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* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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package org.apache.shiro.crypto.hash.format
import org.apache.shiro.crypto.hash.Sha1Hash
import org.junit.Test
import static org.junit.Assert.*
* Unit tests for the {@link DefaultHashFormatFactory} implementation.
* @since 1.2
class DefaultHashFormatFactoryTest {
void testDefaultInstance() {
def factory = new DefaultHashFormatFactory()
assertNotNull factory.formatClassNames
assertTrue factory.formatClassNames.isEmpty()
assertNotNull factory.searchPackages
assertTrue factory.formatClassNames.isEmpty()
void testNullArg() {
def factory = new DefaultHashFormatFactory()
assertNull factory.getInstance(null)
void testNotFound() {
def factory = new DefaultHashFormatFactory()
assertNull factory.getInstance('foo')
void testSetFormatClassNames() {
def classNames = ['hex':]
def factory = new DefaultHashFormatFactory()
factory.formatClassNames = classNames
assertNotNull factory.formatClassNames
assertEquals 1, factory.formatClassNames.size()
assertEquals factory.formatClassNames['hex'],
void testGetInstanceWithConfiguredFormatClassName() {
def classNames = ['anAlias':]
def factory = new DefaultHashFormatFactory(formatClassNames: classNames)
def instance = factory.getInstance('anAlias')
assertNotNull instance
assertTrue instance instanceof HexFormat
void testGetInstanceWithMcfFormattedString() {
Shiro1CryptFormat format = new Shiro1CryptFormat()
def formatted = format.format(new Sha1Hash("test"))
def factory = new DefaultHashFormatFactory()
def instance = factory.getInstance(formatted)
assertNotNull instance
assertTrue instance instanceof Shiro1CryptFormat
void testAbsentFQCN() {
def factory = new DefaultHashFormatFactory()
def instance = factory.getInstance("")
assertNull instance
void testPresentFQCN() {
def factory = new DefaultHashFormatFactory()
def instance = factory.getInstance(
assertNotNull instance
assertTrue instance instanceof Shiro1CryptFormat
void testMcfFormattedArgument() {
def factory = new DefaultHashFormatFactory()
def hash = new Sha1Hash("test")
def formatted = new Shiro1CryptFormat().format(hash)
def instance = factory.getInstance(formatted)
assertNotNull instance
assertTrue instance instanceof Shiro1CryptFormat
void testSearchPackages() {
def factory = new DefaultHashFormatFactory()
factory.searchPackages = ['org.apache.shiro.crypto.hash.format']
//find the test class 'ToStringHashFormat'
def instance = factory.getInstance('toString')
assertNotNull instance
assertTrue instance instanceof ToStringHashFormat
void testSearchPackagesWithoutMatch() {
def factory = new DefaultHashFormatFactory()
factory.searchPackages = ['']
assertNull factory.getInstance('bar')
void testWithInvalidHashFormatImplementation() {
def factory = new DefaultHashFormatFactory()
try {
fail "Call should have resulted in an IllegalArgumentException"
} catch (IllegalArgumentException expected) {