blob: 641b4658d704d269ed69b52a4efe96326b8fb8e2 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
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* under the License.
#include "./rnnlm.h"
#include <string>
#include <algorithm>
#include "mshadow/tensor.h"
#include "mshadow/tensor_expr.h"
#include "mshadow/cxxnet_op.h"
#include "./rnnlm.pb.h"
namespace rnnlm {
using std::vector;
using std::string;
using namespace mshadow;
using mshadow::cpu;
using mshadow::Shape;
using mshadow::Shape1;
using mshadow::Shape2;
using mshadow::Tensor;
inline Tensor<cpu, 2> RTensor2(Blob<float>* blob) {
const vector<int>& shape = blob->shape();
Tensor<cpu, 2> tensor(blob->mutable_cpu_data(),
Shape2(shape[0], blob->count() / shape[0]));
return tensor;
inline Tensor<cpu, 1> RTensor1(Blob<float>* blob) {
Tensor<cpu, 1> tensor(blob->mutable_cpu_data(), Shape1(blob->count()));
return tensor;
DataLayer::~DataLayer() {
if (store_ != nullptr)
delete store_;
void DataLayer::Setup(const LayerProto& conf, const vector<Layer*>& srclayers) {
RNNLayer::Setup(conf, srclayers);
string key;
max_window_ = conf.GetExtension(data_conf).max_window();
data_.Reshape(vector<int>{max_window_ + 1, 4});
window_ = 0;
void SetInst(int k, const WordRecord& word, Blob<float>* to) {
float* dptr = to->mutable_cpu_data() + k * 4;
dptr[0] = static_cast<float>(word.word_index());
dptr[1] = static_cast<float>(word.class_index());
dptr[2] = static_cast<float>(word.class_start());
dptr[3] = static_cast<float>(word.class_end());
void ShiftInst(int from, int to, Blob<float>* data) {
const float* f = data->cpu_data() + from * 4;
float* t = data->mutable_cpu_data() + to * 4;
// hard code the feature dim to be 4;
t[0] = f[0]; t[1] = f[1]; t[2] = f[2]; t[3] = f[3];
void DataLayer::ComputeFeature(int flag, const vector<Layer*>& srclayers) {
string key, value;
WordRecord word;
if (store_ == nullptr) {
store_ = singa::io::OpenStore(
store_->Read(&key, &value);
SetInst(0, word, &data_);
ShiftInst(window_, 0, &data_);
window_ = max_window_;
for (int i = 1; i <= max_window_; i++) {
if (!store_->Read(&key, &value)) {
CHECK(store_->Read(&key, &value));
SetInst(i, word, &data_);
if (word.word_index() == 0) {
window_ = i;
void LabelLayer::Setup(const LayerProto& conf,
const vector<Layer*>& srclayers) {
RNNLayer::Setup(conf, srclayers);
CHECK_EQ(srclayers.size(), 1);
int max_window = dynamic_cast<DataLayer*>(srclayers[0])->max_window();
data_.Reshape(vector<int>{max_window, 4});
void LabelLayer::ComputeFeature(int flag, const vector<Layer*>& srclayers) {
const auto& records = dynamic_cast<DataLayer*>(srclayers[0])->records();
float *label = data_.mutable_cpu_data();
window_ = dynamic_cast<RNNLayer*>(srclayers[0])->window();
for (int i = 0; i < window_; i++) {
WordRecord wordrecord = records[i + 1].GetExtension(word);
label[4 * i + 0] = wordrecord.class_start();
label[4 * i + 1] = wordrecord.class_end();
label[4 * i + 2] = wordrecord.word_index();
label[4 * i + 3] = wordrecord.class_index();
EmbeddingLayer::~EmbeddingLayer() {
delete embed_;
void EmbeddingLayer::Setup(const LayerProto& conf,
const vector<Layer*>& srclayers) {
RNNLayer::Setup(conf, srclayers);
CHECK_EQ(srclayers.size(), 1);
int max_window = srclayers[0]->data(this).shape()[0];
word_dim_ = conf.GetExtension(embedding_conf).word_dim();
data_.Reshape(vector<int>{max_window, word_dim_});
vocab_size_ = conf.GetExtension(embedding_conf).vocab_size();
embed_ = Param::Create(conf.param(0));
embed_->Setup(vector<int>{vocab_size_, word_dim_});
void EmbeddingLayer::ComputeFeature(int flag, const vector<Layer*>& srclayers) {
auto datalayer = dynamic_cast<DataLayer*>(srclayers[0]);
window_ = datalayer->window();
auto words = RTensor2(&data_);
auto embed = RTensor2(embed_->mutable_data());
const float* idxptr = datalayer->data(this).cpu_data();
for (int t = 0; t < window_; t++) {
int idx = static_cast<int>(idxptr[t * 4]);
CHECK_GE(idx, 0);
CHECK_LT(idx, vocab_size_);
Copy(words[t], embed[idx]);
void EmbeddingLayer::ComputeGradient(int flag,
const vector<Layer*>& srclayers) {
auto grad = RTensor2(&grad_);
auto gembed = RTensor2(embed_->mutable_grad());
auto datalayer = dynamic_cast<DataLayer*>(srclayers[0]);
gembed = 0;
const float* idxptr = datalayer->data(this).cpu_data();
for (int t = 0; t < window_; t++) {
int idx = static_cast<int>(idxptr[t * 4]);
Copy(gembed[idx], grad[t]);
HiddenLayer::~HiddenLayer() {
delete weight_;
void HiddenLayer::Setup(const LayerProto& conf,
const vector<Layer*>& srclayers) {
RNNLayer::Setup(conf, srclayers);
CHECK_EQ(srclayers.size(), 1);
const auto& innerproductData = srclayers[0]->data(this);
int word_dim = data_.shape()[1];
weight_ = Param::Create(conf.param(0));
weight_->Setup(std::vector<int>{word_dim, word_dim});
// hid[t] = sigmoid(hid[t-1] * W + src[t])
void HiddenLayer::ComputeFeature(int flag, const vector<Layer*>& srclayers) {
window_ = dynamic_cast<RNNLayer*>(srclayers[0])->window();
auto data = RTensor2(&data_);
auto src = RTensor2(srclayers[0]->mutable_data(this));
auto weight = RTensor2(weight_->mutable_data());
for (int t = 0; t < window_; t++) { // Skip the 1st component
if (t == 0) {
data[t] = expr::F<op::sigmoid>(src[t]);
} else {
data[t] = dot(data[t - 1], weight);
data[t] += src[t];
data[t] = expr::F<op::sigmoid>(data[t]);
void HiddenLayer::ComputeGradient(int flag, const vector<Layer*>& srclayers) {
auto data = RTensor2(&data_);
auto grad = RTensor2(&grad_);
auto weight = RTensor2(weight_->mutable_data());
auto gweight = RTensor2(weight_->mutable_grad());
auto gsrc = RTensor2(srclayers[0]->mutable_grad(this));
gweight = 0;
TensorContainer<cpu, 1> tmp(Shape1(data_.shape()[1]));
// Check!!
for (int t = window_ - 1; t >= 0; t--) {
if (t < window_ - 1) {
tmp = dot(grad[t + 1], weight.T());
grad[t] += tmp;
grad[t] = expr::F<op::sigmoid_grad>(data[t])* grad[t];
gweight = dot(data.Slice(0, window_-1).T(), grad.Slice(1, window_));
Copy(gsrc, grad);
/*********** Implementation for LossLayer **********/
LossLayer::~LossLayer() {
delete word_weight_;
delete class_weight_;
void LossLayer::Setup(const LayerProto& conf, const vector<Layer*>& srclayers) {
RNNLayer::Setup(conf, srclayers);
CHECK_EQ(srclayers.size(), 2);
const auto& src = srclayers[0]->data(this);
int max_window = src.shape()[0];
int vdim = src.count() / max_window; // Dimension of input
int vocab_size = conf.GetExtension(loss_conf).vocab_size();
int nclass = conf.GetExtension(loss_conf).nclass();
word_weight_ = Param::Create(conf.param(0));
word_weight_->Setup(vector<int>{vocab_size, vdim});
class_weight_ = Param::Create(conf.param(1));
class_weight_->Setup(vector<int>{nclass, vdim});
pclass_.Reshape(vector<int>{max_window, nclass});
void LossLayer::ComputeFeature(int flag, const vector<Layer*>& srclayers) {
window_ = dynamic_cast<RNNLayer*>(srclayers[0])->window();
auto pclass = RTensor2(&pclass_);
auto src = RTensor2(srclayers[0]->mutable_data(this));
auto word_weight = RTensor2(word_weight_->mutable_data());
auto class_weight = RTensor2(class_weight_->mutable_data());
const float * label = srclayers[1]->data(this).cpu_data();
float loss = 0.f, ppl = 0.f;
for (int t = 0; t < window_; t++) {
// label is the next word
int start = static_cast<int>(label[(t + 1) * 4 + 2]);
int end = static_cast<int>(label[(t + 1) * 4 + 3]);
auto wordWeight = word_weight.Slice(start, end);
CHECK_GT(end, start);
auto pword = RTensor1(&pword_[t]);
pword = dot(src[t], wordWeight.T());
Softmax(pword, pword);
pclass[t] = dot(src[t], class_weight.T());
Softmax(pclass[t], pclass[t]);
int wid = static_cast<int>(label[(t + 1) * 4 + 0]);
int cid = static_cast<int>(label[(t + 1) * 4 + 1]);
CHECK_GT(end, wid);
CHECK_GE(wid, start);
loss_ += -log(std::max(pword[wid - start] * pclass[t][cid], FLT_MIN));
ppl_ += log10(std::max(pword[wid - start] * pclass[t][cid], FLT_MIN));
num_ += window_;
void LossLayer::ComputeGradient(int flag, const vector<Layer*>& srclayers) {
auto pclass = RTensor2(&pclass_);
auto src = RTensor2(srclayers[0]->mutable_data(this));
auto gsrc = RTensor2(srclayers[0]->mutable_grad(this));
auto word_weight = RTensor2(word_weight_->mutable_data());
auto gword_weight = RTensor2(word_weight_->mutable_grad());
auto class_weight = RTensor2(class_weight_->mutable_data());
auto gclass_weight = RTensor2(class_weight_->mutable_grad());
const float * label = srclayers[1]->data(this).cpu_data();
gclass_weight = 0;
gword_weight = 0;
for (int t = 0; t < window_; t++) {
int start = static_cast<int>(label[(t + 1) * 4 + 2]);
int end = static_cast<int>(label[(t + 1) * 4 + 3]);
int wid = static_cast<int>(label[(t + 1) * 4 + 0]);
int cid = static_cast<int>(label[(t + 1) * 4 + 1]);
auto pword = RTensor1(&pword_[t]);
CHECK_GT(end, wid);
CHECK_GE(wid, start);
// gL/gclass_act
pclass[t][cid] -= 1.0;
// gL/gword_act
pword[wid - start] -= 1.0;
// gL/gword_weight
gword_weight.Slice(start, end) += dot(pword.FlatTo2D().T(),
// gL/gclass_weight
gclass_weight += dot(pclass[t].FlatTo2D().T(),
gsrc[t] = dot(pword, word_weight.Slice(start, end));
gsrc[t] += dot(pclass[t], class_weight);
const std::string LossLayer::ToString(bool debug, int flag) {
float loss = loss_ / num_;
float ppl = exp10(- ppl_ / num_);
loss_ = 0;
num_ = 0;
ppl_ = 0;
return "loss = " + std::to_string(loss) + ", ppl = " + std::to_string(ppl);
} // end of namespace rnnlm