Merge pull request #182 from fpapon/jira2github

[documentation] Move from Jira to GitHub issue
diff --git a/src/site/content/community.adoc b/src/site/content/community.adoc
index 11edd2b..ed9cb31 100644
--- a/src/site/content/community.adoc
+++ b/src/site/content/community.adoc
@@ -29,6 +29,6 @@
 * *link:developer-resources.html[Developer Resources]* - Helpful information for anyone providing project help as a committer or contributor
-* *[Issue Tracker]* - Once you're ready to contribute, this is a good place to see what needs to get done
+* *[Issue Tracker]* - Once you're ready to contribute, this is a good place to see what needs to get done
 * *[Donate to ASF]* - Shiro is a project under the Apache Software Foundation, a non-profit that relies on donations and community support
diff --git a/src/site/content/how-to-contribute.adoc b/src/site/content/how-to-contribute.adoc
index 9767b5b..dac8b10 100644
--- a/src/site/content/how-to-contribute.adoc
+++ b/src/site/content/how-to-contribute.adoc
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@
 * software
 * general hardware/money[donations] via the[Apache Software Foundation]
-You can get your local working copy of the link:download.html[latest and greatest code] by following the directions in link:download.html[Download] page. Review the To Do list in the[issue tracker] and then choose a task that interests you.
+You can get your local working copy of the link:download.html[latest and greatest code] by following the directions in link:download.html[Download] page. Review the To Do list in the[issue tracker] and then choose a task that interests you.
 Perhaps you have noticed something that needs patching or have a new feature to contribute. Make the changes, do the testing, generate a patch, and discuss on the[dev mailing list]. The process is easy and explained below. Subscribe to the mailing list!
@@ -51,9 +51,9 @@
 == Procedure for Reporting Bugs and Issues and Enhancement Suggestions
-If you think that you have found a bug, or you have a suggestion for improvement, then please discuss it on one of the[mailing lists]. However, please check our[issue tracker] first as it may be already reported.
+If you think that you have found a bug, or you have a suggestion for improvement, then please discuss it on one of the[mailing lists]. However, please check our[issue tracker] first as it may be already reported.
-The[Apache Shiro Issue Tracker] collates our known issues. Obviously not every issue is listed there. Some issues have been discussed on the mailing list but do not yet have an issue recorded.
+The[Apache Shiro Issue Tracker] collates our known issues. Obviously not every issue is listed there. Some issues have been discussed on the mailing list but do not yet have an issue recorded.
 The Roadmap is the best way to get an overview. The Unscheduled list also needs regular review, and committers will schedule some of those for the next release.
@@ -71,15 +71,15 @@
 === Issue Tracker
-Experienced developers use the[issue tracker] directly, as they are very sure when they have found a bug and when not. Less experienced users should first discuss it on the user or developer mailing list (as appropriate). Impatient people always enter everything into the issue tracker without caring if it is a bug of Shiro, or their own installation/configuration mistake - please do not do this.
+Experienced developers use the[issue tracker] directly, as they are very sure when they have found a bug and when not. Less experienced users should first discuss it on the user or developer mailing list (as appropriate). Impatient people always enter everything into the issue tracker without caring if it is a bug of Shiro, or their own installation/configuration mistake - please do not do this.
 Discuss an issue on the developers mailing list first to work out any details. After it is confirmed to be worthwhile, and you are clear about it, then submit the bug description or patch via Bug Tracking.
 Perhaps you do not get any answer on your first reply, so just post it again until you get one. But please not every hour - allow a few days for the list to deal with it. Bear in mind that other countries will have holidays at different times to your country and that they are in different time zones. You might also consider rewriting your initial posting. It may have not been clear to the readers on the mailing list.
-=== Submitting a Patch Through Jira
+=== Submitting a Patch Through GitHub
-While we encourage you to submit your contribution through GitHub pull requests, you can also attach a patch in a Jira ticket. For the purpose of these instructions, we'll assume that you already have a system with Git and have found a bug to fix or have a feature that you'd like to submit, and you're willing to contribute that code or documentation under the Apache License 2.0.
+While we encourage you to submit your contribution through GitHub pull requests, you can also attach a patch in a GitHub issue. For the purpose of these instructions, we'll assume that you already have a system with Git and have found a bug to fix or have a feature that you'd like to submit, and you're willing to contribute that code or documentation under the Apache License 2.0.
 Further, if you're fixing a bug, we'll assume that you've either filed a bug report (where you will attach your patch) or are submitting a fix for a known bug. If you find a bug and would like to fix it, that's awesome! Please be sure to file the bug too, though.
@@ -141,7 +141,7 @@
 git commit -m "Insert a meaningful summary of changes here."
-Finally, you can create a patch and attach it to the Jira issue:
+Finally, you can create a patch and attach it to the Github issue: