blob: e6e6d1c96c17628934f326686dbb57c00c7764ef [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include <string>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <vector>
#include "singa/core/tensor.h"
#include "singa/proto/model.pb.h"
using std::string;
using std::vector;
using std::unordered_map;
namespace singa {
class Constraint;
class Regularizer;
/// The base class for gradient descent algorithms used to update the model
/// parameters in order to optimize the objective (loss) function.
/// It updates parameters based on the gradients of the loss w.r.t each
/// parameter. Most sub-classes uses first order gradients.
/// An overview of gradient descent algorithms,
class Optimizer {
Optimizer() = default;
virtual ~Optimizer();
/// Setup the optimzier using configurations from serialized string (for
/// binding languages).
void Setup(const string& str) {
OptimizerConf conf;
/// Setup the meta fields of the optimizer
virtual void Setup(const OptimizerConf& conf);
/// Register the parameter, e.g., create Constraint and Regularizers.
/// If there is no constraint or regularizer, then no need to register the
/// parameter.
virtual void Register(const string& name, const ParamSpec& specs);
/// Apply the updating algorithm.
/// No learning rate scaling, gradient constraints/regularization will be
/// conducted. It assumes all these operations are done either by users or
/// by Apply(int, const string&, Tensor*, Tensor*).
/// All sub-classes should override this function.
virtual void Apply(int step, float lr, const string& name, const Tensor& grad,
Tensor& value) = 0;
/// Apply the updating algorithm.
/// It will apply regularization and constraint to the parameters if
/// configured during Register(). If will also scale the learning rate if
/// configured in ParamSpecs (see Register).
void Apply(int step, const string& name, Tensor& grad, Tensor& value);
/// The argument is a function that returns the learning rate given the
/// current step (i.e., curren running iteration).
void SetLearningRateGenerator(function<float(int)> func) {
learning_rate_generator_ = func;
float GetLearningRate(int step) {
if (learning_rate_generator_)
return learning_rate_generator_(step);
return 0;
function<float(int)> learning_rate_generator_;
std::unordered_map<std::string, float> learning_rate_multplier_;
std::unordered_map<std::string, float> weight_decay_multplier_;
std::unordered_map<std::string, Constraint*> constraints_;
std::unordered_map<std::string, Regularizer*> regularizers_;
Constraint* constraint_ = nullptr;
Regularizer* regularizer_ = nullptr;
/// Apply constraints for parameters (gradient).
/// E.g., restrict the norm of parmeter gradients to be within a threshold.
/// \ref
/// TODO(wangwei) implement a sub-class for each type of constraint
class Constraint {
Constraint() = default;
explicit Constraint(const ConstraintConf& conf) { Setup(conf); }
Constraint(const string& type, float threshold)
: type_(type), threshold_(threshold) {}
void Setup(const ConstraintConf& conf);
void Setup(const string& conf_str) {
ConstraintConf conf;
/// Apply the constraint to a single parmeter object, e.g., W, or b
/// e.g., clip each gradient if it is too large w.r.t the threshold,
/// \ref
void Apply(int step, Tensor& grad, Tensor& value);
/// Apply the constraint for multiple parameter objects together.
/// \ref
void Apply(int step, const vector<Tensor>& grads,
const vector<Tensor>& values);
/// currently only support "L2" norm constraint, i.e., the norm should be less
/// than the configured threshold_, otherwise, the parameters would be clipped
/// to make the norm within that threshold.
/// TODO(wangwei) consider other constraint, e.g., hard clip and unitnorm.
string type_ = "Unknown";
float threshold_;
inline std::shared_ptr<Constraint> CreateConstraint(std::string type) {
return std::make_shared<Constraint>();
/// Apply regularization for parameters (gradient), e.g., L1 norm and L2 norm.
/// TODO(wangwei) implement a sub-class for each type of regularizer
class Regularizer {
Regularizer() = default;
explicit Regularizer(const RegularizerConf& conf) { Setup(conf); }
Regularizer(const string& type, float coefficient)
: type_(type), coefficient_(coefficient) {}
void Setup(const RegularizerConf& conf);
void Setup(const string& conf_str) {
RegularizerConf conf;
/// Apply the regularizer to a single parmeter object, e.g., W, or b
/// e.g., clip each gradient if it is too large w.r.t the threshold,
/// \ref
void Apply(int step, Tensor& grad, Tensor& value, float scale = 1.0f);
/// Apply the regularizer for multiple parameter objects together.
/// \ref
void Apply(int step, const vector<Tensor>& grads,
const vector<Tensor>& values);
/// currently only support "L2" regularizer. type_ is case insensitive.
/// TODO(wangwei) add more regularizer, e.g., L1.
string type_ = "NotSet";
float coefficient_;
inline std::shared_ptr<Regularizer> CreateRegularizer(std::string type) {
return std::make_shared<Regularizer>();
// =============Vallina SGD with Momentum=====================================
class SGD : public Optimizer {
void Setup(const OptimizerConf& conf);
/// Apply the updating algorithm.
void Apply(int step, float lr, const string& name, const Tensor& grad,
Tensor& value) override;
/// The argument function returns the momentum value given the current running
/// step (i.e., iterations/mini-batches).
void SetMomentumGenerator(std::function<float(int)> func) {
momentum_generator_ = func;
std::unordered_map<string, Tensor> history_gradient_;
std::function<float(int)> momentum_generator_;
// =============Nesterov======================================================
class Nesterov : public Optimizer {
void Setup(const OptimizerConf& conf);
/// Apply the updating algorithm.
void Apply(int step, float lr, const string& name, const Tensor& grad,
Tensor& value) override;
/// The argument function returns the momentum value given the current running
/// step (i.e., iterations/mini-batches).
void SetMomentumGenerator(std::function<float(int)> func) {
momentum_generator_ = func;
std::unordered_map<string, Tensor> history_gradient_;
std::function<float(int)> momentum_generator_;
// =============Adagrad=======================================================
class AdaGrad : public Optimizer {
void Setup(const OptimizerConf& conf);
/// Apply the updating algorithm.
void Apply(int step, float lr, const string& name, const Tensor& grad,
Tensor& value) override;
std::unordered_map<string, Tensor> history_gradient_;
float delta_;
// =============RMSProp=======================================================
class RMSProp : public Optimizer {
void Setup(const OptimizerConf& conf);
/// Apply the updating algorithm.
void Apply(int step, float lr, const string& name, const Tensor& grad,
Tensor& value) override;
virtual ~RMSProp() = default;
std::unordered_map<string, Tensor> history_gradient_;
float delta_, rho_;
inline std::shared_ptr<Optimizer> CreateOptimizer(const string& type) {
std::shared_ptr<Optimizer> opt;
if (type == "SGD")
opt = std::shared_ptr<Optimizer>(new SGD());
else if (type == "RMSProp")
opt = std::shared_ptr<Optimizer>(new RMSProp());
else if (type == "AdaGrad")
opt = std::shared_ptr<Optimizer>(new AdaGrad());
else if (type == "Nesterov")
opt = std::shared_ptr<Optimizer>(new Nesterov());
LOG(FATAL) << "Unknown optimizer type : " << type;
return opt;
// ============LocalAllReduce for single node multiple workers ==============
/// Updater for training models on a single node with multiple devices (workers)
/// All model parameters are partitioned such that each parameter is updated on
/// one device. In specific, each worker has a model replica. All workers share
/// the same LocalAllReduce instance. Parameters are registered at first, and
/// then after every iteration, the gradients are aggregated by one worker (or
/// device) for parameter updating.
class LocalAllReduce : public Optimizer{
LocalAllReduce(Optimizer* opt);
void Setup(const string& str) {
AllReduce conf;
void Setup(const AllReduce& conf) {}
/// Register all model parameters.
/// Instructions include:
/// 1. Copy parameters from the master worker (who initialized the parameters)
/// to others.
/// 2. Partition parameters onto worker devices. For example, model parameter
/// set is {A, B, C}, nb_workers = 3, then worker 0/1/2 would be in charge of
/// updating A/B/C respectively. A gradient Tensor for A/B/C would be created
/// on device 0/1/2, dentoed as GA/GB/GC. 0/1/2 would call the internal opt to
register the specs
/// for A/B/C.
void Register(const vector<string>& names,
const vector<Tensor>& values,
const vector<ParamSpecs>& specs) override;
/// Aggregate parameter gradients and call internal opt to do the update.
/// Continue with the example for Register(), worker 0 would copy B's gradient
/// to device 1 and add it with GB. A callback func is added to
/// 1. check UpdateNow() and call opt to do the real update.
/// 2. broadcast the new parameters back to worker 0 and 2.
void Update(int step, float lr, const string& name, const Tensor& grad,
Tensor* param) override;
/// Decide when to call the internal Optimizer for real update.
/// One simple implementation would return true until all workers has
/// aggregated their gradients. We can also add a user configuration field
/// to control this, e.g., if do it when 80% workers has aggregated.
boo UpdateNow();
int nb_workers_;
vector<Tensor> aggregated_gradients_;