update team list
diff --git a/docs-site/docs/how-to-release.md b/docs-site/docs/how-to-release.md
index 4572bb6..9e99054 100644
--- a/docs-site/docs/how-to-release.md
+++ b/docs-site/docs/how-to-release.md
@@ -44,7 +44,27 @@
 5. Package the release candidate. The release should be packaged into :
    apache-singa-VERSION.tar.gz. The release should not include any binary files
-   including git files. Upload the release the
+   including git files. However, the CMake compilation depends on the git tag to
+   get the version numbers; to remove this dependency, you need to manually
+   update the CMakeLists.txt file to set the version numbers.
+   ```
+   # remove the following lines
+   include(GetGitRevisionDescription)
+   git_describe(VERSION --tags --dirty=-d)
+   string(REGEX REPLACE "^([0-9]+)\\..*" "\\1" VERSION_MAJOR "${VERSION}")
+   string(REGEX REPLACE "^[0-9]+\\.([0-9]+).*" "\\1" VERSION_MINOR "${VERSION}")
+   string(REGEX REPLACE "^[0-9]+\\.[0-9]+\\.([0-9]+).*" "\\1" VERSION_PATCH "${VERSION}")
+   # set the numbers manually
+   SET(VERSION 3.0.0)
+   SET(SINGA_PATCH_VERSION 0)  # 0 - 99
+   ```
+   Upload the package to the
    [stage repo](https://dist.apache.org/repos/dist/dev/singa/). The tar file,
    signature, KEY and SHA256 checksum file should be included. MD5 is no longer
    used. Policy is
diff --git a/docs-site/docs/team-list.md b/docs-site/docs/team-list.md
index 87c89e5..5f300a2 100644
--- a/docs-site/docs/team-list.md
+++ b/docs-site/docs/team-list.md
@@ -14,31 +14,31 @@
 ## PMC
-| Name          | Email                  | Organization                                  |
-| ------------- | ---------------------- | --------------------------------------------- |
-| Gang Chen     | cg@apache.org          | Zhejiang University                           |
-| Anh Dinh      | dinhtta@apache.org     | Singapore University of Technology and Design |
-| Ted Dunning   | tdunning@apache.org    | Apache Software Foundation                    |
-| Jinyang Gao   | jinyang@apache.org     | DAMO Academy, Alibaba Group                   |
-| Alan Gates    | gates@apache.org       | Apache Software Foundation                    |
-| Zhaojing Luo  | zhaojing@apache.org    | National University of Singapore              |
-| Thejas Nair   | thejas@apache.org      | Apache Software Foundation                    |
-| Beng Chin Ooi | ooibc@apache.org       | National University of Singapore              |
-| Moaz Reyad    | moaz@apache.org        | Université Grenoble Alpes                     |
-| Kian-Lee Tan  | tankianlee@apache.org  | National University of Singapore              |
-| Wei Wang      | wangwei@apache.org     | National University of Singapore              |
-| Meihui Zhang  | meihuizhang@apache.org | Beijing Institute of Technology               |
-| Kaiping Zheng | kaiping@apache.org     | National University of Singapore              |
+| Name          | Email                   | Organization                                  |
+| ------------- | ----------------------- | --------------------------------------------- |
+| Gang Chen     | cg@apache.org           | Zhejiang University                           |
+| Anh Dinh      | dinhtta@apache.org      | Singapore University of Technology and Design |
+| Ted Dunning   | tdunning@apache.org     | Apache Software Foundation                    |
+| Jinyang Gao   | jinyang@apache.org      | DAMO Academy, Alibaba Group                   |
+| Alan Gates    | gates@apache.org        | Apache Software Foundation                    |
+| Zhaojing Luo  | zhaojing@apache.org     | National University of Singapore              |
+| Thejas Nair   | thejas@apache.org       | Apache Software Foundation                    |
+| Beng Chin Ooi | ooibc@apache.org        | National University of Singapore              |
+| Moaz Reyad    | moaz@apache.org         | Université Grenoble Alpes                     |
+| Kian-Lee Tan  | tankianlee@apache.org   | National University of Singapore              |
+| Wei Wang      | wangwei@apache.org      | National University of Singapore              |
+| Sai Ho Yeung  | chrishkchris@apache.org | National University of Singapore              |
+| Meihui Zhang  | meihuizhang@apache.org  | Beijing Institute of Technology               |
+| Kaiping Zheng | kaiping@apache.org      | National University of Singapore              |
 ## Committers
-| Name         | Email                   | Organization                     |
-| ------------ | ----------------------- | -------------------------------- |
-| Chonho Lee   | chonho@apache.org       | Osaka University                 |
-| Sheng Wang   | wangsh@apache.org       | DAMO Academy, Alibaba Group      |
-| Wanqi Xue    | xuewanqi@apache.org     | Nanyang Technological University |
-| Xiangrui Cai | caixr@apache.org        | Nankai University                |
-| Sai Ho Yeung | chrishkchris@apache.org | National University of Singapore |
+| Name         | Email               | Organization                     |
+| ------------ | ------------------- | -------------------------------- |
+| Chonho Lee   | chonho@apache.org   | Osaka University                 |
+| Sheng Wang   | wangsh@apache.org   | DAMO Academy, Alibaba Group      |
+| Wanqi Xue    | xuewanqi@apache.org | Nanyang Technological University |
+| Xiangrui Cai | caixr@apache.org    | Nankai University                |
 ## Contributors