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= 2.0.0-alpha available
:jbake-author: Lenny Primak
:jbake-date: 2023-05-04 00:00:00
:jbake-type: post
:jbake-status: published
:jbake-tags: blog, release
:icons: font
The Apache Shiro team is pleased to announce the release of Apache Shiro version 2.0.0-alpha.
== All changes
You can learn more on[Jira, Release 2.0.0-alpha].
Release Notes - Shiro - Version 2.0.0-alpha
=== Sub-tasks
* [[SHIRO-772]] -
PowerMock blocks JDK 11+ builds
* [[SHIRO-773]] -
Outdated Groovy version does not work with JDK14
* [[SHIRO-775]] -
Excessive logging in jetty ContainerITs
=== Bugs
* [[SHIRO-349]] -
Security: Byte arrays (and other memory) holding sensitive data (even
temporarily) should be zerod-out
* [[SHIRO-512]] - Race
condition in Shiro's web container session timeout handling
* [[SHIRO-537]] - Class
load issue in OSGI in ClassUtils
* [[SHIRO-610]] -
Incorrect filterchainResolver in 1.4.0-RC2
* [[SHIRO-632]] -
org.apache.felix:maven-bundle-plugin causing duplicate class problems
between core and lang
* [[SHIRO-646]] - Unable
to login a DelegatingSubject on a DefaultWebSecurityManager
* [[SHIRO-654]] -
Multiple shiro OSGi bundles export the same packages
* [[SHIRO-678]] - Strings
garbled when POST without JSESSIONID cookie
* [[SHIRO-761]] - Bad
OSGi import for javax.annotation in shiro-guice
* [[SHIRO-762]] -
SecurityUtils.securityManager should be volatile
* [[SHIRO-766]] -
ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException in Base64#decode
* [[SHIRO-767]] -
org.apache.shiro.util.ClassUtil cannot load the array of Primitive
DataType when use undertown as web container
* [[SHIRO-774]] - Remove
wrong usage of prerequisites in pom.xml
* [[SHIRO-778]] - onInit
method on AuthenticatingRealm is called twice
* [[SHIRO-792]] -
ShiroWebFilterConfiguration seems to conflict with other
* [[SHIRO-797]] - Shiro
1.7.0 is lower than using springboot version 2.0.7 dependency error
* [[SHIRO-812]] - Key
value separator in config is broken with escape char
* [[SHIRO-817]] -
CommonsInterpolator does not follow javadoc
* [[SHIRO-818]] - JAX-RS
ExceptionMapper returns wrong status code
* [[SHIRO-819]] - Hasher
Utility not executable
* [[SHIRO-825]] -
Trailing slash in URI results in "IllegalArgumentException: There is no
configured chain under the name/key"
* [[SHIRO-845]] -
Dependencies for test-jars missing
* [[SHIRO-899]] - Jakarta
9+ fails with Shiro native sesions
* [[SHIRO-902]] -
Separator conflict between PermissionUtils.resolveDelimitedPermissions()
and WildcardPermission.SUBPART_DIVIDER_TOKEN
=== Epic
* [[SHIRO-897]] - Group
all Jakarta-EE related issues here
=== New Features
* [[SHIRO-206]] - Support
for JSF/Facelets
* [[SHIRO-290]] - Create
a BCrypt Hash implementation
* [[SHIRO-337]] - adding
support for CDI
* [[SHIRO-789]] - Also
add cookie SameSite option to Spring
* [[SHIRO-898]] - Migrate
Jakarta EE support from FlowLogix to Shiro
=== Improvements
* [[SHIRO-216]] - Add
@Documented to Shiro authorization annotations
* [[SHIRO-398]] -
Inconsistent name for session validation interval property in different
* [[SHIRO-478]] - Upgrade
dependencies on trunk
* [[SHIRO-551]] -
DelegatingSubject should implement toString()
* [[SHIRO-671]] - Add
support for, PermitAll, and
* [[SHIRO-679]] - Shiro
modules have split packages
* [[SHIRO-708]] - Remove
deprecated shiro-cas module
* [[SHIRO-740]] -
SslFilter with HTTP Strict Transport Security (HSTS)
* [[SHIRO-750]] - Migrate
to jakarta APIs
* [[SHIRO-764]] - Add
IpFilter for restricting access IP ranges
* [[SHIRO-770]] - Remove
* [[SHIRO-771]] - Add
OpenJDK-OpenJ9 travis builds
* [[SHIRO-795]] - Disable
session path rewriting by default
* [[SHIRO-804]] - Avoid
conflicts with spring boot aop
* [[SHIRO-806]] - Remove
deprecated DefaultLdapContextFactory
* [[SHIRO-807]] - Remove
deprecated getLdapContext(String username, String password)
* [[SHIRO-811]] - Convert
AuthorizationFilterTest to using Mockito
* [[SHIRO-836]] - Delete
* [[SHIRO-838]] - Create
* [[SHIRO-840]] - Java 17
* [[SHIRO-846]] -
Creation of site takes very long time
* [[SHIRO-848]] -
Relative Path in pom.xml is not needed
* [[SHIRO-850]] - The
profile name jdk19-plus is misleading
* [[SHIRO-851]] -
Handling properties for compile/enconding vs. default configurations of
* [[SHIRO-852]] -
Configuration for maven-release-plugin prepationGoal should be changed
* [[SHIRO-853]] -
Versions of maven-surefire/failsafe/report plugin are not in sync
* [[SHIRO-854]] -
Konfiguration includes/excludes maven-failsafe-plugin can be reduced to
* [[SHIRO-860]] - update
logback to 1.2.10
* [[SHIRO-862]] - Replace
Google Analytics with Matomo for new Javadocs
* [[SHIRO-871]] -
ActiveDirectoryRealm - append suffix only if missing from username
* [[SHIRO-872]] - fix
Reproducible Builds issues
* [[SHIRO-884]] - fix
source jar Reproducible Builds issue
* [[SHIRO-885]] - Use
OWASP Java Encoder with OSGi manifest
* [[SHIRO-889]] - Provide
Jakarta jar modules
* [[SHIRO-890]] - Avoid
another proxy creator when @EnableAspectJAutoProxy enabled
* [[SHIRO-900]] -
Refactor of root POM (and update groovy to apache)
=== Tests
* [[SHIRO-776]] - JUnit
update to version 5
* [[SHIRO-777]] - Remove
PowerMock and update the enforcer exclusion list
=== Wishe
* [[SHIRO-780]] - NOTICE
files of shiro components don't match NOTICE in source code repository
=== Tasks
* [[SHIRO-39]] - JEE
* [[SHIRO-573]] - Remove
shiro-cas from master (2.0)
* [[SHIRO-768]] - Remove
the shiro-all module
* [[SHIRO-793]] -
deleteMe cookie should use the defined "sameSite"
* [[SHIRO-805]] -
* [[SHIRO-841]] -
NullPointerException from SessionsSecurityManager.start()
* [[SHIRO-849]] - Add
support for JCache
* [[SHIRO-904]] - Make
JDK 11 base compatibility in Shiro 2.0
=== Dependency upgrades
* [[SHIRO-765]] - Upgrade
to Apache Pom Parent 23
* [[SHIRO-785]] - Upgrade
to maven-bundle-plugin 5.1.1
* [[SHIRO-786]] - Upgrade
to Spring 5.2.8.RELEASE and Spring boot 2.3.2.RELEASE
* [[SHIRO-828]] -
aspectj-maven-plugin 1.14.0
* [[SHIRO-842]] -
shiro-web depends on older log4j
* [[SHIRO-878]] - Update
Spring Dependencies to 5.2.20
* [[SHIRO-882]] - Upgrade
to apache pom parent 26
* [[SHIRO-886]] - Upgrade
to commons configuration 2.8.0
=== Question
* [[SHIRO-784]] - Error
creating bean with name
Unsatisfied dependency expressed through field 'filterMap';
=== Dependency
* [[SHIRO-881]] - pom.xml
in samples/web may lack dependency
== Download
Download and verification instructions are available link:/download.html[on our download page].
== Documentation
For more information on link:/documentation.html[Shiro, please read the documentation.]
The Apache Shiro Team