blob: dd3f4ca9c8951a65728fbfc838c671e7117a5ea1 [file] [log] [blame]
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
# or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
# distributed with this work for additional information
# regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
# with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
import os
import random
from src.common.constant import Config
from import read_json, write_json
from src.query_api.singleton import Singleton
from import read_pickle
from import generate_global_rank
base_dir_folder = os.environ.get("base_dir")
if base_dir_folder is None: base_dir_folder = os.getcwd()
base_dir = os.path.join(base_dir_folder, "img_data")
print("local api running at {}".format(base_dir))
# todo: move all those to a config file
# score result
pre_score_path_101C10 = os.path.join(base_dir, "score_101_15k_c10_128.json")
pre_score_path_201C10 = os.path.join(base_dir, "score_201_15k_c10_bs32_ic16.json")
pre_score_path_201C100 = os.path.join(base_dir, "score_201_15k_c100_bs32_ic16.json")
pre_score_path_201IMG = os.path.join(base_dir, "score_201_15k_imgNet_bs32_ic16.json")
# expreflow
expreflow_score_path_101C10 = os.path.join(base_dir, "score_nasbench101_cifar10_batch_size_32_cpu.json")
# expreflow_score_path_201C10 = os.path.join(base_dir, "score_nasbench201_cifar10_batch_size_32_cpu.json")
# expreflow_score_path_201C100 = os.path.join(base_dir, "score_nasbench201_cifar100_batch_size_32_cpu.json")
# expreflow_score_path_201IMG = os.path.join(base_dir, "score_nasbench201_ImageNet16-120_batch_size_32_cpu.json")
expreflow_score_path_201C10 = os.path.join(base_dir_folder, "score_scale_traj_width/score_nasbench201_cifar10_batch_size_32_cpu.json")
expreflow_score_path_201C100 = os.path.join(base_dir_folder, "score_scale_traj_width/score_nasbench201_cifar100_batch_size_32_cpu.json")
expreflow_score_path_201IMG = os.path.join(base_dir_folder, "score_scale_traj_width/score_nasbench201_ImageNet16-120_batch_size_32_cpu.json")
# training accuracy result.
gt201 = os.path.join(base_dir, "ground_truth/201_allEpoch_info")
gt101 = os.path.join(base_dir, "ground_truth/101_allEpoch_info_json")
gt101P = os.path.join(base_dir, "ground_truth/nasbench1_accuracy.p")
id_to_hash_path = os.path.join(base_dir, "ground_truth/nb101_id_to_hash.json")
# We pre-compute the time usage, and get a range,
# Then we randomly pick one value from the range each time
def guess_score_time(search_space_m, dataset):
if search_space_m == Config.NB101:
return Gt101.guess_score_time()
if search_space_m == Config.NB201:
return Gt201.guess_score_time(dataset)
def guess_train_one_epoch_time(search_space_m, dataset):
if search_space_m == Config.NB101:
return Gt101().guess_train_one_epoch_time()
if search_space_m == Config.NB201:
return Gt201().guess_train_one_epoch_time(dataset)
class ImgScoreQueryApi:
# Multiton pattern
# use those algoroithm => new tfmem
default_alg_name_list = ["nas_wot", "synflow"]
_instances = {}
def __new__(cls, search_space_name: str, dataset: str):
if (search_space_name, dataset) not in cls._instances:
instance = super(ImgScoreQueryApi, cls).__new__(cls)
instance.search_space_name, instance.dataset = search_space_name, dataset
# read pre-scored file path
if search_space_name == Config.NB201:
if dataset == Config.c10:
instance.pre_score_path = pre_score_path_201C10
instance.express_score_path = expreflow_score_path_201C10
elif dataset == Config.c100:
instance.pre_score_path = pre_score_path_201C100
instance.express_score_path = expreflow_score_path_201C100
elif dataset == Config.imgNet:
instance.pre_score_path = pre_score_path_201IMG
instance.express_score_path = expreflow_score_path_201IMG
if search_space_name == Config.NB101:
instance.pre_score_path = pre_score_path_101C10
instance.express_score_path = expreflow_score_path_101C10 = read_json(instance.pre_score_path)
express_score_data = read_json(instance.express_score_path)
for arch_id in express_score_data:
if arch_id in[arch_id].update(express_score_data[arch_id])
else:[arch_id] = express_score_data[arch_id]
instance.global_rank = generate_global_rank(, instance.default_alg_name_list)
cls._instances[(search_space_name, dataset)] = instance
return cls._instances[(search_space_name, dataset)]
def api_get_score(self, arch_id: str, tfmem: str = None):
# retrieve score from pre-scored file
if tfmem is None:
return {tfmem: float([arch_id][tfmem])}
def update_existing_data(self, arch_id, alg_name, score_str):
Add new arch's inf into data
:param arch_id:
:param alg_name:
:param score_str:
if str(arch_id) not in[str(arch_id)] = {}
else:[str(arch_id)] =[str(arch_id)][str(arch_id)][alg_name] = '{:f}'.format(score_str)
def is_arch_and_alg_inside_data(self, arch_id, alg_name):
if arch_id in and alg_name in[arch_id]:
return True
return False
def is_arch_inside_data(self, arch_id):
if arch_id in
return True
return False
def get_len_data(self):
return len(
def save_latest_data(self):
update the latest score data
def get_all_scored_model_ids(self):
return list(
def get_global_rank_score(self, arch_id):
return self.global_rank[arch_id]
class Gt201(metaclass=Singleton):
def guess_score_time(cls, dataset=Config.c10):
return random.randint(3315, 4502) * 0.0001
def __init__(self):
self.data201 = read_json(gt201)
def get_c10valid_200epoch_test_info(self, arch_id: int):
cifar10-valid means train with train set, valid with validation dataset
Thus, acc is lower than train with train+valid.
:param arch_id:
return self.query_200_epoch(str(arch_id), Config.c10_valid)
def get_c10_200epoch_test_info(self, arch_id: int):
cifar10-valid means train with train set, valid with validation dataset
Thus, acc is lower than train with train+valid.
:param arch_id:
return self.query_200_epoch(str(arch_id), Config.c10)
def get_c100_200epoch_test_info(self, arch_id: int):
return self.query_200_epoch(str(arch_id), Config.c100)
def get_imgNet_200epoch_test_info(self, arch_id: int):
return self.query_200_epoch(str(arch_id), Config.imgNet)
def query_200_epoch(self, arch_id: str, dataset, epoch_num: int = 199):
if epoch_num is None or epoch_num > 199:
epoch_num = 199
arch_id = str(arch_id)
t_acc = self.data201[arch_id]["200"][dataset][str(epoch_num)]["test_accuracy"]
time_usage = self.data201[arch_id]["200"][dataset][str(epoch_num)]["time_usage"]
return t_acc, time_usage
def query_12_epoch(self, arch_id: str, dataset, epoch_num: int = 11):
if epoch_num is None or epoch_num > 11:
epoch_num = 11
arch_id = str(arch_id)
t_acc = self.data201[arch_id]["12"][dataset][str(epoch_num)]["test_accuracy"]
time_usage = self.data201[arch_id]["12"][dataset][str(epoch_num)]["time_usage"]
return t_acc, time_usage
def count_models(self):
return len(self.data201)
def guess_train_one_epoch_time(self, dataset):
if dataset == Config.c10:
dataset = Config.c10_valid
# pick the max value over 5k arch training time, it's 40
# res = 0
# for arch_id in range(15624):
# _, time_usage = self.query_200_epoch(str(arch_id), dataset, 1)
# if time_usage > res:
# res = time_usage
# return res
return 40
def get_all_trained_model_ids(self):
# 201 all data has the same model set.
return list(self.data201.keys())
class Gt101(metaclass=Singleton):
def guess_score_time(cls):
return random.randint(1169, 1372) * 0.0001
def __init__(self):
self.data101_from_zerocost = read_pickle(gt101P)
self.id_to_hash_map = read_json(id_to_hash_path)
self.data101_full = read_json(gt101)
def get_c10_test_info(self, arch_id: str, dataset: str = Config.c10, epoch_num: int = 108):
Default use 108 epoch for c10, this is the largest epoch number.
:param dataset:
:param arch_id: architecture id
:param epoch_num: query the result of the specific epoch number
if dataset != Config.c10:
raise "NB101 only have c10 results"
if epoch_num is None or epoch_num > 108:
epoch_num = 108
elif epoch_num > 36:
epoch_num = 36
elif epoch_num > 12:
epoch_num = 12
elif epoch_num > 4:
epoch_num = 4
epoch_num = 4
arch_id = str(arch_id)
# this is acc from zero-cost paper, which only record 108 epoch' result [test, valid, train]
# t_acc = self.data101_from_zerocost[self.id_to_hash_map[arch_id]][0]
# this is acc from,
t_acc = self.data101_full[arch_id][Config.c10][str(epoch_num)]["test-accuracy"]
time_usage = self.data101_full[arch_id][Config.c10][str(epoch_num)]["time_usage"]
# print(f"[Debug]: Acc different = {t_acc_usage - t_acc}")
return t_acc, time_usage
def count_models(self):
return len(self.data101_from_zerocost)
def guess_train_one_epoch_time(self):
# only have information for 4 epoch
d = dict.fromkeys(self.data101_full)
keys = random.sample(list(d), 15000)
# pick the max value over 5k arch training time
res = 0
for rep_time in range(15000):
arch_id = keys[rep_time]
_, time_usage = self.get_c10_test_info(arch_id=arch_id, dataset=Config.c10, epoch_num=4)
if time_usage > res:
res = time_usage
return res
def get_all_trained_model_ids(self):
return list(self.data101_full.keys())
if __name__ == "__main__":
lapi = ImgScoreQueryApi(Config.NB101, Config.c10)