blob: 406a5751b14e0df493d4e684a3e4f98398505108 [file] [log] [blame]
{'area': 'What is known about transmission, incubation, and environmental stability?',
'questions': ['What is the range of the incubation period in humans?',
'How long individuals are contagious?',
'How long does the virus persist on surfaces?',
'What is the natural history of the virus?',
'Are there diagnostics to improve clinical processes?',
'What is known about immunity?',
'Are movement control strategies effective?',
'Is personal protective equipment effective?',
'Does the environment affect transmission?']
{'area': 'What do we know about COVID-19 risk factors?',
'questions': ['Is smoking a risk factor?',
'Are pulmunary diseases risk factors?',
'Are co-infections risk factors?',
'What is the basic reproductive number?',
'What is the serial interval?',
'Which are the environmental risk factors?',
'What is the severity of the disease?',
'Which are high-risk patient groups?',
'Are there public health mitigation measures?'