Update README.md
diff --git a/examples/largedataset_cnn/README.md b/examples/largedataset_cnn/README.md
index 7d71279..d872044 100644
--- a/examples/largedataset_cnn/README.md
+++ b/examples/largedataset_cnn/README.md
@@ -24,6 +24,32 @@
 It read the dataset from the filesystem defined by `process_data.py`. Hence, users can modify `process_data.py`
 for their perference of dataset format.
+In the current setting, 'classes.txt' contains the names of the classes at each line. For example, if it is food dataset containing three classes, 'classes.txt' may read like this:
+    Fish_and_chips
+    bagel_and_croissant
+    bak_kut_teh
+Then, the directory '/Data/' contains all the folders for images of different classes, while each of the folder names should be the same as that appeared in 'classes.txt'. The name of an image file should not be a concern, but it should be placed inside the folder of the class it belongs to. For the same example above, the folder structure may look like this: 
+    Data/
+        Fish_and_chips/
+            fish1.jpg
+            fish2.jpg
+            ...
+            chip1.jpg
+            ...
+        bagel_and_croissant/
+            bagel.jpg
+            ...
+            croissant1.jpg
+            croissant2.jpg
+            ...
+        bak_kut_teh/
+            photo.jpg
+            photo2.jpg
+            ...             
 Before running the code, the `model` folder in `examples/cnn` should be copied to this directory.
 * `train_largedata.py` is the training script, which controls the training flow by