@code FeatureSet} should be on the right side.
* <p>This implementation is read-only.</p>
* @author Johann Sorel (Geomatys)
* @author Martin Desruisseaux (Geomatys)
* @version 1.0
* @since 1.0
* @module
public class JoinFeatureSet extends AggregatedFeatureSet {
* Specifies whether values on both sides are required (inner join), or only one side (outer join).
public enum Type {
* Only records having a value on both side will be included.
* The {@link JoinFeatureSet} {@code "left"} and {@code "right"} properties will never be null.
INNER(false, false),
* All records from the left side will be included. If there is no matching feature on the right side,
* then the {@link JoinFeatureSet} {@code "right"} property will be {@code null}.
LEFT_OUTER(true, false),
* All records from the right side will be included. If there is no matching feature on the left side,
* then the {@link JoinFeatureSet} {@code "left"} property will be {@code null}.
RIGHT_OUTER(true, true);
* Whether to include all "main" feature instances even if there is no match in the other side.
* This is {@code true} for outer joins and {@code false} for inner joins.
final boolean isOuterJoin;
* {@code true} if the "main" side is the right side instead than the left side.
* See {@link JoinFeatureSet.Iterator} for a definition of "main side".
final boolean swapSides;
* Creates an enumeration.
private Type(final boolean isOuterJoin, final boolean swapSides) {
this.isOuterJoin = isOuterJoin;
this.swapSides = swapSides;
* Returns the minimum occurrences for properties on the left or right side.
* @param right {@code false} for the left side, or {@code true} for the right side.
final int minimumOccurs(final boolean right) {
return !isOuterJoin | (swapSides == right) ? 1 : 0;
* Returns the enumeration value for the given characteristics.
static Type valueOf(final boolean isOuterJoin, final boolean swapSides) {
return isOuterJoin ? (swapSides ? RIGHT_OUTER : LEFT_OUTER) : INNER;
* The type of features included in this set. Contains two associations as described in class javadoc.
private final FeatureType type;
* The first source of features.
public final FeatureSet left;
* The second source of features.
public final FeatureSet right;
* Name of the associations to the {@link #left} features.
* This may be the name of the {@link #left} feature type, but not necessarily.
private final String leftName;
* Name of the associations to the {@link #right} features.
* This may be the name of the {@link #right} feature type, but not necessarily.
private final String rightName;
* {@code true} if the "main" side is the right side instead than the left side.
* See {@link JoinFeatureSet.Iterator} for a definition of "main side".
private final boolean swapSides;
* Whether to include all "main" feature instances even if there is no match in the other side.
* This is {@code true} for outer joins and {@code false} for inner joins.
private final boolean isOuterJoin;
* The join condition in the form <var>property from left feature</var> = <var>property from right feature</var>.
* This condition specifies also if the comparison is {@linkplain PropertyIsEqualTo#isMatchingCase() case sensitive}
* and {@linkplain PropertyIsEqualTo#getMatchAction() how to compare multi-values}.
public final PropertyIsEqualTo condition;
* The factory to use for creating {@code Query} expressions for retrieving subsets of feature sets.
private final FilterFactory factory;
* Creates a new feature set joining the two given sets. The {@code featureInfo} map defines the name,
* description or other information for the {@code FeatureType} created by this method. It can contain all
* the properties described in {@link org.apache.sis.feature.DefaultFeatureType} plus the following ones:
* <ul>
* <li>{@code "identifierDelimiter"} — string to insert between left and right identifiers in the identifiers
* generated by the join operation. If this property is not specified, then no identifier will be generated.</li>
* <li>{@code "identifierPrefix"} — string to insert at the beginning of join identifiers (optional).</li>
* <li>{@code "identifierSuffix"} — string to insert at the end of join identifiers (optional).</li>
* </ul>
* @param parent listeners of the parent resource, or {@code null} if none.
* @param left the first source of features. This is often (but not necessarily) the largest set.
* @param leftAlias name of the associations to the {@code left} features, or {@code null} for a default name.
* @param right the second source of features. Should be the set in which iterations are cheapest.
* @param rightAlias name of the associations to the {@code right} features, or {@code null} for a default name.
* @param joinType whether values on both sides are required (inner join), or only one side (outer join).
* @param condition join condition as <var>property from left feature</var> = <var>property from right feature</var>.
* @param featureInfo information about the {@link FeatureType} of this
* @throws DataStoreException if an error occurred while creating the feature set.
public JoinFeatureSet(final StoreListeners parent,
final FeatureSet left, String leftAlias,
final FeatureSet right, String rightAlias,
final Type joinType, final PropertyIsEqualTo condition,
Map<String,?> featureInfo)
throws DataStoreException
final FeatureType leftType = left.getType();
final FeatureType rightType = right.getType();
final GenericName leftName = leftType.getName();
final GenericName rightName = rightType.getName();
if (leftAlias == null) leftAlias = leftName.toString();
if (rightAlias == null) rightAlias = rightName.toString();
this.left = left;
this.right = right;
this.leftName = leftAlias;
this.rightName = rightAlias;
this.swapSides = joinType.swapSides;
this.isOuterJoin = joinType.isOuterJoin;
this.condition = condition;
this.factory = new DefaultFilterFactory(); // TODO: replace by some static instance?
* We could build the FeatureType only when first needed, but the type is required by the iterators.
* Since we are going to need the type for any use of this JoinFeatureSet, better to create it now.
PropertyType[] properties = new PropertyType[] {
new DefaultAssociationRole(name(leftAlias), leftType, joinType.minimumOccurs(false), 1),
new DefaultAssociationRole(name(rightAlias), rightType, joinType.minimumOccurs(true), 1)
final String identifierDelimiter =, "identifierDelimiter", String.class);
if (identifierDelimiter != null && AttributeConvention.hasIdentifier(leftType)
&& AttributeConvention.hasIdentifier(rightType))
final Operation identifier = FeatureOperations.compound(
name(AttributeConvention.IDENTIFIER_PROPERTY), identifierDelimiter,, "identifierPrefix", String.class),, "identifierSuffix", String.class), properties);
properties = ArraysExt.insert(properties, 0, 1);
properties[0] = identifier;
if (featureInfo == null) {
featureInfo = name(leftName.tip().toString() + '-' + rightName.tip());
type = new DefaultFeatureType(featureInfo, false, null, properties);
* Creates a minimal {@code properties} map for feature type or property type constructors.
* This minimalist map contain only the mandatory entry, which is the name.
private static Map<String,?> name(final Object name) {
return Collections.singletonMap(DefaultFeatureType.NAME_KEY, name);
* Returns the two feature sets used by this {@code JoinFeatureSet}.
* The "main" dependency is at index 0 and the other dependency at index 1.
* @return the dependencies in a list of size 2 with the "main" dependency first.
final List<FeatureSet> dependencies() {
final FeatureSet[] sets = new FeatureSet[] {left, right};
if (swapSides) ArraysExt.swap(sets, 0, 1);
return Arrays.asList(sets);
* Specifies whether values on both sides are required (inner join), or only one side (outer join).
* @return whether values on both sides are required (inner join), or only one side (outer join).
public Type getJoinType() {
return Type.valueOf(isOuterJoin, swapSides);
* Returns a description of properties that are common to all features in this dataset.
* This type may contain one identifier and always contains two associations,
* to the {@linkplain #left} and {@link #right} set of features respectively.
* @return a description of properties that are common to all features in this dataset.
public FeatureType getType() {
return type;
* Returns a stream of all features contained in this dataset.
* @param parallel {@code true} for a parallel stream (if supported), or {@code false} for a sequential stream.
* @return all features contained in this dataset.
* @throws DataStoreException if an error occurred while creating the stream.
public Stream<Feature> features(final boolean parallel) throws DataStoreException {
final Iterator it = new Iterator();
return, parallel).onClose(it);
* Creates a new features containing an association to the two given features.
* The {@code main} feature can not be null (this is not verified).
private Feature join(Feature main, Feature filtered) {
if (swapSides) {
final Feature t = main;
main = filtered;
filtered = t;
final Feature f = type.newInstance();
f.setPropertyValue(leftName, main);
f.setPropertyValue(rightName, filtered);
return f;
* Iterator over the features resulting from the inner or outer join operation.
* The {@link #run()} method disposes the resources.
private final class Iterator implements Spliterator<Feature>, Consumer<Feature>, Runnable {
* The main stream or a split iterator to close when the {@link #run()} method will be invoked.
* This is initially the stream from which {@link #mainIterator} has been created. However if
* {@link #trySplit()} has been invoked, then this handler may be the other {@code Iterator}
* instance which itself contains a reference to the stream to close, thus forming a chain.
private Runnable mainCloseHandler;
* An iterator over all features in the "main" (usually left) side. The "main" side is the side which
* may include all features: in a "left outer join" this is the left side, and in a "right outer join"
* this is the right side. For inner join we arbitrarily take the left side in accordance with public
* class javadoc, which suggests to put the most costly or larger set on the left side.
* <p>Only one iteration will be performed on those features, contrarily to the other side where we may
* iterate over the same elements many times.</p>
private final Spliterator<Feature> mainIterator;
* A feature fetched from the {@link #mainIterator}. The join operation will match this feature with
* zero, one or more features from the other side. A {@code null} value means that this feature needs
* to be retrieved with {@code mainIterator.tryAdvance(…)}.
private Feature mainFeature;
* The stream over features in the other (usually right) side. A new stream will be created every time a new
* feature from the main side is processed. For this reason, it should be the cheapest stream if possible.
private Stream<Feature> filteredStream;
* Iterator for the {@link #filteredStream}. A new iterator will be recreated every time a new feature
* from the main side is processed.
private Spliterator<Feature> filteredIterator;
* A feature fetched from the {@link #filteredIterator}, or {@code null} if none.
private Feature filteredFeature;
* Creates a new iterator. We do not use parallelized {@code mainStream} here because the {@code accept(…)}
* methods used by this {@code Iterator} can not be invoked concurrently by different threads. It does not
* present parallelization at a different level since this {@code Iterator} supports {@link #trySplit()},
* so the {@link Stream} wrapping it can use parallelization.
Iterator() throws DataStoreException {
final Stream<Feature> mainStream = (swapSides ? right : left).features(false);
mainCloseHandler = mainStream::close;
mainIterator = mainStream.spliterator();
* Creates an iterator resulting from the call to {@link #trySplit()}.
private Iterator(final Spliterator<Feature> it) {
mainIterator = it;
* If this iterator can be partitioned, returns a spliterator covering a prefix of the feature set.
* Upon return from this method, this iterator will cover a suffix of the feature set.
* Returns {@code null} if this iterator can not be partitioned.
public Spliterator<Feature> trySplit() {
final Spliterator<Feature> s = mainIterator.trySplit();
if (s == null) {
return null;
final Iterator it = new Iterator(s);
it.mainCloseHandler = mainCloseHandler;
mainCloseHandler = it;
return it;
* Specifies that the iterator will return only non-null elements. Whether those elements will
* be ordered depends on whether the main iterator provides ordered elements in the first place.
* <p><b>NOTE:</b> to be strict, we should check if the "filtered" stream is also ordered. But this
* is more difficult to check. Current implementation assumes that if the "mean" stream is ordered,
* then the other stream is ordered too. Furthermore the {@link #trySplit()} method works only on
* the main stream, so at least the {@code trySplit} requirement about prefix and suffix order is
* still fulfill even if the other stream is unordered.</p>
public int characteristics() {
return (mainIterator.characteristics() & ORDERED) | NONNULL;
* Estimated size is unknown.
public long estimateSize() {
return Long.MAX_VALUE;
* Closes the streams used by this iterator, together with the streams used by any spliterator
* created by {@link #trySplit()}. This method is registered to {@link Stream#onClose(Runnable)}.
public void run() {
final Runnable toClose = mainCloseHandler;
if (toClose != null) {
mainCloseHandler = null; // Cleared first in case of error.;
* Invoked when iteration on the filtered stream ended, before to move on the next feature of the main stream.
* This method is idempotent: it has no effect if the stream is already closed.
private void closeFilteredIterator() {
final Stream<Feature> stream = filteredStream;
filteredStream = null; // Cleared before call to close() in case of error.
filteredIterator = null;
filteredFeature = null; // Used as a sentinel value by this.forEachRemaining(…).
mainFeature = null; // Indicate that we will need to advance in mainIterator.
if (stream != null) {
* Creates a new iterator over the filtered set of features (usually the right side).
* The filtering condition is determined by the current {@link #mainFeature}.
private void createFilteredIterator() {
Expression expression1 = condition.getExpression1();
Expression expression2 = condition.getExpression2();
FeatureSet filteredSet = right;
if (swapSides) {
filteredSet = left;
Expression t = expression2;
expression2 = expression1;
expression1 = t;
final Object mainValue = expression1.evaluate(mainFeature);
final Filter filter;
if (mainValue != null) {
filter = factory.equal(expression2, factory.literal(mainValue),
condition.isMatchingCase(), condition.getMatchAction());
} else {
filter = factory.isNull(expression2);
final SimpleQuery query = new SimpleQuery();
try {
filteredStream = filteredSet.subset(query).features(false);
} catch (DataStoreException e) {
throw new BackingStoreException(e);
filteredIterator = filteredStream.spliterator();
* Executes the given action on all remaining features in the {@code JoinFeatureSet}.
public void forEachRemaining(final Consumer<? super Feature> action) {
final Consumer<Feature> forFiltered = (final Feature feature) -> {
if (feature != null) {
action.accept(join(mainFeature, filteredFeature = feature));
final Consumer<Feature> forMain = (final Feature feature) -> {
if (feature != null) {
mainFeature = feature;
final boolean none = (filteredFeature == null);
if (none && isOuterJoin) {
action.accept(join(feature, null));
// Do not close the main stream since it may be in use by other Spliterators.
forMain.accept(mainFeature); // In case some 'tryAdvance' has been invoked before.
* Callback for {@code Spliterator.tryAdvance(this)} on {@link #filteredIterator}.
* Used by {@link #tryAdvance(Consumer)} implementation only.
public void accept(final Feature feature) {
filteredFeature = feature;
* Executes the given action on the next feature in the {@code JoinFeatureSet}.
public boolean tryAdvance​(final Consumer<? super Feature> action) {
for (;;) {
if (mainFeature == null) {
do if (!mainIterator.tryAdvance(this)) {
return false;
} while (filteredFeature == null);
mainFeature = filteredFeature;
filteredFeature = null;
if (filteredIterator == null) {
final boolean none = (filteredFeature == null);
while (filteredIterator.tryAdvance(this)) {
if (filteredFeature != null) {
action.accept(join(mainFeature, filteredFeature));
return true;
final Feature feature = mainFeature;
if (none && isOuterJoin) {
action.accept(join(feature, null));
return true;