blob: 0fa3cfa503064d3d4a6b6a6fdc5bbc9d3eb5c49e [file] [log] [blame]
* \file tensor_cpu-inl.hpp
* \brief implementation of CPU host code
* \author Bing Xu, Tianqi Chen
#include <cstring>
#include "tensor_base.h"
#include "tensor_sse-inl.hpp"
namespace mshadow {
template<int dim>
inline void AllocSpace(Tensor<cpu,dim> &obj, bool pad ){
size_t pitch;
if( pad ){
obj.dptr = (real_t*)sse2::AlignedMallocPitch
( pitch, obj.shape[0] * sizeof(real_t), obj.FlatTo2D().shape[1] );
obj.shape.stride_ = static_cast<index_t>( pitch / sizeof(real_t) );
obj.shape.stride_ = obj.shape[0];
obj.dptr = (real_t*)sse2::AlignedMallocPitch
( pitch, obj.shape.Size() * sizeof(real_t), 1 );
template<typename Device, int dim>
inline Tensor<Device,dim> NewTensor(const Shape<dim> &shape, real_t initv, bool pad ){
Tensor<Device, dim> obj( shape );
AllocSpace( obj, pad );
MapExp<sv::saveto>( obj, expr::ScalarExp( initv ) );
return obj;
template<int dim>
inline void FreeSpace(Tensor<cpu,dim> &obj){
sse2::AlignedFree( obj.dptr );
obj.dptr = NULL;
template<int dim>
inline void Copy(Tensor<cpu,dim> _dst, const Tensor<cpu,dim> &_src ){
utils::Assert( _dst.shape == _src.shape, "Copy:shape mismatch" );
Tensor<cpu,2> dst = _dst.FlatTo2D();
Tensor<cpu,2> src = _src.FlatTo2D();
for (index_t y = 0; y < dst.shape[1]; ++y ) {
memcpy( dst[y].dptr, src[y].dptr, sizeof(real_t) * dst.shape[0] );
template<typename Saver, typename E, int dim>
inline void MapPlan(Tensor<cpu,dim> _dst, const expr::Plan<E> &plan){
Tensor<cpu,2> dst = _dst.FlatTo2D();
for (index_t y = 0; y < dst.shape[1]; ++y ) {
for (index_t x = 0; x < dst.shape[0]; ++x ) {
// trust your compiler! -_- they will optimize it
Saver::Save(dst[y][x], plan.Eval( y, x ) );
// code to handle SSE optimization
template<bool pass_check,typename Saver, int dim, typename E, int etype>
struct MapExpCPUEngine;
template<typename SV, int dim, typename E, int etype>
struct MapExpCPUEngine<false,SV,dim,E,etype>{
inline static void Map(Tensor<cpu,dim> dst, const expr::Exp<E,etype> &exp ){
MapPlan<SV>( dst, MakePlan( exp.self() ) );
template<typename SV, int dim, typename E, int etype>
struct MapExpCPUEngine<true,SV,dim,E,etype>{
inline static void Map(Tensor<cpu,dim> dst, const expr::Exp<E,etype> &exp ){
using namespace expr;
if( SSEAlignCheck<dim,E>::Check( exp.self() ) && SSEAlignCheck< dim,Tensor<cpu,dim> >::Check(dst) ){
MapSSEPlan<SV>( dst, MakeSSEPlan( exp.self() ) );
MapPlan<SV>( dst, MakePlan( exp.self() ) );
template<typename Saver, int dim, typename E, int etype>
inline void MapExp(Tensor<cpu,dim> dst, const expr::Exp<E,etype> &exp ){
using namespace expr;
TypeCheckPass< TypeCheck<cpu,dim,E>::kMapPass >::Error_All_Tensor_in_Exp_Must_Have_Same_Type();
Shape<dim> eshape = ShapeCheck<dim,E>::Check( exp.self() );
utils::Assert( eshape[0] == 0 || eshape == dst.shape, "Assignment: Shape of Tensors in expression is not consistent with target" );
MapExpCPUEngine< SSECheck<E>::kPass,Saver,dim,E,etype >::Map( dst, exp );
MapExpCPUEngine< false,Saver,dim,E,etype >::Map( dst, exp );
template<typename Saver, typename Reducer, typename E, int etype>
inline void MapReduceKeepLowest( Tensor<cpu,1> dst, const expr::Exp<E,etype> &exp, real_t scale ){
using namespace expr;
TypeCheckPass< TypeCheck<cpu,1,E>::kRedPass >::Error_TypeCheck_Not_Pass_For_Reduce_Exp();
Shape<2> eshape = ShapeCheck< ExpInfo<E>::kDim, E >::Check( exp.self() ).FlatTo2D();
utils::Assert( eshape[0] == dst.shape[0], "reduction dimension do not match" );
utils::Assert( eshape[1] != 0, "can not reduce over empty tensor" );
// execution
expr::Plan<E> plan = MakePlan( exp.self() );
for( index_t x = 0; x < eshape[0]; ++x ){
real_t res = plan.Eval( 0, x );
for( index_t y = 1; y < eshape[1]; ++y ){
Reducer::Reduce( res, plan.Eval( y, x ) );
Saver::Save( dst[x], res*scale );
template<typename Saver, typename Reducer, int dimkeep, typename E, int etype>
inline void MapReduceKeepHighDim( Tensor<cpu,1> dst, const expr::Exp<E,etype> &exp, real_t scale ){
using namespace expr;
TypeCheckPass< TypeCheck<cpu,dimkeep,E>::kRedPass >::Error_TypeCheck_Not_Pass_For_Reduce_Exp();
typedef Shape< ExpInfo<E>::kDim > EShape;
EShape eshape = ShapeCheck< ExpInfo<E>::kDim, E >::Check( exp.self() );
utils::Assert( eshape[dimkeep] == dst.shape[0], "reduction dimension do not match" );
// use equvalent form
Shape<4> pshape = Shape4( eshape.ProdShape(dimkeep+1,EShape::kMaxShape), eshape[dimkeep],
eshape.ProdShape(1,dimkeep), eshape[0] );
// execution
expr::Plan<E> plan = MakePlan( exp.self() );
for( index_t c = 0; c < pshape[2]; ++c ){
real_t res = Reducer::kInitV;
for( index_t n = 0; n < pshape[3]; ++n ){
real_t tres = Reducer::kInitV;
for( index_t y = 0; y < pshape[1]; ++y ){
for( index_t x = 0; x < pshape[0]; ++x ){
Reducer::Reduce( tres, plan.Eval( (n*pshape[2] + c) * pshape[1] + y, x ) );
Reducer::Reduce( res, tres );
Saver::Save( dst[c], res*scale );
inline void Softmax( Tensor<cpu,1> dst, const Tensor<cpu,1>& energy ){
real_t mmax = energy[0];
for( real_t x = 1; x < dst.shape[0]; ++x )
if( mmax < energy[x] ) mmax = energy[x];
real_t sum = 0.0f;
for( index_t x = 0; x < dst.shape[0]; ++x ){
dst[x] = std::exp( energy[x] - mmax );
sum += dst[x];
for( index_t x = 0; x < dst.shape[0]; ++x ){
dst[x] /= sum;
inline void Softmax( Tensor<cpu,2> dst, const Tensor<cpu,2>& energy ){
utils::Assert( dst.shape == energy.shape, "Softmax: shape mismatch" );
for( index_t y = 0; y < dst.shape[1]; ++y ){
Softmax( dst[y], energy[y] );
}; // namespace mshadow