blob: b9fabe42889d318af76c72f9a7b8ed2fec830bfd [file] [log] [blame]
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<feed xmlns="">
<title>Apache Shiro | The Apache Software Foundation</title>
<subtitle>Simple. Java. Security.</subtitle>
<link href=""/>
<link rel="self" href="${config.site_host}/${config.feed_file}" />
<#assign authors = data.get('authors.yaml').authors>
needed because data doesn't return a hash but an object.
The names are likely to contain a space (for now).
<#assign authornames = authors?keys?filter(key -> key.contains(" "))>
<#list authornames as authorname>
<#if (authors[authorname].email)??>
<#if (authors[authorname].twitter)??>
<generator uri=""></generator>
<#list published_posts[0..*12] as post>
<link href="${config.site_host}/${post.uri}"/>
<#if (post.description??)>
<#if (>
<content type="html">
<#escape x as x?xml>