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<H1><A name="Index-WelcometoApacheShiro"></A>Welcome to Apache Shiro</H1>
<P>Apache Shiro is a powerful and easy-to-use Java security framework that performs authentication, authorization, cryptography, and session management. With Shiro&rsquo;s easy-to-understand API, you can quickly and easily secure any application &ndash; from the smallest mobile applications to the largest web and enterprise applications.</P>
<P>We recommend you start with the <A href="10-minute-tutorial.html" title="10 Minute Tutorial">10 Minute Tutorial</A> which gives you a feel for Shiro and its API. Then feel free to get started using Shiro in your own applications.</P>
<P>If you have any questions, please check out our <A href="documentation.html" title="Documentation">documentation</A> or contact the user <A href="mailing-lists.html" title="Mailing Lists">mailing list</A>.</P>
<P>And if you&rsquo;re a fan of Shiro and would like to help it grow, we invite you become a contributor to the project. Please check out the <A href="how-to-contribute.html" title="How to Contribute">New Contributor Guide</A>.</P>
<H2><A name="Index-FeatureOverview"></A>Feature Overview</H2>
<P>Apache Shiro aims to be the most comprehensive and usable Java security framework available. Below are the framework's major features.</P>
<DIV class="foverview"><H3><A name="Index-AuthenticationAuthenticationFeatures"></A><A href="authentication-features.html" title="Authentication Features">Authentication</A></H3>
<P>Support logins across one or more pluggable data sources (LDAP, JDBC, Kerberos, ActiveDirectory, etc). <BR>
<A href="authentication-features.html" title="Authentication Features">Read More &gt;&gt;</A></P></DIV>
<DIV class="foverview"><H3><A name="Index-AuthorizationAuthorizationFeatures"></A><A href="authorization-features.html" title="Authorization Features">Authorization</A></H3>
<P>Perform access control based on roles or fine-grained permissions, also using pluggable data sources. <BR>
<A href="authorization-features.html" title="Authorization Features">Read More &gt;&gt;</A></P></DIV>
<DIV class="foverview"><H3><A name="Index-CryptographyCryptographyFeatures"></A><A href="cryptography-features.html" title="Cryptography Features">Cryptography</A></H3>
<P>Secure data with the easiest possible Cryptography APIs available, giving you power and simplicity beyond what Java provides by default. <BR>
<A href="cryptography-features.html" title="Cryptography Features">Read More &gt;&gt;</A></P></DIV>
<DIV class="foverview"><H3><A name="Index-SessionManagementSessionManagementFeatures"></A><A href="session-management-features.html" title="Session Management Features">Session Management</A></H3>
<P>Use sessions in any environment, even outside web or EJB containers. Easily cluster sessions in large scale applications. <BR>
<A href="session-management-features.html" title="Session Management Features">Read More &gt;&gt;</A></P></DIV>
<DIV class="foverview"><H3><A name="Index-WebIntegrationWebFeatures"></A><A href="web-features.html" title="Web Features">Web Integration</A></H3>
<P>Save development time with innovative approaches that easily handle web-specific security out-of-the-box. <BR>
<A href="web-features.html" title="Web Features">Read More &gt;&gt;</A></P></DIV>
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<H2>Communities using Shiro</H2>
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<A href=""><IMG src="" alt="Apache Click"></A>
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<A href=""><IMG src="" alt="Apache Camel"></A>
<A href=""><IMG src="" alt="Sonatype"></A>
<A href=""><IMG src="" alt="Mulesoft"></A><A href=""><IMG src="" alt="Apache ServiceMix"></A>
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<H3> Are you using Shiro?</H3>
Then show your support and please consider adding yourself to the <A href="">Powered By Shiro</A> wiki page. By letting others know that you are using Shiro, you help expand the community and in turn improve Shiro. Win/Win!
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<DIV class="page-metadata not-personal"><A href="" class="url fn confluence-userlink" data-username="lhazlewood">Les Hazlewood</A> posted on May 24, 2011</DIV>
<A class="blogHeading" href="2011/05/24/the-new-rbac-resource-based-access-control.html">The New RBAC - Resource-Based Access Control</A>
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<P>Hi Shiro community,</P>
<P>The following article helps explain the differences in role-based vs resource-based access control and why Shiro's permission construct (which is based on resources) can be much better for an application:</P>
<P><A href="" class="external-link" rel="nofollow">The New RBAC: Resource-Based Access Control</A></P>
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<DIV class="page-metadata not-personal"><A href="" class="url fn confluence-userlink" data-username="lhazlewood">Les Hazlewood</A> posted on Mar 14, 2011</DIV>
<A class="blogHeading" href="2011/03/14/infoq-article-on-apache-shiro.html">InfoQ article on Apache Shiro</A>
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<DIV class="page-metadata not-personal"><A href="" class="url fn confluence-userlink" data-username="skipshot4">Alex Salazar</A> posted on Feb 28, 2011</DIV>
<A class="blogHeading" href="2011/02/28/java-authorization-guide-with-apache-shiro-posted.html">Java Authorization Guide with Apache Shiro posted</A>
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<P>In our effort to improve the documentation you need to get started with Shiro, we've written a quick <A href="java-authorization-guide.html" title="Java Authorization Guide">Java Authorization Guide</A> for your review. Check out and tell us what you think. And if you haven't already, check out our previous post, the <A href="java-authentication-guide.html" title="Java Authentication Guide">Java Authentication Guide</A>.</P>
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<DIV class="page-metadata not-personal"><A href="" class="url fn confluence-userlink" data-username="skipshot4">Alex Salazar</A> posted on Feb 09, 2011</DIV>
<A class="blogHeading" href="2011/02/09/apache-shiro-integration-for-grails-113-released.html">Apache Shiro Integration for Grails 1.1.3 released</A>
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<P>Secure your Grails application quickly and easily using the Apache Shiro security framework. Although easy to get started with, this framework gives you a great deal of flexibility and will support your application as it grows.</P>
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<DIV class="page-metadata not-personal"><A href="" class="url fn confluence-userlink" data-username="skipshot4">Alex Salazar</A> posted on Jan 13, 2011</DIV>
<A class="blogHeading" href="2011/01/13/apache-shiro-support-for-mule.html">Apache Shiro Support for Mule</A>
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<P>Mule now has integration with Apache Shiro. Thanks to Dan Diephouse at <A href="" class="external-link" rel="nofollow">MuleSoft</A> for the great blog post. </P>
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