blob: 5c40f7e9fdf198a487e50087c0f0e1d9149db970 [file] [log] [blame]
# Why do you want this ?
# Because Git will see diffs between files shared between Linux and Windows
# due to differences in line ending handling ( Windows uses CRLF and Unix LF)
# There is a convenient collection of ready to use .gitattributes
# files for the most popular programming languages.
# It's useful to get you started
# from Danial Jomphe (
# and ajdruff/fix-git-line-endings
# Auto detect text files and perform LF normalization
* text=auto
# Explicitly declare text files you want to always be normalized and converted
# to native line endings on checkout.
# (Convert crlf => lf)
*.cs text diff=csharp
*.java text diff=java
*.html text diff=html
*.css text
*.js text
*.jsx text
*.yml text
*.sql text
*.md text
*.php text
*.json text
*.htm text
*.xml text
*.txt text
*.ini text
*.inc text
*.pl text
*.rb text
*.py text
*.scm text
.htaccess text
*.sh text
*.csproj text merge=union
*.sln text merge=union eol=crlf
*.docx diff=astextplain
*.DOCX diff=astextplain
# absolute paths are ok, as are globs
/**/postinst* text eol=lf
# paths that don't start with / are treated relative to the .gitattributes folder
relative/path/*.txt text eol=lf