blob: 8399b1b7a26be358e8bf77fdfa1d8a0efa210805 [file] [log] [blame]
* \file tensor_expr_ext.h
* \brief some extension of expressions, used to support something beyond elementwise op
* \author Tianqi Chen, Bing Xu
#include "tensor_expr_engine-inl.hpp"
namespace mshadow{
// Declaration of expressions goes here
namespace expr{
* \brief broadcast Tensor1D into a higher dimension Tensor
* input: Tensor<Device,1>: ishape[0]
* output: Tensor<Device,dimdst> : oshape[dimcast] = ishape[0]
* \tparam Device which device it lies
* \tparam dimdst target tensor dimension
* \tparam dimcast the dimension where the 1D tensor fills in by index
template<typename Device, int dimdst, int dimcast>
struct Broadcast1DExp: public MakeTensorExp< Broadcast1DExp<Device,dimdst,dimcast>,Tensor<Device,1>,dimdst>{
/*! \brief source operand */
const Tensor<Device,1> src_;
/*! \brief constructor */
Broadcast1DExp( const Tensor<Device,1> &src, Shape<dimdst> shape ):src_(src){
this->shape_ = shape;
* \brief unpack local (overlap) patches of image to column of mat, can be used to implement convolution, this expression allow unpack of a batch
* this is a version support unpacking multiple images
* after getting unpacked mat, we can use: output = dot( weight, mat ) to get covolved results, the relations:
* \tparam SrcExp source expression
* \tparam dstdim destination dimension
template<typename SrcExp, int srcdim>
struct UnpackPatchToColXExp: public MakeTensorExp< UnpackPatchToColXExp<SrcExp,srcdim>, SrcExp, 2>{
/*! \brief source operand */
const SrcExp& img_;
/*! \brief patch size */
index_t psize_;
/*! \brief patch stride */
index_t pstride_;
/*! \brief number of input channel */
index_t i_channel_;
/*! \brief height of img */
index_t i_height_;
/*! \brief width of img */
index_t i_width_;
/*! \brief constructor */
UnpackPatchToColXExp( const SrcExp &img, index_t psize, index_t pstride )
:img_(img), psize_(psize), pstride_(pstride){
Shape<srcdim> imshape = ShapeCheck<srcdim,SrcExp>::Check( img_ );
utils::Assert( imshape[0] >= psize && imshape[1] >= psize, "UnpackPatchToCol:image shape smaller than patch size");
this->i_channel_ = imshape[2];
this->i_height_ = imshape[1];
this->i_width_ = imshape[0];
// calculate number of batches
const index_t num = imshape.ProdShape( 3, srcdim );
const index_t o_height = ( i_height_ - psize ) / pstride + 1;
const index_t o_width = ( i_width_ - psize ) / pstride + 1;
this->shape_[0] = o_height * o_width * num;
this->shape_[1] = psize * psize * imshape[2];
* \brief reverse operation of UnpackPatchToCol, used to backprop gradient back
* this is a version supporting multiple images
* \tparam Device which device it lies
* \tparam dstdim destination dimension
template<typename Device, int dstdim>
struct PackColToPatchXExp: public MakeTensorExp< PackColToPatchXExp<Device,dstdim>, Tensor<Device,2>, dstdim>{
/*! \brief source operand */
const Tensor<Device,2>& mat_;
/*! \brief patch size */
index_t psize_;
/*! \brief patch stride */
index_t pstride_;
/*! \brief constructor */
PackColToPatchXExp( const Tensor<Device,2> &mat, Shape<dstdim> imshape, index_t psize, index_t pstride )
:mat_(mat), psize_(psize), pstride_(pstride){
this->shape_ = imshape;
const index_t o_height = ( imshape[1] - psize ) / pstride + 1;
const index_t o_width = ( imshape[0] - psize ) / pstride + 1;
utils::Assert( mat.shape[0] == o_height * o_width * imshape.ProdShape(3,dstdim), "PackColToPatchExp: mat.shape[0] mismatch" );
utils::Assert( mat.shape[1] == psize * psize * imshape[2], "PackColToPatchExp: mat.shape[1] mismatch" );
* \brief reshape the content to another shape
* input: Tensor<Device,dimsrc>: ishape
* output: Tensor<Device,dimdst> ishape.Size() == oshape.Size()
* \tparam SrcExp source expression
* \tparam dimdst target dimension
* \tparam dimsrc source dimension
template<typename SrcExp, int dimdst, int dimsrc>
struct ReshapeExp: public MakeTensorExp< ReshapeExp<SrcExp,dimdst,dimsrc>, SrcExp, dimdst>{
/*! \brief source expression */
const SrcExp& src_;
/*! \brief smallest dimension of input */
index_t ishape0_;
/*! \brief constructor */
ReshapeExp( const SrcExp &src, Shape<dimdst> shape ):src_(src){
Shape<dimsrc> ishape = ShapeCheck<dimsrc,SrcExp>::Check( src_ );
utils::Assert( ishape.Size() == shape.Size(), "reshape size must match" );
ishape0_ = ishape[0];
this->shape_ = shape;
* \brief swap two axis of a tensor
* input: Tensor<Device,dim>: ishape
* output: Tensor<Device,dimdst> oshape[a1],oshape[a2] = ishape[a2],oshape[a1]
* \tparam SrcExp type of source expression
* \tparam dimsrc source dimension
* \tparam a1 smaller dimension to be swapped
* \tparam a2 larger dimension to be swapped
template<typename SrcExp,int dimsrc, int a1, int a2>
struct SwapAxisExp: public MakeTensorExp< SwapAxisExp<SrcExp,dimsrc,a1,a2>, SrcExp, dimsrc>{
/*! \brief source expression */
const SrcExp& src_;
/*! \brief constructor */
SwapAxisExp( const SrcExp &src ):src_(src){
this->shape_ = ShapeCheck<dimsrc,SrcExp>::Check(src);
std::swap( this->shape_[a1], this->shape_[a2] );
* \brief reduction to 1 dimension tensor
* input: Tensor<Device,k>: ishape
* output: Tensor<Device,1> shape[0] = ishape[dimkeep];
* \tparam EType type of expression to be reduced
* \tparam Reducer which reducer to use
* \tparam srcdim dimension of source
* \tparam dimkeep which dimension to be kept,
template<typename EType, typename Reducer,int dimkeep>
struct ReduceTo1DExp: public Exp< ReduceTo1DExp<EType,Reducer, dimkeep>, type::kComplex >{
/*! \brief source operand */
const EType& src_;
/*! \brief source operand, scale of the */
real_t scale_;
/*! \brief construct a repmat expression from src and nrow */
ReduceTo1DExp( const EType& src, real_t scale ):src_(src),scale_(scale){}
* \brief pooling expression, do reduction over local patches of a image
* \tparam Reducer reduction method during pooling
* \tparam SrcExp source expression to be pooled from
* \tparam srcdim dimension of src
template<typename Reducer, typename SrcExp, int srcdim>
struct PoolingExp: public MakeTensorExp< PoolingExp<Reducer, SrcExp,srcdim>, SrcExp, srcdim> {
/*! \brief source operand */
const SrcExp& src_;
/*! \brief kernel size */
index_t ksize_;
/*! \brief kernel stride */
index_t kstride_;
/*! \brief source height shape[1] */
index_t src_height_;
/*! \brief source width shape[0] */
index_t src_width_;
/*! \brief constructor */
PoolingExp( const SrcExp &src, index_t ksize, index_t kstride )
: src_(src), ksize_(ksize), kstride_(kstride) {
Shape< srcdim > sshape = ShapeCheck< srcdim,SrcExp>::Check( src_ );
utils::Assert( sshape[0] >= ksize && sshape[1] >= ksize, "pool: kernel must be smaller than image" );
this->src_height_ = sshape[1];
this->src_width_ = sshape[0];
this->shape_ = sshape;
this->shape_[1] = (src_height_ - ksize) / kstride + 1;
this->shape_[0] = (src_width_ - ksize) / kstride + 1;
/*! \brief constructor, specify shape */
PoolingExp( const SrcExp &src, Shape<2> pshape, index_t ksize, index_t kstride )
: src_(src), ksize_(ksize), kstride_(kstride) {
Shape< srcdim > sshape = ShapeCheck< srcdim,SrcExp>::Check( src_ );
utils::Assert( sshape[0] >= ksize && sshape[1] >= ksize, "pool: kernel must be smaller than image" );
this->src_height_ = sshape[1];
this->src_width_ = sshape[0];
this->shape_ = sshape;
this->shape_[1] = pshape[1];
this->shape_[0] = pshape[0];
* \brief unpooling expr reverse operation of pooling, used to pass gradient back
* \tparam Reducer specifies reduction operation during pooling
* \tparam Device which device it lies
template<typename Reducer, typename Device>
struct UnPoolingExp: public MakeTensorExp< UnPoolingExp<Reducer, Device>, Tensor<Device,4>, 4> {
/*! \brief source input, corresponds to src in pooling */
const Tensor<Device, 4>& data_src_;
/*! \brief result of pooled data, corresponds to result of pooling */
const Tensor<Device, 4>& data_pooled_;
/*! \brief gradient data of pooled part, to be propgate down */
const Tensor<Device, 4>& grad_pooled_;
/*! \brief kernel size */
index_t ksize_;
/*! \brief kernel stride */
index_t kstride_;
/*! \brief constructor */
UnPoolingExp( const Tensor<Device,4> &data_src, const Tensor<Device,4> &data_pooled,
const Tensor<Device,4> &grad_pooled, index_t ksize, index_t kstride )
: data_src_(data_src), data_pooled_(data_pooled), grad_pooled_(grad_pooled),
ksize_(ksize), kstride_(kstride) {
utils::Assert( grad_pooled.shape == data_pooled.shape, "UnPoolingExp: pooled shape mismatch" );
utils::Assert( grad_pooled.shape[2] == data_src.shape[2], "UnPoolingExp: pool and src shape mismatch" );
utils::Assert( grad_pooled.shape[3] == data_src.shape[3], "UnPoolingExp: pool and src shape mismatch" );
this->shape_ = data_src_.shape;
* \brief padding expression, pad a image with zeros
* \tparam SrcExp source expression to be pooled from
* \tparam srcdim dimension of src
template<typename SrcExp, int srcdim>
struct PaddingExp : public MakeTensorExp<PaddingExp<SrcExp, srcdim>, SrcExp, srcdim> {
/*! \brief source operand */
const SrcExp& src_;
/*! \brief pad size */
index_t pad_;
/*! \brief source tensor height */
index_t src_height_;
/*! \brief source tensor width */
index_t src_width_;
/*! \brief constructor */
PaddingExp( const SrcExp &src, index_t pad )
: src_(src), pad_(pad) {
this->shape_ = ShapeCheck<srcdim,SrcExp>::Check( src_ );
src_height_ = this->shape_[1];
src_width_ = this->shape_[0];
this->shape_[1] += pad * 2; // height
this->shape_[0] += pad * 2; // width
* \brief crop expression, cut off the boundary region, reverse operation of padding
* \tparam SrcExp source expression to be pooled from
* \tparam srcdim dimension of src
template<typename SrcExp, int srcdim>
struct CroppingExp : public MakeTensorExp< CroppingExp<SrcExp, srcdim>, SrcExp, srcdim> {
/*! \brief source operand */
const SrcExp& src_;
/*! \brief pad height */
index_t pad_height_;
/*! \brief pad height */
index_t pad_width_;
/*! \brief src height */
index_t src_height_;
/*! \brief constructor */
CroppingExp(const SrcExp &src, Shape<2> cshape ): src_(src) {
this->shape_ = ShapeCheck<srcdim,SrcExp>::Check( src_ );
utils::Assert(this->shape_[1] >= cshape[1], "CroppingExp: height requirement not met");
utils::Assert(this->shape_[0] >= cshape[0], "CroppingExp: width requirement not met");
pad_height_ = (this->shape_[1] - cshape[1]) / 2;
pad_width_ = (this->shape_[0] - cshape[0]) / 2;
src_height_ = this->shape_[1];
this->shape_[1] = cshape[1]; // width
this->shape_[0] = cshape[0]; // height
/*! \brief constructor */
CroppingExp(const SrcExp &src, Shape<2> cshape, index_t start_height, index_t start_width )
: src_(src), pad_height_(start_height), pad_width_(start_width) {
this->shape_ = ShapeCheck<srcdim,SrcExp>::Check( src_ );
utils::Assert(this->shape_[1] >= cshape[1], "CroppingExp: height requirement not met");
utils::Assert(this->shape_[0] >= cshape[0], "CroppingExp: width requirement not met");
src_height_ = this->shape_[1];
this->shape_[1] = cshape[1]; // width
this->shape_[0] = cshape[0]; // height
}; // struct CroppingExp
* \brief mirror expression, mirror a image in width
* \tparam SrcExp source expression to be mirrored
* \tparam srcdim dimension of src
template<typename SrcExp, int srcdim>
struct MirroringExp : public MakeTensorExp<MirroringExp<SrcExp, srcdim>, SrcExp, srcdim> {
/*! \brief source operand */
const SrcExp& src_;
/*! \brief constructor */
MirroringExp( const SrcExp &src ): src_(src) {
this->shape_ = ShapeCheck<srcdim,SrcExp>::Check( src_ );
* \brief channel pooling expression, do reduction over (local nearby) channels, used to implement local response normalization
* \tparam Reducer reduction method during pooling
* \tparam SrcExp source expression to be pooled from
* \tparam srcdim dimension of src
template<typename Reducer, typename SrcExp, int srcdim>
struct ChannelPoolingExp: public MakeTensorExp< ChannelPoolingExp<Reducer, SrcExp,srcdim>, SrcExp, srcdim> {
/*! \brief source operand */
const SrcExp& src_;
/*! \brief neighbor size */
index_t nsize_;
/*! \brief constructor */
ChannelPoolingExp( const SrcExp &src, index_t nsize ): src_(src), nsize_(nsize){
utils::Assert( nsize % 2 == 1, "ChannelPoolingExp: local size must be odd, to make it symmetric" );
this->shape_ = ShapeCheck<srcdim,SrcExp>::Check( src_ );
utils::Assert( this->shape_[2] >= nsize_, "ChannelPoolingExp: local size need to be smaller than number of channels" );
}; // namespace expr
// Declaration of all functions go here
namespace expr{
/*! \brief operator overload */
template<typename E, typename R,int d>
inline ReduceTo1DExp<E,R,d> operator*( const ReduceTo1DExp<E,R,d> &e, real_t scale ){
return ReduceTo1DExp<E,R,d>( e.src_, e.scale_*scale );
/*! \brief operator overload */
template<typename E, typename R,int d>
inline ReduceTo1DExp<E,R,d> operator*( real_t scale, const ReduceTo1DExp<E,R,d> &e ){
return ReduceTo1DExp<E,R,d>( e.src_, e.scale_*scale );
* \brief a expression that replicate a 1 dimension tensor in dimension dimcast
* \param src Tensor<Device,1>: shape[0]
* \param shape shape of output
* \return a expresion with type Tensor<Device,dimdst>
* \tparam dimcast target dimension where the 1D tensor will be broadcasted
* \tparam Device which device it lies
* \tparam dimdst dimension of destination tensor
template<int dimcast,typename Device,int dimdst>
inline Broadcast1DExp<Device,dimdst,dimcast> broadcast( const Tensor<Device,1> &src, Shape<dimdst> shape ){
TypeCheckPass< dimcast<dimdst >::Error_Expression_Does_Not_Meet_Dimension_Req();
utils::Assert( src.shape[0] == shape[dimcast], "broadcast, shape mismatch" );
return Broadcast1DExp<Device,dimdst,dimcast>( src, shape );
* \brief unpack local (overlap) patches of image to column of mat, can be used to implement convolution
* after getting unpacked mat, we can use: output = dot( weight, mat ) to get covolved results, the relations:
* weight; shape[1]: out_channel, shape[0]: ichannel*psize*psize
* output; shape[1]: out_channel, shape[0]: out_height*out_width * num_of_images
* out_height = ( in_height - psize ) / pstride + 1, this means we pad inperfect patch with 0
* out_width = ( in_width - psize ) / pstride + 1
* \return mat target matrix; shape[1]: in_channel*psize*psize shape[0]: out_height*out_width * num_of_images
* \param img source image; shape[2]: in_channels, shape[1]: in_height, shape[0]: in_width, can be 3D or 4D tensor(multiple images)
* \param psize height and width of each patch
* \param pstride stride of each patch
* \tparam SrcExp source expression
* \tparam etype type of expression
template<typename SrcExp, int etype>
inline UnpackPatchToColXExp<SrcExp, ExpInfo<SrcExp>::kDim > unpack_patch2col( const Exp<SrcExp,etype> &img, index_t psize, index_t pstride ){
TypeCheckPass< ExpInfo<SrcExp>::kDim >= 3 >::Error_Expression_Does_Not_Meet_Dimension_Req();
return UnpackPatchToColXExp<SrcExp, ExpInfo<SrcExp>::kDim >( img.self(), psize, pstride );
* \brief reverse operation of pack_col2patch, can be used to implement deconvolution
* \return packed img expression
* \param mat source matrix
* \param imshape shape of target img
* \param psize height and width of each patch
* \param pstride stride of each patch
* \tparam Device the Device where input data lies
template<typename Device, int dstdim>
inline PackColToPatchXExp<Device,dstdim> pack_col2patch( const Tensor<Device,2> &mat, Shape<dstdim> imshape, index_t psize, index_t pstride ){
utils::Assert( imshape[0] >= psize && imshape[1] >= psize, "PackColToPatch:image shape smaller than patch size");
return PackColToPatchXExp<Device,dstdim>( mat, imshape, psize, pstride );
* \brief a expression that reshapes a tensor to another shape
* \param src Tensor<Device,dimsrc>:
* \param oshape target shape
* \return a expresion with type Tensor<Device,dimdst>
* \tparam SrcExp source expression
* \tparam etype source expression type
* \tparam dimdst target dimension
template<typename SrcExp, int etype, int dimdst>
inline ReshapeExp< SrcExp,dimdst, ExpInfo<SrcExp>::kDim > reshape( const Exp<SrcExp,etype> &src, Shape<dimdst> oshape ){
return ReshapeExp< SrcExp,dimdst, ExpInfo<SrcExp>::kDim >( src.self(), oshape );
* \brief a expression that reshapes a tensor to another shape
* \param src Tensor<Device,dimsrc>:
* \return a expresion with type Tensor<Device,dimdst>
* \tparam a1 smaller dimension to be swapped
* \tparam a2 larger dimension to be swapped
* \tparam SrcExp source expression
* \tparam etype source expression type
template<int a1, int a2, typename SrcExp, int etype>
inline SwapAxisExp< SrcExp, ExpInfo<SrcExp>::kDim, a1,a2> swapaxis( const Exp<SrcExp,etype> &src ){
typedef ExpInfo<SrcExp> Info;
TypeCheckPass< Info::kDim>=a1+1 && Info::kDim >= a2+1 && a1+1 <= a2 >::Error_Expression_Does_Not_Meet_Dimension_Req();
return SwapAxisExp< SrcExp,Info::kDim,a1,a2>( src.self() );
* \brief a sum over all dimensions, except dimkeep
* \param exp input expression that must be a matrix Tensor<?,2>
* \return a expresion with type Tensor<Device,1>
* \tparam dimkeep the dimension that will be kept
* \tparam SrcExp expression
* \tparam etype type of expression
template<int dimkeep, typename SrcExp, int etype>
inline ReduceTo1DExp<SrcExp, red::sum, dimkeep > sumall_except_dim( const Exp<SrcExp,etype> &exp ){
return ReduceTo1DExp<SrcExp,red::sum,dimkeep>( exp.self(), 1.0f );
* \brief pooling subregion results together
* \param src source image, shape[3]: batch, shape[2]: channel shape[1]: height shape[0]:width
* \param ksize kernel size
* \param kstride stride for each kernel
* \return expression of pooled result
* \tparam Reducer reducer type
* \tparam SrcExp source expression
* \tparam etype type of expression
template<typename Reducer, typename SrcExp, int etype>
inline PoolingExp<Reducer,SrcExp, ExpInfo<SrcExp>::kDim > pool( const Exp<SrcExp,etype> &src, index_t ksize, index_t kstride ) {
TypeCheckPass< ExpInfo<SrcExp>::kDim >= 2 >::Error_Expression_Does_Not_Meet_Dimension_Req();
return PoolingExp<Reducer,SrcExp, ExpInfo<SrcExp>::kDim >(src.self(), ksize, kstride);
* \brief same as pool, except the output shape is specified by pshape
* \param src source image
* \param pshape ouput shape
* \param ksize kernel size
* \param kstride stride for each kernel
* \return expression of pooled result
* \tparam Reducer reducer type
* \tparam SrcExp source expression
* \tparam etype type of expression
template<typename Reducer, typename SrcExp, int etype>
inline PoolingExp<Reducer,SrcExp, ExpInfo<SrcExp>::kDim > pool( const Exp<SrcExp,etype> &src, Shape<2> pshape, index_t ksize, index_t kstride ) {
TypeCheckPass< ExpInfo<SrcExp>::kDim >= 2 >::Error_Expression_Does_Not_Meet_Dimension_Req();
return PoolingExp<Reducer,SrcExp, ExpInfo<SrcExp>::kDim >(src.self(), pshape, ksize, kstride);
* \brief unpooling gradient for 4D, backprop gradient value back, revserse operation of pooling
* \param data_src source input, corresponds to src in pooling
* \param data_pooled result of pooled data, corresponds to result of pooling
* \param grad_pooled gradient data of pooled part, to be propgate down
* \param ksize kernel size
* \param kstride stride for each kernel
* \return expression corresponding to unpooled 4D Tensor, storing backproped gradient
* \tparam Reducer reducer type
* \tparam Device device where data lies
template<typename Reducer, typename Device>
inline UnPoolingExp<Reducer, Device> unpool( const Tensor<Device,4>&data_src, const Tensor<Device,4> &data_pooled,
const Tensor<Device,4> &grad_pooled, index_t ksize, index_t kstride ) {
return UnPoolingExp<Reducer, Device>(data_src, data_pooled, grad_pooled,ksize, kstride);
* \brief padding expression, pad a image with zeros on boundaries, padding affects shape[0], and shape[1]
* \param src original image batches
* \param pad padding size
* \return expression corresponding to padded result
* \tparam SrcExp source expression
* \tparam etype type of expression
template<typename SrcExp, int etype>
inline PaddingExp<SrcExp, ExpInfo<SrcExp>::kDim> pad(const Exp<SrcExp, etype> &src, index_t pad) {
TypeCheckPass< ExpInfo<SrcExp>::kDim >= 2 >::Error_Expression_Does_Not_Meet_Dimension_Req();
return PaddingExp<SrcExp, ExpInfo<SrcExp>::kDim>(src.self(), pad);
* \brief revserse operationg of padding, cut off boundaries, crop output from center of input
* \param src original image batches
* \param oshape output shape to be cropped
* \return expression corresponding to padded result
* \tparam SrcExp source expression
* \tparam etype type of expression
template<typename SrcExp, int etype>
inline CroppingExp<SrcExp, ExpInfo<SrcExp>::kDim> crop( const Exp<SrcExp, etype> &src, Shape<2> oshape ) {
TypeCheckPass< ExpInfo<SrcExp>::kDim >= 2 >::Error_Expression_Does_Not_Meet_Dimension_Req();
return CroppingExp<SrcExp, ExpInfo<SrcExp>::kDim>(src.self(), oshape);
* \brief same as crop, but can specify starting position to do cropping
* \param src original image batches
* \param oshape output shape to be cropped
* \param start_height start height position to do cropping
* \param start_width start width position to do cropping
* \return expression corresponding to padded result
* \tparam SrcExp source expression
* \tparam etype type of expression
template<typename SrcExp, int etype>
inline CroppingExp<SrcExp, ExpInfo<SrcExp>::kDim> crop( const Exp<SrcExp, etype> &src, Shape<2> oshape, index_t start_height, index_t start_width ) {
TypeCheckPass< ExpInfo<SrcExp>::kDim >= 2 >::Error_Expression_Does_Not_Meet_Dimension_Req();
return CroppingExp<SrcExp, ExpInfo<SrcExp>::kDim>(src.self(), oshape, start_height, start_width);
* \brief mirroring expression, mirror images in width
* \param src original image batches
* \return expression corresponding to mirrored result
* \tparam SrcExp source expression
* \tparam etype type of expression
template<typename SrcExp, int etype>
inline MirroringExp<SrcExp, ExpInfo<SrcExp>::kDim> mirror(const Exp<SrcExp, etype> &src) {
TypeCheckPass< ExpInfo<SrcExp>::kDim >= 2 >::Error_Expression_Does_Not_Meet_Dimension_Req();
return MirroringExp<SrcExp, ExpInfo<SrcExp>::kDim>(src.self());
* \brief channel pooling, do reduction over (local nearby) channels, used to implement local response normalization
* \param src source data
* \param nsize neighbor size
* \return expression of pooled result
* \tparam Reducer reducer type
* \tparam SrcExp source expression
* \tparam etype type of expression
template<typename Reducer, typename SrcExp, int etype>
inline ChannelPoolingExp<Reducer,SrcExp, ExpInfo<SrcExp>::kDim > chpool( const Exp<SrcExp,etype> &src, index_t nsize ) {
TypeCheckPass< ExpInfo<SrcExp>::kDim >= 3 >::Error_Expression_Does_Not_Meet_Dimension_Req();
return ChannelPoolingExp<Reducer,SrcExp, ExpInfo<SrcExp>::kDim >(src.self(),nsize);
// short cut functions
* \brief a expression that replicate a 1 dimension tensor for nrow times
* \param src Tensor<Device,1>: shape[0]
* \param nrow number of rows to replicate
* \return a expresion with type Tensor<Device,2> shape[0], shape[1] = nrow
* \tparam Device which device it lies
template<typename Device>
inline Broadcast1DExp<Device,2,0> repmat( const Tensor<Device,1> &src, index_t nrow ){
return broadcast<0>( src, Shape2( nrow, src.shape[0] ) );
* \brief a expression that sum over rows of a matrix
* \param exp input expression that must be a matrix Tensor<?,2>
* \return a expresion with type Tensor<Device,1>
* \tparam SrcExp expression
* \tparam etype type of expression
template<typename SrcExp, int etype>
inline ReduceTo1DExp<SrcExp, red::sum, 0 > sum_rows( const Exp<SrcExp,etype> &exp ){
return sumall_except_dim<0>( exp );
}; // namespace expr
}; // namespace mshadow
// ==================================================
// implementations afterwards,
// no need to read if only use the functions
// --------------------------------------------------
namespace mshadow{
namespace expr{
template<typename SV, typename Device, typename EType, typename Reducer, int dimkeep>
struct ExpComplexEngine< SV, Device, 1, ReduceTo1DExp<EType,Reducer,dimkeep> >{
inline static void Eval( Tensor<Device,1> &dst, const ReduceTo1DExp<EType,Reducer,dimkeep> &exp ){
TypeCheckPass< dimkeep!=0 >::Error_Expression_Does_Not_Meet_Dimension_Req();
MapReduceKeepHighDim<SV,Reducer,dimkeep>( dst, exp.src_, exp.scale_ );
template<typename SV, typename Device, typename EType, typename Reducer>
struct ExpComplexEngine< SV, Device, 1, ReduceTo1DExp<EType,Reducer,0> >{
inline static void Eval( Tensor<Device,1> &dst, const ReduceTo1DExp<EType,Reducer,0> &exp ){
MapReduceKeepLowest<SV,Reducer>( dst, exp.src_, exp.scale_ );
}; // namespace expr
namespace expr{
/*! \brief execution plan of Broadcast1DExp */
template<typename Device, int dimdst, int dimcast>
struct Plan< Broadcast1DExp<Device,dimdst,dimcast> >{
Plan( const Broadcast1DExp<Device,dimdst,dimcast> &e )
: dptr_( e.src_.dptr ),
ystride_( e.shape_.ProdShape(1,dimcast) ),
TypeCheckPass< dimcast!=0 >::Error_Expression_Does_Not_Meet_Dimension_Req();
MSHADOW_XINLINE real_t Eval( index_t y, index_t x ) const{
return dptr_[ (y / ystride_) % length_ ];
const real_t *dptr_;
const index_t ystride_, length_;
/*! \brief execution plan of Broadcast1DExp */
template<typename Device, int dimdst>
struct Plan< Broadcast1DExp<Device,dimdst,0> >{
Plan( const Broadcast1DExp<Device,dimdst,0> &e ): dptr_( e.src_.dptr ){}
MSHADOW_XINLINE real_t Eval( index_t y, index_t x ) const{
return dptr_[ x ];
const real_t *dptr_;
}; // namespace expr
namespace expr{
template<typename SrcExp, int srcdim>
struct Plan< UnpackPatchToColXExp<SrcExp,srcdim> >{
Plan( const UnpackPatchToColXExp<SrcExp,srcdim> &e )
:src_(MakePlan(e.img_)),psize_(e.psize_), pstride_(e.pstride_),
i_channel_(e.i_channel_), i_height_(e.i_height_), i_width_(e.i_width_),
o_height_(( i_height_ - psize_ ) / pstride_ + 1),
o_width_ (( i_width_ - psize_ ) / pstride_ + 1){
MSHADOW_XINLINE real_t Eval( index_t i, index_t j ) const{
const index_t x_offset = i % psize_;
const index_t idivp = i / psize_;
const index_t y_offset = idivp % psize_;
const index_t c = idivp / psize_;
const index_t x = (j % o_width_) * pstride_ + x_offset;
const index_t jdivw = j / o_width_;
const index_t y = (jdivw % o_height_) * pstride_ + y_offset;
const index_t n = jdivw / o_height_;
if( x < i_width_ && y < i_height_ ){
return src_.Eval( ( n * i_channel_ + c ) * i_height_ + y, x );
return 0.0f;
Plan<SrcExp> src_;
const index_t psize_, pstride_, i_channel_, i_height_, i_width_, o_height_, o_width_;
template<typename Device, int dstdim>
struct Plan< PackColToPatchXExp<Device, dstdim> >{
Plan( const PackColToPatchXExp<Device, dstdim> &e )
:mat_(e.mat_), psize_(e.psize_), pstride_(e.pstride_),
i_channel_(e.shape_[2]), i_height_(e.shape_[1]),
o_width_(( e.shape_[0] - psize_ ) / pstride_ + 1),
o_height_(( e.shape_[1] - psize_ ) / pstride_ + 1){
// note: i/o convention are same as unpack
MSHADOW_XINLINE real_t Eval( index_t i, index_t j ) const{
using namespace std;
const index_t y = i % i_height_;
const index_t idivh = i / i_height_;
const index_t c = idivh % i_channel_;
const index_t n = idivh / i_channel_;
const index_t x = j;
const index_t py_min = y < psize_ ? 0 : (y-psize_+pstride_)/pstride_;
const index_t px_min = x < psize_ ? 0 : (x-psize_+pstride_)/pstride_;
const index_t py_max = min( (y+pstride_)/pstride_, o_height_);
const index_t px_max = min( (x+pstride_)/pstride_, o_width_ );
real_t res = 0.0f;
for( index_t py = py_min; py < py_max; ++py ){
for( index_t px = px_min; px < px_max; ++px ){
res += mat_[ (c * psize_ + y - py*pstride_) * psize_ + x - px*pstride_ ][ (n * o_height_ + py) * o_width_+px ];
return res;
Tensor<Device,2> mat_;
const index_t psize_, pstride_, i_channel_, i_height_, o_width_, o_height_;
namespace expr{
template<typename SrcExp, int dimdst, int dimsrc>
struct Plan< ReshapeExp<SrcExp,dimdst,dimsrc> >{
Plan( const ReshapeExp<SrcExp,dimdst,dimsrc> &e )
: src_(MakePlan(e.src_)), oshape0_(e.shape_[0]), ishape0_(e.ishape0_){
MSHADOW_XINLINE real_t Eval( index_t y, index_t x ) const{
const index_t idx = y * oshape0_ + x;
return src_.Eval( idx / ishape0_, idx % ishape0_ );
Plan<SrcExp> src_;
const index_t oshape0_, ishape0_;
// special work plan for 1 dimensional data
template<typename SrcExp,int dimdst>
struct Plan< ReshapeExp<SrcExp,dimdst,1> >{
Plan( const ReshapeExp<SrcExp,dimdst,1> &e )
: src_(MakePlan(e.src_)), oshape0_(e.shape_[0]){
MSHADOW_XINLINE real_t Eval( index_t y, index_t x ) const{
return src_.Eval( 0, y * oshape0_ + x );
Plan<SrcExp> src_;
const index_t oshape0_;
namespace expr{
template<typename SrcExp,int dimsrc, int a1, int a2>
struct Plan< SwapAxisExp<SrcExp,dimsrc,a1,a2> >{
Plan( const SwapAxisExp<SrcExp,dimsrc,a1,a2> &e )
: src_(MakePlan(e.src_)),
shape1_( e.shape_.ProdShape( 1, a1 ) ),
shape2_( e.shape_[a1] ),
shape3_( e.shape_.ProdShape( a1+1, a2 ) ),
shape4_( e.shape_[a2] ){
MSHADOW_XINLINE real_t Eval( index_t i, index_t j ) const{
const index_t y = i % shape1_;
i /= shape1_;
const index_t z = i % shape2_;
i /= shape2_;
const index_t c = i % shape3_;
i /= shape3_;
const index_t n = i % shape4_;
// swap z and n
return src_.Eval( ((((i/shape4_)*shape2_ + z) * shape3_+c) * shape4_ + n ) * shape1_ + y, j );
Plan<SrcExp> src_;
const index_t shape1_, shape2_, shape3_, shape4_;
template<typename SrcExp,int dimsrc, int a2>
struct Plan< SwapAxisExp<SrcExp,dimsrc,0,a2> >{
Plan( const SwapAxisExp<SrcExp,dimsrc,0,a2> &e )
: src_(MakePlan(e.src_)),
shape0_( e.shape_[0] ),
shape1_( e.shape_.ProdShape(1,a2) ),
shape2_( e.shape_[a2] ){
MSHADOW_XINLINE real_t Eval( index_t i, index_t x ) const{
// swap x and z
const index_t y = i % shape1_;
i /= shape1_;
const index_t z = i % shape2_;
const index_t n = i / shape2_;
return src_.Eval( ( n*shape0_ + x ) * shape1_ + y , z );
Plan<SrcExp> src_;
const index_t shape0_, shape1_, shape2_;
namespace expr{
template<typename Reducer, typename SrcExp, int srcdim>
struct Plan< PoolingExp< Reducer, SrcExp, srcdim> > {
Plan( const PoolingExp<Reducer, SrcExp, srcdim> &e )
: src_( MakePlan( e.src_ ) ), ksize_(e.ksize_), kstride_(e.kstride_),
src_height_(e.src_height_),src_width_(e.src_width_), new_height_(e.shape_[1]) {
MSHADOW_XINLINE real_t Eval(index_t i, index_t j) const {
using namespace std;
const index_t py = i % new_height_;
const index_t y_start = py * kstride_;
const index_t y_end = min( y_start + ksize_, src_height_ );
const index_t px = j;
const index_t x_start = px * kstride_;
const index_t x_end = min( x_start + ksize_, src_width_ );
const index_t c = i / new_height_;
real_t res = Reducer::kInitV;
for (index_t y = y_start; y < y_end; ++y) {
for (index_t x = x_start; x < x_end; ++x) {
Reducer::Reduce( res, src_.Eval( c*src_height_+y, x ) );
return res;
Plan<SrcExp> src_;
const index_t ksize_, kstride_;
const index_t src_height_, src_width_;
const index_t new_height_;
template<typename Reducer, typename Device>
struct Plan<UnPoolingExp<Reducer, Device> > {
Plan(const UnPoolingExp<Reducer, Device> &e)
: data_src_(e.data_src_), data_pooled_(e.data_pooled_), grad_pooled_(e.grad_pooled_),
ksize_(e.ksize_), kstride_(e.kstride_) {}
MSHADOW_XINLINE real_t Eval(index_t i, index_t j) const {
using namespace std;
const index_t x = j;
const index_t y = i % data_src_.shape[1];
const index_t c = i / data_src_.shape[1];
const real_t vsrc = data_src_[0][c][y][x];
const index_t py_min = y < ksize_ ? 0 : (y-ksize_+kstride_)/kstride_;
const index_t px_min = x < ksize_ ? 0 : (x-ksize_+kstride_)/kstride_;
const index_t py_max = min( (y+kstride_)/kstride_, data_pooled_.shape[1]);
const index_t px_max = min( (x+kstride_)/kstride_, data_pooled_.shape[0]);
real_t val = 0;
for( index_t py = py_min; py < py_max; ++py ){
for( index_t px = px_min; px < px_max; ++px ){
val += Reducer::PartialGrad(vsrc, data_pooled_[0][c][py][px]) * grad_pooled_[0][c][py][px];
return val;
Tensor<Device, 4> data_src_, data_pooled_, grad_pooled_;
const index_t ksize_;
const index_t kstride_;
}; // namespace expr
namespace expr{
template<typename SrcExp, int srcdim>
struct Plan< PaddingExp<SrcExp, srcdim> > {
Plan(const PaddingExp<SrcExp, srcdim> &e)
: src_(MakePlan(e.src_)), pad_(e.pad_), new_height_(e.shape_[1]),
src_height_(e.src_height_), src_width_(e.src_width_) {}
MSHADOW_XINLINE real_t Eval(index_t i, index_t j) const {
const index_t x = j;
const index_t y = i % new_height_;
const index_t c = i / new_height_;
if (y < pad_ || x < pad_) return 0.0f;
const index_t h = y - pad_;
const index_t w = x - pad_;
if (h < src_height_ && w < src_width_) {
return src_.Eval(c * src_height_ + h, w);
} else {
return 0.0f;
Plan<SrcExp> src_;
const index_t pad_;
const index_t new_height_;
const index_t src_height_;
const index_t src_width_;
template<typename SrcExp, int srcdim>
struct Plan<CroppingExp<SrcExp, srcdim> > {
Plan(const CroppingExp<SrcExp, srcdim> &e)
: src_(MakePlan(e.src_)), pad_height_(e.pad_height_),pad_width_(e.pad_width_),
new_height_(e.shape_[1]), src_height_(e.src_height_) {}
MSHADOW_XINLINE real_t Eval(index_t i, index_t j) const {
const index_t x = j;
const index_t y = i % new_height_;
const index_t c = i / new_height_;
const index_t h = y + pad_height_;
const index_t w = x + pad_width_;
return src_.Eval(c * src_height_ + h, w);
Plan<SrcExp> src_;
const index_t pad_height_, pad_width_;
const index_t new_height_;
const index_t src_height_;
template<typename SrcExp, int srcdim>
struct Plan< MirroringExp<SrcExp, srcdim> > {
Plan(const MirroringExp<SrcExp, srcdim> &e)
: src_(MakePlan(e.src_)), width_(e.shape_[0]){}
MSHADOW_XINLINE real_t Eval(index_t i, index_t j) const {
return src_.Eval( i, width_ - j - 1 );
Plan<SrcExp> src_;
const index_t width_;
}; // namespace expr
namespace expr{
template<typename Reducer, typename SrcExp, int srcdim>
struct Plan< ChannelPoolingExp< Reducer, SrcExp, srcdim> > {
Plan( const ChannelPoolingExp<Reducer, SrcExp, srcdim> &e )
: src_( MakePlan( e.src_ ) ), channel_(e.shape_[2]),
height_(e.shape_[1]),width_(e.shape_[0]), hnsize_(e.nsize_/2){
MSHADOW_XINLINE real_t Eval(index_t i, index_t j) const {
using namespace std;
const index_t y = i % height_;
i /= height_;
const index_t c = i % channel_;
const index_t n = i / channel_;
const index_t x = j;
const index_t cstart = c < hnsize_ ? 0 : c - hnsize_;
const index_t cend = min( c + hnsize_ + 1, channel_ );
real_t res = Reducer::kInitV;
for( index_t cc = cstart; cc < cend; ++ cc ){
Reducer::Reduce( res, src_.Eval( (n*channel_+cc)*height_ + y, x ) );
return res;
Plan<SrcExp> src_;
const index_t channel_, height_, width_, hnsize_;
}; // namespace mshadow
// implementations of SSE support, if possible
#include "tensor_sse-inl.hpp"
namespace mshadow{
namespace expr{
template<int dimdst>
struct SSECheck< Broadcast1DExp<cpu,dimdst,0> >{
const static bool kPass = true;
template<int dimdst>
struct SSEAlignCheck<2, Broadcast1DExp<cpu,dimdst,0> >{
inline static bool Check( const Broadcast1DExp<cpu,dimdst,0> &exp ){
return sse2::CheckAlign( exp.src_.dptr );
template<int dimdst>
class SSEPlan< Broadcast1DExp<cpu,dimdst,0> >{
SSEPlan( const Broadcast1DExp<cpu,dimdst,0> &t )
MSHADOW_CINLINE sse2::FVec<real_t> EvalSSE( index_t y, index_t x ) const{
return sse2::FVec<real_t>( &dptr_[ x ] );
MSHADOW_CINLINE real_t Eval( index_t y, index_t x ) const{
return dptr_[ x ];
const real_t *dptr_;