blob: 92ab7336e5a700cbad1ccbd05e0f1610d36a1f4b [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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// adapted from google::tensorflow::logging
#include "singa/singa_config.h"
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <sstream>
#include <string>
#ifdef USE_GLOG
#include <glog/logging.h>
namespace singa {
/// Global functions for both glog and built-in log
void InitLogging(const char* argv);
/// Make it so that all log messages go only to stderr
void LogToStderr();
/// Make it so that all log messages of at least a particular severity are
/// logged to stderr (in addtion to logging to the usual log files)
void SetStderrLogging(int severity);
/// Set the file name for logging (and disable logging to stderr)
void SetLogDestination(int severity, const char* path);
using std::string;
const int INFO = 0; // base_logging::INFO;
const int WARNING = 1; // base_logging::WARNING;
const int ERROR = 2; // base_logging::ERROR;
const int FATAL = 3; // base_logging::FATAL;
const int NUM_SEVERITIES = 4; // base_logging::NUM_SEVERITIES;
#ifndef USE_GLOG
namespace logging {
class LogMessage : public std::basic_ostringstream<char> {
LogMessage(const char* fname, int line, int severity);
void GenerateLogMessage();
void DoLogging(FILE* file, const struct tm& tm_time);
const char* fname_;
int line_;
int severity_;
// LogMessageFatal ensures the process will exit in failure after
// logging this message.
class LogMessageFatal : public LogMessage {
LogMessageFatal(const char* file, int line);
#define _SINGA_LOG_INFO \
::singa::logging::LogMessage(__FILE__, __LINE__, singa::INFO)
::singa::logging::LogMessage(__FILE__, __LINE__, singa::WARNING)
#define _SINGA_LOG_ERROR \
::singa::logging::LogMessage(__FILE__, __LINE__, singa::ERROR)
#define _SINGA_LOG_FATAL ::singa::logging::LogMessageFatal(__FILE__, __LINE__)
#define LOG(severity) _SINGA_LOG_##severity
/// CHECK dies with a fatal error if condition is not true. It is *not*
/// controlled by NDEBUG, so the check will be executed regardless of
/// compilation mode. Therefore, it is safe to do things like:
/// CHECK(fp->Write(x) == 4)
#define CHECK(condition) \
if (!(condition)) LOG(FATAL) << "Check failed: " #condition " "
// Function is overloaded for integral types to allow static const
// integrals declared in classes and not defined to be used as arguments to
// CHECK* macros. It's not encouraged though.
template <typename T>
inline const T& GetReferenceableValue(const T& t) {
return t;
inline char GetReferenceableValue(char t) { return t; }
inline unsigned char GetReferenceableValue(unsigned char t) { return t; }
inline signed char GetReferenceableValue(signed char t) { return t; }
inline short GetReferenceableValue(short t) { return t; }
inline unsigned short GetReferenceableValue(unsigned short t) { return t; }
inline int GetReferenceableValue(int t) { return t; }
inline unsigned int GetReferenceableValue(unsigned int t) { return t; }
inline long GetReferenceableValue(long t) { return t; }
inline unsigned long GetReferenceableValue(unsigned long t) { return t; }
inline long long GetReferenceableValue(long long t) { return t; }
inline unsigned long long GetReferenceableValue(unsigned long long t) {
return t;
// This formats a value for a failing CHECK_XX statement. Ordinarily,
// it uses the definition for operator<<, with a few special cases below.
template <typename T>
inline void MakeCheckOpValueString(std::ostream* os, const T& v) {
(*os) << v;
// Overrides for char types provide readable values for unprintable
// characters.
template <>
void MakeCheckOpValueString(std::ostream* os, const char& v);
template <>
void MakeCheckOpValueString(std::ostream* os, const signed char& v);
template <>
void MakeCheckOpValueString(std::ostream* os, const unsigned char& v);
// We need an explicit specialization for std::nullptr_t.
template <>
void MakeCheckOpValueString(std::ostream* os, const std::nullptr_t& p);
// A container for a string pointer which can be evaluated to a bool -
// true iff the pointer is non-NULL.
struct CheckOpString {
CheckOpString(string* str) : str_(str) {}
// No destructor: if str_ is non-NULL, we're about to LOG(FATAL),
// so there's no point in cleaning up str_.
operator bool() const { return str_ != NULL; }
string* str_;
// Build the error message string. Specify no inlining for code size.
template <typename T1, typename T2>
string* MakeCheckOpString(const T1& v1, const T2& v2, const char* exprtext);
// A helper class for formatting "expr (V1 vs. V2)" in a CHECK_XX
// statement. See MakeCheckOpString for sample usage. Other
// approaches were considered: use of a template method (e.g.,
// base::BuildCheckOpString(exprtext, base::Print<T1>, &v1,
// base::Print<T2>, &v2), however this approach has complications
// related to volatile arguments and function-pointer arguments).
class CheckOpMessageBuilder {
// Inserts "exprtext" and " (" to the stream.
explicit CheckOpMessageBuilder(const char* exprtext);
// Deletes "stream_".
// For inserting the first variable.
std::ostream* ForVar1() { return stream_; }
// For inserting the second variable (adds an intermediate " vs. ").
std::ostream* ForVar2();
// Get the result (inserts the closing ")").
string* NewString();
std::ostringstream* stream_;
template <typename T1, typename T2>
string* MakeCheckOpString(const T1& v1, const T2& v2, const char* exprtext) {
CheckOpMessageBuilder comb(exprtext);
MakeCheckOpValueString(comb.ForVar1(), v1);
MakeCheckOpValueString(comb.ForVar2(), v2);
return comb.NewString();
// Helper functions for CHECK_OP macro.
// The (int, int) specialization works around the issue that the compiler
// will not instantiate the template version of the function on values of
// unnamed enum type - see comment below.
#define SINGA_DEFINE_CHECK_OP_IMPL(name, op) \
template <typename T1, typename T2> \
inline string* name##Impl(const T1& v1, const T2& v2, \
const char* exprtext) { \
if (v1 op v2) \
return NULL; \
else \
return ::singa::logging::MakeCheckOpString(v1, v2, exprtext); \
} \
inline string* name##Impl(int v1, int v2, const char* exprtext) { \
return name##Impl<int, int>(v1, v2, exprtext); \
// We use the full name Check_EQ, Check_NE, etc. in case the file including
// base/logging.h provides its own #defines for the simpler names EQ, NE, etc.
// This happens if, for example, those are used as token names in a
// yacc grammar.
==) // Compilation error with CHECK_EQ(NULL, x)?
SINGA_DEFINE_CHECK_OP_IMPL(Check_NE, !=) // Use CHECK(x == NULL) instead.
// In optimized mode, use CheckOpString to hint to compiler that
// the while condition is unlikely.
#define CHECK_OP_LOG(name, op, val1, val2) \
while (::singa::logging::CheckOpString _result = \
::singa::logging::name##Impl( \
::singa::logging::GetReferenceableValue(val1), \
::singa::logging::GetReferenceableValue(val2), \
#val1 " " #op " " #val2)) \
::singa::logging::LogMessageFatal(__FILE__, __LINE__) << *(_result.str_)
#define CHECK_OP(name, op, val1, val2) CHECK_OP_LOG(name, op, val1, val2)
// CHECK_EQ/NE/...
#define CHECK_EQ(val1, val2) CHECK_OP(Check_EQ, ==, val1, val2)
#define CHECK_NE(val1, val2) CHECK_OP(Check_NE, !=, val1, val2)
#define CHECK_LE(val1, val2) CHECK_OP(Check_LE, <=, val1, val2)
#define CHECK_LT(val1, val2) CHECK_OP(Check_LT, <, val1, val2)
#define CHECK_GE(val1, val2) CHECK_OP(Check_GE, >=, val1, val2)
#define CHECK_GT(val1, val2) CHECK_OP(Check_GT, >, val1, val2)
#define CHECK_NOTNULL(val) \
::singa::logging::CheckNotNull(__FILE__, __LINE__, \
"'" #val "' Must be non NULL", (val))
#ifndef NDEBUG
#define DCHECK(condition) CHECK(condition)
#define DCHECK_EQ(val1, val2) CHECK_EQ(val1, val2)
#define DCHECK_NE(val1, val2) CHECK_NE(val1, val2)
#define DCHECK_LE(val1, val2) CHECK_LE(val1, val2)
#define DCHECK_LT(val1, val2) CHECK_LT(val1, val2)
#define DCHECK_GE(val1, val2) CHECK_GE(val1, val2)
#define DCHECK_GT(val1, val2) CHECK_GT(val1, val2)
#define DCHECK(condition) \
while (false && (condition)) LOG(FATAL)
// NDEBUG is defined, so DCHECK_EQ(x, y) and so on do nothing.
// However, we still want the compiler to parse x and y, because
// we don't want to lose potentially useful errors and warnings.
// _DCHECK_NOP is a helper, and should not be used outside of this file.
#define _SINGA_DCHECK_NOP(x, y) \
while (false && ((void)(x), (void)(y), 0)) LOG(FATAL)
#define DCHECK_EQ(x, y) _SINGA_DCHECK_NOP(x, y)
#define DCHECK_NE(x, y) _SINGA_DCHECK_NOP(x, y)
#define DCHECK_LE(x, y) _SINGA_DCHECK_NOP(x, y)
#define DCHECK_LT(x, y) _SINGA_DCHECK_NOP(x, y)
#define DCHECK_GE(x, y) _SINGA_DCHECK_NOP(x, y)
#define DCHECK_GT(x, y) _SINGA_DCHECK_NOP(x, y)
// These are for when you don't want a CHECK failure to print a verbose
// stack trace. The implementation of CHECK* in this file already doesn't.
#define QCHECK(condition) CHECK(condition)
#define QCHECK_EQ(x, y) CHECK_EQ(x, y)
#define QCHECK_NE(x, y) CHECK_NE(x, y)
#define QCHECK_LE(x, y) CHECK_LE(x, y)
#define QCHECK_LT(x, y) CHECK_LT(x, y)
#define QCHECK_GE(x, y) CHECK_GE(x, y)
#define QCHECK_GT(x, y) CHECK_GT(x, y)
template <typename T>
T&& CheckNotNull(const char* file, int line, const char* exprtext, T&& t) {
if (t == nullptr) {
LogMessageFatal(file, line) << string(exprtext);
return std::forward<T>(t);
} // namespace logging
} // namespace singa