Update `CommonsInterpolator` doc to reflect actual behavior

The stated behavior is not the observed.

This is a complement to: https://github.com/apache/shiro-site/pull/82

The relevant section of the commons-configuration class is:

> After an instance has been created *it does not contain any Lookup objects*. The current set of lookup objects can be modified using the registerLookup() and deregisterLookup() methods. *Default lookup objects (that are invoked for variables without a prefix)* can be added or removed with the addDefaultLookup() and removeDefaultLookup() methods respectively. (When a ConfigurationInterpolator instance is created by a configuration object, a default lookup object is added pointing to the configuration itself, so that variables are resolved using the configuration's properties.)

So, the correct behavior is that you can use `${const:java.awt.event.KeyEvent.VK_ENTER}` but not `${env:EDITOR}`.  The current code accepts `${EDITOR}`. If a system property with this name is found not null, it is used, if not, an environment variable is search and if not, the whole substitution `${EDITOR}` is returned.
diff --git a/config/ogdl/src/main/java/org/apache/shiro/config/ogdl/CommonsInterpolator.java b/config/ogdl/src/main/java/org/apache/shiro/config/ogdl/CommonsInterpolator.java
index 15bff99..ccc414d 100644
--- a/config/ogdl/src/main/java/org/apache/shiro/config/ogdl/CommonsInterpolator.java
+++ b/config/ogdl/src/main/java/org/apache/shiro/config/ogdl/CommonsInterpolator.java
@@ -35,12 +35,12 @@
  *     </tr>
  *     <tr>
  *         <td>sys</td>
- *         <td>${sys:os.name}</td>
+ *         <td>${os.name}</td>
  *         <td>mac os x</td>
  *     </tr>
  *     <tr>
  *         <td>env</td>
- *         <td>${env:EDITOR}</td>
+ *         <td>${EDITOR}</td>
  *         <td>vi</td>
  *     </tr>
  *     <tr>