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'''This module includes a set of optimizers for updating model parameters.
Example usage::
from singa import optimizer
from singa import tensor
sgd = optimizer.SGD(lr=0.01, momentum=0.9, weight_decay=1e-4)
p = tensor.Tensor((3,5))
p.uniform(-1, 1)
g = tensor.Tensor((3,5))
g.gaussian(0, 0.01)
sgd.apply(1, g, p, 'param') # use the global lr=0.1 for epoch 1
sgd.apply_with_lr(2, 0.03, g, p, 'param') # use lr=0.03 for epoch 2
import math
from . import singa_wrap as singa
import tensor
from proto import model_pb2
class Optimizer(object):
'''The base python optimizer class.
Typically, an optimizer is used as follows:
1. construct the optimizer
2. (optional) register each parameter with its specs.
3. use the optimizer to update parameter values given parameter gradients
and other optional info
The subclasses should override the apply_with_lr function to do the real
parameter udpate.
lr (float): a constant value for the learning rate
momentum (float): a constant value for the momentum value
weight_decay (float): the coefficent for L2 regularizer, which is
mutually exclusive with 'regularizer'.
regularizer: an instance of Regularizer or RegularizerConf; If set,
regularization would be applied in apply_with_lr().
Users can also do regularization outside.
constraint: an instance of Constraint or ConstraintConf; If set,
constraint would be applied inside apply_with_lr(). Users can
also apply constraint outside.
def __init__(self, lr=None, momentum=None, weight_decay=None,
regularizer=None, constraint=None): = lr
self.momentum = momentum
if weight_decay is not None:
assert regularizer is None, \
'Cannot set weight_decay and regularizer at the same time'
regularizer = L2Regularizer(weight_decay)
if regularizer is not None:
if isinstance(regularizer, model_pb2.RegularizerConf):
self.regularizer = CppRegularizer(regularizer)
self.regularizer = regularizer
self.regularizer = None
if constraint is not None:
if isinstance(constraint, model_pb2.ConstraintConf):
self.constraint = CppConstraint(constraint)
self.constraint = constraint
self.constraint = None
self.regularizers = {}
self.constraints = {}
self.decay_multiplier = {}
self.learning_rate_multiplier = {}
def register(self, name, specs):
'''Register the param specs, including creating regularizer and
constraint per param object. Param specific regularizer and constraint
have higher priority than the global ones. If all parameters share the
same setting for learning rate, regularizer and constraint, then there
is no need to call this function.
name (str): parameter name
specs (ParamSpec): protobuf obj, including regularizer and
constraint, multipliers for learning rate and weight decay.
assert isinstance(specs, model_pb2.ParamSpec), \
'specs should be model_pb2.ParamSpec instance'
if specs.HasField('regularizer'):
self.regularizers[name] = CppRegularizer(specs.regularizer)
elif specs.decay_mult != 1:
self.regularizers[name] = L2Regularizer(
specs.decay_mult * self.regularizer.coefficient)
if specs.HasField('constraint'):
self.constraints[name] = CppConstraint(specs.constraint)
if specs.lr_mult != 1:
self.learning_rate_multiplier[name] = specs.lr_mult
def apply_regularizer_constraint(self, epoch, value, grad, name=None,
'''Apply regularization and constraint if available.
If there are both global regularizer (constraint) and param specific
regularizer (constraint), it would use the param specific one.
epoch (int): training epoch ID
value (Tensor): parameter value Tensor
grad (Tensor): parameter gradient Tensor
name (string): to get parameter specific regularizer or constraint
step (int): iteration ID within one epoch
the updated gradient Tensor
if name is not None and name in self.constraints:
grad = self.constraints[name].apply(epoch, value, grad, step)
elif self.constraint is not None:
grad = self.constraint.apply(epoch, value, grad, step)
if name is not None and name in self.regularizers:
grad = self.regularizers[name].apply(epoch, value, grad, step)
elif self.regularizer is not None:
grad = self.regularizer.apply(epoch, value, grad, step)
return grad
def apply_with_lr(self, epoch, lr, grad, value, name=None, step=-1):
'''Do update of parameters with given learning rate if the grad is not
The subclass optimizer must override this function.
This function do nothing if the grad is empty.
epoch (int): training epoch ID
lr (float): learning rate
grad (Tensor): parameter gradient
value (Tesnor): parameter value
name (string): paramter name to index parameter specific
updating rules (including regularizer and constraint)
step (int): iteration ID within one epoch
updated parameter value
assert False, 'This is the base function, pls call the subclass func'
return value
def apply(self, epoch, grad, value, name=None, step=-1):
'''Do update assuming the learning rate generator is set.
The subclass optimizer does not need to override this function.
epoch (int): training epoch ID
grad (Tensor): parameter gradient
value (Tesnor): parameter value
name (string): paramter name to retrieval parameter specific
updating rules (including regularizer and constraint)
step (int): training iteration ID within one epoch
updated parameter value
assert is not None, 'Must set the learning rate, i.e. "lr"'
return self.apply_with_lr(epoch,, grad, value, name, step)
class SGD(Optimizer):
'''The vallina Stochasitc Gradient Descent algorithm with momentum.
See the base Optimizer for all arguments.
def __init__(self, lr=None, momentum=None, weight_decay=None,
regularizer=None, constraint=None):
super(SGD, self).__init__(lr, momentum, weight_decay, regularizer,
conf = model_pb2.OptimizerConf()
if self.momentum is not None:
conf.momentum = self.momentum
conf.type = 'sgd'
self.opt = singa.CreateOptimizer('SGD')
def apply_with_lr(self, epoch, lr, grad, value, name, step=-1):
if grad.is_empty():
return value
grad = self.apply_regularizer_constraint(epoch, value, grad, name, step)
if name is not None and name in self.learning_rate_multiplier:
lr = lr * self.learning_rate_multiplier[name]
self.opt.Apply(epoch, lr, name, grad.singa_tensor, value.singa_tensor)
return value
class Nesterov(Optimizer):
'''The SGD with Nesterov momentum.
See the base Optimizer for all arguments.
def __init__(self, lr=None, momentum=0.9, weight_decay=None,
regularizer=None, constraint=None):
super(Nesterov, self).__init__(lr, momentum, weight_decay,
regularizer, constraint)
conf = model_pb2.OptimizerConf()
if self.momentum is not None:
conf.momentum = momentum
conf.type = 'nesterov'
self.opt = singa.CreateOptimizer('Nesterov')
def apply_with_lr(self, epoch, lr, grad, value, name, step=-1):
if grad.is_empty():
return value
grad = self.apply_regularizer_constraint(epoch, value, grad, name, step)
if name is not None and name in self.learning_rate_multiplier:
lr = lr * self.learning_rate_multiplier[name]
self.opt.Apply(epoch, lr, name, grad.singa_tensor, value.singa_tensor)
return value
class RMSProp(Optimizer):
'''RMSProp optimizer.
See the base Optimizer for all constructor args.
rho (float): float within [0, 1]
epsilon (float): small value for preventing numeric error
def __init__(self, rho=0.9, epsilon=1e-8, lr=None, weight_decay=None,
regularizer=None, constraint=None):
super(RMSProp, self).__init__(lr, None, weight_decay, regularizer,
conf = model_pb2.OptimizerConf()
conf.rho = rho = epsilon
self.opt = singa.CreateOptimizer('RMSProp')
def apply_with_lr(self, epoch, lr, grad, value, name, step=-1):
if grad.is_empty():
return value
grad = self.apply_regularizer_constraint(epoch, value, grad, name, step)
if name is not None and name in self.learning_rate_multiplier:
lr = lr * self.learning_rate_multiplier[name]
self.opt.Apply(step, lr, name, grad.singa_tensor, value.singa_tensor)
return value
class AdaGrad(Optimizer):
'''AdaGrad optimizer.
See the base Optimizer for all constructor args.
epsilon (float): small number for preventing numeric error.
def __init__(self, epsilon=1e-8, lr=None, weight_decay=None, lr_gen=None,
regularizer=None, constraint=None):
super(AdaGrad, self).__init__(lr, None, weight_decay, regularizer,
conf = model_pb2.OptimizerConf() = epsilon
conf.type = 'adagrad'
self.opt = singa.CreateOptimizer('AdaGrad')
def apply_with_lr(self, epoch, lr, grad, value, name, step=-1):
if grad.is_empty():
return value
grad = self.apply_regularizer_constraint(epoch, value, grad, name, step)
if name is not None and name in self.learning_rate_multiplier:
lr = lr * self.learning_rate_multiplier[name]
self.opt.Apply(epoch, lr, name, grad.singa_tensor, value.singa_tensor)
return value
class Adam(Optimizer):
'''Adam optimizer.
See the base Optimizer for all constructor args.
beta_1(float): coefficient of momentum
beta_2(float): coefficient of aggregated squared gradient
epsilon (float): small value for preventing numeric error
def __init__(self, beta_1=0.9, beta_2=0.999, epsilon=1e-8, lr=None,
weight_decay=None, regularizer=None, constraint=None):
super(Adam, self).__init__(lr, None, weight_decay, regularizer,
self.beta_1 = beta_1
self.beta_2 = beta_2
self.epsilon = epsilon
self.m = {}
self.v = {}
self.t = 0
self.last_epoch = -1
self.last_step = -1
def apply_with_lr(self, epoch, lr, grad, value, name, step):
'''Update one parameter object.
step(int): the accumulated training iterations, not the iteration ID
if grad.is_empty():
return value
assert step != -1, 'step should >= 0'
if epoch != self.last_epoch or step != self.last_step:
self.t += 1
self.last_step = step
self.last_epoch = epoch
grad = self.apply_regularizer_constraint(epoch, value, grad, name, step)
if name is not None and name in self.learning_rate_multiplier:
lr = lr * self.learning_rate_multiplier[name]
if name not in self.m or name not in self.v:
self.m[name] = tensor.Tensor(grad.shape, grad.device, grad.dtype)
self.v[name] = tensor.Tensor(grad.shape, grad.device, grad.dtype)
self.m[name] *= self.beta_1
tensor.axpy(1 - self.beta_1, grad, self.m[name])
self.v[name] *= self.beta_2
tensor.axpy(1 - self.beta_2, tensor.square(grad), self.v[name])
alpha = lr * math.sqrt(1 - math.pow(self.beta_2, self.t)) \
/ (1 - math.pow(self.beta_1, self.t))
value -= alpha * self.m[name] / (tensor.sqrt(self.v[name]) +
return value
class Regularizer(object):
'''Base Python regularizer for parameter gradients.'''
def apply(self, epoch, value, grad, step=-1):
assert False, 'Not Implemented. Call the subclass function.'
return grad
class CppRegularizer(Regularizer):
'''Wrapper for regularizer implemented using C++.
conf (RegularizerConf): protobuf message for the configuration.
def __init__(self, conf):
self.reg = singa.CreateRegularizer(conf.type)
def apply(self, epoch, value, grad, step=-1):
self.reg.Apply(epoch, value.singa_tensor, grad.singa_tensor)
return grad
class L2Regularizer(Regularizer):
'''L2 regularization
coefficient (float): regularization coefficient.
def __init__(self, coefficient):
self.coefficient = coefficient
def apply(self, epoch, value, grad, step=-1):
# print coefficient, value.l1(), grad.l1()
if self.coefficient != 0:
tensor.axpy(self.coefficient, value, grad)
return grad
class Constraint(object):
'''Base Python constraint class for paramter gradients'''
def apply(self, epoch, value, grad, step=-1):
return grad
class CppConstraint(Constraint):
'''Wrapper for constraints implemented using C++.
conf (ConstraintConf): protobuf message for the configuration.
def __init__(self, conf):
self.constraint = singa.CreateConstraint(conf.type)
def apply(self, epoch, value, grad, step=-1):
self.constraint.Apply(epoch, value.singa_tensor, grad.singa_tensor,
return grad
class L2Constraint(Constraint):
'''Rescale the gradient to make the L2 norm <= a given threshold'''
def __init__(self, threshold=None):
self.threshold = threshold
def apply(self, epoch, value, grad, step=-1):
nrm = grad.l2()
grad *= self.threshold / nrm
return grad