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<p>Release Notes - SINGA - Version singa-3.0.0.rc1</p>
<p>SINGA is a distributed deep learning library.</p>
<p>This release includes following changes:</p>
<li><p>Code quality has been promoted by introducing linting check in CI and auto
code formatter. For linting, the tools, <code>cpplint</code> and <code>pylint</code>, are used and
configured to comply
<a href="">google coding styles</a> details in
<code>tool/linting/</code>. Similarly, formatting tools, <code>clang-format</code> and <code>yapf</code>
configured with google coding styles, are the recommended one for developers
to clean code before submitting changes, details in <code>tool/code-format/</code>.
<a href="">LGTM</a> is enabled on Github for code quality check; License
check is also enabled.</p></li>
<li><p>New Tensor APIs are added for naming consistency, and feature enhancement:</p>
<li>size(), mem_size(), get_value(), to_proto(), l1(), l2(): added for the sake
of naming consistency</li>
<li>AsType(): convert data type between <code>float</code> and <code>int</code></li>
<li>ceil(): perform element-wise ceiling of the input</li>
<li>concat(): concatenate two tensor</li>
<li>index selector: e.g. tensor1[:,:,1:,1:]</li>
<li>softmax(in, axis): allow to perform softmax on a axis on a multi-dimensional
<li><p>14 new operators are added into the autograd module: Gemm, GlobalAveragePool,
ConstantOfShape, Dropout, ReduceSum, ReduceMean, Slice, Ceil, Split, Gather,
Tile, NonZero, Cast, OneHot. Their unit tests are added as well.</p></li>
<li><p>14 new operators are added to sonnx module for both backend and frontend:
<a href="">Gemm</a>,
<a href="">GlobalAveragePool</a>,
<a href="">ConstantOfShape</a>,
<a href="">Dropout</a>,
<a href="">ReduceSum</a>,
<a href="">ReduceMean</a>,
<a href="">Slice</a>,
<a href="">Ceil</a>,
<a href="">Split</a>,
<a href="">Gather</a>,
<a href="">Tile</a>,
<a href="">NonZero</a>,
<a href="">Cast</a>,
<a href="">OneHot</a>.
Their tests are added as well.</p></li>
<li><p>Some ONNX models are imported into SINGA, including
<a href="">Bert-squad</a>,
<a href="">Arcface</a>,
<a href="">FER+ Emotion</a>,
<a href="">MobileNet</a>,
<a href="">ResNet18</a>,
<a href="">Tiny Yolov2</a>,
<a href="">Vgg16</a>,
and Mnist.</p></li>
<li><p>Some operators now support
<a href="">multidirectional broadcasting</a>,
including Add, Sub, Mul, Div, Pow, PRelu, Gemm</p></li>
<li><p>[Distributed training with communication optimization].
<a href="./python/singa/">DistOpt</a> has implemented multiple optimization
techniques, including gradient sparsification, chunk transmission, and
gradient compression.</p></li>
<li><p>Computational graph construction at the CPP level. The operations submitted to
the Device are buffered. After analyzing the dependency, the computational
graph is created, which is further analyzed for speed and memory optimization.
To enable this feature, use the <a href="./python/singa/">Module API</a>.</p></li>
<li><p>New website based on Docusaurus. The documentation files are moved to a
separate repo <a href="">singa-doc</a>. The static
website files are stored at
<a href="">singa-site</a>.</p></li>
<li><p>DNNL(<a href="">Deep Neural Network Library</a>), powered
by Intel, is integrated into
<code>model/operations/[batchnorm|pooling|convolution]</code>, the changes is opaque to
the end users. The current version is dnnl v1.1 which replaced previous
integration of mkl-dnn v0.18. The framework could boost the performance of dl
operations when executing on CPU. The dnnl dependency is installed through
<li><p>Some Tensor APIs are marked as deprecated which could be replaced by
broadcast, and it can support better on multi-dimensional operations. These
APIs are add_column(), add_row(), div_column(), div_row(), mult_column(),
<li><p>Conv and Pooling are enhanced to support fine-grained padding like (2,3,2,3),
<a href="">SAME_UPPER, SAME_LOWER</a>
pad mode and shape checking.</p></li>
<li><p>Reconstruct soonx,</p>
<li>Support two types of weight value (Initializer and Constant Node);</li>
<li>For some operators (BatchNorm, Reshape, Clip, Slice, Gather, Tile, OneHot),
move some inputs to its attributes;</li>
<li>Define and implement the type conversion map.</li>
</span></div></article></div><div class="docLastUpdate"><em>Last updated on 4/9/2020</em></div><div class="docs-prevnext"></div></div></div><nav class="onPageNav"></nav></div><footer class="nav-footer" id="footer"><section class="sitemap"><a href="/" class="nav-home"><img src="/img/singa-logo-square.png" alt="Apache SINGA" width="66" height="58"/></a><div><h5>Docs</h5><a href="/docs/installation">Getting Started</a><a href="/docs/device">Guides</a><a href="/en/">API Reference</a><a href="/docs/examples">Examples</a><a href="/docs/download-singa">Development</a></div><div><h5>Community</h5><a href="/en/users.html">User Showcase</a><a href="/docs/history-singa">SINGA History</a><a href="/docs/team-list">SINGA Team</a><a href="/blog">SINGA News</a><a href="">GitHub</a><div class="social"><a class="github-button" href="" data-count-href="/apache/singa/stargazers" data-show-count="true" data-count-aria-label="# stargazers on GitHub" aria-label="Star this project on GitHub">apache/singa-doc</a></div><div class="social"><a href="" class="twitter-follow-button">Follow @ApacheSINGA</a></div></div><div><h5>Apache Software Foundation</h5><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">Foundation</a><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">License</a><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">Sponsorship</a><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">Thanks</a><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">Events</a><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">Security</a></div></section><div style="width:100%;text-align:center"><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener" class="ApacheOpenSource"><img src="/img/asf_logo_wide.svg" alt="Apache Open Source"/></a><section class="copyright" style="max-width:60%;margin:0 auto">Copyright © 2020
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