blob: e84a58c7008633f4cf18e8d2a5b9a76fa0014016 [file] [log] [blame]
<h1><a name="Contribute-ContributingtoApacheShiro"></a>Contributing to Apache Shiro</h1>
<p>Apache Shiro is a non-profit project and relies on your help and contributions in order to evolve and improve.</p>
<p>At the Shiro project we make it easy for anyone to join our great community and lend a hand. We welcome any help you can offer inlcuding help with documentation, identifying bugs, providing answers on the user mailing list, and providing helpful code improvements.</p>
<p>Below are helpful links on how you can contribute to the Apache Shiro project.</p>
<ul class="alternate" type="square"><li><b><a href="how-to-contribute.html" title="How to Contribute">How to Contribute</a></b> - A starting point for contributing to the Shiro project</li></ul>
<ul class="alternate" type="square"><li><b><a class="external-link" href="">Shiro Issue Tracker</a></b> - Once you're ready to contribute, this is a good place to see what needs to get done</li></ul>
<ul class="alternate" type="square"><li><b><a class="external-link" href="">Donate to ASF</a></b> - Shiro is a project under the Apache Software Foundation, a non-profit that relies on donations and community support</li></ul>
<ul class="alternate" type="square"><li><b><a href="developer-resources.html" title="Developer Resources">Developer Resources</a></b> - Helpful information for anyone providing project help as a committer or contributor</li></ul>