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<h1><a name="JavaAnnotationsList-JavaAnnotationsList"></a>Java Annotations List</h1>
<p>Below are a list of the different Shiro annotations you can use in your application.</p>
<ul><li><b><a class="external-link" href="static/current/apidocs/org/apache/shiro/authz/annotation/RequiresAuthentication.html">RequiresAuthentication</a></b> - Requires the current Subject to have been authenticated during their current session for the annotated class/instance/method to be accessed or invoked</li></ul>
<ul><li><b><a class="external-link" href="static/current/apidocs/org/apache/shiro/authz/annotation/RequiresGuest.html">RequiresGuest</a></b> - Requires the current Subject to be a "guest", that is, they are not authenticated or remembered from a previous session for the annotated class/instance/method to be accessed or invoked.</li></ul>
<ul><li><b><a class="external-link" href="static/current/apidocs/org/apache/shiro/authz/annotation/RequiresPermissions.html">RequiresPermissions</a></b> - Requires the current executor's Subject to imply a particular permission in order to execute the annotated method. If the executor's associated Subject determines that the executor does not imply the specified permission, the method will not be executed.</li></ul>
<ul><li><b><a class="external-link" href="static/current/apidocs/org/apache/shiro/authz/annotation/RequiresRoles.html">RequiresRoles</a></b> - Requires the currently executing Subject to have all of the specified roles. If they do not have the role(s), the method will not be executed and an AuthorizationException is thrown.</li></ul>
<ul><li><b><a class="external-link" href="static/current/apidocs/org/apache/shiro/authz/annotation/RequiresUser.html">RequiresUser</a></b> - Requires the current Subject to be an application user for the annotated class/instance/method to be accessed or invoked.</li></ul>