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<h1>singa-incubating-0.3.0 Release Notes<a class="headerlink" href="#singa-incubating-0-3-0-release-notes" title="Permalink to this headline"></a></h1>
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<p>SINGA is a general distributed deep learning platform for training big deep
learning models over large datasets. It is designed with an intuitive
programming model based on the layer abstraction. SINGA supports a wide variety
of popular deep learning models.</p>
<p>This release includes following features:</p>
<ul class="simple">
<li>GPU Support<ul>
<li>[SINGA-131] Implement and optimize hybrid training using both CPU and GPU</li>
<li>[SINGA-136] Support cuDNN v4</li>
<li>[SINGA-134] Extend SINGA to run over a GPU cluster</li>
<li>[SINGA-157] Change the priority of cudnn library and install</li>
<li>Remove Dependences<ul>
<li>[SINGA-156] Remove the dependency on ZMQ for single process training</li>
<li>[SINGA-155] Remove zookeeper for single-process training</li>
<li>Python Binding<ul>
<li>[SINGA-126] Python Binding for Interactive Training</li>
<li>Other Improvements<ul>
<li>[SINGA-80] New Blob Level and Address Level Math Operation Interface</li>
<li>[SINGA-130] Data Prefetching</li>
<li>[SINGA-145] New SGD based optimization Updaters: AdaDelta, Adam, AdamMax</li>
<li>Bugs Fixed<ul>
<li>[SINGA-148] Race condition between Worker threads and Driver</li>
<li>[SINGA-150] Mesos Docker container failed</li>
<li>[SIGNA-141] Undesired Hash collision when locating process id to worker…</li>
<li>[SINGA-149] Docker build fail</li>
<li>[SINGA-143] The compilation cannot detect file</li>
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