blob: 09d3b972f1ba7b04e387de81ec9cc6229ca583c0 [file] [log] [blame]
#set( $latestRelease = "1.5.3" )
#set( $versionInfo = {"1.5.3": { "releaseDate": "2020-5-3" } } )
#set( $earlyRelease = "1.5.4-SNAPSHOT" )
#set( $shiroCore = {"g":"org.apache.shiro", "a": "shiro-core", "type": "jar",
"description": 'Required in all environments. <a class="external-link" href="">Slf4j</a>''s
<code>slf4j-api</code> jar and one of its binding jars is required. <code>commons-beanutils</code> is
required only if using INI config.'})
#set ($shiroWeb = {"g": "org.apache.shiro", "a": "shiro-web", "type": "jar",
"description": "Enables support for web-based applications."})
#set ($shiroServletPlugin = {"g": "org.apache.shiro", "a": "shiro-servlet-plugin", "type": "jar",
"description": "Servlet Fragment which configures Shiro's servlet filter."})
#set ($shiroJaxrs = {"g": "org.apache.shiro", "a": "shiro-jaxrs", "type": "jar",
"description": "Enables support for JAX-RS applications."})
#set ($shiroAspectJ = {"g": "org.apache.shiro", "a": "shiro-aspectj", "type": "jar",
"description": 'Enables <a class="external-link" href="">AspectJ</a> support for Shiro AOP and Annotations.'})
#set ($shiroCas = {"g": "org.apache.shiro", "a": "shiro-cas", "type": "jar",
"description": "Enables Jasig <a class='external-link' href=''>CAS</a> support.
#warning('NOTE:', 'Shiro-CAS support is deprecated, support has been moved to the Apache Shiro based <a href=''''>buji-pac4j</a> project.')"})
#set ($shiroEhCache = {"g": "org.apache.shiro", "a": "shiro-ehcache", "type": "jar",
"description": 'Enables <a class="external-link" href="">Ehcache</a>-based famework caching.'})
#set ($shiroHazelcast = {"g": "org.apache.shiro", "a": "shiro-hazelcast", "type": "jar",
"description": 'Enables <a class="external-link" href="">Hazelcast</a>-based famework caching.'})
#set ($shiroFeatures = {"g": "org.apache.shiro", "a": "shiro-features", "c": "features", "type": "xml",
"description": 'OSGi / <a class="external-link" href="">Apache Karaf</a> integration.'})
#set ($shiroGuice = {"g": "org.apache.shiro", "a": "shiro-guice", "type": "jar",
"description": 'Enables <a class="external-link" href="">Google Guice</a> integration.'})
#set ($shiroQuartz = {"g": "org.apache.shiro", "a": "shiro-quartz", "type": "jar",
"description": 'Enables <a class="external-link" href="">Quartz</a>-based scheduling for Shiro native session validation.'})
#set ($shiroSpring = {"g": "org.apache.shiro", "a": "shiro-spring", "type": "jar",
"description": 'Enables <a class="external-link" href="">Spring Framework</a> integration.'})
#set ($shiroSpringBoot = {"g": "org.apache.shiro", "a": "shiro-spring-boot-starter", "type": "jar",
"description": '<a class="external-link" href="">Spring Boot</a> starter.'})
#set ($shiroSpringBootWeb = {"g": "org.apache.shiro", "a": "shiro-spring-boot-web-starter", "type": "jar",
"description": '<a class="external-link" href="">Spring Boot</a> web starter.'})
#set ($shiroHasher = {"g": "", "a": "shiro-tools-hasher", "c": "cli", "type": "jar", "gavAlt": '<b>Not Relevant</b>',
"description": "A command-line program to perform hashing (MD5, SHA, etc) for files, streams and passwords.
Note that this is a command line program and not intended to be used as a Maven/program
dependency. It is intended to be downloaded and executed:
<pre><code class='bash'> java -jar shiro-tools-hasher-%version%-cli.jar</code></pre>"})
#set ($shiroAll = {"g": "org.apache.shiro", "a": "shiro-all", "type": "jar", "gavAlt": '<b>Not Recommended</b>',
"description": 'Includes all binary functionality for Shiro (without dependencies), useful in certain build
environments (e.g. Ant). However, this is <b>NOT</b> recommended in Maven builds as it does not
retain correct dependency metadata, which can lead to Maven working incorrectly. For Maven builds,
it is <b>highly</b> recommended to specify individual modules listed below as you require them.'})
#set( $shiro11x = {"version": "1.1.0", "artifacts": [
]} )
#set( $shiro12x = {"version": "1.2.6", "artifacts": [
]} )
#set( $shiro13x = {"version": "1.3.2", "artifacts": [
]} )
#set( $shiro14x = {"version": "1.4.2", "artifacts": [
]} )
#set( $shiro15x = {"version": $latestRelease, "artifacts": [
]} )
#set( $shiro15xSnapshot = {"version": $earlyRelease, "artifacts": [
]} )