Update release-notes
index 7b39af3..2bac2df 100644
@@ -21,6 +21,58 @@
 total set.



+# 1.7.1





+    [SHIRO-797] - Shiro 1.7.0 is lower than using springboot version 2.0.7 dependency error




+# 1.7.0





+    [SHIRO-767] - org.apache.shiro.util.ClassUtil cannot load the array of Primitive DataType when use undertown as web container

+    [SHIRO-792] - ShiroWebFilterConfiguration seems to conflict with other FilterRegistrationBean


+New Feature


+    [SHIRO-789] - Also add cookie SameSite option to Spring




+    [SHIRO-740] - SslFilter with HTTP Strict Transport Security (HSTS)

+    [SHIRO-794] - Add system property to enable backslash path normalization

+    [SHIRO-795] - Disable session path rewriting by default




+    [SHIRO-793] - deleteMe cookie should use the defined "sameSite"




+# 1.6.0





+    [SHIRO-610] - Incorrect filterchainResolver in 1.4.0-RC2

+    [SHIRO-762] - SecurityUtils.securityManager should be volatile

+    [SHIRO-766] - ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException in Base64#decode


+New Feature


+    [SHIRO-788] - Add support for Global Filters




+    [SHIRO-780] - NOTICE files of shiro components don't match NOTICE in source code repository




 # 1.5.3
