SINGA-201 Error when running Mesos
A bug was reported ( when
launching SINGA on Mesos in fully distributed mode.
The main cause was determined to be of ZeroMQ binding to the localhost. In fully
distributed mode, SINGA on each node should be passed a `-host` flag specifying
the public IP address of the local host.
The Mesos scheduler is modified accordingly:
1. When a Mesos slave starts connecting to the master, it passes `--hostname` flag specifying its public IP address
2. The scheduler now sends to each executor command of the form:
`singa -conf ./job.conf -singa_conf ./singa.conf -singa_job XX -host XX`
diff --git a/tool/mesos/ b/tool/mesos/
index c9b72d4..dc48ae2 100644
--- a/tool/mesos/
+++ b/tool/mesos/
@@ -180,7 +180,7 @@
// store in temporary map
tasks_[] = new_tasks;
+ hostnames_[] = offer.hostname();
@@ -197,7 +197,7 @@
// launch tasks
for (map<string, vector<mesos::TaskInfo>*>::iterator it =
tasks_.begin(); it != tasks_.end(); ++it) {
- prepare_tasks(it->second, job_counter_, path);
+ prepare_tasks(it->second, hostnames_[it->first], job_counter_, path);
mesos::OfferID newId;
LOG(INFO) << "Launching task with offer ID = " << newId.value();
@@ -219,12 +219,11 @@
virtual void statusUpdate(SchedulerDriver* driver,
const mesos::TaskStatus& status) {
if (status.state() == mesos::TASK_FINISHED)
- task_counter_--;
+ task_counter_--;
- if (task_counter_ == 0)
+ if (task_counter_ == 0) {
- else if (status.state() == mesos::TASK_FAILED) {
+ } else if (status.state() == mesos::TASK_FAILED) {
@@ -252,14 +251,14 @@
* Helper function that initialize TaskInfo with the correct URI and command
- void prepare_tasks(vector<mesos::TaskInfo> *tasks, int job_id, string job_conf) {
+ void prepare_tasks(vector<mesos::TaskInfo> *tasks, string hostname, int job_id, string job_conf) {
char path_sys_config[512], path_job_config[512];
// path to singa.conf
snprintf(path_sys_config, 512, "hdfs://%s%s", namenode_.c_str(), SINGA_CONFIG);
snprintf(path_job_config, 512, "hdfs://%s%s", namenode_.c_str(), job_conf.c_str());
char command[512];
- snprintf(command, 512, "singa -conf ./job.conf -singa_conf ./singa.conf -singa_job %d", job_id);
+ snprintf(command, 512, "singa -conf ./job.conf -singa_conf ./singa.conf -singa_job %d -host %s", job_id, hostname.c_str());
for (int i=0; i < tasks->size(); i++) {
mesos::CommandInfo *comm = (tasks->at(i)).mutable_command();
@@ -366,6 +365,8 @@
int nhosts_;
// temporary map of tasks: <offerID, TaskInfo>
map<string, vector<mesos::TaskInfo>*> tasks_;
+ // temporary map of offerID to slave IP addresses
+ map<string, string> hostnames_;
// SINGA job config file
string job_conf_file_;
// HDFS namenode