blob: e92d780c2730855827944c6b677039f286f3d1f0 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
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* under the License.
#include "singa/worker.h"
#include <glog/logging.h>
#include <chrono>
#include <thread>
#include <typeinfo>
#include "singa/utils/cluster.h"
#include "singa/utils/factory.h"
#include "singa/utils/singleton.h"
#include "singa/utils/context.h"
#include "singa/utils/math_blob.h"
namespace singa {
using std::string;
Worker* Worker::CreateWorker(const string str) {
AlgProto alg_proto;
return Worker::Create(alg_proto);
Worker* Worker::Create(const AlgProto& conf) {
auto factory = Singleton<Factory<singa::Worker>>::Instance();
Worker* worker = nullptr;
if (conf.has_user_alg())
worker = factory->Create(conf.user_alg());
worker = factory->Create(conf.alg());
return worker;
void Worker::Setup(int grp_id, int id, const JobProto& conf,
NeuralNet* train_net, NeuralNet* val_net, NeuralNet* test_net) {
grp_id_ = grp_id;
id_ = id;
job_conf_ = conf;
train_net_ = train_net;
val_net_ = val_net;
test_net_ = test_net;
Worker::~Worker() {
if (dealer_) delete dealer_;
if (bridge_dealer_) delete bridge_dealer_;
void Worker::Run() {
// setup gpu device
auto context = Singleton<Context>::Instance();
// TODO(wangwei) -2 for uninitial device; -1 for CPU; >=0 for GPU now.
int device = -2;
while (device == -2) {
device = context->device_id(std::this_thread::get_id());
LOG(ERROR) << "Worker (group = " << grp_id_ <<", id = " << id_ << ") "
<< " start on " << (device >= 0 ? "GPU " + std::to_string(device) : "CPU");
if (device >= 0)
auto cluster = Cluster::Get();
int svr_grp = grp_id_ / cluster->nworker_groups_per_server_group();
CHECK(cluster->runtime()->JoinSGroup(grp_id_, id_, svr_grp));
step_ = job_conf_.step();
InitNetParams(job_conf_, train_net_);
while (!StopNow(step_)) {
if (ValidateNow(step_) && val_net_ != nullptr) {
CollectAll(step_, train_net_);
LOG(ERROR) << "Validation @ step " + std::to_string(step_);
Test(job_conf_.validate_steps(), kVal, val_net_);
if (TestNow(step_) && test_net_ != nullptr) {
CollectAll(step_, train_net_);
LOG(ERROR) << "Test @ step " + std::to_string(step_);
Test(job_conf_.test_steps(), kTest, test_net_);
if (CheckpointNow(step_) && grp_id_ == 0) {
CollectAll(step_, train_net_);
Checkpoint(step_, Cluster::Get()->checkpoint_folder(), train_net_);
TrainOneBatch(step_, train_net_);
if (DisplayNow(step_) && grp_id_ == 0 && id_ == 0) {
Display(kTrain | kForward | kBackward,
"Train @ step " + std::to_string(step_), train_net_);
// save the model
if (grp_id_ == 0)
Checkpoint(step_, Cluster::Get()->checkpoint_folder(), train_net_);
// clean up
cluster->runtime()->LeaveSGroup(grp_id_, id_, svr_grp);
// notify the stub on worker stop
Msg* msg = new Msg(Addr(grp_id_, id_, kWorkerParam), Addr(-1, -1, kStub));
dealer_->Send(&msg); // use param dealer to send the stop msg
LOG(ERROR) << "Worker (group = " <<grp_id_ << ", id = " << id_ << ") stops";
void Worker::Test(int steps, Phase phase, NeuralNet* net) {
for (int step = 0; step < steps; step++)
TestOneBatch(step, phase, net);
Display(phase, " ", net);
void Worker::InitSockets(const NeuralNet* net) {
dealer_ = new Dealer(Addr(grp_id_, id_, kWorkerParam));
for (auto layer : net->layers()) {
if (layer->partition_id() == id_) {
if (typeid(*layer) == typeid(BridgeDstLayer)
|| typeid(*layer) == typeid(BridgeSrcLayer)) {
bridge_dealer_ = new Dealer(Addr(grp_id_, id_, kWorkerLayer));
// bind dealer to bridge layers
if (bridge_dealer_ != nullptr) {
for (auto dst : net->layers()) {
if (typeid(*dst) == typeid(BridgeDstLayer)) {
auto src = net->srclayers(dst)[0];
name2bridge_[src->name()] = src;
name2bridge_[dst->name()] = dst;
if (src->partition_id() == id_) {
dynamic_cast<BridgeLayer*>(src)->MakePaired(dst, grp_id_,
bridge_dealer_, &name2bridge_);
if (dst->partition_id() == id_) {
dynamic_cast<BridgeLayer*>(dst)->MakePaired(src, grp_id_,
bridge_dealer_, &name2bridge_);
void Worker::InitNetParams(const std::string& folder, vector<Layer*> net) {
std::unordered_map<string, Param*> name2param;
for (auto layer : net) {
for (auto param : layer->GetParams()) {
// only owners fill the memory of parameter values.
//if (param->owner() == param->id()) {
CHECK(name2param.find(param->name()) == name2param.end());
name2param[param->name()] = param;
vector<string> paths;
NeuralNet::Load(paths, name2param);
void Worker::InitNetParams(const JobProto& job_conf, NeuralNet* net) {
// for each server grp, its first subscriber worker grp does the param init
if (grp_id_ % Cluster::Get()->nworker_groups_per_server_group() == 0) {
// extract params that should be initialized by this worker
// must gen a name for each param if the user doesn't config it
std::unordered_map<string, Param*> name2param;
for (auto layer : net->layers()) {
if (layer->partition_id() == id_) {
for (auto param : layer->GetParams()) {
// only owners fill the memory of parameter values.
if (param->owner() == param->id()) {
CHECK(name2param.find(param->name()) == name2param.end());
name2param[param->name()] = param;
vector<string> paths;
for (const auto& p : job_conf_.checkpoint_path())
net->Load(paths, name2param);
// init other params who do not have checkpoint version
for (auto entry : name2param) {
if (entry.second->version() > 0) {
// if load from pre-training params, reset version to start step
if (job_conf.reset_param_version()) {
} else {
if (!job_conf.reset_param_version())
LOG(ERROR) << "better reset version of params from checkpoints "
<< "to the same as other newly initialized params!";
// warmup training before put params to servers
// for (; step_ < job_conf.warmup_steps(); step_++)
// TrainOneBatch(step_, net);
for (auto layer : net->layers()) {
if (layer->partition_id() == id_)
for (auto param : layer->GetParams())
if (param->owner() == param->id())
Put(param->version(), param);
// wait owners in the same procs init params, then no get requests sent
for (auto layer : net->layers()) {
if (layer->partition_id() == id_)
for (auto param : layer->GetParams())
Get(job_conf.warmup_steps(), param);
void Worker::Checkpoint(int step, const std::string& folder, vector<Layer*> net) {
BlobProtos bps;
for (auto layer : net) {
//if (layer->partition_id() == id_) {
for (auto param : layer->GetParams()) {
// only owners fill the memory of parameter values.
//if (param->owner() == param->id()) {
auto *blob = bps.add_blob();
char buf[256];
snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s/step%d-worker0", folder.c_str(), step);
LOG(INFO) << "checkpoint to " << buf;
WriteProtoToBinaryFile(bps, buf);
void Worker::Checkpoint(int step, const std::string& folder, NeuralNet* net) {
BlobProtos bps;
for (auto layer : net->layers()) {
if (layer->partition_id() == id_) {
for (auto param : layer->GetParams()) {
// only owners fill the memory of parameter values.
if (param->owner() == param->id()) {
auto *blob = bps.add_blob();
char buf[256];
snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s/step%d-worker%d", folder.c_str(), step, id_);
LOG(INFO) << "checkpoint to " << buf;
WriteProtoToBinaryFile(bps, buf);
int Worker::Put(int step, Param* param) {
if (dealer_ == nullptr) {
LOG(WARNING) << "Null dealer in worker (" << grp_id_ << ", " << id_ << ")";
return 1;
// set Blob head to cpu to avoid calling cudaMemcpy by the stub thread, which
// would hang on some machines.
Msg* msg = new Msg(Addr(grp_id_, id_, kWorkerParam), Addr(-1, -1, kStub));
msg->set_trgt(ParamTrgt(param->owner(), 0), step);
// LOG(ERROR) << "worker msg " << msg;
return 1;
int Worker::Get(int step, Param* param) {
if (param->version() >= step)
return 1;
if (dealer_ == nullptr) {
LOG(WARNING) << "Null dealer in worker (" << grp_id_ << ", " << id_ << ")";
return 1;
// set Blob head to cpu to avoid calling cudaMemcpy by the stub thread, which
// would hang on some machines.
Msg* msg = new Msg(Addr(grp_id_, id_, kWorkerParam), Addr(-1, -1, kStub));
msg->set_trgt(ParamTrgt(param->owner(), 0), step);
return 1;
int Worker::Update(int step, Param* param) {
if (dealer_ == nullptr) {
LOG(WARNING) << "Null dealer in worker (" << grp_id_ << ", " << id_ << ")";
return 1;
// head of data Blob (SyncMem) to cpu, because the stub thread may use
// cudaMemcpy copy gradients into msgs. cudaMemcpy hangs when called by the
// stub thread on some GPU machines.
// TODO(wangwei) fix this issue and remove the following line.
// optimize for training with single worker by removing stub and server, and
// updating parameters locally inside the worker GPU. Then we do not need to
// transfer gradients and parameter values between GPU-CPU.
// change the head of SyncMem to cpu; otherwise, the updated parameter
// values would not be synced to gpu (since the head is at gpu).
Msg* msg = new Msg(Addr(grp_id_, id_, kWorkerParam), Addr(-1, -1, kStub));
msg->set_trgt(ParamTrgt(param->owner(), 0), step);
return 1;
int Worker::CollectAll(int step, NeuralNet* net) {
auto& layers = net->layers();
for (auto& layer : layers) {
if (layer->partition_id() == id_) {
for (Param* p : layer->GetParams()) {
Collect(step, p);
return 1;
int Worker::Collect(int step, Param* param) {
while (param->version() <= param->last_version()) {
// LOG(ERROR) << "wait "<< param->id() << " at " << step << " by " <<id_;
return 1;
void Worker::Display(int flag, const std::string& prefix, NeuralNet* net) {
for (auto layer : net->layers()) {
if (layer->partition_id() == id_) {
const string& disp = layer->ToString(false, flag);
if (disp.length())
LOG(ERROR) << prefix << " " << disp;
void BPWorker::TrainOneBatch(int step, NeuralNet* net) {
Forward(step, kTrain, net);
Backward(step, net);
void BPWorker::TestOneBatch(int step, Phase phase, NeuralNet* net) {
Forward(step, phase, net);
void BPWorker::Forward(int step, Phase phase, NeuralNet* net) {
map<string, string> label;
for (auto& layer : net->layers()) {
if (layer->partition_id() == id_) {
if (phase == kTrain && layer->unroll_index() == 0) {
// wait until param is updated
for (Param* p : layer->GetParams()) {
Collect(step, p);
// DLOG(ERROR) << "Forward " << layer->name();
layer->ComputeFeature(phase | kForward, net->srclayers(layer));
if (job_conf_.debug() && DisplayNow(step) && grp_id_ == 0)
label[layer->name()] = layer->ToString(true, phase | kForward);
if (label.size()) {
const string path = Cluster::Get()->vis_folder() + "/fp-step"
+ std::to_string(step) +"-loc" + std::to_string(id_) + ".json";
WriteStringToTextFile(path, net->ToGraph(false).ToJson(label));
void BPWorker::Backward(int step, NeuralNet* net) {
map<string, string> label;
auto& layers = net->layers();
for (auto it = layers.rbegin(); it != layers.rend(); it++) {
Layer* layer = *it;
if (layer->partition_id() == id_) {
layer->ComputeGradient(kTrain | kBackward, net->srclayers(layer));
if (job_conf_.debug() && DisplayNow(step) && grp_id_ == 0)
label[layer->name()] = layer->ToString(true, kTrain | kBackward);
for (Param* p : layer->GetParams())
Update(step, p);
if (label.size()) {
const string path = Cluster::Get()->vis_folder() + "/bp-step"
+ std::to_string(step) + "-loc" + std::to_string(id_) + ".json";
WriteStringToTextFile(path, net->ToGraph(false).Reverse().ToJson(label));
void BPTTWorker::Forward(int step, Phase phase, NeuralNet* net) {
map<string, string> label;
for (auto& layer : net->layers()) {
if (layer->partition_id() == id_) {
if (phase == kTrain && layer->unroll_index() == 0) {
// wait until param is updated
for (Param* p : layer->GetParams()) {
Collect(step, p);
vector<Layer*> src = net->srclayers(layer);
if ((phase & kTest) && typeid(*layer) == typeid(RNNDummyLayer)) {
CHECK_LE(src.size(), 1);
auto dummy = dynamic_cast<RNNDummyLayer*>(layer);
Layer* srclayer = net->name2layer(dummy->srclayer(step));
if (step > 0)
CHECK(srclayer != nullptr);
if (srclayer != nullptr) {
// if full state rnn and not the starting of a new passing of the dataset,
// feed the hidden state of the last unit to the first unit.
if (layer->unroll_index() == 0 && full_state_ && !begin_) {
Layer* last = net->last_unroll_layer(layer);
CHECK(last != nullptr);
if (last != layer || (phase & kTest))
// LOG(ERROR) << layer->name() << " forward";
// int ret =
layer->ComputeFeature(phase | kForward, src);
if ((phase & Phase::kTrain) && ret == Status::kEnd)
begin_ = true;
if (job_conf_.debug() && DisplayNow(step) && grp_id_ == 0)
label[layer->name()] = layer->ToString(true, phase | kForward);
if (label.size()) {
const string path = Cluster::Get()->vis_folder() + "/fp-step"
+ std::to_string(step) +"-loc" + std::to_string(id_) + ".json";
WriteStringToTextFile(path, net->ToGraph(false).ToJson(label));
void BPTTWorker::Backward(int step, NeuralNet* net) {
map<string, string> label;
auto& layers = net->layers();
for (auto it = layers.rbegin(); it != layers.rend(); it++) {
Layer* layer = *it;
if (layer->partition_id() == id_) {
layer->ComputeGradient(kTrain | kBackward | kAggGrad,
// LOG(ERROR) << layer->name() << " backward";
if (job_conf_.debug() && DisplayNow(step) && grp_id_ == 0)
label[layer->name()] = layer->ToString(true, kTrain | kBackward);
// unrolled layers share parameter data and grad, just update the 1st one
if (layer->unroll_index() == 0)
for (Param* p : layer->GetParams())
Update(step, p);
if (label.size()) {
const string path = Cluster::Get()->vis_folder() + "/bp-step"
+ std::to_string(step) + "-loc" + std::to_string(id_) + ".json";
WriteStringToTextFile(path, net->ToGraph(false).Reverse().ToJson(label));
void BPTTWorker::Display(int flag, const std::string& prefix, NeuralNet* net) {
std::unordered_map<string, float> perf;
for (auto layer : net->layers()) {
if (layer->partition_id() == id_) {
const string& disp = layer->ToString(false, flag);
for (const auto& entry : GetMetricFromString(disp))
perf[entry.first] += entry.second;
string disp = prefix + " ";
for (const auto& entry : perf)
disp += entry.first + " = " + std::to_string(entry.second) + ", ";
LOG(ERROR) << disp;
void CDWorker::TrainOneBatch(int step, NeuralNet* net) {
const auto& layers = net->layers();
for (auto* layer : layers) {
for (Param* p : layer->GetParams()) // wait until param is updated
Collect(step, p);
layer->ComputeFeature(kPositive, net->srclayers(layer));
for (auto* layer : layers)
if (typeid(*layer) == typeid(RBMVisLayer)
|| typeid(*layer) == typeid(RBMHidLayer))
layer->ComputeFeature(kNegative | kTest, net->srclayers(layer));
for (int i = 1; i < job_conf_.train_one_batch().cd_conf().cd_k(); i++) {
for (auto* layer : layers) {
if (typeid(*layer) == typeid(RBMVisLayer)
|| typeid(*layer) == typeid(RBMHidLayer))
layer->ComputeFeature(kNegative, net->srclayers(layer));
for (auto* layer : layers) {
if (typeid(*layer) == typeid(RBMVisLayer)
|| typeid(*layer) == typeid(RBMHidLayer)) {
layer->ComputeGradient(kTrain, net->srclayers(layer));
for (Param* p : layer->GetParams()) {
Update(step, p);
void CDWorker::TestOneBatch(int step, Phase phase, NeuralNet* net) {
auto& layers = net->layers();
for (auto *layer : layers)
layer->ComputeFeature(kPositive, net->srclayers(layer));
for (auto *layer : layers)
if (typeid(*layer) == typeid(RBMVisLayer))
layer->ComputeFeature(kNegative | kTest, net->srclayers(layer));
} // namespace singa