blob: d098249d1695f24b6606d56bf2d84f3e19015195 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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#include "singa/model/optimizer.h"
#include "singa/utils/logging.h"
namespace singa {
Optimizer::~Optimizer() {
for (auto entry : regularizers_) delete entry.second;
for (auto entry : constraints_) delete entry.second;
if (constraint_ != nullptr) delete constraint_;
if (regularizer_ != nullptr) delete regularizer_;
void Optimizer::Setup(const OptimizerConf& conf) {
if (conf.has_regularizer())
regularizer_ = new Regularizer(conf.regularizer());
if (conf.has_constraint()) constraint_ = new Constraint(conf.constraint());
void Optimizer::Register(const string& name, const ParamSpec& specs) {
if (specs.has_constraint()) {
CHECK(constraints_.find(name) == constraints_.end())
<< "Parameter with name = " << name << " has already registered";
constraints_[name] = new Constraint(specs.constraint());
if (specs.has_regularizer()) {
CHECK(regularizers_.find(name) == regularizers_.end())
<< "Parameter with name = " << name << " has already registered";
regularizers_[name] = new Regularizer(specs.regularizer());
if (specs.has_decay_mult()) {
CHECK(weight_decay_multplier_.find(name) == weight_decay_multplier_.end())
<< "Parameter with name = " << name << " has already registered";
weight_decay_multplier_[name] = specs.decay_mult();
if (specs.has_lr_mult()) {
CHECK(learning_rate_multplier_.find(name) == learning_rate_multplier_.end())
<< "Parameter with name = " << name << " has already registered";
learning_rate_multplier_[name] = specs.lr_mult();
if (specs.has_lr_generator()) {
LOG(FATAL) << "Not implemented yet";
void Optimizer::Apply(int step, const string& name, Tensor& grad,
Tensor& param) {
// TODO(wangwei) need to consider the order of constraint and regularizer
if (regularizers_.find(name) != regularizers_.end()) {>Apply(step, param, grad);
} else if (regularizer_ != nullptr) {
float scale = 1.0f;
if (weight_decay_multplier_.find(name) != weight_decay_multplier_.end())
scale =;
regularizer_->Apply(step, param, grad, scale);
if (constraints_.find(name) != constraints_.end())>Apply(step, param, grad);
else if (constraint_ != nullptr)
constraint_->Apply(step, param, grad);
float lr = learning_rate_generator_(step);
if (learning_rate_multplier_.find(name) != learning_rate_multplier_.end())
lr *=;
Apply(step, lr, name, grad, param);
void Regularizer::Setup(const RegularizerConf& conf) {
type_ = conf.type();
coefficient_ = conf.coefficient();
if (type_ != "L2" && type_ != "l2") {
CHECK(type_ == "NotSet") << "Unknown regularizer type = " << type_;
void Regularizer::Apply(int step, Tensor& value, Tensor& grad, float scale) {
if (type_ == "L2" || type_ == "l2") {
Axpy(coefficient_ * scale, value, &grad);
} else {
CHECK(type_ == "NotSet") << "Unknown regularizer type = " << type_;
void Regularizer::Apply(int step, const vector<Tensor>& values,
const vector<Tensor>& grads) {
LOG(FATAL) << "Not implemented yet";
void Constraint::Setup(const ConstraintConf& conf) {
type_ = conf.type();
threshold_ = conf.threshold();
void Constraint::Apply(int step, Tensor& value, Tensor& grad) {
// TODO(wangwei) implement L2 and hard constraint
CHECK(type_ == "NotSet") << "Unknown regularizer type = " << type_;
void Constraint::Apply(int step, const vector<Tensor>& values,
const vector<Tensor>& grads) {
LOG(FATAL) << "Not implemented yet";
} // namespace singa