blob: e77e9ca3f907f21f432fd89bc2efd630c28de8ea [file] [log] [blame]
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#include <glog/logging.h>
#include "singa/neuralnet/neuron_layer.h"
#include "singa/utils/singleton.h"
namespace singa {
using std::vector;
/************ Implementation for ConvolutionLayer*************************/
ConvolutionLayer::~ConvolutionLayer() {
delete weight_;
delete bias_;
void ConvolutionLayer::Setup(const LayerProto& conf,
const vector<Layer*>& srclayers) {
CHECK_EQ(srclayers.size(), 1);
Layer::Setup(conf, srclayers);
ConvolutionProto conv_conf = conf.convolution_conf();
if (conv_conf.has_kernel()) {
kernel_x_ = kernel_y_ = conv_conf.kernel();
} else {
kernel_x_ = conv_conf.kernel_x();
kernel_y_ = conv_conf.kernel_y();
CHECK_NE(kernel_x_, 0);
CHECK_NE(kernel_y_, 0);
if (conv_conf.has_pad()) {
pad_x_ = pad_y_ = conv_conf.pad();
} else {
pad_x_ = conv_conf.pad_x();
pad_y_ = conv_conf.pad_y();
if (conv_conf.has_stride()) {
stride_x_ = stride_y_ = conv_conf.stride();
} else {
stride_x_ = conv_conf.stride_x();
stride_y_ = conv_conf.stride_y();
num_filters_ = conv_conf.num_filters();
// partition filters
if (partition_dim() > 0)
num_filters_ /=>num_partitions();
const vector<int>& srcshape = srclayers[0]->data(this).shape();
batchsize_ = srcshape[0];
int dim = srcshape.size();
CHECK_GT(dim, 2);
width_ = srcshape[dim - 1];
height_ = srcshape[dim - 2];
if (dim > 3)
channels_ = srcshape[dim - 3];
else if (dim > 2)
channels_ = 1;
conv_height_ = (height_ + 2 * pad_y_ - kernel_y_) / stride_y_ + 1;
conv_width_ = (width_ + 2 * pad_x_ - kernel_x_) / stride_x_ + 1;
col_height_ = channels_ * kernel_x_ * kernel_y_;
col_width_ = conv_height_ * conv_width_;
vector<int> shape{batchsize_, num_filters_, conv_height_, conv_width_};
col_data_.Reshape(vector<int>{col_height_, col_width_});
col_grad_.Reshape(vector<int>{col_height_, col_width_});
weight_ = Param::Create(conf.param(0));
weight_->Setup(vector<int>{num_filters_, col_height_});
if (conf.param_size() > 1) {
bias_ = Param::Create(conf.param(1));
// TODO(wangwei) remove mshadow's functions
void ConvolutionLayer::ComputeFeature(int flag,
const vector<Layer*>& srclayers) {
auto src = Tensor4(srclayers[0]->mutable_data(this));
auto data = Tensor3(&data_);
auto col = Tensor2(&col_data_);
auto weight = Tensor2(weight_->mutable_data());
auto bias = Tensor1(bias_->mutable_data());
for (int n = 0; n < batchsize_; n++) {
if (pad_x_ > 0)
col = expr::unpack_patch2col(pad(src[n], pad_x_), kernel_x_, stride_x_);
col = expr::unpack_patch2col(src[n], kernel_x_, stride_x_);
data[n] = dot(weight, col);
data += expr::broadcast<1>(bias, data.shape);
void ConvolutionLayer::ComputeGradient(int flag,
const vector<Layer*>& srclayers) {
auto src = Tensor4(srclayers[0]->mutable_data(this));
auto col = Tensor2(&col_data_);
auto weight = Tensor2(weight_->mutable_data());
auto grad = Tensor3(&grad_);
auto gcol = Tensor2(&col_grad_);
auto gweight = Tensor2(weight_->mutable_grad());
auto gbias = Tensor1(bias_->mutable_grad());
Blob<float>* gsrcblob = srclayers[0]->mutable_grad(this);
Tensor<cpu, 4> gsrc(nullptr, Shape4(batchsize_, channels_, height_, width_));
if (gsrcblob != nullptr)
gsrc.dptr = gsrcblob->mutable_cpu_data();
gbias = expr::sumall_except_dim<1>(grad);
gweight = 0.0f;
Shape<3> padshp(gsrc.shape.SubShape());
padshp[0] += 2 * pad_y_;
padshp[1] += 2 * pad_x_;
Shape<2> imgshp = Shape2(height_, width_);
for (int n = 0; n < batchsize_; n++) {
if (pad_x_ > 0)
col = expr::unpack_patch2col(pad(src[n], pad_x_), kernel_x_, stride_x_);
col = expr::unpack_patch2col(src[n], kernel_x_, stride_x_);
gweight += dot(grad[n], col.T());
if (gsrcblob != nullptr) {
gcol = dot(weight.T(), grad[n]);
gsrc[n] = crop(expr::pack_col2patch(gcol, padshp, kernel_x_, stride_x_),
/******************* Implementation for CConvolutionLayer *********/
void CConvolutionLayer::ComputeFeature(int flag,
const vector<Layer*>& srclayers) {
auto src = Tensor4(srclayers[0]->mutable_data(this));
auto data = Tensor3(&data_);
auto col = Tensor2(&col_data_);
auto weight = Tensor2(weight_->mutable_data());
auto bias = Tensor1(bias_->mutable_data());
for (int n = 0; n < batchsize_; n++) {
Im2col(src[n].dptr, channels_, height_, width_,
kernel_y_, kernel_x_, pad_y_, pad_x_, stride_y_, stride_x_, col.dptr);
data[n] = dot(weight, col);
data += expr::broadcast<1>(bias, data.shape);
void CConvolutionLayer::ComputeGradient(int flag,
const vector<Layer*>& srclayers) {
auto src = Tensor4(srclayers[0]->mutable_data(this));
auto col = Tensor2(&col_data_);
auto weight = Tensor2(weight_->mutable_data());
auto grad = Tensor3(&grad_);
auto gcol = Tensor2(&col_grad_);
auto gweight = Tensor2(weight_->mutable_grad());
auto gbias = Tensor1(bias_->mutable_grad());
gweight = 0.f;
Blob<float>* gsrcblob = srclayers[0]->mutable_grad(this);
Tensor<cpu, 4> gsrc(nullptr, Shape4(batchsize_, channels_, height_, width_));
if (gsrcblob != nullptr)
gsrc.dptr = gsrcblob->mutable_cpu_data();
gbias = expr::sumall_except_dim<1>(grad);
for (int n = 0; n < batchsize_; n++) {
Im2col(src[n].dptr, channels_, height_, width_,
kernel_y_, kernel_x_, pad_y_, pad_x_, stride_y_, stride_x_, col.dptr);
gweight += dot(grad[n], col.T());
if (gsrcblob != nullptr) {
gcol = dot(weight.T(), grad[n]);
Col2im(gcol.dptr, channels_, height_, width_,
kernel_y_, kernel_x_, pad_y_, pad_x_, stride_y_, stride_x_,
} // namespace singa