blob: a2c1fc4a138fe11ba3e050cf5fdb6778689e4c8d [file] [log] [blame]
* \file tensor_gpu-inl.hpp
* \brief implementation of GPU host code
* \author Bing Xu, Tianqi Chen
#include "tensor.h"
namespace mshadow {
// do nothing if no GPU operation is involved
inline void InitTensorEngine( int dev_id ){
inline void ShutdownTensorEngine( void ){
namespace mshadow {
inline int AutoSelectDevice(int device_count) {
// TODO nvml device id and cuda device id are not consistent
return 0;
inline void InitTensorEngine(int dev_id){
cudaDeviceProp prop;
int device_id = 0;
int device_count = 0;
utils::Assert(device_count > 0, "Cannot find CUDA device. Please check CUDA-Configuration");
if (dev_id < 0) {
device_id = AutoSelectDevice(device_count);
} else {
device_id = dev_id;
utils::Assert( device_id < device_count, "Incorrect Device ID" );
utils::Assert( cudaSetDevice(device_id) == cudaSuccess, "cannot set device" );
cudaGetDeviceProperties(&prop, device_id);
printf("Use CUDA Device %d: %s\n", device_id,;
inline void ShutdownTensorEngine( void ){
template<int dim>
inline void AllocSpace(Tensor<gpu,dim> &obj, bool pad){
size_t pitch;
// common choice for cuda mem align unit is 32
if( pad && obj.shape[0] >= MSHADOW_MIN_PAD_RATIO * 32 ){
cudaError_t err = cudaMallocPitch( (void**)&obj.dptr, &pitch, \
obj.shape[0] * sizeof(real_t), obj.FlatTo2D().shape[1] );
utils::Assert( err == cudaSuccess, cudaGetErrorString(err) );
obj.shape.stride_ = static_cast<index_t>( pitch / sizeof(real_t) );
obj.shape.stride_ = obj.shape[0];
cudaError_t err = cudaMallocPitch( (void**)&obj.dptr, &pitch, \
obj.shape.Size() * sizeof(real_t), 1 );
utils::Assert( err == cudaSuccess, cudaGetErrorString(err) );
template<int dim>
inline void FreeSpace(Tensor<gpu,dim> &obj){
cudaFree( obj.dptr ); obj.dptr = NULL;
template<typename A,typename B, int dim>
inline void Copy(Tensor<A,dim> _dst, Tensor<B,dim> _src, cudaMemcpyKind kind){
utils::Assert( _dst.shape == _src.shape, "Copy:shape mismatch" );
Tensor<A,2> dst = _dst.FlatTo2D();
Tensor<B,2> src = _src.FlatTo2D();
cudaError_t err = cudaMemcpy2D( dst.dptr, dst.shape.stride_ * sizeof(real_t),
src.dptr, src.shape.stride_ * sizeof(real_t),
dst.shape[0] * sizeof(real_t),
dst.shape[1], kind );
utils::Assert( err == cudaSuccess, cudaGetErrorString(err) );
template<int dim>
inline void Copy(Tensor<cpu,dim> dst, const Tensor<gpu,dim> &src){
Copy( dst, src, cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost );
template<int dim>
inline void Copy(Tensor<gpu,dim> dst, const Tensor<gpu,dim> &src){
Copy( dst, src, cudaMemcpyDeviceToDevice );
template<int dim>
inline void Copy(Tensor<gpu,dim> dst, const Tensor<cpu,dim> &src){
Copy( dst, src, cudaMemcpyHostToDevice );
#ifdef __CUDACC__
// the following part is included only if compiler is nvcc
#include "cuda/tensor_gpu-inl.cuh"
namespace mshadow{
template<typename Saver, typename E, int dim>
inline void MapPlan(Tensor<gpu,dim> _dst, const expr::Plan<E> &plan){
cuda::MapPlan<Saver>( _dst.FlatTo2D(), plan );
template<typename Saver, int dim, typename E, int etype>
inline void MapExp(Tensor<gpu,dim> dst, const expr::Exp<E,etype> &exp ){
using namespace expr;
TypeCheckPass< TypeCheck<gpu,dim,E>::kMapPass >::Error_All_Tensor_in_Exp_Must_Have_Same_Type();
Shape<dim> eshape = ShapeCheck<dim,E>::Check( exp.self() );
utils::Assert( eshape[0] == 0 || eshape == dst.shape, "Assignment: Shape of Tensors in expression is not consistent with target" );
MapPlan<Saver>( dst, MakePlan( exp.self() ) );
template<typename Saver, typename Reducer, typename E, int etype>
inline void MapReduceKeepLowest( Tensor<gpu,1> dst, const expr::Exp<E,etype> &exp, real_t scale ){
using namespace expr;
TypeCheckPass< TypeCheck<gpu,1,E>::kRedPass >::Error_TypeCheck_Not_Pass_For_Reduce_Exp();
Shape<2> eshape = ShapeCheck< ExpInfo<E>::kDim, E >::Check( exp.self() ).FlatTo2D();
utils::Assert( eshape[0] == dst.shape[0], "reduction dimension do not match" );
utils::Assert( eshape[1] != 0, "can not reduce over empty tensor" );
cuda::MapReduceKeepLowest<Saver,Reducer>( dst, MakePlan( exp.self() ), scale, eshape );
template<typename Saver, typename Reducer, int dimkeep, typename E, int etype>
inline void MapReduceKeepHighDim( Tensor<gpu,1> dst, const expr::Exp<E,etype> &exp, real_t scale ){
using namespace expr;
TypeCheckPass< TypeCheck<gpu,dimkeep,E>::kRedPass >::Error_TypeCheck_Not_Pass_For_Reduce_Exp();
typedef Shape< ExpInfo<E>::kDim > EShape;
EShape eshape = ShapeCheck< ExpInfo<E>::kDim, E >::Check( exp.self() );
utils::Assert( eshape[dimkeep] == dst.shape[0], "reduction dimension do not match" );
// use equvalent form
Shape<4> pshape = Shape4( eshape.ProdShape(dimkeep+1,EShape::kMaxShape), eshape[dimkeep],
eshape.ProdShape(1,dimkeep), eshape[0] );
// call equavalent map red dim 2
cuda::MapReduceKeepDim2<Saver,Reducer>( dst, MakePlan( exp.self() ), scale, pshape );
inline void Softmax( Tensor<gpu,2> dst, const Tensor<gpu,2>& src ){
cuda::Softmax( dst, src );
}; // namespace mshadow
#endif // __CUDACC__