blob: ac8fde79f1c60aeb0d022db9bf71602518621fe2 [file] [log] [blame]
* \file tensor_expr.h
* \brief definitions of abstract expressions and expressions template
* \author Tianqi Chen, Bing Xu
#include "tensor_base.h"
namespace mshadow{
* \brief namespace for abstract expressions and expressions template,
* have no dependecy on tensor.h,
* These data structure takes no charge in computations,
* they are only used to define operations and represent expression in a symbolic way
namespace expr{
/*! \brief type of expressions */
namespace type{
/*! \brief this expression directly correspnds to a data class */
const int kContainer = 0;
/*! \brief this only contains element-wise vector operations */
const int kMapper = 1;
/*! \brief othercase: e.g dot product */
const int kComplex = 3;
* \brief expression engine that actually interprets these expressions
* this is a function template that needed to be implemented for specific expressions
template<typename Saver,typename Container>
struct ExpEngine{
template<typename EType>
inline static void Eval( Container& dst, const EType &exp );
template<typename Container>
class ContainerExp;
class ScalarExp;
* \brief base class for expression
* \tparam SubType inheritated class must put their type into this parameter
* \tparam exp_type expression type, see namespace type
template<typename SubType, int exp_type>
struct Exp{
/*! \return subtype instance of current class */
inline const SubType& self( void ) const{
return *static_cast<const SubType*>(this);
/*! \return reference of subtype instance of current class */
inline SubType& refself( void ){
return *static_cast<SubType*>(this);
/*! \brief scalar expression */
struct ScalarExp: public Exp<ScalarExp, type::kMapper>{
/*! \brief scalar value */
real_t scalar_;
/*! \brief constructor */
ScalarExp( real_t scalar ):scalar_(scalar){}
/*! \brief represent a transpose expression of a container */
template<typename EType>
struct TransposeExp: public Exp< TransposeExp<EType>, type::kComplex >{
/*! \brief expression to be transposed */
const EType &exp;
/*! \brief constructor */
TransposeExp( const EType &e ):exp(e){}
/*! \brief transpose expression */
inline const EType & T( void ) const{
return exp;
* \brief base class of all variables, that can be assigned to values
* \tparam Container the actually class of data container, e.g. CTensor1D
template<typename Container>
class ContainerExp: public Exp< Container, type::kContainer >{
*\brief transpose of a matrix
*\return transpose of current expression
inline const TransposeExp<Container> T( void ) const{
return TransposeExp<Container>( this->self() );
/*! \brief operator overload */
inline Container &operator+=( real_t s ){
ExpEngine<sv::plusto,Container>::Eval( this->refself(), ScalarExp(s) );
return this->refself();
/*! \brief operator overload */
inline Container &operator-=( real_t s ){
ExpEngine<sv::minusto,Container>::Eval( this->refself(), ScalarExp(s) );
return this->refself();
/*! \brief operator overload */
inline Container &operator*=( real_t s ){
ExpEngine<sv::multo,Container>::Eval( this->refself(), ScalarExp(s) );
return this->refself();
/*! \brief operator overload */
inline Container &operator/=( real_t s ){
ExpEngine<sv::divto,Container>::Eval( this->refself(), ScalarExp(s) );
return this->refself();
/*! \brief operator overload */
inline Container &__assign( real_t s ){
ExpEngine<sv::saveto,Container>::Eval( this->refself(), ScalarExp(s) );
return this->refself();
/*! \brief implementation of operator=, note that we can not define container = container */
template<typename E>
inline Container &__assign( const Exp<E,type::kMapper> &exp ){
ExpEngine<sv::saveto,Container>::Eval( this->refself(), exp.self() );
return this->refself();
/*! \brief implementation of operator=, note that we can not define container = container */
template<typename E>
inline Container &__assign( const Exp<E,type::kComplex> &exp ){
ExpEngine<sv::saveto,Container>::Eval( this->refself(), exp.self() );
return this->refself();
/*! \brief implementation of operator+= */
template<typename E,int etype>
inline Container &operator+=( const Exp<E,etype> &exp ){
ExpEngine<sv::plusto,Container>::Eval( this->refself(), exp.self() );
return this->refself();
/*! \brief implementation of operator-= */
template<typename E,int etype>
inline Container &operator-=( const Exp<E,etype> &exp ){
ExpEngine<sv::minusto,Container>::Eval( this->refself(), exp.self() );
return this->refself();
/*! \brief implementation of operator*= */
template<typename E,int etype>
inline Container &operator*=( const Exp<E,etype> &exp ){
ExpEngine<sv::multo,Container>::Eval( this->refself(), exp.self() );
return this->refself();
/*! \brief implementation of operator/= */
template<typename E,int etype>
inline Container &operator/=( const Exp<E,etype> &exp ){
ExpEngine<sv::divto,Container>::Eval( this->refself(), exp.self() );
return this->refself();
}; // namespace expr
namespace expr{
* \brief matrix multiplication expression dot( lhs[.T], rhs[.T] )
* \tparam TA type of lhs
* \tparam TB type of rhs
* \tparam ltrans whether lhs is transposed
* \tparam rtrans whether rhs is transposed
template<typename TA,typename TB,bool ltrans,bool rtrans>
struct DotExp: public Exp< DotExp<TA,TB,ltrans,rtrans>, type::kComplex >{
/*! \brief left operand */
const TA& lhs_;
/*! \brief right operand */
const TB& rhs_;
/*! \brief scale over result */
real_t scale_;
/*! \brief constructor */
DotExp( const TA &lhs, const TB &rhs, real_t scale )
/*! \brief dot operator def */
template<typename TA, typename TB>
inline DotExp<TA,TB,false,false> dot( const ContainerExp<TA> &lhs, const ContainerExp<TB> &rhs ){
return DotExp<TA,TB,false,false>( lhs.self(), rhs.self(), 1.0f );
/*! \brief dot operator def */
template<typename TA, typename TB>
inline DotExp<TA,TB,true,false> dot( const TransposeExp<TA> &lhs, const ContainerExp<TB> &rhs ){
return DotExp<TA,TB,true,false>( lhs.exp, rhs.self(), 1.0f );
/*! \brief dot operator def */
template<typename TA, typename TB>
inline DotExp<TA,TB,false,true> dot( const ContainerExp<TA> &lhs, const TransposeExp<TB> &rhs ){
return DotExp<TA,TB,false,true>( lhs.self(), rhs.exp, 1.0f );
/*! \brief dot operator def */
template<typename TA, typename TB>
inline DotExp<TA,TB,true,true> dot( const TransposeExp<TA> &lhs, const TransposeExp<TB> &rhs ){
return DotExp<TA,TB,true,true>( lhs.exp, rhs.exp, 1.0f );
/*! \brief dot operator def */
template<typename TA, typename TB, bool ltrans, bool rtrans >
inline DotExp<TA,TB,ltrans,rtrans> operator*( const DotExp<TA,TB,ltrans,rtrans> &lhs, real_t rhs ){
return DotExp<TA,TB,ltrans,rtrans>( lhs.lhs_, lhs.rhs_, lhs.scale_ * rhs );
/*! \brief scale of dot operation */
template<typename TA, typename TB, bool ltrans, bool rtrans >
inline DotExp<TA,TB,ltrans,rtrans> operator*( real_t lhs, const DotExp<TA,TB,ltrans,rtrans> &rhs ){
return DotExp<TA,TB,ltrans,rtrans>( rhs.lhs_, rhs.rhs_, rhs.scale_ * lhs );
}; // namespace expr
namespace expr{
* \brief binary map expression lhs [op] rhs
* \tparam OP operator
* \tparam TA type of lhs
* \tparam TB type of rhs
* \tparam etype expression type, sa namespace::type
template<typename OP, typename TA, typename TB, int etype >
struct BinaryMapExp: public Exp< BinaryMapExp<OP,TA,TB,etype>, etype >{
/*! \brief left operand */
const TA& lhs_;
/*! \brief right operand */
const TB& rhs_;
/*! \brief constructor */
BinaryMapExp( const TA &lhs, const TB &rhs )
:lhs_(lhs), rhs_(rhs){}
/*! \brief make expression */
template<typename OP,typename TA, typename TB, int ta, int tb>
inline BinaryMapExp<OP,TA,TB, (ta|tb|type::kMapper) > MakeExp( const Exp<TA,ta> &lhs, const Exp<TB,tb> &rhs ){
return BinaryMapExp<OP,TA,TB, (ta|tb|type::kMapper) >( lhs.self(), rhs.self() );
* \brief short hand for MakeExp, usage F<op>(lhs, rhs). create a binary operation expression
* \param lhs left operand
* \param rhs right operand
* \tparam binary operator
* \tparam TA lhs expression
* \tparam ta lhs expression type
* \tparam TB rhs expression
* \tparam tb rhs expression type
* \sa mshadow::op
template<typename OP,typename TA, typename TB, int ta, int tb>
inline BinaryMapExp<OP,TA,TB, (ta|tb|type::kMapper) > F( const Exp<TA,ta> &lhs, const Exp<TB,tb> &rhs ){
return MakeExp<OP>( lhs, rhs );
/*! \brief operator overload for const */
template<typename OP,typename TA, int ta>
inline BinaryMapExp<OP,TA,ScalarExp, (ta|type::kMapper) > F( const Exp<TA,ta> &lhs, const ScalarExp &rhs ){
return MakeExp<OP>( lhs, rhs );
/*! \brief operator overload for const */
template<typename OP,typename TB, int tb>
inline BinaryMapExp<OP,ScalarExp,TB, (tb|type::kMapper) > F( const ScalarExp &lhs, const Exp<TB,tb>& rhs ){
return MakeExp<OP>( lhs, rhs );
// operator rules
/*! \brief operator overload */
template<typename TA, typename TB, int ta, int tb>
inline BinaryMapExp<op::plus,TA,TB, (ta|tb|type::kMapper) > operator+( const Exp<TA,ta> &lhs, const Exp<TB,tb> &rhs ){
return MakeExp<op::plus>( lhs, rhs );
/*! \brief operator overload */
template<typename TA, typename TB, int ta, int tb>
inline BinaryMapExp<op::minus,TA,TB, (ta|tb|type::kMapper) > operator-( const Exp<TA,ta> &lhs, const Exp<TB,tb> &rhs ){
return MakeExp<op::minus>( lhs, rhs );
/*! \brief operator overload */
template<typename TA, typename TB, int ta, int tb>
inline BinaryMapExp<op::mul,TA,TB, (ta|tb|type::kMapper) > operator*( const Exp<TA,ta> &lhs, const Exp<TB,tb> &rhs ){
return MakeExp<op::mul>( lhs, rhs );
/*! \brief operator overload */
template<typename TA, typename TB, int ta, int tb>
inline BinaryMapExp<op::div,TA,TB, (ta|tb|type::kMapper) > operator/( const Exp<TA,ta> &lhs, const Exp<TB,tb> &rhs ){
return MakeExp<op::div>( lhs, rhs );
// constant operators
/*! \brief operator overload */
template<typename TA, int ta>
inline BinaryMapExp<op::plus, TA, ScalarExp, (ta|type::kMapper) > operator+( const Exp<TA,ta>& lhs, const ScalarExp& rhs ){
return MakeExp<op::plus>( lhs, rhs );
/*! \brief operator overload */
template<typename TA, int ta>
inline BinaryMapExp<op::minus, TA, ScalarExp, (ta|type::kMapper) > operator-( const Exp<TA,ta>& lhs, const ScalarExp& rhs ){
return MakeExp<op::minus>( lhs, rhs );
/*! \brief operator overload */
template<typename TA, int ta>
inline BinaryMapExp<op::mul, TA, ScalarExp, (ta|type::kMapper) > operator*( const Exp<TA,ta>& lhs, const ScalarExp& rhs ){
return MakeExp<op::mul>( lhs, rhs );
/*! \brief operator overload */
template<typename TA, int ta>
inline BinaryMapExp<op::div, TA, ScalarExp, (ta|type::kMapper) > operator/( const Exp<TA,ta>& lhs, const ScalarExp& rhs ){
return MakeExp<op::div>( lhs, rhs );
// constant operators 2
/*! \brief operator overload */
template<typename TB, int tb>
inline BinaryMapExp<op::plus, ScalarExp, TB, (tb|type::kMapper) > operator+( const ScalarExp& lhs, const Exp<TB,tb>& rhs ){
return MakeExp<op::plus>( lhs, rhs );
/*! \brief operator overload */
template<typename TB, int tb>
inline BinaryMapExp<op::minus, ScalarExp, TB, (tb|type::kMapper) > operator-( const ScalarExp& lhs, const Exp<TB,tb>& rhs ){
return MakeExp<op::minus>( lhs, rhs );
/*! \brief operator overload */
template<typename TB, int tb>
inline BinaryMapExp<op::mul, ScalarExp, TB, (tb|type::kMapper) > operator*( const ScalarExp& lhs, const Exp<TB,tb>& rhs ){
return MakeExp<op::mul>( lhs, rhs );
/*! \brief operator overload */
template<typename TB, int tb>
inline BinaryMapExp<op::div, ScalarExp, TB, (tb|type::kMapper) > operator/( const ScalarExp& lhs, const Exp<TB,tb>& rhs ){
return MakeExp<op::div>( lhs, rhs );
namespace expr{
* \brief unary map expression op(src)
* \tparam OP operator
* \tparam TA type of src
* \tparam etype expression type, sa namespace::type
template<typename OP, typename TA, int etype >
struct UnaryMapExp: public Exp< UnaryMapExp<OP,TA,etype>, etype >{
/*! \brief source expression */
const TA& src_;
/*! \brief constructor */
UnaryMapExp( const TA &src ):src_(src){}
/*! \brief make expression */
template<typename OP,typename TA, int ta>
inline UnaryMapExp<OP,TA,(ta|type::kMapper) > MakeExp( const Exp<TA,ta> &src ){
return UnaryMapExp<OP,TA, (ta|type::kMapper) >( src.self() );
* \brief short hand for MakeExp, usage F<op>(src), create a unary operation expression
* \param src source expression
* \tparam operator
* \tparam TA source expression
* \tparam ta source expression type
* \sa mshadow::op
template<typename OP,typename TA, int ta>
inline UnaryMapExp<OP,TA,(ta|type::kMapper) > F( const Exp<TA,ta> &src ){
return MakeExp<OP>(src);