blob: 3875430e20d9666b1359b5ce9cbb2d8cbab42bf9 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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#include "singa/model/feed_forward_net.h"
#include "singa/model/initializer.h"
#include "singa/utils/logging.h"
#include "singa/utils/channel.h"
namespace singa {
FeedForwardNet::~FeedForwardNet() {
std::shared_ptr<Layer> FeedForwardNet::Add(std::shared_ptr<Layer> layer) {
return layer;
std::shared_ptr<Layer> FeedForwardNet::Add(const LayerConf& conf,
const Shape* sample_shape) {
std::shared_ptr<Layer> layer(CreateLayer(conf.type()));
CHECK(conf.has_name()) << "Must set layer name";
if (sample_shape == nullptr)
layer->Setup(layers_.back()->GetOutputSampleShape(), conf);
layer->Setup(*sample_shape, conf);
LOG(INFO) << layer->name() << VecToStr(layer->GetOutputSampleShape());
return layer;
const vector<string> FeedForwardNet::GetParamNames() const {
vector<string> names;
for (auto layer : layers_)
for (const auto name : layer->param_names()) names.push_back(name);
return names;
const vector<Tensor> FeedForwardNet::GetParamValues() const {
vector<Tensor> values;
for (auto layer : layers_)
for (const auto value : layer->param_values()) values.push_back(value);
return values;
const vector<ParamSpec> FeedForwardNet::GetParamSpecs() const {
vector<ParamSpec> specs;
for (auto layer : layers_)
for (const auto spec : layer->param_specs()) specs.push_back(spec);
return specs;
void FeedForwardNet::Compile(bool shuffle, Optimizer* opt, Loss* loss,
Metric* metric) {
std::shared_ptr<Updater> updater = std::make_shared<Updater>(opt);
Compile(shuffle, true, updater, loss, metric);
void FeedForwardNet::Compile(bool shuffle, bool to_register,
std::shared_ptr<Updater> updater, Loss* loss,
Metric* metric) {
shuffle_ = shuffle;
bool train = (updater != nullptr) && (loss != nullptr);
bool test = metric != nullptr;
CHECK(train || test) << "Must set updater and loss, or set metric";
updater_ = updater;
loss_ = loss;
metric_ = metric;
const auto specs = GetParamSpecs();
auto params = GetParamValues();
CHECK_EQ(specs.size(), params.size());
for (size_t k = 0; k < specs.size(); k++) {
if (to_register) {
updater_->Register(specs[k].name(), specs[k]);
auto init = CreateInitializer(specs[k].filler());
LOG(INFO) << specs[k].name() << " : " << params[k].L1();
void FeedForwardNet::ToDevice(std::shared_ptr<Device> device) {
for (auto layer : layers_) layer->ToDevice(device);
FeedForwardNet FeedForwardNet::Clone(std::shared_ptr<Device> device) {
FeedForwardNet net;
for (auto layer: layers_)
if (opt_ != nullptr)
net.opt_ = opt_->CloneTo(device);
if (loss_ != nullptr)
net.loss_ = loss_.CloneTo(device);
if (metric_ != nullptr)
net.metric_ = metric_->CloneTo(device);
net.shuffle_ = shuffle_;
net.device_ = device;
net.dtype_ = dtype;
return net;
void FeedForwardNet::AsType(DataType dtype) {
LOG(FATAL) << "FeedForwardNet::AsType not implemented";
void FeedForwardNet::Train(size_t batchsize, int nb_epoch, const Tensor& x,
const Tensor& y, float val_split) {
CHECK_EQ(x.shape(0), y.shape(0)) << "Diff num of sampels in x and y";
size_t num_train = x.shape(0) * val_split;
if (val_split == 0.0f) {
Tensor dummy;
Train(batchsize, nb_epoch, x, y, dummy, dummy);
} else {
const Tensor train_x = CopyRows(x, 0, num_train);
const Tensor train_y = CopyRows(y, 0, num_train);
const Tensor test_x = CopyRows(x, num_train, x.shape(0));
const Tensor test_y = CopyRows(y, num_train, y.shape(0));
Train(batchsize, nb_epoch, train_x, train_y, test_x, test_y);
void FeedForwardNet::Train(size_t batchsize, int nb_epoch, const Tensor& x,
const Tensor& y, const Tensor& val_x,
const Tensor& val_y) {
CHECK_EQ(x.shape(0), y.shape(0)) << "Diff num of sampels in x and y";
int num_extra_samples = x.shape(0) % batchsize;
if (num_extra_samples != 0)
LOG(WARNING) << "Pls set batchsize to make num_total_samples "
<< "% batchsize == 0. Otherwise, the last "
<< num_extra_samples << " samples would not be used";
Channel* train_ch = GetChannel("train_perf");
Channel* val_ch = GetChannel("val_perf");
std::vector<size_t> index;
for (size_t i = 0; i < x.shape(0) / batchsize; i++) index.push_back(i);
for (int epoch = 0; epoch < nb_epoch; epoch++) {
if (shuffle_) std::random_shuffle(index.begin(), index.end());
float loss = 0.0f, metric = 0.0f;
size_t b = 0;
for (; b < x.shape(0) / batchsize; b++) {
size_t idx = index[b];
const Tensor bx = CopyRows(x, idx * batchsize, (idx + 1) * batchsize);
const Tensor by = CopyRows(y, idx * batchsize, (idx + 1) * batchsize);
const auto ret = TrainOnBatch(epoch, bx, by);
loss += ret.first;
metric += ret.second;
if (val_x.Size() == 0) continue;
loss /= b;
metric /= b;
"Epoch " + std::to_string(epoch) + ", training loss = " +
std::to_string(loss) + ", accuracy = " + std::to_string(metric) +
", lr = " +
if (val_x.Size() && val_y.Size()) {
const auto val_perf = Evaluate(val_x, val_y, batchsize);
val_ch->Send("Epoch " + std::to_string(epoch) + ", val loss = " +
std::to_string(Sum(val_perf.first) / val_y.Size()) +
", metric = " +
std::to_string(Sum(val_perf.second) / val_y.Size()));
const std::pair<float, float> FeedForwardNet::TrainOnBatch(int epoch,
const Tensor& x,
const Tensor& y) {
int flag = kTrain;
const Tensor fea = Forward(flag, x);
float loss = loss_->Evaluate(flag, fea, y);
float metric = metric_->Evaluate(fea, y);
const Tensor grad = loss_->Backward();
auto grads = Backward(kTrain, grad / static_cast<float>(x.shape(0)));
auto names = GetParamNames();
auto values = GetParamValues();
for (size_t k = 0; k < grads.size(); k++) {
updater_->Apply(epoch, names[k], grads[k],;
return std::make_pair(loss, metric);
const Tensor FeedForwardNet::Forward(int flag, const Tensor& data) {
Tensor input = data, output;
// LOG(INFO) << data.L1();
for (auto layer : layers_) {
output = layer->Forward(flag, input);
// LOG(INFO) << layer->name() << ": " << output.L2();
input = output;
return output;
const vector<Tensor> FeedForwardNet::Backward(int flag, const Tensor& grad) {
vector<Tensor> param_grads;
std::stack<Tensor> buf;
Tensor tmp = grad;
for (int i = layers_.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
// LOG(INFO) <<>name() << " : " << tmp.L1();
auto ret =>Backward(flag, tmp);
tmp = ret.first;
if (ret.second.size()) {
for (int k = ret.second.size() - 1; k >= 0; k--) {
// LOG(INFO) << " " <<;
while (!buf.empty()) {
return param_grads;
std::pair<Tensor, Tensor> FeedForwardNet::Evaluate(const Tensor& x,
const Tensor& y,
size_t batchsize) {
CHECK_EQ(x.shape(0), y.shape(0)) << "Diff num of sampels in x and y";
CHECK_GE(x.shape(0), batchsize);
int num_extra_samples = x.shape(0) % batchsize;
Tensor loss(Shape{x.shape(0)}), metric(Shape{x.shape(0)});
for (size_t b = 0; b < x.shape(0) / batchsize; b++) {
int start = b * batchsize, end = start + batchsize;
const Tensor bx = CopyRows(x, start, end);
const Tensor by = CopyRows(y, start, end);
const auto ret = EvaluateOnBatch(bx, by);
CopyDataToFrom(&loss, ret.first, batchsize, start, 0);
CopyDataToFrom(&metric, ret.second, batchsize, start, 0);
int start = x.shape(0) - batchsize, end = x.shape(0);
const Tensor bx = CopyRows(x, start, end);
const Tensor by = CopyRows(y, start, end);
const auto ret = EvaluateOnBatch(bx, by);
int dst_offset = x.shape(0) - num_extra_samples;
int src_offset = batchsize - num_extra_samples;
CopyDataToFrom(&loss, ret.first, num_extra_samples, dst_offset, src_offset);
CopyDataToFrom(&metric, ret.second, num_extra_samples, dst_offset,
return std::make_pair(loss, metric);
std::pair<Tensor, Tensor> FeedForwardNet::EvaluateOnBatch(const Tensor& x,
const Tensor& y) {
int flag = kEval;
const Tensor fea = Forward(flag, x);
const Tensor l = loss_->Forward(flag, fea, y);
const Tensor m = metric_->Forward(fea, y);
return std::make_pair(l, m);
const Tensor FeedForwardNet::Predict(const Tensor& x, size_t batchsize) {
CHECK_GE(x.shape(0), batchsize);
int num_extra_samples = x.shape(0) % batchsize;
const auto outshape = layers_.back()->GetOutputSampleShape();
Tensor y(Shape{x.shape(0), Product(outshape)}, x.device());
for (size_t b = 0; b < x.shape(0) / batchsize; b++) {
int start = b * batchsize, end = start + batchsize;
const Tensor bx = CopyRows(x, start, end);
CopyDataToFrom(&y, PredictOnBatch(bx), batchsize * y.shape(1),
start * y.shape(1), 0);
if (num_extra_samples > 0) {
int start = x.shape(0) - batchsize, end = x.shape(0);
const Tensor bx = CopyRows(x, start, end);
CopyDataToFrom(&y, PredictOnBatch(bx), num_extra_samples * y.shape(1),
(x.shape(0) - num_extra_samples) * y.shape(1),
(batchsize - num_extra_samples) * y.shape(1));
return y;
const Tensor FeedForwardNet::PredictOnBatch(const Tensor& x) {
return Forward(kEval, x);
} // namespace singa