blob: 440da91612896dc12e83dbf9cc6aaa2da3d58b63 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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#include <glog/logging.h>
#include "singa/neuralnet/neuron_layer.h"
#include "singa/utils/singleton.h"
#include "singa/utils/math_blob.h"
#include "singa/utils/singa_op.h"
using namespace std;
namespace singa {
using std::vector;
GRULayer::~GRULayer() {
delete weight_z_hx_;
delete weight_z_hh_;
delete bias_z_;
delete weight_r_hx_;
delete weight_r_hh_;
delete bias_r_;
delete weight_c_hx_;
delete weight_c_hh_;
delete bias_c_;
delete update_gate_;
delete reset_gate_;
delete new_memory_;
// delete reset_context_;
void GRULayer::Setup(const LayerProto& conf,
const vector<Layer*>& srclayers) {
Layer::Setup(conf, srclayers);
CHECK_LE(srclayers.size(), 2);
const auto& src = srclayers[0]->data(this);
batchsize_ = src.shape()[0]; // size of batch
vdim_ = src.count() / (batchsize_); // dimension of input
hdim_ = layer_conf_.gru_conf().dim_hidden(); // dimension of hidden state
data_.Reshape(vector<int>{batchsize_, hdim_});
// one for grad from dst GRU, one for grad from upper layer
gradvec_.push_back(new Blob<float>(grad_.shape()));
// Initialize the parameters
weight_z_hx_ = Param::Create(conf.param(0));
weight_r_hx_ = Param::Create(conf.param(1));
weight_c_hx_ = Param::Create(conf.param(2));
weight_z_hh_ = Param::Create(conf.param(3));
weight_r_hh_ = Param::Create(conf.param(4));
weight_c_hh_ = Param::Create(conf.param(5));
if (conf.param_size() > 6) {
bias_z_ = Param::Create(conf.param(6));
bias_r_ = Param::Create(conf.param(7));
bias_c_ = Param::Create(conf.param(8));
weight_z_hx_->Setup(vector<int>{hdim_, vdim_});
weight_r_hx_->Setup(vector<int>{hdim_, vdim_});
weight_c_hx_->Setup(vector<int>{hdim_, vdim_});
weight_z_hh_->Setup(vector<int>{hdim_, hdim_});
weight_r_hh_->Setup(vector<int>{hdim_, hdim_});
weight_c_hh_->Setup(vector<int>{hdim_, hdim_});
if (conf.param_size() > 6) {
update_gate_ = new Blob<float>(batchsize_, hdim_);
reset_gate_ = new Blob<float>(batchsize_, hdim_);
new_memory_ = new Blob<float>(batchsize_, hdim_);
void GRULayer::ComputeFeature(int flag,
const vector<Layer*>& srclayers) {
CHECK_LE(srclayers.size(), 2);
// Do transpose
Blob<float> *w_z_hx_t = Transpose(weight_z_hx_->data());
Blob<float> *w_z_hh_t = Transpose(weight_z_hh_->data());
Blob<float> *w_r_hx_t = Transpose(weight_r_hx_->data());
Blob<float> *w_r_hh_t = Transpose(weight_r_hh_->data());
Blob<float> *w_c_hx_t = Transpose(weight_c_hx_->data());
Blob<float> *w_c_hh_t = Transpose(weight_c_hh_->data());
// Prepare the data input and the context
const auto& src = srclayers[0]->data(this);
const Blob<float> *context;
if (srclayers.size() == 1) { // only have data input
context = new Blob<float>(batchsize_, hdim_);
} else { // have data input & context
context = &srclayers[1]->data(this);
// Compute the update gate
GEMM(1.0f, 0.0f, src, *w_z_hx_t, update_gate_);
if (bias_z_ != nullptr)
MVAddRow(1.0f, 1.0f, bias_z_->data(), update_gate_);
GEMM(1.0f, 1.0f, *context, *w_z_hh_t, update_gate_);
Map<op::Sigmoid<float>, float>(*update_gate_, update_gate_);
// LOG(ERROR) << "Update Gate: " << update_gate_->cpu_data()[0];
// Compute the reset gate
GEMM(1.0f, 0.0f, src, *w_r_hx_t, reset_gate_);
if (bias_r_ != nullptr)
MVAddRow(1.0f, 1.0f, bias_r_->data(), reset_gate_);
GEMM(1.0f, 1.0f, *context, *w_r_hh_t, reset_gate_);
Map<op::Sigmoid<float>, float>(*reset_gate_, reset_gate_);
// LOG(ERROR) << "Reset Gate: " << reset_gate_->cpu_data()[0];
// Compute the new memory
GEMM(1.0f, 0.0f, *context, *w_c_hh_t, new_memory_);
Mult<float>(*reset_gate_, *new_memory_, new_memory_);
GEMM(1.0f, 1.0f, src, *w_c_hx_t, new_memory_);
if (bias_c_ != nullptr)
MVAddRow(1.0f, 1.0f, bias_c_->data(), new_memory_);
Map<op::Tanh<float>, float>(*new_memory_, new_memory_);
Sub(*context, *new_memory_, &data_);
Mult(data_, *update_gate_, &data_);
Add(data_, *new_memory_, &data_);
// delete the pointers
if (srclayers.size() == 1)
delete context;
delete w_z_hx_t;
delete w_z_hh_t;
delete w_r_hx_t;
delete w_r_hh_t;
delete w_c_hx_t;
delete w_c_hh_t;
void GRULayer::ComputeGradient(int flag,
const vector<Layer*>& srclayers) {
CHECK_LE(srclayers.size(), 2);
// agg grad from two dst layers, gradvec_[0] is grad_
AXPY(1.0f, *gradvec_[1], &grad_);
float beta = 1.0f; // agg param gradients
Layer* ilayer = srclayers[0]; // input layer
Layer* clayer = nullptr; // context layer
// Prepare the data input and the context
const Blob<float>& src = ilayer->data(this);
const Blob<float> *context;
if (srclayers.size() == 1) { // only have data input
context = new Blob<float>(batchsize_, hdim_);
} else { // have data input & context
clayer = srclayers[1];
context = &(clayer->data(this));
// Compute intermediate gradients which are used for other computations
Blob<float> dugatedz(batchsize_, hdim_);
Map<singa::op::SigmoidGrad<float>, float>(*update_gate_, &dugatedz);
Blob<float> drgatedr(batchsize_, hdim_);
Map<singa::op::SigmoidGrad<float>, float>(*reset_gate_, &drgatedr);
Blob<float> dnewmdc(batchsize_, hdim_);
Map<singa::op::TanhGrad<float>, float>(*new_memory_, &dnewmdc);
Blob<float> dLdz(batchsize_, hdim_);
Sub<float>(*context, *new_memory_, &dLdz);
Mult<float>(dLdz, grad_, &dLdz);
Mult<float>(dLdz, dugatedz, &dLdz);
Blob<float> dLdc(batchsize_, hdim_);
Blob<float> z1(batchsize_, hdim_);
AXPY<float>(-1.0f, *update_gate_, &z1);
Mult(grad_, z1, &dLdc);
Mult(dLdc, dnewmdc, &dLdc);
Blob<float> reset_dLdc(batchsize_, hdim_);
Mult(dLdc, *reset_gate_, &reset_dLdc);
Blob<float> dLdr(batchsize_, hdim_);
Blob<float> cprev(batchsize_, hdim_);
GEMM(1.0f, 0.0f, *context, weight_c_hh_->data().T(), &cprev);
Mult(dLdc, cprev, &dLdr);
Mult(dLdr, drgatedr, &dLdr);
// Compute gradients for parameters of update gate
Blob<float> *dLdz_t = Transpose(dLdz);
GEMM(1.0f, beta, *dLdz_t, src, weight_z_hx_->mutable_grad());
GEMM(1.0f, beta, *dLdz_t, *context, weight_z_hh_->mutable_grad());
if (bias_z_ != nullptr)
MVSumRow<float>(1.0f, beta, dLdz, bias_z_->mutable_grad());
delete dLdz_t;
// Compute gradients for parameters of reset gate
Blob<float> *dLdr_t = Transpose(dLdr);
GEMM(1.0f, beta, *dLdr_t, src, weight_r_hx_->mutable_grad());
GEMM(1.0f, beta, *dLdr_t, *context, weight_r_hh_->mutable_grad());
if (bias_r_ != nullptr)
MVSumRow(1.0f, beta, dLdr, bias_r_->mutable_grad());
delete dLdr_t;
// Compute gradients for parameters of new memory
Blob<float> *dLdc_t = Transpose(dLdc);
GEMM(1.0f, beta, *dLdc_t, src, weight_c_hx_->mutable_grad());
if (bias_c_ != nullptr)
MVSumRow(1.0f, beta, dLdc, bias_c_->mutable_grad());
delete dLdc_t;
Blob<float> *reset_dLdc_t = Transpose(reset_dLdc);
GEMM(1.0f, beta, *reset_dLdc_t, *context, weight_c_hh_->mutable_grad());
delete reset_dLdc_t;
// Compute gradients for data input layer
if (srclayers[0]->mutable_grad(this) != nullptr) {
GEMM(1.0f, 0.0f, dLdc, weight_c_hx_->data(), ilayer->mutable_grad(this));
GEMM(1.0f, 1.0f, dLdz, weight_z_hx_->data(), ilayer->mutable_grad(this));
GEMM(1.0f, 1.0f, dLdr, weight_r_hx_->data(), ilayer->mutable_grad(this));
if (clayer != nullptr && clayer->mutable_grad(this) != nullptr) {
// Compute gradients for context layer
GEMM(1.0f, 0.0f, reset_dLdc, weight_c_hh_->data(),
GEMM(1.0f, 1.0f, dLdr, weight_r_hh_->data(), clayer->mutable_grad(this));
GEMM(1.0f, 1.0f, dLdz, weight_z_hh_->data(), clayer->mutable_grad(this));
Add(clayer->grad(this), *update_gate_, clayer->mutable_grad(this));
// LOG(ERROR) << "grad to prev gru " << Asum(clayer->grad(this));
if (srclayers.size() == 1)
delete context;
} // namespace singa