blob: f7e31603f9e8dc873db217b6df6003e9a88c50a3 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
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* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
/*interface file for swig */
%module core_tensor
%include "config.i"
%include "std_vector.i"
%include "std_string.i"
%include "std_shared_ptr.i"
#include "singa/core/tensor.h"
#include "singa/core/device.h"
#include "singa/proto/core.pb.h"
// #include "singa/proto/model.pb.h"
using singa::DataType;
%include "numpy.i"
%init %{
// better use (int DIM1, float* IN_ARRAY1)
// otherwise, the generated py method will have the arg name src,
// which in fact accepts num as the input
%apply (float *IN_ARRAY1, int DIM1) {
(const float *src, const size_t num)
%apply (int *IN_ARRAY1, int DIM1) {
(const int *src, const size_t num)
%apply (float *ARGOUT_ARRAY1, int DIM1) {
(float *value, const size_t num)
%apply (int *ARGOUT_ARRAY1, int DIM1) {
(int *value, const size_t num)
#endif // USE_PYTHON
%include "arrays_java.i"
%apply int[] {int *};
%apply float[] {float *};
#endif // USE_JAVA
namespace std {
%template(VecTensor) vector<singa::Tensor>;
%template(VecVecSize) vector<vector<size_t>>;
%template(Shape) std::vector<size_t>;
namespace singa{
enum DataType {
kFloat32, kFloat16, kInt, kChar, kDouble
inline size_t Product(const std::vector<size_t> &shape,
int start = 0, size_t len = 0);
inline size_t SizeOf(DataType t);
class Tensor {
explicit Tensor(const std::vector<size_t> &shape,
DataType dtype = kFloat32);
Tensor(const std::vector<size_t> &shape,
std::shared_ptr<singa::Device> dev,
DataType dtype = kFloat32);
Tensor(const Tensor &from);
std::shared_ptr<singa::Device> device() const;
template <typename SType> void GetValue(SType* value, const size_t num) const;
%template(GetFloatValue) GetValue<float>;
%template(GetIntValue) GetValue<int>;
template <typename SType> void SetValue(const SType x);
%template(SetFloatValue) SetValue<float>;
const DataType data_type() const;
const std::vector<size_t> &shape() const;
const size_t shape(size_t idx) const;
bool transpose() const;
size_t nDim() const;
size_t Size() const;
size_t MemSize() const;
void ResetLike(const Tensor &t);
Tensor AsType(DataType type);
void ToDevice(std::shared_ptr<singa::Device> dev);
void ToHost();
float L2() const;
float L1() const;
template <typename DType> void CopyDataFromHostPtr(const DType *src,
const size_t num,
const size_t offset = 0) const;
%template(CopyFloatDataFromHostPtr) CopyDataFromHostPtr<float>;
%template(CopyIntDataFromHostPtr) CopyDataFromHostPtr<int>;
void CopyData(const Tensor &other);
void RepeatData(std::vector<size_t> repeats, int axis, int total_repeats, const Tensor &src);
Tensor Clone() const;
Tensor Repeat(std::vector<size_t> repeats, int axis);
%rename(iAdd) operator+=(const Tensor &t);
%rename(iSub) operator-=(const Tensor &t);
%rename(iMul) operator*=(const Tensor &t);
%rename(iDiv) operator/=(const Tensor &t);
#endif // USE_JAVA
Tensor &operator+=(const Tensor &t);
Tensor &operator-=(const Tensor &t);
Tensor &operator*=(const Tensor &t);
Tensor &operator/=(const Tensor &t);
template <typename DType> Tensor &operator+=(const DType x);
%template(iAddFloat) operator+=<float>;
template <typename DType> Tensor &operator-=(DType x);
%template(iSubFloat) operator-=<float>;
template <typename DType> Tensor &operator*=(DType x);
%template(iMulFloat) operator*=<float>;
template <typename DType> Tensor &operator/=(DType x);
%template(iDivFloat) operator/=<float>;
void CopyDataToFrom(Tensor *dst, const Tensor &src, size_t num,
size_t src_offset = 0, size_t dst_offset = 0);
void RepeatDataToFrom(bool broadcast_flag, std::vector<size_t> repeats, int axis,
Tensor *dst, const Tensor &src, const size_t num);
Tensor Reshape(const Tensor &in, const std::vector<size_t> &s);
Tensor Contiguous(const Tensor &in);
Tensor Transpose(const Tensor &in, const std::vector<size_t> &axes);
%rename(DefaultTranspose) Transpose(const Tensor &in);
Tensor Transpose(const Tensor &in);
Tensor Abs(const Tensor &t);
Tensor Ceil(const Tensor &t);
Tensor Floor(const Tensor &t);
Tensor Round(const Tensor &t);
Tensor RoundE(const Tensor &t);
Tensor Exp(const Tensor &t);
Tensor Erf(const Tensor &t);
Tensor Log(const Tensor &t);
Tensor ReLU(const Tensor &t);
Tensor Sigmoid(const Tensor &t);
Tensor Sign(const Tensor &t);
Tensor Sqrt(const Tensor &t);
Tensor Square(const Tensor &t);
Tensor Cos(const Tensor &t);
Tensor Cosh(const Tensor &t);
Tensor Acos(const Tensor &t);
Tensor Acosh(const Tensor &t);
Tensor Sin(const Tensor &t);
Tensor Sinh(const Tensor &t);
Tensor Asin(const Tensor &t);
Tensor Asinh(const Tensor &t);
Tensor Tan(const Tensor &t);
Tensor Tanh(const Tensor &t);
Tensor Atan(const Tensor &t);
Tensor Atanh(const Tensor &t);
Tensor ReLUBackward(const Tensor &in1, const Tensor& in2);
Tensor Sum(const Tensor &t, int axis);
template <typename SType> SType Sum(const Tensor &t);
%template(SumAsFloat) Sum<float>;
Tensor SumAll(const Tensor &t);
Tensor Average(const Tensor &t, int axis);
Tensor SoftMax(const Tensor &t);
Tensor SoftMax(const Tensor &t, int axis);
Tensor SoftMaxBackward(const Tensor &t, int axis, const Tensor &fdout);
Tensor Pow(const Tensor &base, const Tensor &exp);
%rename(PowWithRet) Pow(const Tensor &base, const Tensor &exp, Tensor *out);
void Pow(const Tensor &base, const Tensor &exp, Tensor *out);
template <typename SType> Tensor Pow(const Tensor &in, const SType x);
%template(PowFloat) Pow<float>;
template <typename SType>
void Pow(const Tensor &in, const SType x, Tensor *out);
%template(PowFloatWithRet) Pow<float>;
%rename(__lt__) operator<(const Tensor &lhs, const Tensor &rhs);
%rename(__le__) operator<=(const Tensor &lhs, const Tensor &rhs);
%rename(__gt__) operator>(const Tensor &lhs, const Tensor &rhs);
%rename(__ge__) operator>=(const Tensor &lhs, const Tensor &rhs);
%rename(__eq__) operator==(const Tensor &lhs, const Tensor &rhs);
Tensor operator<(const Tensor &lhs, const Tensor &rhs);
Tensor operator<=(const Tensor &lhs, const Tensor &rhs);
Tensor operator>(const Tensor &lhs, const Tensor &rhs);
Tensor operator>=(const Tensor &lhs, const Tensor &rhs);
Tensor operator==(const Tensor &lhs, const Tensor &rhs);
%rename(LTFloat) operator<(const Tensor &t, const float x);
template <typename DType>
Tensor operator<(const Tensor &t, const DType x);
%template(oplt) operator< <float>;
%rename(LEFloat) operator<=(const Tensor &t, const float x);
template <typename DType> Tensor operator<=(const Tensor &t, const DType x);
%template(ople) operator<= <float>;
%rename(GTFloat) operator>(const Tensor &t, const float x);
template <typename DType> Tensor operator>(const Tensor &t, const DType x);
%template(opgt) operator> <float>;
%rename(GEFloat) operator>=(const Tensor &t, const float x);
template <typename DType> Tensor operator>=(const Tensor &t, const DType x);
%template(opge) operator>= <float>;
%rename(EQFloat) operator==(const Tensor &t, const float x);
template <typename DType> Tensor operator==(const Tensor &t, const DType x);
%template(opeq) operator== <float>;
Tensor ConcatOn(const std::vector<Tensor> &in, int axis);
Tensor SliceOn(const Tensor&in, const size_t start, const size_t end, int axis);
/* ========== Arithmetic operations ========== */
%rename(__add__) operator+(const Tensor &lhs, const Tensor &rhs);
%rename(__sub__) operator-(const Tensor &lhs, const Tensor &rhs);
%rename(__mul__) operator*(const Tensor &lhs, const Tensor &rhs);
%rename(__div__) operator/(const Tensor &lhs, const Tensor &rhs);
Tensor operator+(const Tensor &lhs, const Tensor &rhs);
Tensor operator-(const Tensor &lhs, const Tensor &rhs);
Tensor operator*(const Tensor &lhs, const Tensor &rhs);
Tensor operator/(const Tensor &lhs, const Tensor &rhs);
void Add(const Tensor &lhs, const Tensor &rhs, Tensor *ret);
void Sub(const Tensor &lhs, const Tensor &rhs, Tensor *ret);
void EltwiseMult(const Tensor &lhs, const Tensor &rhs, Tensor *ret);
void Div(const Tensor &lhs, const Tensor &rhs, Tensor *ret);
%rename(AddFloat) operator+(const Tensor &t, float x);
template <typename DType> Tensor operator+(const Tensor &t, DType x);
%template(opadd) operator+ <float>;
%rename(SubFloat) operator-(const Tensor &t, float x);
template <typename DType> Tensor operator-(const Tensor &t, DType x);
%template(opsub) operator- <float>;
%rename(MultFloat) operator*(const Tensor &t, float x);
template <typename DType> Tensor operator*(const Tensor &t, DType x);
%template(opmul) operator* <float>;
%rename(DivFloat) operator/(const Tensor &t, float x);
template <typename DType> Tensor operator/(const Tensor &t, DType x);
%template(opdiv) operator/ <float>;
template <typename DType> void Add(const Tensor &t, DType x, Tensor *ret);
%template(AddFloatWithRet) Add<float>;
template <typename DType>
void Sub(const Tensor &t, DType x, Tensor *ret);
%template(SubFloatWithRet) Sub<float>;
template <typename DType>
void EltwiseMult(const Tensor &t, DType x, Tensor *ret);
%template(EltwiseMultFloatWithRet) EltwiseMult<float>;
template <typename DType>
void Div(const Tensor &t, DType x, Tensor *ret);
%template(DivFloatWithRet) Div<float>;
/* ========== Random operations ========== */
template <typename SType>
void Bernoulli(const SType p, Tensor *out);
%template(Bernoulli) Bernoulli<float>;
template <typename SType>
void Gaussian(const SType mean, const SType std, Tensor *out);
%template(Gaussian) Gaussian<float>;
template <typename SType>
void Uniform(const SType low, const SType high, Tensor *out);
%template(Uniform) Uniform<float>;
/* ========== Blas operations ========== */
template <typename SType>
void Axpy(SType alpha, const Tensor &in, Tensor *out);
%template(Axpy) Axpy<float>;
void Axpy(const Tensor &alpha, const Tensor &in, Tensor *out);
Tensor Mult(const Tensor &A, const Tensor &B);
%rename(MultWithRet) Mult(const Tensor &A, const Tensor &B, Tensor *C);
void Mult(const Tensor &A, const Tensor &B, Tensor *C);
template <typename SType>
void Mult(const SType alpha, const Tensor &A, const Tensor &B,
const SType beta, Tensor *C);
%template(MultWithScale) Mult<float>;
/* =========== Matrix operations ==========*/
void AddColumn(const Tensor &v, Tensor *M);
template <typename SType>
void AddColumn(const SType alpha, const SType beta, const Tensor &v,
Tensor *M);
%template(AddColumnWithScale) AddColumn<float>;
void AddRow(const Tensor &v, Tensor *M);
template <typename SType>
void AddRow(const SType alpha, const SType beta, const Tensor &v,
Tensor *M);
%template(AddRowWithScale) AddRow<float>;
void DivColumn(const Tensor &v, Tensor *M);
void DivRow(const Tensor &v, Tensor *M);
void MultColumn(const Tensor &v, Tensor *M);
void MultRow(const Tensor &v, Tensor *M);
void SubColumn(const Tensor &v, Tensor *M);
void SubRow(const Tensor &v, Tensor *M);
void SumColumns(const Tensor &M, Tensor *v);
void SumRows(const Tensor &M, Tensor *v);
Tensor SoftMax(const Tensor &in);
void SoftMax(const Tensor &in, Tensor *out);
Tensor SoftMax(const Tensor &in, int axis);
void SoftMax(const Tensor &in, Tensor *out, int axis);
Tensor CrossEntropyFwd(const Tensor& p, const Tensor& t);
Tensor SoftmaxCrossEntropyBwd(const Tensor& p, const Tensor& t);